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Hello Tattlers, I've been lurking for a while but thought I'd come out f the shadows and say hi. You all make me laugh so much.
I watched Chateau DIY and found CD through that show. I liked SJ then. At the time I was living in Framlingham and felt a connection with a local girl. To my shame I even became a patreon. Until things didn't add up and I realised she had numerous properties and significantly more money than me! The final straw for me was seeing the nursing home they used to run. If they could afford property like that they could afford to do up their own bloody chateau.
Support squirrel winds me up more than all of them. Why does he think we need to hear from him all the time??!! Shut the F up.
I will finish by talking about the one thing we brits love talking about the most, the weather. It's freezing in the UK. Is everywhere else having a rubbish start to the summer or is it just here?
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caroline gooder

1 day ago (edited)
They left England with no sleep. Then Philip didn't sleep while Stephanie went to sleep for 4 hours at Lalande. Philip and Amaury emptied the van. Philip then got the van back to the rental shop. Then washing the car. Stephanie got her parents. He also helped with the cleaning, a quick hello to the parents and set the table. He then napped, showered, and changed to eat with the guests. Obviously, you have never been around men in the Southern US during the summer. You wash a shirt out after two days and dry it on the hood of the car if necessary. The tunnel train has bathrooms for sinkbaths if needed. Men smell like men, and we love it.
James Carrington

1 day ago
@caroline gooder I was wondering when the Lalande team would make a reply. Regardless of how many days Philip "worked" for (your telling me that the person that does as little as possible 99% of the time) couldn't slip in a little shower/change of clothes in 3 days.. LOL... Still no excuse for good hygiene is it! Especially in warmer weather... As for Philip having NO SLEEP after a full day walking the streets of London/CFS, up all night at social events, then getting behind the wheel of a van and driving for a full day and well into the following morning. I'm sorry to say that your explanation is not promoting safe driving practices and highlights that Philip put 1000's of peoples lives at risk by driving tired - that's not responsible vlogging now is it! I'm sure the authorities wouldn't favour this kind of reckless behaviour. Now for a little education - the tunnel train (really... like how old are you).. It's called Le Shuttle. Oh and if you love the smell of real men, then LaLande is def the place for you. With no hot water and half the bathrooms not having running water then you've created the perfect home... La Belle Epogue indeed. Love ya
caroline gooder
1 day ago
@James Carrington They fixed the hot water issues a while ago, so I know you aren't listening to the vlogs. They switched off drivers, so don't get all upset
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caroline gooder
1 day ago (edited)
They left England with no sleep. Then Philip didn't sleep while Stephanie went to sleep for 4 hours at Lalande. Philip and Amaury emptied the van. Philip then got the van back to the rental shop. Then washing the car. Stephanie got her parents. He also helped with the cleaning, a quick hello to the parents and set the table. He then napped, showered, and changed to eat with the guests. Obviously, you have never been around men in the Southern US during the summer. You wash a shirt out after two days and dry it on the hood of the car if necessary. The tunnel train has bathrooms for sinkbaths if needed. Men smell like men, and we love it.
James Carrington
1 day ago
@caroline gooder I was wondering when the Lalande team would make a reply. Regardless of how many days Philip "worked" for (your telling me that the person that does as little as possible 99% of the time) couldn't slip in a little shower/change of clothes in 3 days.. LOL... Still no excuse for good hygiene is it! Especially in warmer weather... As for Philip having NO SLEEP after a full day walking the streets of London/CFS, up all night at social events, then getting behind the wheel of a van and driving for a full day and well into the following morning. I'm sorry to say that your explanation is not promoting safe driving practices and highlights that Philip put 1000's of peoples lives at risk by driving tired - that's not responsible vlogging now is it! I'm sure the authorities wouldn't favour this kind of reckless behaviour. Now for a little education - the tunnel train (really... like how old are you).. It's called Le Shuttle. Oh and if you love the smell of real men, then LaLande is def the place for you. With no hot water and half the bathrooms not having running water then you've created the perfect home... La Belle Epogue indeed. Love ya
caroline gooder
1 day ago
@James Carrington They fixed the hot water issues a while ago, so I know you aren't listening to the vlogs. They switched off drivers, so don't get all upset
Caroline Gooder (AKA FANNY FAKE ASS) You are clearly not southern, do not know anyone southern, and have never BEEN TO THE SOUTH. Let me just give you a little education because I AM. For 7 generations now. Southern men would NEVER wear a shirt for two days straight. Like never. IN FACT they've been known to shower and change multiple times a day because we do not do odors or bad grooming. Just.....lulz.This clown and her stupid comment persona's. Also cute that a rando "fan" would know such intimate details about Phillip's day and the movements and exact timing of all that happened. Stephanie you are a peasant and imo a con artist. Enjoy your circus while it's in town, clown.
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James Carrington
2 hours ago
So Philip wears the same shirt to Chelsea Flower Show all day in the sunshine (to the point of getting sunburnt), wears it out all evening to the Yves Delorme shop and to Mavros, then he wears it the entire following day to drive back to La Lande in and then wears it for a third full "consecutive" day (if we believe the timelines) to return the van and prepare for all the guests...? One can only assume he also didn't shower in those 3 days as you certainly wouldn't go to the effort of showering and put on 2 day old sweaty clothes... One can only assume there is still no hot water at the Chateau then..? Any updates on the heating...
Rosie Hugh
1 hour ago
The problem with you is that you assume far too much and have far too little sense.
James Carrington
1 hour ago
And you are?

