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Hedda Hopper

VIP Member
Off topic for CD, but on topic for love. As many of you know, my husband has dementia and I'm his sole caregiver. I reached out to the Veteran's Administration social worker for help because I was pretty stressed out and becoming depressed. She recommended an adult day care center not too far from where we live. It is an intergenerational center with half day care for infants and preschoolers and the half for seniors, most with dementia. The seniors and little ones get together twice a day for fun time and socializing. We tried it out this week and it was a great success for my husband! When we arrived they had bunnies and baby miniature goats! So effing adorable! He stayed three hours while I got a break. He had a lot of fun dancing and socializing. He was able to tell me pretty much everything he did and later asked when we were going back - yeah! I will have him go twice a week. I also found out he is eligible for transport to and from the center door-to-door for the price of a bus ticket, giving me even more time for myself. You just can't believe what a relief this is for both of us. I feel the anger, stress and resentment of having to care for him 24/7 just melt away. I hope more centers like this open up. It's good for the seniors and the little ones too. Something positive!
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Dear Tattle friends...

With friends in both Gaza and in Israel, I find myself very conflicted over the current situation. I deeply appreciate the horror and desperation on both sides and because of this I will no longer be commenting on the conflict here on Tattle, nor will I be acknowledging posts made by friends here. So, no ❤'s, no 😔's, no 👍's no 😡 from me from now on.

I've learnt just now that my archaeological friend Sara, currently in Egypt, and whose two little girls were in Gaza, has lost her youngest girl to the bombing. She was 3. Her oldest daughter, aged 5, has a broken arm and a concussion and is in the care of gentle strangers in a UN school. Their aunt, who was taking care of them is injured and in a hospital with virtually no supplies. Two cousins of a close friend in Israel have been badly burnt, with one also shot and are in hospital. Everyone has been in tears, including me.

It's not that I don't care to acknowledge the pain and worry some here are going through thanks to this conflict... it's that I care very much and as a result have decided to distance myself from the discussion. From now on I'm scrolling by comments on Gaza and will not engage. I'm sticking to the antics at the HMN and thank you beautiful caring people for your understanding.
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Apologies, but I just saw the security video of a kibbutz attack and the murder of every resident. I’m stunned and sitting here weeping. My next door neighbor is also here, shaking in the middle of a panic attack. She is Jewish, though not particularly orthodox. Her baby sister, brother-in-law and both nieces are now dead. She didn’t even realize they were there. Her nephew had stayed home as his wife is pregnant and near term. I’ve never heard a scream like that before. She was outside walking her dog when she got the call. Our nearest neighbors have come, helping her to grieve. I want to do something but I’m at a loss as to what. Because of my work I’ve been involved in planning and logistics for the relief efforts as well as activating our ready reserve assets but feel there must be something more I can do. How is it possible for a civilization to hate so much?
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Hedda Hopper

VIP Member
True confessions of a past Fanny fan. I started watching CD before COVID. I was completely in love with the idea of restoring the chateau. I loved the energy and fun that the people living and volunteering there were having. I really wanted to go and be a volunteer myself, but I was working and my finances weren't in the best shape at the time to do something like that. When Fanny announced she was going to hire a manager for the BnB I fantasized about doing that job. Of course, it was out of the question as I am married and live nowhere close to the chateau. I thought it would be a fun job working alongside Fanny and making sure the chateau was welcoming for the guests. I had visions of helping Fanny host the dinners, providing information for interesting outings and activities nearby and being a type of concierge. WTF was I thinking? Now, of course, the curtain has been drawn back and we see the real Fanny. It would be dreadful to work for her. I am a task oriented person and take pride in my work. I would have been so frustrated by the sloppiness and unprofessionalism that reigns there today. I'm still shocked that people pay big bucks to stay there. All I can say is their standards must be pretty low. Thankfully, I came to my senses before moving forward with any of my delusions.
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Patreon video.
Sorry for the delay, my laptop decided to be temperamentful today :rolleyes: Unfortunately the audio and video seem to be a little out of sync. Ah well.


Stephanie Jarvis is a con artist. The Chateau Diaries is a scam.
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I would be absolutely mortified to be seen in public with this revolting specimen. (Max Wall in drag.)
Screenshot 2023-10-15 at 18.50.00.png
Screenshot 2023-10-15 at 18.54.47.png
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I have been ill with covid and thank goodness I have 5 vacc's under my belt or I would have been hospitalized as I have heart and lung disease.
I can breath thankfully and I do have oxygen at home so that really helped me.

