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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
Have to agree with the above, I found myself saying "for God's sake get out of bed!" Be an adult and sit at a desk to work...though I sounded like my mum :oops: there...and if I was there with her I would stay IN bed with her. She sleeps till noon as well and whinges about having to walk for half an hour, I am torn. Hard to fancy someone who sometimes acts like my 12 year old daughter:unsure: Anyway, she sits at a desk now, so all is forgiven. Kat was spiky towards Marie today and the new girl (we will be nice to her) looked like the camera was a wild boar. Those glasses to stick in the soil were ridiculous.
She has natural charisma and is a charming seductress when she wants so I'm not surprised that you would like to be IN the bed. Also got great muscle tone for someone who does no exercise.
When she was with Dan and the man looking for good soil at the edge of the lake I was embarrassed for her. Think I'd rather spend time with a 12 yr old. More fun and less high maintenance.

100 % agree with your post. No professional would sit there and edit in bed.
No sane person either. I wonder how many people WFH for the first time in their lives have sat in bed working for the past 8 months.
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Happy to do it if you have good content on your YouTube!

Anyway, glad to see childfree people on here! I thought I stumbled upon some mummy blog gossip page??? Rather than that of a lady who vlogs about her carefree chateau life without any inclination towards wanting children.

The comments on the Patreon page are quite sickeningly sweet so can only imagine the fawning that would occur if it happens. Unfortunately, no interest in travelling just to visit the Chateau to give spy reports even if the meet-up happens!
This made my day .... am thinking of a new career as International YouTube Blonde B(V)logger with Free Money Income ! 💰 💰 💰 - although I have a feeling it’s harder than it looks ....
I may join her lowest Patreon tier just to read there as I can only imagine how sycophantic comments are. I’ve never been in any forum or fan club before & I’m both stunned and amused by the high-quality, clever, funny articulates who make up this page with wonderful information, bon mots, puns and poems. Thank you everyone 🙇‍♀️ 🙇‍♀️ 🙇‍♀️
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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
Tack oh night at the shat oh and no cilantro. Now I'm curious to know what's happening in the garden. I was assuming the winters were too cold for herbs and vegetables, but if they just planted roses in the courtyard, they can plant year round. Step it up Dan. Stephanie has a desk now.
Its way too cold to grow coriander there at the moment, even in the greenhouse. If they had a heated greenhouse that would be a different matter, think Heligan Gardens, heated by manure and produced pineapples all year round. Her roses are a variety that flower in the winter.

I guess this is just what it needs to be a châtelaine. That's why we like her videos to escape from reality. Anyway you don't know what jobs she has done. Also there is a reason that managers get more paid than the people doing it. You need certain qualities and skills to run a château. She is now at this point at this age with the skills and abilities she has. I don't know too many people who have achieved more.
Gosh, I know loads of people who have achieved much more with far less

So true. Anyway what is considered work? If you leave home for it, if you have a boss, if you don't like it doing, if you receive a salary for it? I know alot of people who have this but are not really efficient or productive.

Anyway who would like to watch her doing the ordinary jobs? There are plenty of wifes out there doing cleaning videos. That's not what we came for.
?? Ordinary jobs ?? She does show herself and others doing 'ordinary jobs' all the time. What was Kat shown doing last night and Ian atop his hay bale.
Wouldn't know about the cleaning videos but each to their own.
Work ?? we all know its something we do for money, however we do it.
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Oh, I just realised that Cat was not part of the present opening this week. I fast forwarded through most of it so may have missed an announcement, but I didn't see her on the sofa.
A few weeks ago I would have thought to myself: oh dear, do hope she is OK, really miss her down-to-earthiness, want her to stay in the vlogs for a long time, she seems such fun...............but now (having finally realised what's really going on in la la land) my thoughts are: has Cat escaped? oh thank goodness for that, well done girl, run for the hills, run as fast as you can.
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Ha Ha - either I have been kicked off Escape to Shat-o La La Land or the site has gone down! I think I must have rattled her last time and I suspect may we have someone here feeding back to her! No matter, it was becoming increasing nauseating there as her disciplines scrabbled to defend her!
I left Brenda Gibbon's site, I just couldn't take any more of her, find her so full of herself and as you said her 'disciples' were just as hard to take! Life is too short...
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Oh ohh:rolleyes: why am I not surprised? Asking for ideas!?!:rolleyes: The little sod is just not fond of hard work! Our lady Stephanie works hard to find interesting things to show her subjects, takes them to hotels, shows them cooking, dancing, bits of history, parties, renovation, interviews, etc, she uses her imagination because she knows she struck gold with this Youtube crowd. Michael Pethrick just want people to give him things and do things FOR him, he can't even be arsed to think of something to film for his patreons. He has bought all the toys, cameras and drones (paid for by American fans), now he is bored and just wants MORE for doing NOTHING. He has batted his eyelashes, done his tricks, but seriously people will want more than that long run. He is not cut out for the role he has cast himself in, not for lack of humour or talent, he is just...a bit lazy. He will waste every opportunity, it is so frustrating to watch...I feel like his dad. I keep being reminded of Shakespeare and the Tragic flaw. For those who have not heard about it, Tragic Flaw is a literary device that can be defined as a trait in a character leading to his downfall, and the character is often the hero of the literary piece. I don't actually think he will realise he's wasting the opportunities before they are no longer there, and he is a chubby old queen with nothing to show for his name. :devilish: Unlike Queen Jarvis & her Barons...
I agree with every word. I really do not know why he did not explain to his Patroens that the gardener's cottage would not be finished by Christmas (why does it have to be?) and explained this would free him up to make better content. He could have gone to SJ and done the Christmas Diaries, which is what so many of both their fans would have enjoyed and they could have put them on both vlogs. In addition, other ideas for vlogs cannot be that hard, surely. How about having some driving lessons and reporting on that? How about some cooking or a make up demonstration or just chatting whilst showing some drawings, or show the plans for the bespoke kitchen and ask viewers for input. I have completely given up with him. his vlogs and his begging bowl.
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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
@Seeingitasitis 'Does this programme format - visiting chateau owners to advise - remind anyone of anything?'
Yes, Homes Under the Hammer 😂 Cockney wide boy and all