... and the rental van...

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Happy Pride!
Off topic: First day of Pride Month, and it takes on a new meaning for me this year. In the US, after Marriage Equality was settled by the Supreme Court, I think a lot (not all) of the LGBTQ+ community became somewhat complacent. But recently, hate and discrimination has become more prevalent here. Even Target retail stores in some southern states had to pull Pride merchandise from shelves due to death threats and hateful comments geared toward employees. Politicians have fueled a lot of the hateful, divisive rhetoric and made people think it’s ok to do that…it’s not. So, this month, just a reminder that there are all kinds of people who make up the world. ❤

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Oh and if you love the smell of real men, then LaLande is def the place for you. With no hot water and half the bathrooms not having running water then you've created the perfect home... La Belle Epogue indeed. Love ya
James ...... I am still looking but I have yet to see a "Real Man" at LaLaLande!! :ROFLMAO:

But James..... keep giving old Gooder a hard time !!!

Love Ya James :love:💋
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Lady Avonlea

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Patreon Vlog
Best thing about the vlog is there was no Snorty. It's an illuminating Mummy & Daughter Hour.

Overall, Mummy says she's happy with the garden, but it's sure hard to tell. Mummy is very concerned that:
  • Fanny has planted too much & taken on too much. It all takes management & work, but Mummy knows Fanny won't do it herself and really isn't interested in the gardens
  • The plants need water and with water restrictions/drought conditions much of what's been planted won't survive
  • Even with 3 gardeners (none who work on the weekend's we are told) there is much work and maintenance which isn't being done.
Mummy seemed anxious during the tour and clearly has different opinions to Fanny. I wonder if Fanny thought that planting lots of things in the garden would please Mummy, but not sure it has. Mummy loves gardening, and she's been told her role during this stay is to manage the gardeners, but Isabelle wants to get out in her garden and do it herself.

Mummy did the whole tour without sun glasses, but early on was rubbing her left eye a lot. Mummy admits she can't see very well. I fear for Mummy & Percy on the spiral staircases. Don't let Snorty walk behind you!
Gnome's know more about gardens than Fanny

In the garden, the chicken coop, the greenhouse, the Jardain Anglaise the dialogue went something like this:
F - I don’t know what that is
M - It’s lupins
F - That’s peas
M - It’s broad beans
F - I don’t know if it’s a pumpkin patch or courgette patch
M - It’s aubergine or perhaps melons
F - I don't know what it is – will have to ask them
F - I don’t know what that is – will have to ask them
F - I don’t know what that is - oh, field mushrooms (after reading the sign)
F - It’s delightful, it’s so pretty
M - One needs to check for little black mites
F - Strawberries
M - The birds will eat them
F - Asparagus
M - Needs lots of water, aren’t going to survive
F - Think it’s Rhubarb, unless it got moved
M - Needs lots of water and shouldn’t be forced
F - It’s artichoke
M - No it's cardoon and you eat the stalks not the flower head
M - That’s not how you store tools
F - Here's where the gazebo and new flower bed will be
M - The only problem is you are creating more and more work
F - Davy is pretty go at considering maintenance
M - I’m not sure
M - Where's the Lily of the Valley I planted
F - I think it got trampled

