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Gosh- it must be maddening to be so cold all the time. And surrounded by a depressing, growing hoard crawling with vermin. I am glad she and her man did the sensible thing and moved out. Conditions must be so horrible for them to opt out of free &/or discounted rent. That place is a flop house for those who have zero options.
I volunteer at two of our local men’s shelters as well as supporting the women’s shelter. All three are shelters of last resort. All are also clean, with strict hygiene and sobriety regulations. In the summers they’re cool while being warm in the winter. If there’s a hurricane clients are evacuated. Temps below 40F bring out the extra mattresses and everyone doubles up to help as many as possible. Two meals a day are provided and while it isn’t four star, it’s balanced, nutritious and plentiful. LaLande is a gulag by comparison.
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Here’s a quick update on my chapel star adoption opportunities… It’s been going very well! So well in fact, do to the unbelievable demand, I’ve just added some more stars. Remember, they’re just $5,000 (US) each. Unfortunately there is no discount for the smaller or not quite as perfectly formed stars. No pressure but, I’ve been doing a lot of online shopping and have several shopping carts just waiting for me to return and finish my checkouts.
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View attachment 2624370
Have you got any left? I'd like 4 but understand if they've already gone.
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Attention Patrons of Stephanie Jarvis I have found another YouTube channel that is much more deserving than Your current Patronage. A channel you will see where your money goes to help the youth of today. Yes Chateau la Grifferai. Rob and Leslie. So that is two channels with The Moons that you will see bang for your bucks. Unlike at chateau la Lande where for years now no progress has been made. Just shopping and travelling. Who wants to fund that when you can make a difference to real people and animals who need it. Wake up and spend your money wisely.
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Came here from the last thread. Dan is looking much better these days, some meat on his bones, facial hair and that new hairline suit him. He also looks like whatever bathing facilities the yurt has to offer serve him better than the inhabitants of Lalande have to contend with.
Aumaury, on the other hand, seems like he has been drained of life ever since he moved to the shitoo. I hope it's just Lalande doing this to him and not the Rottweiler he's dating.
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Gertrude Maud

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That's right Stephanie . . . blame the heating delays on the dead man and Amaury.

Amaury says she and Philip won't be able to fill up the boiler room with furniture and parcels.
Is he blind?
Look to the left of the room.
It's heaving with crap.

Keep up the good work Lancelot.
First he goes for the tassels on the new chairs then he knocks over Marie's bucket of water.
Good boy.

Gerry tries too hard.
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Fanny and Miss Chatelaine have severe shopping/online auction addictions ( and serious hoarding issues).

How many statements below apply to the gruesome twosome?

Are You Addicted to Online Auction Houses

Are you addicted to Ebay or online auction houses? Take our online auction addiction test to see if you might need help.
Answer "yes" or "no" to the following statements:
  1. Do you need to bid with increasing amounts of money in order to achieve the desired excitement?
  2. Are you preoccupied with auction houses (thinking about being online when offline, anticipating your next online session)? *********
  3. Have you lied to friends and family members to conceal extent of your online bidding?*********
  4. Do you feel restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop online bidding?******
  5. Have you made repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop online bidding?********
  6. Do you use auction houses as a way of escaping from problems or relieve feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, or depression?
  7. Have you jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of online bidding?
  8. Have you committed illegal acts such as forgery, fraud, theft, or embezzlement to finance online activities?****************
If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, you may be addicted to online auction houses. These are signs that you have lost control, lied, or possibly stole money just to support your bidding behavior.