The question was asked tonight in the Cadeaux chat. "- Can you please tell which organisations got the donations sofar? " Isabelle and TLOL was online, noone answered
I wonder if there is any money left for charity after they have paid the import taxes for boxes that do not have gift written on them.
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@Heathcliffe [QUOTE="Heathcliffe, post:"Marie's weird "oooh a flower! a mushroom!" behaviour. It might also just be a bit attention seeking? She does tend to get stuck in the kitchen, her milkbottle business is not really taking off
Milk bottle business 😂 brilliant & just perfectly sums it up & the way she says dahlias, I always want to throw something at the TV, why can’t Stephanie help her to say it correctly 🤔
Because Marie is Norwegian and that is the correct way to say it. She learnt her floristry in Norway. I am always impressed when people can learn English so fluently and I love it when there is a natural accent coming out.
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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
This came up before. I still think MP is the one not driving.
That is definitely MP at the wheel. If only we could see his earlobes, they are very distinctive.
It's quite likely that ..
he has lost his license for some reason
or never had one in the first place
or simply can't afford a car / insurance
or was having a pose in a car - the seat doesn't look like it is forward enough for him to be actually driving
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Absolutely something Americans are guilty of. :ROFLMAO:
My point is :
1. That's OK to celebrate what you want when you want.
2. When you have a vlog about your French chateau in France and a large American audience who doesn't know about European traditions, it would be nice to explain the cultural differences between the European countries.
Especially when you always cook British cakes / dishes and celebrate Anglo-Saxons traditions only.
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SJ is a performer at heart. She wanted to have an opera career and want to be a hostess to extravagant parties. I think in the earlier vlogs, we see her being more natural, but now that the vlogs/Patreon have taken off, she feels the need to put on a show all the time. I do think that is how she is naturally, but it's just gotten more extreme now that she has this platform.
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I have seen Thanksgiving episode now, a fun vlog(y)🍷🥮 I could not see Selmar as sad, just happy and grateful. I don't think Stephanie is someone he has a romantic interest in, but they clearly work well as a team and he has a real place there, has become a very useful character who fits in well with what he brings to the table both socially and with his skills. He has a future there. A big place like that needs a lot of people, and if he stays I am sure Nic and Michael Potts also are very grateful for that. I am sure he gets on like a house on fire with those two as well. Nati also clearly has a place there, a future if she wishes to. The person who seems to not have a future there is Marie. She looks like she feels that too now, she knows she is moving on soon and she sees the other ones being so settled. I think she might have thought previously that she might have a future at Lalande, so perhaps she is disappointed with how the milkbottle business have not taken off, how Stephanie is favouring other people's company, and how there are plenty of other people who can do her bit in the kitchen when she is not there...she is not indispensible, and I think it really shows now. She probably feels a bit lost, now knowing what the future will bring...I should take her out for a meal when she arrives back in London, but that would make me a mad stalker and my wife might object 😉 I hope Marie finds her way...sometimes one door open when another one closes, and I think she ought to close the Lalande door now. Cat should stay for a while I think. For young Phillip this is a bit of a "finishing school", he is probably learning a lot and growing. Now then, we need more characters don't we? Christmas should add a bit of drama and people.
I feel you’ve read the dynamics correctly and agree with your observations completely . They seem settled and comfortable with life at Lalande . Marie has already said she’s moving on , so I guess she has stepped back a bit . Philip is growing on me , he seems a gentle soul eager to please and beginning to tease and joke a bit now.
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The usda zones are mostly based on average low temps and it doesn't look like that area has gone below -06 in the last ten years. France has it's own climate designations and still, it's similar to other locations on the equator that the US calls zone 8. I might be wrong since I just briefly researched the address. I managed a 1000 sq ft of raised beds and some livestock in an educational setting with similar but slightly drier winter temperatures for 10 years. We had more snow than they do, but early spring was wild with flowers because we threw donated packets of seeds on composted manure in the beds after clearing the summer debris. Also brassicas and root vegetables love a little snow if they are mulched and start early enough. I bet they would have luck with cilantro outdoors right now, and in the greenhouse for insurance, just in case they have another Taco Tuesday.