Fanny claims everything Davy has planted in the Jardin Anglaise needs no water after 3 years???? :rolleyes:

Fanny thinks she should come to the woods everyday. Fanny, you can’t do that unless you actually stay home at the shitoo everyday.

Scrap Yard for Broken Down Vehicles 🚗
Fanny says it's all Dan's old cars, but think we've found the red van and the car Baghead purchased for Fanny

Those damn posts in the courtyard won’t be removed for 8-10 years. Fanny tells Mummy she needs some vision. (Fanny, your Mummy is blind) Mummy will likely be dead before the posts are removed

New bench from auction house in Sussex – Fanny thinks it was only £50 but can’t remember!?!?! (Fanny you left off a zero - it was probably £500)

War on Weeds
Big argument over the heuchera plants in the Jardain Anglaise

M - That should not be there
F – But look at the nice red flowers Mummy
M - The weeds will take whatever water there is, so you need to do the weeding
F - No, No, No Mummy - don't pull that
M - What’s good about this? (after pulling out the weed)
F - Nothing
F - Maybe Mummy knows what she’s doing after all
M - She does (Mummy keeps pulling at the weeds)
F - Oh you’re getting there
M - I was always there
M - Apologize
F - I bow to your superior wisdom
M - I’m going to spend time here – everything has to go :ROFLMAO:

Mummy, can you please include Snorty in your “War on the Weeds” which are invading the shitoo! We'd all like to see Snorty pulled out by the roots and chucked in the garbage, never to be seen again.


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Amicably Ky.
As soon as she said Stephanie was really upset about the 'African girl' . . . I thought . . . you're a lost cause.
They actually tentatively sounded us out to continuing on for coffee.

Off topic but sort of not . . . I read this morning in the Daily Mail that areas of Africa have the highest rates of suicide in the world.
One area in Africa , which I can't remember, has the highest rate of suicide in the world.
Stephanie moved on so quickly after Mmakhotso’s death. Now she’s releasing the travel vlogs that were filmed several years ago…at the same time Mmakhotso was struggling. As Fanny was going on her little trips with a married man, squealing vapidly about “bubbles,” Mmakhotso was trying to figure out how to make ends meet while going to school. It disgusts me to think about it. ☹😡
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T Rex

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Hello my lovely Tartlets, Tartgents, hags and flying monkeys. I have yet to catch up on any of the vlogs for the past few days due to being busy- boating, beaches, house work, social events with friends, volunteer work, and the yard. I even missed the Fleuries' Sunday vlog! (I also got a really good deal on 8X BBW 3-wick candles for $80 with free-shipping on this weekend, so I will not be purchasing and reviewing any Fleurie candles any time soon!)

Since we have a LOT of landscaping and a lush green lawn, we have to mow every three days, and are constantly pulling weeds, trimming trees and hedges, etc. We have learned that is is easier to maintain when you are always on top of it. Give me the team of 3 gardeners at LaLande, and that place would be sorted in 2 days. Since we have a front in the gulf right now that is supposed to bring torrential rain this week, I ended helping helping my neighbour as well by edging along her sidewalk (and the neighbour next to her, as his lawn service does a terrible job), trimmed the landscaping and mowed. My mower (which Mr. T Rex has recently tuned up and put a new blade on) randomly "blew up" (an explosion of oil everywhere- luckily, it was far enough from the house that my shirt was the only casualty.) Since the radar showed my time was limited, once it cooled down, I took everything apart, cleaned it, and discovered one of the bolts that connected the upper and lower engine housing units was missing. I dug through my workshop and found a suitable sub of the same thread pattern and length. (It's a different metal, though, so this is a temporary repair- galvanic corrosion from dissimilar metals is real.) Reassembled, checked the oil, and finished mowing in time. I was just happy that A) it wasn't a seal, B) I regularly service my equipment myself, so troubleshooting was pretty simple, C) I was able to find a bolt in my stockpile that fit, and D) get the lawn sorted before all of the rain (St. Augustine is a beast to cut if you let it go for a week.)