Common warning signs of shopping addiction include:

  • Shopping or spending money as a result of negative emotions like anger or sadness
  • Thinking obsessively about money ************
  • Buying certain items to improve low self-esteem**********
  • Feeling a rush or euphoria when spending*********
  • Buying items on credit, rather than with cash
  • Feeling guilty, ashamed, or embarrassed after a spending spree **********
  • Lying about or hiding how much money you spent***************
  • Spending a lot of time juggling accounts or bills to accommodate spending habits
  • Arguing with others about one’s shopping habits***********
Types of Shopping Addiction

Shopping addicts who are bargain hunters will frequently buy products they don’t need just because they’re on sale. Sometimes it’s less about the act of buying and more about the rush associated with finding the deal. This behavior can be hazardous, as it may seem the person is saving money, but they are ultimately wasting money by amassing items they’ll never use.

When it comes to collecting compulsions, there can be a fair amount of overlap with other known issues like hoarding. However, collecting can bleed into a shopping addiction when the desire for every piece of a set or a rare item overrides financial concerns. Often collectors will want to purchase multiple versions of the same thing, whether it be every color, size, or style.

Impulse Buying
Impulsive buying typically occurs as a spur-of-the-moment reaction to seeing something you want in a shop. These instances usually aren’t planned, and the desire to buy the item can come on suddenly.

The fear of missing out or never seeing the item again can often be the driving force behind buying it. Price means nothing to impulsive shoppers; the decision to buy happens instantly, regardless of the financial consequences.

Online Shopping Addiction
With so many online stores, shopping addicts can be tempted to overspend from the privacy of their homes. Between the convenience of just clicking or tapping “Complete Purchase” and the saturation of ad-targeting across social media platforms, online shopping addiction can be challenging to treat.

Bulimic Shopping
“Shopping bulimia” has recently begun making the rounds to describe this type of shopping. Bulimic shopping occurs when someone becomes overwhelmed by the desire to buy something, but once the initial high wears off, they quickly return their purchases.

This post is dedicated to Amaury, who has to haul their crap into the Dump, move it from room to room, then out to the stable storage area, then to the attic, back to Emmaus, and a tiny portion of it to the tip. Merry Christmas. Amaury. Here is some of the info you need for an intervention on either of the gruesome twosome or info you can use one day to justify leaving the Dump permanently. Save yourself. They will never ever change or stop their shopping and hoarding addictions. You have one back. Don’t break your back or injure yourself permanently hauling their useless crap.
Caroline is not a native English speaker today.
Must be Snorts. He was all over the live chat today for the video. Pottie is back at the Dump so Snorts has probably been left by himself with Ratso in his little lady desk room.
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Set of 10 chairs and 4 armchairs. 14 chairs total.

Off topic:
click below, and look at the contents of the Paris apartment of actress Olivia de Havilland, who played Melanie in Gone With The Wind, contents were auctioned off on October 5, 2023. Interesting collection of items.

Now who thinks those are not the only things they've bought. Too many items in that sale that are right up their street, they will slowly trickle in.


The two footstools they got for 320 euros
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This psycho Gooder cannot be for real 🤣🤣🤣
People just give them pianos? I mean, who knows! Some fans out there do be wild!
A few years ago, someone gave me a piano whilst I was at a yard sale. It worked just fine, they just didn’t want it anymore. I took it home & sold it in 15 minutes for $500 on Craigslist🤷‍♀️
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The only reason she keeps Snorty on is that she’s realised people hate him as much if not more than her.
Share the hatred.
It’s obvious others don’t like him there too.
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She goes on about saving the chapel but who is it being saved for? The vast majority of star adopters will never see the chapel or their stars. It will only be those who can travel to France and stay in the B & B who will see it. It will never be open to the public; it is not a historic building. It is being saved purely for a wealthy woman who has no issue to whom she will pass it on. Why would anyone do that? I used to live in a grade 2 listed building from the early 1800s that had serious damp issues, and earlier on in an Edwardian house with dry rot. Why didn't I plea for those buildings to be saved for the future? I could have asked strangers to adopt a brick or a piece of new plaster! Instead of which, I lost thousands. She is conning those fans out of their money. The place is decorative but it is not historic and does not warrant strangers' contributions; it will never be seen by the public. Have those fans never seen how she has disrespected It in the past, despite her pretence of being respectful now? It will just serve as a decorative backdrop to Fanny's vlogs and, no doubt, a lot of the money will finance her travels and hedonistic lifestyle. Also, what's the betting that she, Potty and PJ will make an enormous mess of the recording of all the names?
Poor Sebastian did not welcome her appearing in the work area. It's exactly what she did to Ian. She should leave them in peace to get on with the job and she is a threat to their safety. Does she think that dedicating stars to MM, etc., absolves her from any negative effects to which she may have contributed?
Sebastian is regretting talking to Fanny in the first place. She is bugging the shit out of him and repeatedly barging in unannounced, cramming the pink camera in his face and wanting him to perform on demand to provide content every day he is working at the Dump. Did he give her permission to exploit his face in her thumbnails and let him be labeled the hot chapel guy? She has no respect for anyone. He was rightfully uncomfortable with her scaling the scaffolding repeatedly.
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I have so many question so few answers again.

