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Well-known member
We can respectfully agree to disagree. Procuring money by lying or being untruthful to get people to watch your videos or to contribute to a project that was never meant to be finished and /or finished properly/ or meant to be used for purposes different than promised, etc. is somewhat similar to a person who lies and pretends to have cancer/ misleads others into believing they have cancer while soliciting or taking contributions and donations from people. Both are intentionally misleading people and viewers to benefit themselves financially. It is a scam.

Agree. It’s called Fraud. It’s Deceptive and illegal. Fanny is lying and misleading patrons about the reasons for procuring funds. The Patrons are consenting at present, because they naively believe her obvious lies and omissions. Fanny is guilty of intentionally misleading the patrons as to what/where the funds are and for what purpose said funds are being used. Where is the usual and customary accounting reports of the monies they give you to renovate your chateau? What is the budget? Where are the Estimates? What exactly, in writing, with receipts, are the Patron funds paying for?

Regarding labor, salaries and materials, where is the legally permissible paperwork? When will work commence? Who and what professional qualifications do the persons have who will do the actual work, obtain the appropriate materials at reasonable, non inflated pricing? Who will manage the project, who will make timely payments and be held fiscally responsible and accountable?

What is the timeline? Where are the funds being held? What bank or institution is holding the funds, is an escrow account or more than one being utilized? Who can we call, what are the names of the individuals overseeing the funds, their phone numbers as well as emails that we can write/call to gather this information and have accountability. Are there safeguards in place so that no person can embezzle or misappropriate funds?

How many are needed to sign off on an amount that is excessive, who is responsible for writing the checks, is there a lawyer involved who will supervise, oversee and monitor all the funds being released? Who are they, their names, emails? What about taxes, insurance and workman’s comp, personal liabilities? Are these being accounted for in a timely and responsible manner? Where is all the paperwork???

What are you doing with all this money Fanny? She needs to answer to the benefactors. She is hiding behind this Patreon scheme.
If she can’t or won’t answer these and any other reasonable inquiries, than perhaps the jig is up and Fanny should be prosecuted for fraud.
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Lara Croft?
For the money that dress is ill fitting. Strangely people are commenting on it. ..
Would love to know what they are really thinking,
Everyone else in shorts or relaxed elegant clothing.
Fanny inappropriately dressed as usual!
That dress looks like it’s been made from the tatty, musty curtains that were hanging in the room of a dying resident at the old Retirement Home where Fanny was raised.
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Lara Croft?
For the money that dress is ill fitting. Strangely people are commenting on it. ..
Would love to know what they are really thinking,
Everyone else in shorts or relaxed elegant clothing.
Fanny inappropriately dressed as usual!
How embarrassing to have this promoting itself as representing Britain and France. I’ve seen better dressed rag and bone men. If Framlingham is missing it’s village idiot we know where she is, or was.😏
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VIP Member
Cd comment. Are viewers finally catching on to Frankenfraudie’s lies?

3 hours ago
I spotted the couch in the wood fire storage area (where the patrons were dining last year!😂) that was supposed to be covered with a tarp against peacocks and it’s still standing there uncovered?it was one of the topics of one the daily episodes,Wonder if the content is real with actual actions taken or just for the sake of filming!😂
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Well, all you Tattle trolls, hags, and witches…one more week until Halloween! I would like to propose reviving the custom of updating our Avatars with a picture our “favorite” chateauverse character for Halloween! Mine is Teabag! 😆
I have chosen Brenda. Because bless her heart, despite having an enlarged FUPA and being diagnoced with OBCD, she still said "sod it" to the world and started an OnlyFans account. What a woman - my absolute shero.
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VIP Member
Decorative Burden........... Mmmmmmm.
Fanny said that place had it - well, she would know ....... her farmhouse is full of bad decorative burden and when I looked at her outfit she has on that is "Decorative Burden" too.
All that chintz fabric swirling around on a small old woman who should get rid of the belt and use some makeup - at least some lipstick . Gosh she has aged here.
All I can say is - thank god for the neck straps as the boobs would be on show !!!

