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Síle Seoige never stops commenting on their posts! She is hoping to become relevant! Move over Seoige, there’s new sisters in town!

She got her dog as a present from the new fella. To be honest I thought it was an insensitive thing to do given that Ailbhe only lost her doggy a few weeks before that. I also find buying surprise pets for someone’s birthday or Christmas to be really lazy and ill considered. I have a dog and myself and my husband thought about this for a long time, thought about what was suitable for us, whether we would have the time or make the time and eventually signed up to adopt. We were happy to take any little thing that came our way and we hit gold with our dog. You have to give rescue dogs a chance. I’m very vocal about people buying designer dogs. The Gram has a lot to answer for these days! But judging from Paddy’s insta profile which is private he seems moronic... who names their cars and motorbikes on their bio like the bloggers who write “mummy to 🐶, 💍 to Dopey and 👰🏼to be”? Like this is what defines people these days. So I’m not surprised he went off and bought a dog instead of going to rescue one!

I also think buying a puppy in a new relationship is like a trap. She won’t leave him now sure they have a dog together! 🤣
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They're her babies and I totally get that she's not thinking anyone would abuse pics of her kids but unfortunately it happens. It's naive of her to think that it's ok to put pics of babies up half naked. I know that you can't techincally see anything but I think that's irrelevant. You're drawing attention to your babies by doing this. With a following of her size I would think she would air on the side of caution. I have a family member who's pics of her kids from a private Facebook account were found on a "suspected" paedophiles computer. They were fully clothed in the pics!! Ever since I found out about this I have strong beliefs that children shouldn't be shown on social media full stop! The internet is a dark and scary place
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They are absolutely tone deaf. "Mom" Ailbhe made a comment the other day wondering what she did in the previous lockdown. Why do these women have to subsume their whole identity into motherhood once their child is born?
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A freebie night for Doireann now in Tankardstown doubt be more as they both on ALs..soo sick of all these getting freebies really puts me off places🙄🙄
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Agree. I am the exact same with my dog and it drives me mad because I always feel I’m in the wrong if my dog is growling and then the owner usually comes along a few mins later with a ‘ah don’t worry he/ she doesn’t bite ‘ yes hun but my dog doesn’t like dogs running up to him 😡

Exactly did they not learn anything, I’d never dream of taking my dogs out without a lead so many dangers, they can run off, attacked by another dog, cars
I think if people are expected to train their dogs to stay by their side 100% of the time you should be expected to train your dog to deal with other dogs approaching. Especially if your dog is the one lashing out.

Very unrealistic to keep dogs on leads all the time.
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I think ail he has been disgraceful to suggest giving birth in a pandemic is grand in Irish maternity hospitals who have the most in humane rules surrounding Covid in the world. That said I’m sure she received preferential treatment. I’m a HCW who gave birth in the rotunda during this pandemic and let me tell you it was barbaric and it’s been so so hard ever since too. Why does she have to act as if it’s all gravy? It does such a disservice to Irish women when she could be using her voice to advocate for more humane relaxation of the restrictions
I gave birth in the pandemic too. Probably being harsh here but I’m not interested in her sugar coated view of motherhood. But the sheep will be all over it. Giving these nobody’s a platform. It’s beggars belief.
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I think poor Sile’s nose is out of joint. Aoibhin has moved into her patch.
absolutely agree... plus she has to lick their hole to be kept in mind for beo... it was all dr Doireann for medical stuff until Dr Laura came along- and Laura fits the mom/breastfeeding brigade that Aoibhin loves to be in so Sile is probably watching closely
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I have met Aobhieen a good few times in different settings and she has always been the same person sweet and friendly. Doireen on the other hand there is an edge to her. It could be insecurity but she seems stand offish in person.
Aobhieen husband is really lovely his family own the Armada Hotel, Holiday Cottages and Hotel Doolin, he does a lot of charity work for mental health support. Have heard him speak at an event about his climb of Everest and he was very impressive.

I have no issue with the constant ad ect because I don't really watch the stories of most of these walking advertisement bloggers. I prefer content that is genuine.
(Lisa Lust List has to be the worse nearly like a shopping channel)
The only time I felt it was inappropriate and very cheap was when she did the M&S PJ ad I'm almost sure it was the first weekend of lockdown. Read the Nations mood 🙈
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I've always got the impression that Eugene is the most genuine of the lot. Clare comes across as a social climber and probably passed that on to the girls, with maybe the exception of Ailbhe.
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Ailbhe leaves me weak with her “mom life” shite. We live in Ireland we have a Mammy (or some abbreviation of it!) not a Mom. She won’t find it as easy to be out and about meeting friends and family (in a bloody pandemic 🙄) when he is 18 months and screeching like a little banshee because he doesn’t want to stay in the gifted buggy.
as for the Covid mom group she probably won’t be setting that up I’d imagine seeing as a lot of her followers aren’t at that stage of life.
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I wish she'd stop with the bertie page 🙄 it's pure greed, we all know she just set it up for money like ! They talked about pet instagram accounts on vogue's podcast, they were saying there's serious money to be made from it. Doireann knew she didnt have half as much engagement on her page since poor bobby died and she's cashing in on bertie now
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Still shops in Dunnes though, and often posts pics of the kids in the distinctive Dunnes trolley (as recently as yesterday)
I know she doesn't have a contract to shop exclusively at Leeeeduhl but it still seems a bit shit!
We all know that the Garrihy mantra is do as I say not as I do.
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Sure no wonder if Dzoireann is insecure, two blonde legs eleven sisters to live up too.

I think Dzoireann was probably the soundest of the bunch, until she let it go to her head.

She was on Dara Quiltys podcast, and spoke about how people thought she got in easy into radio - she explained that she did courses etc, but she's Ian Dempsey's goddaughter - of course that meant something! She went from doing impressions on Snapchat to hosting a 2fm radio show in the space of 2 years like?
Your man that owns image and stellar magazine said to Doireann that Aoibhin is a steak and she is a cheeseburger 😯 she mentioned it in her acceptance speech at the Image awards... that had to sting
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As all the InstaHuns say themselves, unfollow then. Nobody is forcing you to read it.
Are opinions not allowed?
Opinions definitely allowed. And I see where you’re coming from, this isn’t giving out about someone’s online persona it’s potentially outing a family man which could destroy a family. I’m conflicted myself over discussing it!
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This whole BeKind shite again. People are allowed to have different opinions and things to say based on their own experiences.

And if she did pay for this couch you can bet that they'll probably gift her something soon as a thanks for the shout out!

She no more paid for that couch I don’t believe a word of it. As some one said the lesser known dry balls sister ailbhe got everything bar the epidural gifted
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He does! Someone used the term he's a lump of a man like Eugene which is the most accurate description of anything I've read in a long time. 🤣 He must have a lot of patience for Dzoireann and her lack of being of being able to take any constructive criticism.
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Another dose that Dr Laura.
I see the girls Grandad has passed away and is to be buried tomorrow. A genuinely nice man and an amazing musician. They just be very sad after him. Having lost my own beloved Grandad in the early stages of the pandemic (thankfully he didn’t die of the Covid he was very old and had been ill for a while) I do feel for them. Funerals are awful at the moment. Like they aren’t ever nice or anything but they are particularly hard right now.
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Grabby Ailbhe is 30 seconds post partum and she’s on Instagram shiteing on “Queen Sibéal” being the “ideal labour soundtrack” 🙄 🤢You gave birth 5 minutes ago, put your phone down love because literally nobody gives a rat’s arse what you listened to during labour 🤦🏼‍♀️
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