The vegetable garden is improving but it still looked unproductive for the size, and the soil looks like granite crumble. I wish they would mulch so they didn't have to worry so much about watering in the summer and they'd build the soil, etc. Dan gardens a little like a dirt farmer and rotary tilling just kills all your worms. I'm from the school of piling the garden like a forest floor when it's too hot, or too cold. Stephanie had fancied a more permaculture approach according to some listing I found on pinterest a while back. I can't find it now. They have a huge surplus of gifted seeds to experiment with, and they should cast half of them out onto piles of sheep shit and give that soil something to think about. I want them to have to garden with a machete this spring. It's part of the reason I joined this cult.
As I said, I come from a region near where they live. Winters are too cold to grow any vegetables. The first frost in January/February will kill them.
Anyway, Stephanie pays Dan the gardener for the courtyard and flowers. Vegetables are for Isabelle who is spending the winter in South Africa.
Not sure Stephanie is really interested in real gardening. I don't blame her.😉
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Chatty Member
We may possibly all have differing opinions on what makes up a ‘working day’ & many undertake roles that are not defined by a 9-5 routine, but I agree completely with what you say here. Indeed SJ is not lazy & I’ve no doubt she spends hours editing/filming, but as you said, being Chatelaine of La Lande, whiling away hours sleeping till noon, when the majority of workers have to be up at the crack of dawn & work in jobs that barely cover a basic, mundane lifestyle (AND they are doing it under someone else’s orders) can in no way compare to the delightfully charmed life of Mademoiselle Jarvis. How many people in are able to swan around, making their dream life come true ? She is incredibly lucky & fortunate in so many ways. We all enjoy watching SJ restore her castle but we shouldn’t for one single moment believe this Make-Believe 45 year old Disney Princess

*The Antiques road show threw up in there !* 😂😂😂😂 Wish I’d said that :)
Whoops confused replying to two messages - was timed out of previous reply to calvignac... & should completed message should read:
....we shouldn’t for one single moment believe this Make-Believe 45 year old Disney Princess leads any sort of hard working day that can be compared to most of the working population- whether they be in a professional role or otherwise. This girl leads a *dream life* working on her *dream life* - and hey, we all enjoy looking at her do so !
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Viva La Loca

Chatty Member
@Viva La Loca I have a deep love of cooking too and enjoy many cookery shows but there is something about him that irritates me. He was just so full of himself and talked to the women of the house as though they were idiots and he was there to save the day.

In this episode he's annoying from about 4 minutes 30 seconds in
and the way he made the the French stereotype noise when MP was making a cocktail in the washing up area :rolleyes: (at 16:37)
No, he's not my cup of tea either.

Oh, its in the Little Mermaid - (have never watched this before) at 48 secs

Agent Isabel
Agent Isabelle and the CH4 production checking social media for brand equity and damage limitation

There must be some videos from the times when she was studying. Even as students they have performances
the internet and posting wasn't a thing back then - was just my space

I rather have him delayed than being stressed out to finish in time. And maybe make a mistakes while hurrying. Lots of nice things happening around Christmas so no hurry we are glad to see the result later.
Got a lot of respect for Dan and Annalise. I hope they do well.
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Nah, she just maxed out her Donegal First Grifters Bank credit card buying knock-off store stock.
Maybe SJ just "forgot" to say her name. Just to put up some pressure. Like when your BFF suddenly doesn't call you for a week...

This is a Lalande merchandising project that seems to be sanctioned by SJ with proceeds going to charity! So different from what Brenda is up to...
Love it, I saw her pics on Facebook. That's the proper way to do it.

I really can't stand PP as part of the vlog production. I can't believe I care so much.
Don't worry he will be gone soon.