Mr. T Rex, while the obvious suspect, denies any charges. Since he brought me an offering of Miller Lite, and worked really hard on other home projects today, I let it go. Plus, it did cement my "cool girl" status amongst the neighbours that were outside when it occurred. "WOW! T Rex! That mower is toast! Can Mr. T Rex fix it?" "That's cute- I can have this thing torn down and stripped with my OWN hands faster than you can get a pedicure. Bless your hearts!" Flashed them the "deuces" sign when I had it up and running again.

Since the remainder of the week is supposed to be rainy and shite, I will do my due diligence to return to read the remaining 59% of Ruthy's "Villa" for you filthy lot, and give you the cliff notes version.

Fanny, if you are reading this- do yourself a favour- cease from purchasing ANY additional plants until you get a proper watering system, an actual Master Gardener (not Davy, who is your "Plant Dealer" pal) who devises a comprehensive task list for the other gardeners to deal with your current "Fanny's Folly of Foliage" (who are right now just winging it), and get those weeds under control.
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I found it interesting that Stephanie said to Mummy, something like, “See, there are fun things for you here at Lalande”, whilst holding the baby chicks. “See, I told you it would be nice to be back”, whilst showing what Philip did to Mummy’s room. This makes me think there was a previous conversation or five where Mummy told Stephanie why she didn’t want to go back to the chateau.🤔
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Things to say when we're all together and sharing the Friday guest dinner at Fanny’s farmhouse...

• Why do you use hurricane lamps as table decor?
• Kindly move the hurricane lamps off the table. We like to talk to our friends during dinner and these lamps block them.
• Remove the flowers please. I have hay-fever and they also block the view of my friends.
• Your serving wine from ships decanters? How bizarre! I've never seen that except on board ships.
• This is boxed wine isn't it? One can always tell.
• Who would choose this table wear? It's very mismatched isn't it?
• Oh, we didn't realise we'd be eating with the help (when Phillip sits down).
• Please swap seats with me!
• And you are? (When Fanny joins the group at table).
• Please swap seats with me.
• The chateau we stayed at last night ironed their table cloths.
• Yes, they had lovely crisp white table linens. Not like this floral stuff at all.
• The view from this room would be lovely if there was something of interest to look at. Have you considered adding a lake?
• I'm sorry, I can't eat this. Didn't you get our email regarding our allergies and food preferences?
• Well, how strange! The chateau we stayed in last night just had a menu on the table. The cook didn't come in to announce each course.
• Sorry, are we supposed to applaud?
• Thank you, Mariah was it? You may go.
• The meal at the chateau we stayed in last night was excellent! Six divine courses for only €35!
• YouTube? Oh we never watch that rubbish.
• €20 to anyone willing to swap seats with me!
• Isn't there a Tattle section on French chateaus?
• I've never seen Tattle but I've heard it's hysterical!
• A concert after dinner? Thank you but no. We'd rather just talk amongst ourselves. Maybe investigate this Tattle site.
• Does anyone have any Imodium please?
• Where's the nearest McDonalds?
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Gertrude Maud

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Exactly Rexy !!
They want the :sick: LaLaLande Dining Experience !!
Perhaps Rexy - Ms Nuti and Dana want to be ...... wait for it ...... Paid !!!! $$$$$
And..... why not !!!
We know Fanny does not like to open her purse as moths fly out as well as cheapo Mummy 🦇🦇🦇 :ROFLMAO:

Oh..... Bravo there !! ;)

How old is Barry?
Is he around Squirrel Boyfriends age ?? :unsure:
No, Barry Bad Boy is probably in his early 80s.

