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So did the hot water actually get fixed? Can you imagine how icy cold the water is? So no hot showers, no hot water to wash your hands while cooking, no hot water for washing up?

She should have just told the guys she'd call in a plumber and not asked them ... take charge lady! Though it seems like they were nearly done repairing before she even called and new all the details!

We see no signs of her helping in the kitchen. Though very interesting to see the Dana still has chateau access, so she must have been forgiven for her comment on PJ being young enough to be her son. Her and Natti are obviously very close. Looks like they had a good long gossip at the table there.
It had me shouting at the screen, just could not believe the Bromance Bruvs were in there fixing leaks AGAIN.

FFS Lady of the Leaks get a PROFESSIONAL plumbing and heating company to sort this shite out once an for all. You've got no guests all Winter, shed loads of money coming in from fools just get your shit together once and for all.

Hope she gave the birthday party group a big refund!
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Your forgetting a key component

He’s free

She got the cash from patron
But the artisan 👩‍🎨 is doing it for the love of his job

F r e e …… he can take as lonnng as he likes 👍

Good to see you back 😈
Of course, silly me 🤦‍♀️.
Thanks for the Welcome back. My darling nana (who passed away in May) would never have gotten over this latest revelation.
Her favourite saying was

"Deceitful lies will be your demise"
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Most of us like them. I certainly do. Classy place and bonus points for:
Speaking languages
Using local labour
Having good taste
Sense of humour
Sharing the work and finishing in a timely Manor. Their patrons must be very happy with them.
The owners do sleep together! Ahahahhaa
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Chatty Member
I’m still in shock too. I’m a patron and never believed the stories here that they were an item. I feel really stupid and like SJ was taking the piss out of me and lying to me all this time. It’s made me see her in a new light. 😢 I had been really fond of her and always wanting to believe the best, and now I feel stupid for being so naieve.
The thing that gets me about all of it - because in the end - I don't give a rats ass about all of the gay men she sleeps with (is he gay - or European!) It's really about the lack of care with the fund for the chateau and the lack of care about the chateau itself. Here's the thing: I think people buying and SAVING these bits of history- it's all great!! What I DONT think is great are people doing it the "wrong" way, not being historically, culturally, and architecturally sensitive. I don't like it when everyone employed is freaking FOREIGN- I don't like it when it does not promote the surrounding area and its people/history. In the beginning it seemed she was doing that - and maybe she was a bit low on funds so it was tatty - now that is not the case and it's all party party, still crappy people working on it, all English (wtf) and all history is out the window - and all money is for her INDULGENCES... that is what is pissing me off - it's not preserving shit for anyone anywhere just amsuing her highness
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Was this SJ and BJJ's first real (vlogged) date--trip to brocante and a romantic afternoon tea for two in the winter salon?
Is the vlog title the give-away?


For their first anniversary, took a trip to the same brocante... :LOL:
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Chatty Member
I've been watching her patreon numbers for a while now. She is racking them up. She's up 143 since 11/2. She is probably going to hit the $33k target this month. She never gains back patrons this fast (after the fall on the 2nd of the month). Wow, scandals are very good for the patreon pocket book!
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I preferred Boy Meth-rick. He is/was creative and they had chemistry.

Phillip has ruined it with his snorts! Seriously. That ended it for me. Plus, I didn't want a 24-yr-old with no life experience* giving me advice.

*That's the issue. There are many 24 (now 25yr-olds) with plenty of life experiences; travel, education, overcoming adversities etc but Phillip, like Stef, has arrested development. He's the equivalent of a school leaver.

Sir Snortsalot, although you annoy the fuck out of me, go live your best life, make your own memories, not ones based on someone else's goals. Yes, you got to go to New York etc, but enjoy time with your peers, cos 30 is going to creep up faster than you'd expect.
Think the two years were so different. The ones with MPK were more activity based with hints, tips and a sharing of information.

The ones I saw with BBJ were basically an extension of the gift grab showing all the stuff people had sent them. They were nauseating.
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T Rex

VIP Member
Selmar has a new vlog out. I skipped through, not bad for a Selmar.