I cannot keep up with anything and I am still exhausted but thank goodness I have tested negative as my husband has to have a knee replacement (if the blood tests etc he does tomorrow are ok) at the end of this month. He has been waiting for years on the list.
Never rains but it pours ! :rolleyes:

Cannot smell or taste things ..... god I hope that comes back as I have a nice perfume collection!! Now I am sounding like Fanny :love:

I have watched the latest CD and the Patreon Vid ( thank you ) and I am wondering who was that old lady with bad facial hair , walking with Fanny in the highlands??? :unsure:
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Chatty Member
Aside from Fanny's uncle mentioning bed bugs, my favorite line from today was when Fanny mocked Amaury's dirty clothing and he replied this is what real work looks like ! Three cheers for him finally speaking up on camera, more please!
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A few comments from tonight’s cd:


3 hours ago
To The Humble Chateau Diaries Dish Washer 🎉🎉🎉🎉StellarVideo to You,Dish Washer you work hard to to protect and clean all the dishes to keep them clean and safe for years of wear..

2 hours ago
Humble??? His name is Dave. He works for a cleaning company.

6 hours ago
Are your aunt and uncle going to buy an apartment at la lande, now that they have sold their home in England?

5 hours ago
In one of the vlogs, they said they are looking for a separate property. So they want to be nearby but not living at Lalande.

5 hours ago
How many vacations can one person take? I haven’t had a bonafide vacation (or as I call them a trip) in 20 years.

2 minutes ago
Stephanie, please linger just a bit more when filming each of Phillip’s tabletops.🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

1 hour ago (edited)
This is a strange format. We came to see decorating, parties and thrift shopping. I feel as if I'm watching a manager do their morning run through the office. The last thing I want to watch is dish washing, toilet repairs and tree felling. The plot has been lost. That's too bad, I really enjoyed her long relaxing, creative vlogs.

4 hours ago
why can't philip wash his plates himself after the dinner?
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Lady Pinkadella

Well-known member
I have to admit, I generally find Amaury one of the more likable actors among all these wannabes. Above all the way he treats Molly makes him a likeable person in my opinion and fundamentally sets him apart from his cousin.

As far as he is concerned, I have a few thoughts: I think he came to Lalande with good intentions and very motivated. I also think that he is more of a sensitive type, if not that a mental problem in the past led him to choose Lalande. Everyone has to do what is best for their mental health and at the time that seemed to be the case for him and his parents.

I don't think the slow progress and sometimes stagnation of the various projects corresponds to his work ethic. Originally... but he has adapted to the usual sloppiness there. It's like when you start at a new company fully motivated and at some point you realize that the idiots who don't get anywhere all day and only take coffee breaks get paid the same. It's frustrating, demotivating. I suspect it was similar with Amaury. He can work himself to death or work unmotivated - the payment remains the same - so why do more than necessary, especially since he is a family and his job is secure for him.

Basically, I think he's someone who likes to start something and get it done quickly. But I think that his original work ethic clashes with several aspects here. Namely the fact that Steph is unable to think through and plan a project before it starts. Actually, all materials and preparations should be in place at the start of the project. But she is unable / unwilling to do that. Once projects have started, they come to a halt because of a lack of material and because of a lack of decisions. So Amaury gets in line and starts the next project and the next and the next. And in the end, no project is nearly finished. Everything takes forever because nothing is planned from A to Z in advance.

And then we have the self-proclaimed interior designer Squirrel. He is also unable to plan ahead. Every normal person who renovates a bathroom chooses the colors, wallpaper, curtains, lamps, etc. in advance, takes care of everything and then it's done quickly. But if I only choose the wallpaper after I've finished painting it and then have to wait until the wallpaper is delivered and then a few trips come in between such a mini-project takes longer than others need to build a whole house.

And what's obvious is that Steph has no desire to renovate. It's all just a burden to her. But pretending to renovate will give her the money she needs for her lifestyle. And I think that's exactly what Amaury has realized and so he and Natty have decided to live a relaxed life as long as they are on the payroll.

Hence the move out of Lalande and their own home in order to no longer be constantly available and to take more care of himself rather than let himself be destroyed by his cousin's greed for money. And that's why Amaury doesn't work with Dan, because he saw the exact same greed in his eyes.
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On Repeat

VIP Member
This morning I just had to get out of my chateau, so I copied my role model Stephie's day of "me". I even wore my gold coloured maxi dress just like Steph.

