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I previously criticized Craig for his reviews of Tiana and the new Disney island. Knowing what I do now, the reviews make perfect sense.

Considering that he was either in the final stages of interviewing or actually had an offer with Disney when he made the reviews, I think he did a really good job. There is no way he was going to risk possibly a life changing opportunity to put Disney in a negative light for a show that maybe 8500 people watch. It is clear to me that he knew the position he was in and tried to walk a fine line - as he should. You do not criticize a current / future employer, especially Disney.

I have no doubt he will have great success in whatever his new role is. I really applaud him for getting out of the situation he was in.

As for the show, they should really just pack it up. If I was an investor in Dreams, there is no way I would put any money into it. Let it die. Give Ryno a job with Dreams Unlimited as a travel agent. If he doesn't want to do that, cut your losses.
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This group still being invited on cruises tells me they’re still doing well according ton Disney standards. John, Kevin, Craig and Corey. Honestly wouldn’t surprise me if Pete was there. These guys give me the impression he’s still their friend.
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Ghost of Bob Varley

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I can maybe shed some light on this now. Although I'm not certain, I highly suspect that Craig’s "cloaked apology" was a reaction to a difficult conversation we had.

Craig reached out to me for feedback on a statement he was planning to post after the news about Dustin broke. After reading it, I told him it was good but not good enough. The statement was mainly informational about what he knew and what he didn't know. The transparency was good, but I pointed out it lacked an acknowledgment that we had enabled Pete and an apology for our part in it. I explained that his statement's focus was off, similar to John's.

We had a back-and-forth about whether my perspective was true. Craig felt he wasn't responsible because if he hadn’t been doing his job, someone else would have. In his mind, that absolved him because Pete’s affairs could continue without him. I explained that the problem was it wasn’t someone else—it was us. We were often tools in Pete’s toolbox, and it was our choice to be there. At some point, we all saw the toxicity and chose to stay. I told him he needed to take some responsibility if he wanted his statement to be satisfactory to others.

Now that he is out and "safe," I feel free to share an excerpt of the hard truth I spoke in that text exchange:

"People were broken, and we did it. We helped keep everything 'business as usual' so Pete could skate by. In cases of abuse (outside of sexual assault), we knew. We still kept it afloat and justified it to support our families. You knew about Shaun. You stayed. You knew about me. You stayed. You may have known about others after me. You stayed. In my case, you definitely enabled it. I have the text messages. [I’m referring to how Pete put him up to bringing me back for a final Universal show against my wishes so Pete could save face.] Again, I'm not holding a grudge. I'm trying to wake you up. Your statement is a good start but lacks true responsibility for your part and an apology. It has a tone of 'this is my defense' because I think you’re still focused on that. The focus has to shift..."

To his credit, Craig received everything I said. He expressed appreciation and said this was exactly why he reached out to me. He wanted honesty. Shortly after our exchange, you reported his seemingly random acknowledgment of his part in this. Maybe it wasn’t related to our conversation, but the timing seemed coincidental. Whether he was talking about me or not, it seemed like he had humbled himself enough to hear my direct and hard words. I was moved.
First, thank you for sharing this story.

Second, I think the tone and message you put in that text to Craig was perfect. It was what people felt.

I wish he (and/or John, Kevin, Corey) had put a message out like your text and was sincere about. If so, there may have been a chance that they would have saved what was left of the company. People tend to be forgiving.
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Can you look at the most recent show and give your honest opinion? It’s absolutely terrible.
I won’t be able to for a few weeks. I’m balancing five projects right now and waiting for another two I created budgets for to be green-lit. In short, I’m already stressed and anxious at the moment. It’s probably not a good time for me to test “triggering” myself. Lol.

