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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
1 minute ago (edited)
Ok. Have to ask, why did you have to stay up all night getting the Advent calendar ready? I find myself worrying about you getting sick again as you do every year when you do too much. I'd much rather see fewer videos and know you were getting enough rest. Your health is far more important than seeing a video every day. Love your walks through the countryside. Hope they are helping keep the pain at bay. Hope Nattie and Amaury have been enjoying a much well-deserved time away. Stay well and best to all.


1 minute ago
One thing I get out of the videos is. You all drink.alot of alcohol I was thinking there must be health issues with people due to drinking so much alcohol e everyday
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Well-known member
Some observations come yesterdays dreary dull fest at the dump.

What is that stack of files?

There is a sofa where the ghastly peacock corner tree usually goes. Has Snorts commandeered Natties desk at the other end for the tree?
Why did they get so many seat pads for the kitchen.
Who wants to see the pantry where Snorts has put the junk from the washing up room?

Andy the gardener from Chelsea is in the house and Snorts is trying to look like Lord of the manor, he is talking and behaving more stupidly than ever.
GAWD, there are so much junk it that place ! How one can relax with piles of crap everywhere ?!
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I saw this tonight on my aunt's Facebook page and it resonated with me so I thought I would share here.

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Hercule P

Well-known member
Costing the chapel works.
Fanny was sitting pretend working writing out a cheque for £12,000 cannot recall maybe two months ago, no more. She was flustered about the amount although we know she spends that amount on a vase and desk and doesn’t seem bothered.
If the scaffold costs plus 12 weeks work from the stone masons comes to £200k . I do not believe her.
I think the total works are £200 k and she wants the money from viewers to fund the costs.
What!!!!! In France the law says that you must pay 30 % when you sign the devis (quote), then 30 % when the work starts and the rest when it is finished and you have checked everything is fine and well done.
30 % of 200 k is certainly not 12,000

I agree with you. It is lies upon lies to STEAL more and more money :devilish::devilish:😡😡
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@ComtesseRose thank you again for keeping these threads on track!
About auntie, I think it’s when she doesn’t wash her hair she pulls it back and it looks terrible. I don’t think they’re bathers on a regular basis. Just my opinion.
The big rat ,oh my God ,a grown man shouldn’t have to explain his purchases ,number one ,number two , does he have free rein of the credit card? I cannot believe Fanny would do that.
I'm starting to wonder whether the Emmaus budget is regarded as "charitable donations" and may be therefore be drawn from the sickening present opening revenue.
This ludicrous shopping then provides "free" content to pad out the tedious diaries where nothing much ever happens in their dreary existence.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
Anyone else hoped the shelves would collapse in the arrière cuisine and take hairball with them.

Donating their unwanted crap to Emmaus to be followed by another nauseating crap unwrapped.

Crap out, crap in, keeping the balance right.

Good morning from a very frosty Vendée.
Who puts the the man who never cooks in charge of what pots and pans will be used. The pedantic little ponce had to have his new haul and I spotted his Burleigh shite too. What the hell was that poxy broken decanter doing in there? Who would donate that to charity and all those worn out bowls. She uses Emmaus like a bloody tip.

I am finding it very disconcerting seeing everyone so wrapped up. Especially the old fluffer in his fedora he looks so uncomfortable and it looks as though he is ready to go out all the time.

So those festering festive decs will be up until February how utterly revolting.

I hope Pott's Mum is a sturdy old bird because coming from SA to the frigid temps of the Shitto will be tough she will really feel the cold.

I don't believe the heating system is anywhere near finished. I think it is only partially done because we hardly saw any work there either. I can't believe heating pipes were run in the Grand Salon and the falling down upstairs if it has all got to be re built. We were shown one ceiling down in the hallway downstairs and some disruption in Pott's porn pad but otherwise nothing. Do we honestly believe a dopey arse like Fanny could organise the heating system to be done she can't even make a freaking Cocktail, even there she takes short cuts because she can't do anything properly why are the heating or the chapel any different?