I needed to spend some money to make me happy, so I went to the tip shop and Vinnies. I nearly asked for a DISCOUNT at Vinnies but I then remembered I was spending my partner's money, so what the hell.

As Stephie would do, I called into McDonalds for a takeaway coffee, I felt soooo young and happy.

I picked up some DISCOUNTED bottles of wine and started drinking at lunchtime, I felt soooo sophisticated.

As I hadn't spent enough money, I went online to buy a CHEAP Frida Kahlo print. What a surprise, I found a DISCOUNTED one which was within my $50 BUDGET. My mother would have been sooo pleased with my FRUGALITY.

When I opened my mail and read the out of this world expensive water bill, I had another glass of DISCOUNTED wine and wondered how to open a "buy me a coffee" fundraiser. Instead, I just emailed it to my partner to pay. I was sooo happy not to have to think about it.

What a day! Geez Stephie lives the life, fancy having days like this every day. Days of fun, laughter and love.
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Marquis' wife here:

It's interesting how, when the war in Ukraine broke out, Stephanie, in her usual tone-deaf manner kept vlogging about her luxury trip to Venice while Ukrainians tried to flee for their lives. There was no sympathy extended to the Ukrainians until they learned that Pavlina's arrival would be delayed. Not sure if I just missed it or if she really had no sympathy or a mere mention of the crisis. She's doing it again now with Israel and Palestine. I guess she doesn't want to offend her generous friend, the Sultana. Apologies if I sound like I'm projecting, it's probably because what's happening in the Middle East is too close to home for me.

That brings me to a quick update, Tattlers. My husband and his cousin/best friend (and best man at our wedding) have gone to volunteer in Israel. Their family said they want to do anything they can to help in the war effort, particularly, extending humanitarian aid to civilian Israelis and Palestinians. Thoughts and prayers are appreciated.
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3 hours ago
I’m truly bewildered by this. What would we gain from having a fake relationship for three years? I can’t fathom it. We’re definitely together

Stephanfraudie is rushing to do damage control surrounding her fake “ pay to play” transactional arrangement with the now 27 year old porcelain fondler. Interesting that she immediately outs herself by automatically going to “ what do we gain from having a fake relationship for three years?” Fanny always tells on herself. Tattlers have addressed this very topic in many of the threads in this forum.

IMHO, off the top of my head, here are a few ways the 50% discount Shittelaine and Little Lord Fondletoy Snorts benefit from this fake romance:

1. She has a self generated “ storyline” that a twentysomething ex volunteer would fall madly in love with the middle aged Shittelaine old enough to be his mother. She gets to pretend that she is incredibly desirable, attractive, and youthful which feeds her narcissism. She loves it when the faux “ darlings” start to emerge in every video. She controls the tax free money, trips, purchases, and alcohol.

2. Fanny opened her mouth early in the infancy of the cd channel, prior to the appearance of the porcelain fondler, when she admitted she thought of the Dump crew as actors or cast members in a soap opera like reality vlog. Clara had told us that Fanny’s favorite movie was Dangerous Liasons. Fanny is a champion gaslighter, shit stirrer, busybody, gossip, and rejoices in the setbacks and misfortunes that befall others around her, perpetually turning the misfortunes of others into a spotlight for herself. Michael P. was probably offered the Khillip role but he wisely escaped.

3. Fanny then had to find someone else to fill the role. Sir ChamberPottie was working and traveling and was eager to appear and perform on video, but was only sporadically available to do so. Bag head refused to speak on camera and stupidly donned a bag, tote, or anything else to shield his face. He also has that pesky problem of having a wife and a job, limiting her connection with him to multiple, daily phone calls, vacations, and promises of them spending their retirement years together.

4. What could she do! Enter Sir Snorts a Lot, a 24 year old, grandparent obsessed, alleged sex pest, failed boy bander with a penchant for wearing his mother’s trousers, clutching a jar of mushy peas while sporting broaches and high heels, with the palate of a 2 year old toddler, who was on extended leave from higher education and was already actively involved in finding stage work in his home country and needed any type of media exposure, acting experience, and an opportunity to polish his “ posh to him” English accent .