As for Oily ....... get rid of that hat! Like many of your jackets, its too small and makes you look stupid!
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Chatty Member
I really like Amanda and Lincoln, I wish Amanda was my friend in real life…
But my favorite characters in all chateauverse are the animals, love all the animals in Amanda and Lincoln home, specially the donkeys.
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VIP Member
You may have seen this but it was interesting .

Thanks for posting this! It was very interesting. I had to sit with my thoughts for a made me quite angry, but in terms of commerce, it seems the French have learned to adjust to this infusion of English people coming in and not adapting to French customs, learning the language, etc., and those that have (like the French building parts company, who said if he didn't learn English, he'd have no business) seem to have certainly reaped the benefit financially. I just can't believe the audacity of someone saying "I can't drive the way the French do, so I'm just going to drive the way I did in England", and meanwhile where he lives, an area with other like-minded transplants to the area, has the highest amount of traffic incidences in all of France! Wow...that's really something! And the other thing that got me....the guy who says he will have trouble learning French because he is dyslexic (a valid concern), who implied that the French are envious because the English are "able to afford" these properties, while the French aren't! - as if assimilation into daily life isn't the issue at all! He even said that he always felt that if you came to England, you should speak English, but now that he's in France, that just goes out the window and it should be different for him? The hypocrisy of that is just stunning!
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Again ''my precious'' ?

They are vibing weird. PhiPhi is constantly looking for confirmation, the had tilted back arrogance is gone. instead he seeks approval. this is the second time they went to emmaus with marie in what 2 weeks time? while SJ is at ''work'' paying bills and editing she claims.

something is up at the heap
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Well-known member
I honestly HOPE that Fanny will change this title slide -- "Marie feels sorry for herself and looks out a window." Absolutely disgusting considering that it was only some months ago that Marie was, in her own words, so low that she felt thoughts of self-harm and to heal and return home. She has suffered severe bouts of depression. One suffering from suicidal thoughts and depression doesn't feel sorry for themself; it's much more than that. We all get the blues and sometimes we feel sad but depression, especially long bouts where one feels hopeless is very different. Living in a remote rural area in a foreign country away from family, friends and support networks is already very challenging. Why Marie feels the need to live there is beyond me. She is perhaps not making the best choices. As usually, Fanny thinks she funny and loves to poke fun at others and have a lighthearted take on things...and perhaps Marie is playing along, but this doesn't make it right. It sends the wrong message to those suffering from depression. And, the fact that Fanny couldn't get out of bed for years due to depression following the death of her dad, she should know better.


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VIP Member
Exactly! Fake conversations with fake people and fake compliments. Anyway here's the quilt, it was for a guild challenge so I just had fun with it.
I come from a long line of women who quilt. Sadly, I do not do any quilting.
But I have to tell you this, I LOVE THIS! I love the way it's contemporary and it reminds me of a Spirograph (remember those from our childhoods?).
Also...I am not a NARC (at least I don't think I am!); you need to not sell yourself short. Your work is just beautiful!
Didn’t Stephanfraudie repeatedly say that work in the chapel was to begin in November?And now it is April 2024? What a pathological liar.
She sure did say November! And I think she said so in last week's Patreon video, if that was the one where she got that poor man's check and met him in her robe. I believe it was in that particular video, whether it's a patron video or not, I'm not 100% sure. I believe she said "November" to that man when he gave her the envelope and she so classlessly opened up the envelope in front of him and waved the money around like she wanted to make sure it was real - she said it came at the right time because she was just about to write a check for it.

And talk about classless.......I couldn't care less when she pays her bills or how much they are. Stop showing us you write proves NOTHING. And it's tacky.

My guess is that the work is NEVER EVER going to happen. April will become next Fall because you can't have work starting with B&B guests, can you? Even though it's in the chapel, can't have that area look bad for B&B guests. Then the cycle will start again.

She's a grifter. This is what they do. Maybe these people who support her will catch a clue this time around? It's the very best I can hope for at this point.
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