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And the kids playing with secondhand toys or reading “diverse” books that Alex picked up from Oxfam on the way back from booking herself a long weekend in LA?
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Honestly the amount of new clothes she buys never ceases to amaze me, it is truly ridiculous. I’ve just looked on her grid and she’s covering up for all the new new new by adding the odd ‘Oh this so old’ shit. The jeans she has on she says are old gap but if you look on her grid EXACTLY the same ones are M&S new this winter. So either she’s lying today OR she is so wasteful she needs jeans exactly the same. It drives me insane that she’s all holier than tho over not spending and buying secondhand etc and her followers lap it up but it’s all lies lies lies 😳😳🤯🤯🤬🤬
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I’d love to know how much she got paid for this, poor old Alex might be able to afford some sourdough now, might help with her puffy face to avoid the chemically treated white bread she lives off
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She doesn’t say that they are actually having Christmas Day at home. She’s a sneaky one is Alex, making out the four of them will be frugally sharing Macaroni Cheese on Xmas day. When that’s probably what they are doing on Xmas Eve or today.

She’ll absolutely be at her parents house.
Don’t t worry, her sister will out her if she does go to her mums
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Imagine buying those trousers not knowing that they've been that up close and personal with her flaps before she finally realised what a monstrosity they are and returned them.
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This is exactly it. They look like the types that bite directly into a block of cheese??
Definitely stealing this, I laughed out loud as it’s spot on!
She looks bad but he looks worse… oddly the suit is ok (surely you’re less likely to own a tux than a white shirt, nice tie and black shoes?) but the shoes are HEINOUS and the skinny tie and casual shirt (the BUTTONS on the collar 😭?!) are just screaming Topman circa 2010.
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Elasticated waist maxi skirts can provide shape to the very tall and very slim. If your neither of those the will also provide ‘shape’ but it will look more like adding bulk to your middle.

Now, I know Alex hates the word flattering so let’s just say that’s why she finds these ‘difficult to style’.

It’s infuriating the lack of ability she has!
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Chatty Member
You need a tv license to watch iPlayer, alex.
(well, technically you don’t, but what do you think covers the cost of having films available on there in the first place, babes…)
According to the TV licensing website you do. Even for non-BBC apps like ITVX, which surprised/confused me! A few of us at work were googling it the other day bc one of our staff has cancelled theirs to *actually save* for a holiday and wasn't sure if he could watch a programme I recommended
Do you follow Hannah Rochell? A friend of Alex. I always thought she was a bit more real with her sustainability preaching but she did a reel a few days ago which showed just how much stuff she has in her closet. Very easy to preach about not buying when you have a ridiculous amount of stuff to start with/ the ability to buy very easily.
I made pretty much this exact comment on one of Alex's threads not so long ago. Easy to do no clothes shopping for a year when you have an entire large wall of floor-to-ceiling wardrobes full of clothes and shoes just belonging to yourself. How are they not ashamed that they're blatantly trying to mug us all off
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That’s so ridiculous
Please please correct me if I’m wrong as I’m not a POC but would anyone receiving this from Alex not find this weird? If Alex was to gift this to a white person it would be odd and just clearly performative, and if she was to gift it to a black person if would seem to me like she was saying “look, it’s you!” Or at the very least, “look how woke I am!” It seems to me as weird as giving a Chinese family wrapping paper with a Chinese Santa on it. Again, correct me if I’m wrong and I agree it’s good to have diversity in these things but is Alex really the target market?
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‘Retrain our brains and how we think about gifting’
What an absolutely useless piece of cod psychology.

Re-gifting really pisses me off - it’s so bloody obvious!

My bday is right after Christmas and it is very apparent each and every year who is giving me their cast offs.

Seriously, something like some homemade cookies or a meaningful photo in a cheap and cheerful frame really means so much more and is absolutely fine, whether someone is financially comfortable or not. It really is the thought that counts!

Although Alex’s thought process is seemingly ‘oh I think they will really like this gift that I don’t want, particularly as I’m too tight to use my own cash even though I’m happy to shell out £xxx on endless Tiger tat for myself and multiple trips abroad per year including a weekend break in Cali’
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I don’t think my kids have 17 soft toys between them, let alone of one brand! Am I a bad parent? Or do I just not have as large a house as frugal Alex, who eats baked beans for every meal - no, wait I’ve got that wrong, she burns £50 baked bean CANDLES. Ah, that’s where I’ve been going wrong 😅
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