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The Mando

Well-known member
I was going to do another live stream tomorrow until I remembered it’s championship Sunday but I might do one Monday night instead.

I know most people that reach out to me don’t post here or don’t have accounts but it will be on the same YouTube channel as last time @seanfaulk1 is the handle if any randoms read this and want to find it.

It will likely be Monday night at 7pm EST if Anyone has more questions to ask live. If not, it’ll be posted after if you want to watch later.

The dust and legalities have settled with Moving To Orlando so I am able to say more on that topic and general Pete things since there isn’t any connection there anymore.
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The Mando

Well-known member
Thanks for planning another live, can’t wait to watch it! The last one brought us the “Pete’s friend from Publix” story, and that still makes me randomly laugh at inopportune moments 😂
I actually got stopped in Publix recently and someone asked me if I could point out Mary
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The Mando

Well-known member
So true. Funny thing about lawyers, though - they tend to expect to be paid. I would also imagine that Pete (especially at this point in his life) would be a challenging client to manage, to say the least. So there are any number of ways the attorney/client relationship could have gone south.
Should have added, his attorney was the one who filed the notice of Pete’s appearance, so he does still appear to have some kind of representation. I'm no expert on mediation, but I think I'd still want my attorney to attend that with me. And show up for the hearing on my other case where DUT was trying to get themselves removed from the lawsuit.
Pete forced me to go to couples therapy with him at one point. The therapist asked to speak to me privately (after a long time of Pete protesting me speaking to him alone) and gave me a pamphlet about narcissism and I said, yes I’m aware, we’re not even a couple, I am essentially here at gunpoint. Then Pete got back in the room later and the guy told Pete to please stop talking so I could speak (since Pete answered any question directed at me before I had the chance) and when the guy asked Pete to stop doing that, Pete fired him.

Then when I was trying to buy his half of MTO, he sent me a letter ‘from his attorney’ but the information on it said that Pete Werner was selling to Sean Faulk but that couldn’t have been possible because Peter Werner LLC was selling to Sean Faulk LLC and any attorney would’ve realized that when they did due diligence, so I was suspicious that Pete was acting as his own attorney even then. So none of this would shock me if he ended up not having representation. He said weekly ‘I was an attorney in a past life’ - to which I eventually started responding ‘well you’re a high school drop out in this life’ which just started another fight (as it should lol) but eventually you just get sick of hearing it all the time. So, Pete absolutely could end up being his own representation, it wouldn’t shock me.
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I can't remember who said it here, but that reeks of someone who is more than just terrible at running their business; it sounds like someone who has something to hide and is afraid to speak up for fear that Pete would retaliate by exposing the skeletons in their closets.
That was me. Pete was too quiet too quick, and John was too quiet for too long. Reeks of something not above board. I think John has motive for a backdoor deal with Pete to keep him continuing to pay him an agreed amount for a period of time. I suspect that motive can be tied to John committing tax fraud and Pete being able to expose it if he wanted to.
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Why play their go between and run their public relations? If @Rufuscat says he got an email from Jackie and that impacted their getting banned I am inclined to believe them. We know they discuss things between mods.

If the boards want to start a discourse or allow you to appeal a ban, they can start a thread! Oh ooops, Corey doesn’t allow that.

If Jackie thinks she is getting unfairly blamed, make a freaking statement, clarify your position!

You relying selective info for whoever your source is, just feeds the problem.

If Jackie and other mods want to stay and protect the system that lacks transparency, then deal with the fact when you aren’t transparent, the public is not going to be able to get it 100% correct.
I had to chuckle a bit at this because I never imagined anyone would consider me being their PR agent. They certainly wouldn’t.

As much as I care for some of these people, I am not rooting for anything attached to John Magi. And I do not support any of them extending the life of The Dis or Dreams. My opinion is that those businesses should be dismantled, and I have spoken that plainly to those that I still keep in touch with. They know that I do not support them being there.