The advent flogs this year are going to be shite she is just dialling it in and no one really likes her so the cast is an ailing bunch of bores. I mean would you even want to go for a beer with any of these freaks?
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Well-known member
there has been a lot said here about Michael P, however kudos to him and Nick Moon for rebuilding this organ. Neither of them have done anything like this before, its a massive job and no easy task. Stephanie cant even get tiles put up in her kitchen, yet look at what the Pethericks have accomplished, especially as I mention this organ.. well done lads
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Well-known member
Again, look what lying Stephanfraudie claims she pays with the Patreon funding. Show the accounts!

REPLY FROM FANNY/ Chateau diaries 13 minutes ago:
This is the first time, I’ve never fundraised for the chapel before. The patrons of the Chateau Diaries give a monthly amount in return for an extra weekly video, and that money is used for restoration of the chateau and gardens, including employing the gardeners, woodsmen, carpenter, handyman, etc. I’ve managed to save €200,000 of that for the structure of the chapel and the start of the restoration of the paintwork, but it will take another €200,000 to complete the restoration. The costs are mind-boggling.
Didn’t she claim she had raised €400000 to restore the lake and had that put aside… has €400000 dwindled to €200000 as she is never going to restore the lake?
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@ComtesseRose Thank you ♥
With all the money she received, clearly, I would have first and foremost an insulated roof AND new windows and doors. Then renovated all the essentials with modern showers, bathrooms and loos, laundry room and a fabulous modern kitchen but with a "farmhouse style". 2 great heating systems (one with woodfire giving the amount of wood on the land) and one on gas. Then and only then, I would have slowly start the renovations of bedrooms and later on decorate. And further down the road I would think of landscaping. But only imbecile would put makeup on a pig and call it a chef d'oeuvre !
And I won't start on the man-child with deranged syndrome... Just shaking my head on the absurdity of all this.
Any sane person would but hey, just look at the crowd that's in there, has been there this year and who is soon to arrive.

It's like a remake of One flew over the cuckoos nest.

That tit has been to Emmaus more times than I've had hot dinners.
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Lady Pinkadella

Well-known member
Who knows if there will even be a next B&B season. Another winter in which the shack rots away without heating.

And if there is an investigation into the accident, there is a good chance that the entire building will be inspected. And given the situation, that could have far-reaching consequences. What I wouldn't give if there was an official sign in front of the dump saying "No Entry".

Maybe Phiphi should check Emmaus to see if there is a yurt there. I imagine clamping in the cow pasture to be very romantic.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
Snorts is literally cramming every corner with toot. I am a big fan of auctions and charity shops, but only buy stuff I really like and I do mix antiques with modern pieces- he just buys utter shit. The place just looks a bloody mess. His latest lamp find with the blue shade looks ghastly in the Chinese Takeaway room. Where can Aunt and Uncle just sit to relax or anyone else for that matter. It is a tip. Don't get me started on the curtains they have put in Fanny's pretend office-how is anyone a fan of hers anymore. As for the chapel funding and her acting so magnanimous about where "she" will find the money? Fanny you are a beggar and a con artist.
not to mention that already peeling brand new wall paper that cost a lot of patrons fools money to put up , her dump and both of them are getting more and more like cornella everyday the designer dresses she horded down to the lack of cleaning and amount of junk plus ex boyfriends and strangers funding her lifestyle. no amount of photoshop can hide the emptiness in her soul.
Yes that wallpaper flapping away from the wall due to damp-with her and Snorts doing nothing all day and all her minions you would think someone could stick it back. How do you live like that?
7 hours ago
I am starting to think that Phillip says his grandmother had one like it in order to get away with not so needed purchases.



1 reply


5 hours ago
He can buy even more when he can argue Steph's grandmother had one like it. He knows how to pull on her heartstrings LOL He's such a thoughtful and generous boyfriend. I love their playful banter.


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VIP Member
I don't think Stephanie seems stressed at all. Rather, she's being insolent. She doesn't GAF anymore, she feels that all of these people who love her, her fans and patrons, will give her anything she wants and she takes it for granted, producing crappy vlogs on the daily and doing absolutely nothing extra for them anymore for the holidays. The beg-a-thon is disgusting, the height of her greed.

