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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
Does anyone else enjoy the advent vlogs.? Or is it just me? Am I just a sad person? I preferred the ones with Michael Pathetic, they were quite fun and creative. The ones with Philip were a bit of a drag and the way they were filmed was rather claustrophobic.
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Dippy Hippy

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I have to say that the last 3 men my age I went on dates with were not suitable for me. One wanted to a be swinger and said I'd have to call him 'daddy' (no thank you very much), one was cool until he whispered 'when will we have sex?' and the last one ghosted me after I spent what I thought was a decent day with with (9 hours long and seemed on the same page). These were all first dates. I sympathize with your's not pretty out there.
Most of the good men have been snapped up when you are older and you are left with the ones newly divorced or the ones that didn't form relationships in the first place for some reason.
His videos are getting better- Tatty might have something to do with it. That bridge was pretty sweet- has no one from the Chateau actually seen it before, as it appears to be on their property? The filming of the opening of gifts in the camper van was calm- he always has seemed far more grateful than the inhabitants at the Cadeauxs, so it was nice to see him open a gift bag alone. He seems more genuine without the others around, as it always feels "Okay, hurry up, say thank you- what's next?!?" He was glad for the notebooks, pencil, bookmark and chocolates, but didn't seem very impressed with the shampoo or skin care products (he's a straight male)! Tatty remarked how very kind and generous the sender was, and filmed the products, making certain to say something positive about each item. (As much as I am on the fence with Tatty, her good manners did receive a plus!) I did find it quite sad that Sillymar's camper van has been excommunicated to the forest where it is in danger of trees falling on it, and he was forced to stabilise the land on his own.
The sooner they get their own chateau the better! I wonder if they will produce a vlog?

hmmm....I quite like people falling in love, wherever. Isn't it heartwarming? I am still an idealist and still believe inthat sort of thing, after all these years! 🤩 ❤
I do too! I like Amaury and felt Natti was rather isolated in that place. It was her choice and she was recovering from an abusive relationship, but I always quite liked her. I know she seems like a "yes" woman round Stephanie but she is an employee. I've worked with very some difficult bosses over the years, and you just have to get along with them, as you are an employee. Good luck to them!
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What a load of crap, describing the Chateau as a Luxury B & B for starters , breaks Trade Description act I would have thought.
Yes, I brought that comment up last thread, "luxury" but bring a hot water bottle, cleaning products.
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From the Chateau DIY YT comments section (the comments are fantastic!).

Lainie Weeks

36 minutes ago
He's very young... one could almost excuse it. Especially if he fancies himself bi. But Stephanie? Dear Steph, why why why. Gracious. That Patreon Q&A was truly painful. She was clearly embarrassed and put out by his constant professions of love and commitment, as soon as there was an audience to listen to them. She knows how unseemly this is.
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Ive just realized we haven't touched on the fact that Stephanie and Philip were in the middle of doing Philips interview. Now that I would have liked to see..... Hahaha. From what Stephanie said ,it sounds as if that is on hold "for now". I bet it never gets done after all this.
Yes the patrons have been begging for it for almost a year it all makes sense why she didn't do it. He would expose them.
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I sincerely apologize and sorry from the bottom of my heart of using those words, i didn't mean to hurt anyone if the term i used seems homophobic, politically incorrect and hateful. It's not in my best interest make those remarks. But i as a person will solely be resposible of my words, as i myself have sibling who are member f the LGBTQ+ community. It really is shameful of me to say that word as i as not aware it's not politically correct to use that word.

I'm Sorry.
Hmn...not so sure who are you refering to in your remarks...who are the Faggots?? who are the suckers?? who are those two?? who are the other two...please be more specific..Looking at your remarks...are you sure you belong here..or just looking for a hatesite?? :rolleyes: This place is not a hatesite..
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I will also add that i think the Cadeaux should come to an end. They don't need anything and the amt of nonsense shipped ,only to cause further clutter is well, stupid and wasteful. Even with the money from the channel being donated to charity, anyone with ethical bone in their body would reach this conclusion . Being blind to the tackiness of encouraging being sent gifts , with the hopes of getting valuable well, tacky. They don't need a tacky gift channel to get gifts, viewers can send them things regardless. 🙄
I blocked this channel. I found it so insane. She receives tons of garbages!!!! So much waste and all the polution from the shipping. I get that fanatics want to see her holding something of them but still......
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I wonder what would happen to Lala if SJ got a better offer? If one of her insane superfans whisked her away to Venice and put her up in a better place, would everything grind to a halt?

On that topic, how many tattlers would still watch Dan if he didn't have anymore chateau footage?
What if the 'see through shirt' preacher came back for Philip. She literally threw him under the shirt there. It was so cringy to watch, it was almost like telling your favourite child to play nice and never mind the perv as he will soon be gone.
Employee protection is so high up on her agenda.