Also, I’ll clarify that I am not attacking @Rufuscat. That poster, in particular, has been very supportive of me and is one of my favorites. I posted what I did for his/her/their clarification. I was given evidence that the ban was put in place by Webmaster Kathy. If I were @Rufuscat, I would want to know that. Notice that I said that I could not speak to the issue of an email. That is because I was not about to accuse @Rufuscat of lying. If they say they got an email from Jackie, I don’t have a reason to doubt that and didn’t offer one.

You have come for me a couple times on this board. For whatever reason, you react very strongly to things I *haven't* said. It might serve you better to take a breath when you see my name and make sure you aren’t reading into things more than is there.

Or don’t. I'm not too bothered one way or the other. I will continue to keep bringing things to light to help everyone understand what *actually* has happened or does happen over there so that y'all don't have to speculate as much. My understanding is that the people here have wanted to know the truth. I've been uncomfortably transparent with everyone on this board for that reason. My point being, you can keep trying to look for the moments to shame me, but I think I have already expressed my own shame in being a part of The Dis for the time that I was, and I would imagine you have better things to do with your time.
I wonder who he's talking about with the bolded sentence? JL? Deni? Panda? Anyway, do agree with you @Rufuscat that Craig can see and admit issues (though he does (perhaps unintentionally) come across as prickly sometimes -- perhaps due to the sarcasm and dry affect he mentions). So I guess the takeaway from this is they're still looking for more people to join the team (2?) but not specifically for an anchor/host? My first question is can the business sustain two more salaries right now?? My second is, it's already been almost 8 months since the previous supervisor left ... how much more time are we talking? And is an audience going to stick around for that?
If I were to hazard a guess, it would be Deni. I don't think it is me since I work for a company and not myself.
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I would love to know what he's been up to, or see a recent photo. What does he fill his time with? He isn't running a company or making content anymore. Certainly, he isn't still going on all those cruises. Does he have any friends outside his mom who still speak to him now that his employees are not required to? So many questions.
I'm sure he still talks to Josh D'Amaro on a daily basis. The bad news, however, is that the woman from Publix is NOT returning his calls.
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It’s poetic F’n Justice.

Let’s say they manage to sell for $5M = $1.65 apiece among the three owners.
(Maybe they could've demanded a higher selling price before Pete took a big steamy public shit on the brand name, but not now).

After taxes, Pete walks with $1.08 million.

After AMEX gets its share = $218,000.

Let’s conservatively add another $50,000 in legal fees, and Pete is left with $165,000, also known as two months of online gaming losses in the Werner Media accounting system, or six months of Virgina Slims.

Ever wonder why his fiancé jumped out the bedroom window and sequestered himself in Boston?
Wonder no more: Pete barely has enough left to pay off Walter’s house, let alone to continue playing sugar daddy to vulnerable young men.

But honestly, who will buy this dumpster fire? Anyone who performs a modicum of due diligence will run for the hills before writing a seven-figure check to these three obese Gucci-clad SNL characters bumping into walls and doorways on their electric scooters. The remaining managing partner, John, has proven to be a reckless owner willing to put his company and employees in jeopardy by turning a blind eye to the clear and visible patterns of employee abuse - sexual and otherwise. Who would want to risk their hard-earned capital to acquire a company with such a troubling past, which continues to rear its head to this day? It’s natural to assume more revelations (and possible lawsuits) are still on the horizon.

ANY potential buyer would demand a huge discount from such a sad and tarnished brand. (BTW, Pete didn't just cost DU $900,000 in gambling debt. His deplorable behavior cost it millions by downgrading the company's value in the eyes of a potential buyer).

But there is no buyer, and there never will be. There is just sinking revenue and mounting debt.

It’s not often Karma strikes back so perfectly, but it is truly satisfying when it does, right?

Pete and John are both despicable in their own ways, and it’s great to see them get what’s coming.