Your opinion is probably on target, though, just based on knowing the two main people. Their hearts aren’t in it anymore. I don’t think they want to be there. I think they are still there for two reasons: 1) It is likely very difficult to find other jobs at this point in their timelines. 2) They are also likely feeling guilty about leaving the others behind if they did jump. It’s the reality of the trauma on this team. It’s not rational, but it is real.
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The Mando

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My mom used to be third shift custodial at MK and Country Bears was a mess to keep going. Apparently almost every night at least one bear needed repairs and that involved the skin being peeled off to do mechanicals and then putting it back.
If there’s a major issue it’s nearly impossible to pull a bear from the show because it messes with the whole show the next day. So beyond popularity lacking, it’s also a very difficult upkeep compared to newer attractions and shows.
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I'm SO unbelievably happy Craig got out of there. For his family's sake, his mental health, and his happiness. Wishing him the best! This show is in the crapper even more so now. There's no way it can survive.
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I thought I'd watch Ryno's Live from January 29th and he seems to be going through a really tough time and I do feel sorry for him. It appears he has some serious mental health issues & maybe deserves some slack.

Here are a few quotes from the first 17 minutes of his one hour fifteen minute chat to camera. It was a gabbling stream of consciousness, I’ve removed a lot of the gabbling but you get the gist. I didn't watch the rest.

“I am never going to find peace…some days I feel like I am drowning.”

“I am very bad about finding worth in myself.”

“I don’t know what to do & I don’t want to talk bluntly and blatantly about it but I’m having a really tough time right now, I am going to make some changes in my life that are going to be some of the most difficult I have ever made and one I’m going to be seeking therapy, I feel like I’m at an age where like if you say something it should be ‘do as I say and as I do’ not ‘do as I say not as I do’, that BS is out the window that is parent maybe talking to a child or something like that but I am done with that man, I’m done with it, I’m done with carrying other people’s baggage, I am so exhausted by it, I don’t want to be a part of that I don’t.. I’m better than that I DESERVE to be loved for the person that I AM (slams fist on table).

I feel like I have rage boiling inside of me some days and I am just so exhausted by people gaslighting me and thinking there’s something wrong with me.. I am so tired, I think I’m just having this realization right now about how I’ve been gaslit for so long..”

“…I just…man I’ve hyper-focused on like these things where I thought it’s me and I’m like it’s not me.. it’s the same thing that happened with work, it’s not like this anymore so this is me speaking about before but it was just like I feel like you if you just give, if you open yourself up to give to people that are only takers they will take every piece of you so I shouldn’t say that’s related to work but I felt like that with a prior boss I’ve had and I’ve felt like that in relationships that I’ve had and I’m examining both relationships both in love and platonic…

I’m not doing well. I should be happy and grateful but I hate this place so much where I live and there’s no solution and this is the hardest part.. therapy can’t solve me not making enough money. I am just so overwhelmed. I am on a precipice of feeling like I am about ready to finally start asking for what I feel like I deserve or what I want and that’s on me for not being vocal. Work isn’t easy, work is difficult and this is part of it, nothing is sadder in life than when you put your faith into something and that rug is yanked out from under you..”

I think he needs to resign and move across the country. A complete change.
Wow! Thank you so much for the highlights. Sounds like he's at a real low point right now and has been for a while. I've had my criticisms of Ryno for sure, but Ive always kinda liked the guy so it makes me sad that he's struggling so bad. He clearly needs to get out of Florida and leave The Dis for good, an immediate change of pace.
I think we're seeing a perfect example of how much a toxic work environment/employer can damage someones well being.
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Chatty Member
Also, mediation on the smaller suit against Pete individually is tomorrow at 1pm via Zoom.
According to a document filed yesterday, Pete will be attending the mediation today; perhaps representing himself? It sounds like Pete's attorney did not attend the last hearing on the other case, either. Interesting....
Update: I tried to join the mediation via the link provided in the court filings. I made it into the waiting room, and then was removed from the meeting and prevented from rejoining. Pretty much what I expected, since it's mediation and not a public court hearing. Unless anyone else got lucky and got admitted, now we wait for the next document to be filed.
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Can anyone decipher from the records where Pete stands with his DVC contracts? I noticed a number were transferred to others (sold I presumed) but more recently they have been foreclosed. From what you can tell, Does he have any points left?
I can't imagine he has any left. As he was so fond of saying Monera will essentially give a loan to anyone with very little money down and that's what he presumably did. At this point I don't think he could afford the payments and dues. I love this for him. I bet he couldn't even swing a night at Pop Century these days (not that there's anything wrong with Pop but I'm sure he thought it was beneath him).
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I can maybe shed some light on this now. Although I'm not certain, I highly suspect that Craig’s "cloaked apology" was a reaction to a difficult conversation we had.