5. Snorts had been in extensive contact with the little orphan princess prior to appearing as a “ volunteer” at the Dump. Fanny didn’t want a female like Marie to play the Michael P./ Snorts’ role because she wanted a male to escort her around, faux fawn over her, make her look desirable, carry her luggage, etc. Marie is them jettisoned from the Dump and Snorts is made a main player in the Dump crew. She just didn’t count on Phi phi and the Chateau DIY crew to out their “ relationship” and force her to say he was her boyfriend so she wouldn’t offend the cd viewers. She then spun the storyline and milked it mercilessly for the past 3 years for content, smoke and mirrors schemes, etc.

6. What benefit was the faux relationship to Stephanmememe? For the past 3 years, she has had an ex actor employee on the payroll ( paid by YouTube views or tax free Patreon funds) who serves as her personal servant/ concubine/handmaiden, as well as travel companion, liar in waiting, constant content for videos, a chauffeur, an accomplice and enabler for her shopping addiction, and a constant source of ridicule, etc. She was and is in total control of Khillip and their “ relationship.”

7. Fanny could not find an attractive older man to fill the role because such a person would likely have a career, outside interests, and would not be willing to throw away 3 years of their lives to pander to a greedy, vapid, superficial, tone deaf, middle aged, little narc orphan princess and be paid in trips, porcelain, broaches, etc.

8. She has a built in excuse for her ongoing extravagant spending, luxury vacations, auctions, 5 star dinners, and the mysterious deluge of expensive “ presents” allegedly paid for by Khillip, who spends all his allowance money on porcelain. Less than a month ago, Snorts was barely able to scrape up enough change from the floorboards of Marie’s old Ford Fiesta to buy his “ darling” a fish sandwich from McDonalds. Fanny “ celebrates their birthdays, valentines day, holidays, anniversaries, etc, with luxury vacations and shopping binges. She can frequently disappear, claiming that they are going to visit Khillip’s parents., etc.

9. With a fake “ boyfriend” on the payroll acting as a “ beard” , Fanny has been free to sleep with married volunteers, men in relationships with other women, Pottie, or any other man she desired without being discovered, because publicly she “ was in a relationship” with Phi Phi.

What was glaringly absent from Stephanie’s response? No declarations that they were in love, she and Phi Phi are romantic partners, etc. We have all seen Philip tell Stephanie that he loves her, and Stephanie failed to respond. We have seen their agonizingly pained attempts at hugging and kissing each other. Phi phi wants to get married and Fanny gets upset when asked about a more permanent relationship,

Did you notice F4.5Flues grifted a tattle nickname referencing the perpetual bickering amongst the gruesome twosome in yesterday’s cd video?

What other benefits do you believe the gruesome twosome get from their ongoing fake romance?
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Cleo's Asp

VIP Member
We've all used dozens of negative adjectives to describe Stephanie Jarvis and they are all relevant and accurate. I think one of the best is vulgar. Her need to display herself in every new, expensive outfit demonstrates extreme vulgarity. She may think that, because they were extremely expensive and from a famous brand, that they show taste. They do not. People with real taste would not dream of displaying their purchases like that. She actually vulgarises the brands, just as the footballers' WAGs did when they started wearing Burberry and carrying LV bags. They displayed themselves but could not carry it off. Fanny thinks she is better than they are but she has no more style or grace. She is vulgar; most of her "friends" are vulgar; her "boyfriend" is vulgar, and she has made her home vulgar. No matter how much of other people's money she spends on herself or PJ, they will never be anything other than vulgar. They are trying to look like something they are not and never could be!
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Fanny new flues thinks people who are single are sad. Celebrating Christmas, Valentine's day, Easter etc as a single person is sad. Dining out alone is sad. She needs a boyfriend for the occasions where she thinks it's sad to be alone.
I have been single 30 years by choice, I love it, do what you want when you want. I have plenty of friends to dine with, vacation with and have day trip adventures. I sleep when I want, eat what and when I want and do all my own renovations, yard work etc. There can be great joy in being single. I know many people in relationships miserable....... Fanny is just afraid to be alone, so Snorts fits the bill for now..... Getting old is not fun, but I would rather grow old alone than be with someone that makes me miserable.... For those is great relationships I admire you.
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Toys in the attic

Chatty Member
4 hours ago
Watched you from the very beginning and loved every stage of life at the chateau. We really enjoy you both as separate and fascinating individuals. But we simply do not believe that your relationship is real. In fact the pretence that you are in a relationship detracts from all the great stuff going on. And no, it has nothing to do with ageism. My grandmother was 22 years older than Grandad. And they were blissfully happy for decades before her passing. Who put you both up to this. It's very peculiar. Please stop pretending! Are you being paid for it?
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The Chateau Diaries

3 replies
3 hours ago
what an odd comment!!