Which is nothing.
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The Mando

Well-known member
I thought I'd watch Ryno's Live from January 29th and he seems to be going through a really tough time and I do feel sorry for him. It appears he has some serious mental health issues & maybe deserves some slack.

Here are a few quotes from the first 17 minutes of his one hour fifteen minute chat to camera. It was a gabbling stream of consciousness, I’ve removed a lot of the gabbling but you get the gist. I didn't watch the rest.

“I am never going to find peace…some days I feel like I am drowning.”

“I am very bad about finding worth in myself.”

“I don’t know what to do & I don’t want to talk bluntly and blatantly about it but I’m having a really tough time right now, I am going to make some changes in my life that are going to be some of the most difficult I have ever made and one I’m going to be seeking therapy, I feel like I’m at an age where like if you say something it should be ‘do as I say and as I do’ not ‘do as I say not as I do’, that BS is out the window that is parent maybe talking to a child or something like that but I am done with that man, I’m done with it, I’m done with carrying other people’s baggage, I am so exhausted by it, I don’t want to be a part of that I don’t.. I’m better than that I DESERVE to be loved for the person that I AM (slams fist on table).

I feel like I have rage boiling inside of me some days and I am just so exhausted by people gaslighting me and thinking there’s something wrong with me.. I am so tired, I think I’m just having this realization right now about how I’ve been gaslit for so long..”

“…I just…man I’ve hyper-focused on like these things where I thought it’s me and I’m like it’s not me.. it’s the same thing that happened with work, it’s not like this anymore so this is me speaking about before but it was just like I feel like you if you just give, if you open yourself up to give to people that are only takers they will take every piece of you so I shouldn’t say that’s related to work but I felt like that with a prior boss I’ve had and I’ve felt like that in relationships that I’ve had and I’m examining both relationships both in love and platonic…

I’m not doing well. I should be happy and grateful but I hate this place so much where I live and there’s no solution and this is the hardest part.. therapy can’t solve me not making enough money. I am just so overwhelmed. I am on a precipice of feeling like I am about ready to finally start asking for what I feel like I deserve or what I want and that’s on me for not being vocal. Work isn’t easy, work is difficult and this is part of it, nothing is sadder in life than when you put your faith into something and that rug is yanked out from under you..”

I think he needs to resign and move across the country. A complete change.
Honestly this sounds really similar to how I felt about a year ago. I told people I didn’t want to die but I wanted to feel better and I didn’t see any paths forward because I couldn’t remember what happiness felt like.

Therapy helped but it also took me cutting the toxic people out or at least at arms length and leaving them out permanently for everyone’s well being.

People aren’t thinking about you. It’s not personal but in general, people aren’t thinking about other people. With that in mind, I believe most people aren’t consciously trying to take advantage of you, they just exist within the boundaries you create for yourself. I have always been bad about this too. People approach me with their problems and I’m good at problem solving and often times, I end up caring more about their problems than they do and try to push them to fix it - when they don’t do that, I end up resenting them but in reality, I created myself as a ‘go to’ person for getting an answer to your problem and I still do that, but once I give my opinion now it’s between them and God and I’m out of the equation. This allows me peace of mind and lets other people not use me as a crutch and they can help themselves. It’s not a dig at ryno by any means but I felt the same way he’s talking about and I agree with what he’s saying but I eventually discovered the next layer and how to handle those situations.

I doubt he reads here but I hope he gets the help he’s looking for.
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Chatty Member
ABD should put together another "DIS exclusive special itinerary," featuring excursions to the welcome center, Pete's manicurist, Mary at Publix, and culminating in the trial and a final dinner with a performance by special guests Jeff and Val kissing John and Kevin's asses.
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Pete abrought a lot of passion to his criticisms of Disney. They usually came from a place of him genuinely wanting Disney to continue the unique way their parks, movies, music, etc. helped people through tough times or make really special memories with their loved ones. He never wanted Disney to let anyone down in that respect and felt strongly that the heads of Disney should share that goal. He wanted Disney to stay special, not become just another theme park.