Some of the comments on the latest vlog are something else. A few are having a go at Kat and want her to leave, stating she thinks she's the new princess and Lalalande and shouldn't be throwing things out.
They are just scared their not yet opened gifts are among those

Have to agree with the above, I found myself saying "for God's sake get out of bed!" Be an adult and sit at a desk to work...though I sounded like my mum :oops: there...and if I was there with her I would stay IN bed with her. She sleeps till noon as well and whinges about having to walk for half an hour, I am torn. Hard to fancy someone who sometimes acts like my 12 year old daughter:unsure: Anyway, she sits at a desk now, so all is forgiven. Kat was spiky towards Marie today and the new girl (we will be nice to her) looked like the camera was a wild boar. Those glasses to stick in the soil were ridiculous.
Am I wrong or was even Nati kind of mean towards Marie and making fun of her? What was this gras picking and "there are even flowers"?

Random things we found out in the latest CD vlog.
  • Prince Philip is royally allergic to citrus
  • Mushrooms are mesmorising
  • Kat is not afraid to call out SJ’s hoarder tendencies (bravo)
  • Many of the past gifts are surely amongst the pile of ‘to go’ items
  • 4G internet is your friend (if you can find it in amongst the haystacks)
  • SJ needs to grab one or two of those pretty gift boxes and rise her newly-desked laptop to eye level
  • Mummy’s apartment will be stripped bare by the time she and old Percy inhabit it again
  • Selmar was either at “the beach” again or he has dry-walled himself inside the downstairs loo.
PP seems to be allergic to a lot if things.

She has natural charisma and is a charming seductress when she wants so I'm not surprised that you would like to be IN the bed. Also got great muscle tone for someone who does no exercise.
When she was with Dan and the man looking for good soil at the edge of the lake I was embarrassed for her. Think I'd rather spend time with a 12 yr old. More fun and less high maintenance.

No sane person either. I wonder how many people WFH for the first time in their lives have sat in bed working for the past 8 months.
But considering she did everything in bed she is rather successful. I guess this comes with the drama of being a châtelaine and opera star.

Thank you all for the new thread. Aren’t we prolific? So much tattle and ‘craic’. My head is spinning.

Anyway, here is Dear Brenda now looking to harvest physical addresses as well as the email type. Secret Santa with a dose of Donegal dross anyone?
OMG doesn't she have real friends?

I wonder if SJ started editing in bed because it's so cold in the chateau in winter. I do think some of you are being rather unkind, I love how she doesn't mind us seeing her as she is, warts and all
Also she doesn't consider editing work. People do all kind of things not work related in bed:reading, knitting, phoning, studying, texting, netflixing, gossiping 😉, and sometimes even s.e.x.
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My friend makes her living as a blogger and on IG. She always sends pics or footage she's about to publish and asks for my permission. That's the way if you're professional and monetized ie. making money out of you.
That's good to hear and exactly how I would wish things to be handled if I was ever filmed.
But in SJ's case I am not sure I understand how it can work logistically - having to check with so many people, showing them footage she has taken, getting their feedback and re-editing if someone objects. Is this why she always seems to be up against the wire timewise? Maybe, at the moment, with so few people around, it would not be too difficult. But what happens when she has a house full - workshops, workmen coming and going - or she films people as they are leaving the chateau (Ma P seemingly driving away in a huff is a case in point) - does she have to contact them all, send them the footage, and wait to hear back before she can finish her vlog? Just wondering - it's all new to me!

So I just checked out Brenda Gibbons post on facebook. She's now saying that if you are struggling for gift ideas you should become a patreon.

·Struggling to come up with Christmas gift ideas?
What about a Patreon subscription for The Chateau Diaries?
Tiers start @ €5.00 per month, you get to vote on what the next project will be, unlock weekly patreon vlogs & get to hear wee snippets 1st!!!
It's definitely the jingle bells if you enjoy Chateau restoration & follow our chatelaine Stephanie Jarvis!!

What a joke she is.
I've not been to her page for a while - just got fed up with all her shenanigans. But did you also notice her latest little scheme: she has set up a 'Secret Santa' service for all her lovely lalande fans. She has offered to match them up and arrange their exchange of gifts - as long as they send her their private details of course. Apparently she has 50 takers so far. I don't understand it. Nothing could ever persuade me to let this woman know where I live!!
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A slight frost from Isabelle towards Michael ? I would call it North Pole 😂
It's obvious. She can hardly hide it.
Actually I don't think she likes anybody. Selmar, Ian 1+2 and Dan are ok as long they do some work she benefits from. But I feel she won't miss Marie, Philip, Tomaz or even Nati. Marie does work but then it is only cooking to feed the volunteers. Putting some flowers in a vase she can do herself once a week. Nati is polite and all, but only because SJ considers her very organized and hard working because she does the boring desk job it does not mean she is superwoman. Opening the parcels and answering some emails is not overwhelming work and she can do it all dressed up. If French emails or business correspondence come in she still can't answer them. Or answer the phone. It would be more reasonable to hire a French person from the village. But then that's not their thing😊
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