He's working on making a more solid spot for the campervan to sit on, building it up with rocks and rubble.
He installs the hedgehog bell from cadeaux, but I think it puts it way too low, it's going to give someone a head or eye injury.
They go on a walk through the forest and over a stone bridge I've never seen before.
He does a gift opening in the van.
And he shares some night sounds at the end of the video.
His videos are getting better- Tatty might have something to do with it. That bridge was pretty sweet- has no one from the Chateau actually seen it before, as it appears to be on their property? The filming of the opening of gifts in the camper van was calm- he always has seemed far more grateful than the inhabitants at the Cadeauxs, so it was nice to see him open a gift bag alone. He seems more genuine without the others around, as it always feels "Okay, hurry up, say thank you- what's next?!?" He was glad for the notebooks, pencil, bookmark and chocolates, but didn't seem very impressed with the shampoo or skin care products (he's a straight male)! Tatty remarked how very kind and generous the sender was, and filmed the products, making certain to say something positive about each item. (As much as I am on the fence with Tatty, her good manners did receive a plus!) I did find it quite sad that Sillymar's camper van has been excommunicated to the forest where it is in danger of trees falling on it, and he was forced to stabilise the land on his own.
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The lady of the farmhouse said they'd need to go up near Brussels for wood to finish the pergola. Correct me if I'm wrong, but did they not take down a ton of trees on their own property? The lumber from those trees would be just about seasoned by spring. Could they not mill their own planks rather than spend elsewhere?
Yes, and also there's nothing abnormal these days that the lumber comes far away. Brussels is one day drive away. It's just one of her poor deflections trying to hide her own ineptitude.
EDIT: Amaury managed to get lumber for his workshop, why she didn't order at the same time?
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Reader's digest

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I imagine more people are coming on here to vent because Stephanie, sadly, is controlling the narrative on her YouTube page. I don’t think she realises that people respond better when you allow them to have their say when you have been deceitful. When she first ‘confessed’ after being outed by Channel 4, I admit, I was a little taken aback (more so by the fact that Philip wasn’t gay and because that they have no sexual chemistry, I thought they were just good friends) but I wasn’t upset with her, I did understand she can have a private life that is none of our business. I never minded, for example, that she never clarified her relationship with Mason, if she didn’t feel like doing that then I respected her decision. It was only after hearing about the fact that other chateau owners knew and that the whole song and dance about separate bedrooms (when they went away) was a ruse on camera to deflect suspicion, that is when I got annoyed. I don’t see her in the same light and maybe I am more offended because I supported her and really though she was an honest person. However, she is making it worse for herself, as are her attack dogs for calling people hateful for not appreciating the lies she told to us. She has handled it all in an incredibly immature way, especially redirecting her audiences attention to this website, hoping that they will overlook the deceit if she finds a way to appear the victim. This feels like the only safe space to voice our concerns and her actions are hers alone.

Also, just to add another observation, but most people don’t get to keep secrets for too long, especially people who put their lives on display for the public. I believe she should have thought she had quite a good run keeping it private for so long, it wasn’t going to be secret forever - people talk.
I am actually more shocked that people expect them to share a room especially when travelling. 🤔. Where's the fun in that? 😳 Of course they have separate rooms...Or do you believe she likes to cuddle? She has the water bottle for that. Of course Phil has to go when done.... At her age she needs to remove make up properly, comb the wig, etc she wouldn't want to see him doing all. And then his snorting. And to have all his hair in your face? It's like sleeping with Diesel.... 😉
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Reader's digest

VIP Member
No video on Sunday and no Cadeaux? She is making herself rare so that fans miss her and don't try to challenge her...
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I can concur that there's something very violent in his presence, like a volcano ready to uncontrollably explode. It might be his background or relate to his mental health issues, but not someone I would prefer to hang out with much.
Thanks, @Clara Burnett …wow! That does explain a lot. I always thought the Doing It Ourselves video that was released after MPK’s second trip to Spain (to “move” Andrew) was really weird. Sadie filmed it while Pa and Ma Petherick were frantically working on the gardeners cottage…with MPK nowhere to be found. He made a brief appearance at the end to comment on their work (not even a “thank you”). In hindsight, after MPK was caught again in Spain, his family was probably trying to do everything they could to curtail a volcanic outburst. Or…he exploded in anger and they “jumped to attention” in an effort to calm him down. I agree…he’s had issues as a result of his background, mental health, or both. Anger issues can be scary…maybe Andrew saw that firsthand and decided he wouldn’t put up with it.
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it's the combined layers of deceit that does my head in. From her true financial state, through to projects, etc
Added to which is the way she has spoken about and shown other people's lives in her vlogs and has wantonly shown herself in the bath and revealing clothing; she bends the "rules" to suit herself without any real consideration of anyone else. Her manner, facial expressions and body language expose her for the deceitful person she is. Despite offering a Q & A as a result of the relationship being revealed, she was very unwilling to answer the questions about it and made it obvious how she felt when BJJ said there was a question about it. I almost felt sorry for him when she made it patently obvious that she was not in for the long-term and almost said it was bound to finish after he had said he saw no reason for it to end. Also, all the gushing about how "Mummy loves Philip"; we know that certainly can't be true and Clara has confirmed that.
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Maple fairy

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Isn’t interesting that the pandemic was the event that catapulted these châteaux owners to internet fame, especially CD. Now that covid restrictions are easing we are seeing the châteaux world starting to implode.
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