3 hours ago
I’m truly bewildered by this. What would we gain from having a fake relationship for three years? I can’t fathom it. We’re definitely together ❤

Well, Stephanie, people remember you telling everyone that Killip was your 'cameraman' and deliberately showing two bedrooms when you and he went to stay at other chateaux and hotels until Channel 4 outed him as your 'boyfriend' after about a year of this, so don't be surprised that people have trouble believing you afterwards.

As for that Vivienne doing an ad at Lalande to flog her jewellery, ugh! I suppose we shouldn't be surprised, as the Chateau Diaries has become a shopping channel in all but name.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
Take a close look at the eye area and brows of F4:5_Flues in the 2 photos above. Compare her eyes and brows to Isabelle in the first photo when she is standing next to Isabelle, They have similar brows, eye lids, etc, Doesn’t it show the before and after results an upper and lower blepharoplasty and forehead life? Her brow is higher and pulled higher at the outer corners. That is why she looks like her eyebrows are in the middle of her forehead.

Compare to some of these photos from a plastic surgeon

Combining blepharoplasty and brow lift.

Brow lift before and after photos

The cost of the three procedures performed at the same time can run around an average of €15,000, There would be a 14 day recovery time after the procedures, easily covered up by the time traveling Shittelaine on a 2 week trip to London during her self imposed 180 day year exile from France to maintain her U.K citizenship, She now has a high hooked arch ar the end of her eyebrows.

What do you think?

What other work has she had done on her face? Do you think she brought the plastic surgeon a photo of Gerry and told him,
“This is my end goal.”

She has loads of fillers in her lips, cheeks, loads of Botox.
I think she looks over filled and I think the eyebrows are caused by too much and a poorly inserted botox as is the pulsating vein in her forehead. She really is looking bad, not younger at all she just no longer looks like herself.
How disrespectful to speak to any guest dressed like that. He was donating over a thousand by auctioning one of his late wife's paintings. She must have known he was coming.
Fanny again showed her lack of breeding by counting it, taking it out of the envelope and then belittling the generous donation saying SHE (THE ROYAL SHE -WHAT SHE MEANS IS MY PATREONS) is spending 200,000 initially. I would think she would be better to spend 200k on getting the house sorted before blowing a wad on an insignificant chapel no one uses. Imagine the good 200k could do for charity- it is immoral. Talking of charity is that shitty gift grab still going? Did she make any donations yet?
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On Repeat

VIP Member
Marie Wiik, shut the fuck up. When you have some proper life experience, when you donate some time to others, when you get off your arse and work, then you can write your silly ditties.
I respect that you have some problems, but hell, you are not in a position to preach.
Work on yourself and get real Marie. I don't take any comfort in bawling you out, but you need to wake up and stop being so fucking tone deaf.
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Cleo's Asp

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I think when Dan and Annelise followed their dreams and moved to France, they were quite courageous. They wanted to own their own home and there was no way they could manage that in the UK. They had probably both worked quite hard in their jobs in England; they had been together since school and had hoped for a better life. I think they both had limited education and certainly Dan had zero common sense. They took on an enormous project buying the dilapidated house, but Dan tried to learn a bit about construction and was prepared to work hard. However, his lack of common sense and sufficient relevant education, meant that he took many dangerous short cuts. I doubt if they planned to start a family till much later, and they lived in pretty awful conditions with two babies. He found a part-time job in a place with an employer whose "influence" has an extremely negative effect on weak and easily influenced people. He observed that a pea-brained person could easily trick people into giving her thousands just by making a few videos. He learnt how to make videos, which he did successfully, and then the rot set in. He became arrogant with the success and the relatively easy acquisition of money went to his head. The loose morals in the dump also provided the opportunity to stray from his long-term partner and he and Annelise split. It's very sad after a promising start. The guilt lies with Dan himself thinking he can do anything without knowing and understanding how to do it properly and by becoming arrogant and thoughtless in his craving for financial gain. He has become so similar to Fanny who, in her own way, does exactly the same and in doing it, she causes harm to everyone under her spell. In Dan's case, he will harm himself, and his sons and ex-partner. It is both stupid and extremely sad.
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