I would watch him. There are better Shittoo's out there, admittedly at the moment not as entertaining.
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T Rex

VIP Member
What if Phillip is lurking here and discovers people think he’s gay?
98% of Tattlers DID think he was, initially.

What if Nic’s Marie is lurking too and finds out he is wearing her old overalls on Channel 4!?!
At least Nic did not show up wearing one of her pantsuits! (Why on earth does BJJ think no one would question his sexuality when he wears Ann Taylor cast-off suits and grandma's brooches?!?)
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
How long do you think he will last Clara before she gives him his marching orders?
It seems inevitable after that Patreon video.
I have no clue either way. She will probably support her squirrel for a while longer in public as to not lose more face. She's quitte good at faking things as we all know. She has too much invested in him already to just cast him aside (prerecorded advent vlogs, although I agree that those will probably have to be re-edited to get rid of more lies and fake affections). My guess is that she will announce the relationship in one of the public vlogs coming up (there's no way she can afford not to) and they will both try and ride out the storm. Maybe they'll use the time apart that is already planned (his rehearsals and performances) to get used to the new situation and let the viewers get used to him not being around, but I very much doubt she will throw him out any time soon, unless his behavior gives further rise to it. Like I said before, most likely she will work towards a public statement eventually where she can say they sadly have to give up trying.
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Chatty Member

I was looking for this show a couple of times, for some reasons it's hard to find... Maybe she lied here, top?

Going back memory line
In her video Stefanny says "--I was contacted by a production company who make a French show called Bienvenue chez nous."

The French article quotes her saying "J’ai vu que TF1 cherchait des candidats, je me suis dit que ça serait une belle expérience--".
(I saw that TF1 was looking for candidates, I thought that it would be a nice experience--.)

So who contacted who there Steph? A little lie to your viewers to make yourself sound more important than you are? Because you wouldn't push yourself to be on TV, would you? :rolleyes:
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Thank you so much..laughing my ass out..the thought she could be more clever than us...she should have known somebody would fine a way..wel done!!
Back in the day the company I have worked for sent us on a body language course. Here are my 2 cents

The first question Tripod asks is about the future.
SJ says: yeah sure, while she makes a "push" gesture. contradicting herself
SJ comments she is super happy and hope it carries on (while she says this she shook her head no) so contradicting what she said again

Also the top of her ears are pink, she is very alert and aware of herself. She feels the need to touch herself (tugging her hear behind her ears often and 'scraching her forehead' to comfort herself/win time to think
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Even though I use a different name here than I do on other sites I’m not really hiding anything. I’ve posted my YT link with my channel name on it. If Stephanie is reading this and wants to do a real time intelligent discourse (about why we end up here) with a Tattler I’ll volunteer. I doubt that would ever happen, though, because having an intelligent woman her own age wanting to have a real conversation with her will snap that “hate site troll” narrative in half.
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Dippy Hippy

VIP Member
My ex-son-in-law used to top trees here in Oregon. He did as you said, climbing to the tops of trees with a chainsaw and cut the tree down in sections from the top down. It's a pretty dangerous job but one common here as Oregon is a lumber producing state. He is now a lineman for an electric company, another dangerous job. I guess some people just love the thrill of danger... :unsure: o_O:eek:
I hope they are very well paid.They deserve to be!

Now please tell us about dinner!
And Stephanie!

What’s going on here anyway? I see members suddenly I haven’t seen here before.
I think there's an influx of new people from the vlogs, perhaps come to read what we are saying about the situation, maybe disillusioned with the shenanigans at the Chateau? Or just curious? They are very welcome.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Dan’s vlog today was super short. Putting gravel where it used to very muddy. He said it was temporary it would be dug up in the future. Anybody remember why? I’m becoming completely lost in some of the château narrative.
Septic tanks for the Nutty and ScotNut apartments.
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First, which is the Chateau DIY page folks cut/pasted from?

If Phillipe likes the older woman, and guys, too.. Its 2021.. So he's Bi. Might be an interesting fight between Michael Peterdick (if he still had 'feelings' for Prinny Steph, and has to accommodate Snorts too..

I asked on the old FB group how Stephanie could seemingly empty the lake seeing as earlier on in DIY a woman had required permits to drain her lake. I think I was assured that various urchins had researched the issue, and because the lake was for swimming, had no requirement for permits..
They are all morons. How can you convert a fisherie into a pool for humans without some sort of permit. Sure if it was for a private home then maybe but as much has she hates to admit it she runs a business. No idea if there are any cases of algae bloom in HMN but lots in California. Someone is going to get seriously ill or worse in that mess that BJJ ‘lords’ over.
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