Tom Corless is really the only person left with that approach. Most other Disney vloggers don't bring this to the table. They just like to find things to complain about, however minor, because it makes them feel important. Pete was always (and Tom is) a self-important prick, but it felt like he earned it in that area (and Tom is the only person whose POV I pay attention to now).

Don't take this as praise for Pete. It feels gross saying something positive about him and it's great that he's disappeared. I'm going to go boil myself in the shower now to get the ick off.
I don’t completely agree with this take. When I was there, Pete would often rant because it made him the center of attention and almost without fail brought in a higher view count. He had no other reason than that because he didn’t need more reason than that. I say this because it was not uncommon for him to pontificate about things he didn’t take time to look into. He had a gift for not preparing, forming an opinion based on almost nothing, and then ranting or raving as if he was a supreme authority on the matter. When things required actual research, preparation, or education, the job got passed on to someone else once he figured out more than causing a scene was required (usually someone like nikkibelle).

There is a common complaint here that the current team does little to no preparation and just makes it up as they go along (I’m paraphrasing). If that is true, this is how and who they learned it from. It was how these shows operated for years. It’s why they see no problem with that approach.
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Appreciate your live @The Mando . Thanks for taking time and answering all the questions that came through. I'm so happy for your success and wish you more of it!
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The Mando

Well-known member
I wonder if someone had to turn over admin passwords/permissions and that was what was taking so long. Maybe the “sale” wasn’t as seamless as everyone is acting. I mean seriously Pete himself admitted he never let anything go easily, I doubt he walked away quietly without making everyone’s life miserable.

I noticed the Moving to Orlando YouTube page was stripped of branding and content, so maybe things are starting to get wrapped up with the final sales/transfers.
It was stripped. It seemed salvageable for a bit but it’s just not. This is all my assumptions but the facts seem to be there.

I believe when Pete sold his portion to Ruben, he didn’t actually turn over the stuff that was in their contract. I don’t have their contract but I was told what was supposedly transferred (like email servers, website, names etc) but last September the website was suddenly gone and neither owner did it. Then in October the email server was shut down, neither owner did this.

So, it tells me that Pete might have granted access to things, I don’t believe he ever actually gave away his access or had some kind of fail safe to ultimately kill it if he wanted. If that’s the case then I can’t trust that the channel/Facebook group would not be the same situation and id work to give that life again and would someday wake up and it’s all just deleted. Stripping it and removing the videos was the best case scenario. As it stands now, there isn’t even a guarantee that Pete doesn’t still get leads that may come in to the server (assuming he might still have the admin access and shut everyone else out) and could be referring clients out for profit.

Pulling the videos seemed like the safest bet. Sadly the world will have to miss out on Pete reviewing local places like ‘Morton’s Steakhouse’, Drakes local dream being to bring sandwiches from home to Disney and Ruben wanting to add Greece to Epcot because it would give a tropical option.

The company itself is now officially dissolved and it’s left legal hell as of last month so at least everyone is freed up to do other things. I can go do real estate and everyone else can continue kicking people’s teeth out, one at a time.
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As much as I fault Craig for things, this isn't it. His son is probably like 18 months old? Hardley a newborn. He does seem to be doing this for his job and crappy of a job that may be. I'm sure Kylie was fine for him leaving for a few days. Lots of people have to travel for work on occasion. Whatever you think about Craig, he does seem to really love his family.

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take a look at this loser swimming alone (in his t shirt💀) while his wife is at home alone taking care of their newly born son
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Ryno's grand plan to chat with the show's viewers on DIS boards vanished into thin air – surprise, surprise. Is he aiming for the "Laziest Person Alive" award, or is John just feeling extra charitable with that full time salary with that output?
Yikes. :oops:

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