While Jarvis makes statements throughout the year about how much she loves christmas, her dining room and the redrum room are yet to be decorated, what happened to the peacocktail tree? Only the kitchen has christmas decorations up.

Or as we go along decorated the space, we will get rid of the stuff we don't want/need and decorate it accordingly.
We haven't seen 1 flog (otherwise it would have been posted here) were a room was cleared out, tidied up and decorated for christmas.

Has she baked her christmas cake yet? Soaked in copious amount of alcohol?
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Lady Pinkadella

Well-known member
Marie's joyful welcome to all male life in Lalalande comes from discontinuing contraceptives for sure. She seems to howl at every moon... whether new, used or gay. However, I doubt she is still welcome at Lalande with a bun in the oven. So be careful, dear Marie... stay away from the hot dogs
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Having seen Fanny and Potty rehearse and repeat 'scenes' , and with Potty (a professional photographer) NOT following the 'action' (Marie greeting Tartan Terror) but focussing on the ardent passion in the darkened corridor, screams rehearsed intention. Ve are reddy for our close up.

For whom? the writer? (look look ruthy, nothing is going on with F4F and me - she is madly in lurve with Pheeps). Tattlers? (stop saying he is gay, look at how they cannot keep their hands off one another when NO-one is looking). Star buyers? (Spend some money on this Disney romance). IRKsome and URKsome. 😠🤢
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Interesting reading how some of the tarts have difficulty with what to do with their “stuff” or their loved ones stuff.

Not me. I throughly enjoy shredding, burning, throwing out or donating, anything and everything. Clothing, personal items, furniture, art, china, crystal, dust collectors, all out. Work, financial or personal paperwork is shredded asap. Old pictures, momentos: scan some, throw out the rest. Some have really bad memories attached and i really like shredding those. Cards, some are scanned. Most i never look at again. When they are in my drive for too long, time to delete. I have found that i never think about this stuff once they are removed.

I have asked my son if he wants certain items, he usually says No. So, I will not burden him with anything. In doing so, i have unburdened myself.

I‘ve realized stuff is just in the way, it clutters the mind, keeps us in the past. I have found it is so freeing to to rid myself of all of it. It’s a relief for me to let it all go. To let the past go.
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I'm totally confused. I remember, not long ago, they bought a ton more of those dining room chairs.....that they've now replaced with these new ones!
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Lady Avonlea

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If Chantal and Steve were smart they’d keep heading south to the Med for Christmas and have Amuary, Natti and Molly join them (before Amuary explodes and bitch slaps Fanny, Snorty and Potty).
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Launching it? She already sold most of the stars. Now the poor chatelaine will have to release some more. Well played, Grifter!

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I’m not disinterested in seeing how the chapel is when it’s restored but I noticed she was cutting the restorer off when he was saying it’s harder to fund a private chapel than one that’s open to the public. Because this chapel is never going to be seen by anybody other than guests and the residents of Le Lande so it’s benefiting who? And who are the future generations, anybody, anybody lol 😂
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