May Stephanie fall. And fall hard.
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The Saint

Well-known member
I find it so odd that Fanny is happy to go along with Phi Phis vision and direction, his own YouTube channel went down like a lead balloon as people don't engage with his "content" as it not 1954 anymore, who is watching bloody table setting videos?
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Cleo's Asp

VIP Member
When Snorty felt he was being overlooked for his hoarding talents, by demanding immediate attention it was his way to feel reassured that he's worthy and relevant. Both Snorty and Fanny need professional counselling. Maybe they can get a 2 for 1 discount rate (kinda like a travel upgrade, but different)
If only he realised what a fool he is making of himself. I can't stand him but I can't help feeling that Fanny is being extremely mean to him by showing how idiotic he looks and behaves. She is certainly aware of what she's doing as she is constantly mocking him. It also looked as if she deliberately moved the camera so she could show the reactions of the others at the table. Stephen was shaking his head in disbelief at Snorty's stupidity and Marie was making a comment about it to the others and then realised that she was caught on camera so she stopped suddenly. All of them, including Tante, Hanni, and Sabine were showing what they thought of him. They were, of course, quite right, but if Fanny actually loved him, she would not have shown their obvious reactions.
On another point, surely a laundry room should only have textiles in it that are about to be, or have just been, laundered. It looks as if they store all the towels, bedding, tablecloths, etc., in there all the time, exposed to damp and dust They should be stored elsewhere and shut in a cupboard. She bought dozens of old wardrobes to store loads of unused tat in the attic, but leaves things that are used on shelves in the laundry room! Fanny should never be running any kind of establishment that provides accommodation. It's as if a child is running a business!
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T Rex

VIP Member
I am not a fond of Potts ........ like Fanny , I do not think he has ever had a proper job. He just farts around photographing race cars.
So..... this is my theory Gracie..... I think his Mother has financed some of his shares in the Falling Down Castle and probably that land in SA and the old girl is coming out because she is on the papers. Maybe she might be sued too. :unsure:
I could be wrong, but I think Tess may have helped "Ol' Lens Cap" "Caroline" Potts secure his F1 photographer gig after dumping him. After all, she is related to the Verstappen racing family, and attends a lot of cousin Max Verstappen's races. Ironically, Tess takes better pictures with her phone than Potts does with an expensive camera and lens! Potts doesn't strike me as one who can find success in his own right. He comes across as a pretty dim bulb.
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Quick hurry hurry it is your last chance to get the Smug's overpriced candles being marketed at 20% off for 68 euros (not sure how 68 euros is 20% off 120 euros)
Hey ,Just a quick reminder that today is your final chance to get any of our candles for 20% off, you can enjoy this offer until midnight *tonight* (EST).

Save 20% until midnight
You will receive a 20% discount when you add products to the cart and the discount is automatically applied.​
We're so happy to share our exclusive scented candles with you, crafted with meticulous attention to detail and a deep passion for French artisanal excellence. Each element has been carefully considered, a true testament to our dedication to craftsmanship.

We can't wait for you to experience the essence of our creations,

Best wishes,
Anna & Philipp​

I’ve wondered for a while if Anna was “inspired” by Marc Jacobs’ logo when she came up with her Le Fleur candle logo? Or maybe it was Marc that ripped her off?🤔🤷‍♀️







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Well-known member
I would love to see a Tattle break down of the "daily" flogs and what Fanny really accomplished each video, to prove even more NOTHING happens.... does anyone have the stomach to rewatch and take note? How is this worth $40K+, it is infuriating!!!!

Let's also remember Armoire is off November, December, Venice etc Jan/Feb, August is a "French holiday," - what else?!...

Also, Stephanie PLEASE fire Princess Phillipe!

He is your "Billionaire, Butler and Boyfriend" - Get rid of him before it's too late!

You can delete my YouTube comments, but we all know the truth!!
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The Saint

Well-known member
So last nights offering was just as grim!
I would suggest it was satire but that requires a stich of intelligence, that it was very apparently lacking. Do we thing Lady PhiPhi throws out "My Grandparents had one just like it" as a way of deflecting judgement? that vares was fucking awful! He is literally out of control, the staff at Emmaus don't think your a baller PhiPhi they just think your a hoarder, this level is touching disorder, didn't he get anything as a child? the fact Fanny has allowed herself to become his mummy figure, is causing me to spiral, imaging getting north of 45 and picking up a man child you have to soft parent, i can see this "relationship" turning sour soon, WAKE UP FANNY SMELL YOUR BF'S POPPERS!
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