Craig reached out to me for feedback on a statement he was planning to post after the news about Dustin broke. After reading it, I told him it was good but not good enough. The statement was mainly informational about what he knew and what he didn't know. The transparency was good, but I pointed out it lacked an acknowledgment that we had enabled Pete and an apology for our part in it. I explained that his statement's focus was off, similar to John's.

We had a back-and-forth about whether my perspective was true. Craig felt he wasn't responsible because if he hadn’t been doing his job, someone else would have. In his mind, that absolved him because Pete’s affairs could continue without him. I explained that the problem was it wasn’t someone else—it was us. We were often tools in Pete’s toolbox, and it was our choice to be there. At some point, we all saw the toxicity and chose to stay. I told him he needed to take some responsibility if he wanted his statement to be satisfactory to others.

Now that he is out and "safe," I feel free to share an excerpt of the hard truth I spoke in that text exchange:

"People were broken, and we did it. We helped keep everything 'business as usual' so Pete could skate by. In cases of abuse (outside of sexual assault), we knew. We still kept it afloat and justified it to support our families. You knew about Shaun. You stayed. You knew about me. You stayed. You may have known about others after me. You stayed. In my case, you definitely enabled it. I have the text messages. [I’m referring to how Pete put him up to bringing me back for a final Universal show against my wishes so Pete could save face.] Again, I'm not holding a grudge. I'm trying to wake you up. Your statement is a good start but lacks true responsibility for your part and an apology. It has a tone of 'this is my defense' because I think you’re still focused on that. The focus has to shift..."

To his credit, Craig received everything I said. He expressed appreciation and said this was exactly why he reached out to me. He wanted honesty. Shortly after our exchange, you reported his seemingly random acknowledgment of his part in this. Maybe it wasn’t related to our conversation, but the timing seemed coincidental. Whether he was talking about me or not, it seemed like he had humbled himself enough to hear my direct and hard words. I was moved.
I think it says a lot about Craig that he listened to your feedback.
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VIP Member
I can relate to a lot of Ryno's quotes. I'm going to lay off my (own lazy) criticism of him and I wish him the best in finding his way back to peace of mind.
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Chatty Member
I don’t take the buses anymore because of that. The disabled should be treated with dignity respect and kindness but after a park when were all waiting in line and you and your family of 12 roll up to come in front is outrageous.
This happened to us in February. The line for the bus back to the hotel was mobbed. Someone pulled up in a scooter seconds before the bus arrived with their large family with them. Needless to say, them and the scooter took up the majority of the bus and everyone else was left either standing or waiting for the next bus. I have nothing against you if you need a scooter but that simply isn’t fair and Disney needs to do better.
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Has Ryno posted about it on his channel? I know he says he keeps work stuff off of there but work didn't pay him to go...
He did talk about it toward the beginning of last week's live on his personal channel but no photo/video. He emphasized that it was 100% self-funded (his DL pass, flight, hotel etc.), that he and Craig wanted to enjoy, and that he wants to keep work and vacation separate (not his exact words). Someone asked about D23 this August and he says he's not sure if they're covering it for the DIS. He says he went last year (100% self-funded) and that after the fact they wanted to use content he had filmed for himself. Doesn't sound like there's a whole lot of pre-planning going on (shocking, I know) and I can't blame him for feeling like if he's covering it for work then work should be paying for at least some of it (disclaimer - I have no idea how their compensation works in terms of salary or hourly, paid per video, vacation time etc.). I get so frustrated with them not even doing the basics - have a content calendar and a plan of who's doing what. It's not rocket science. I'm not sure if it's a case of no one really feeling like they have the authority/ownership to do so or if it's a general indifference or lack of experience in project managing/organizing teams or all of the above.
And not quite coincidentally WDWNT just began their own “Magical Moves” show ☠☠
These comments cracked me up.
YT comment.png
YT comment 2.png
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