We have friends who met when he was in his early 20s and she was in her early fifties.
Thirty years on they're still together.
This afternoon while out for a walk to look at our new railway station, we struck up a conversation with another couple doing the same thing.
Amongst other things they talked about their plans to go to France and she coyly said they watch a lot of French chateaus on You tube.
Oh yes . . . I said . . . which ones . . . and of course she said Chateau Diaries. :LOL: :LOL:
She said . . . I love Stephanie. I said . . . I can't stand Stephanie . . . and they were shocked.
She said . . . Stephanie is doing so much to fix the chapel, the chateau and the grand salon.
I said . . . she is not . . . she uses Patreon to fund her lifestyle, promising renovations and not following through . . . for years.
Oh . . . but Stephanie contributes so much to charity . . . just look at all of the charities she gives to at the bottom of the screen.
I said . . . look a bit more closely and you will see gaps.
Oh what about the poor African girl . . . she said . . . Stephanie was sooo upset when she died.
At this point I thought . . . Jeeesus . . . she's a hardcore super fan.
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Agree that her guest dinners do not need to be that elaborate. Fanny is so far up the 1980's ass it's bizarre. A simple meal, sourced from local farms and dairies would be on par with Alice Waters' Chez Panisse or any 4 star restaurant. People want to taste local and fresh and French. They are, after all, in FRANCE. Give them a set meal. A taste of the French countryside and region that she lives in. Nothing more. Have about five or 7 of those type of menus and rotate them. Locally sourced, extra points if it's from the walled garden. It's not rocket science. People aren't traveling to France for Texas bbq, or some recipe from Cypress. She really is the most shit inn keeper.
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Just Grift Wood

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Well tartlets. Thanks for the new thread @ComtesseRose and @Tea with lemon for VIP status-I will be buying you Long Island Ice Teas in the lounge.

Anyway literally couldn't watch the ridiculous Stephanie in that travel vlog. Vapid comments, tottering around in those pathetic heals and wearing the most inappropriate dress. The wistful gazes, the eulogising the constant me me me and La Lande she is so fucking annoying it is almost unreal. She has no control over how stupid she is with her trite comments. What was that hat-she always looks like she is going to a fancy dress or wore something for a bet. Meanwhile in the same flog Camilla, looks effortlessly chic, serene and calm she is everything Fanny wished she could be-but Camilla is a thoroughbred and Fanny is a Pit Pony decked out for a parade.
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As it is now June 1st in my little corner of the planet, Happy Pride to all our LGBTQPA brethren and sisthern on tattle as well as the allied community!🌈🎉✊🏻
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I really felt for Alberta. She seemed absolutely charming and her love of Isola del Garda was apparent - unassuming, unpretentious, unforced, natural. As you say, “understated elegance”, too. I suppose it’s not the first time she’s suffered the chirruping of inanities from visitors, I suppose it’s the price you pay for opening your home and its surroundings. SJ, on the other hand, was at her most vacuous, vapid, forced and unnatural.

Alberta’s English is nigh-on perfect. Given her English mother, that’s hardly surprising. The addition of editor’s captions was unnecessary, particularly when they’re spectacularly wrong. “A pair of samovars” (phaps not verbatim but Alberta quite clearly said samovars) helpfully captioned as “a summer vase” was as hilarious as it was startlingly dim-witted.

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Stephanie was at her worst. She seems totally unnerved by people out of her comfort zone of mediocrity. She’s led to believe she’s something special but, when faced with the real thing, she flounders. The more unnerved she becomes, the more banal her remarks become. She drops in inappropriate references to her unimportant “chateau” as if it validates her and somehow makes her on a level-pegging. She’s not so much socially inept as socially illiterate.
The “I have a chateau in France shit only plays in bars or at parties where no one knows you.” It’s great for luring men, because they will assume that the girlie with the chateau is financially well off and not a gold digger (little do they know). It’s literally the only thing that defines her, and she didn’t really accomplish it. Her parents did.

The truth would be I’m 50 and I still live at home with an allowance from my parents - in my parents house (her mother and father bought in - all their shit is there) and my allowance is so thin, I’m nearly starving, I have no heat, and I can’t buy a car.
I swear Mummy sounded just like a Tattler when criticizing Fanny for creating so much work, wondering why the weeds were so bad, saying that things will die because they weren’t the right choice. I have to give her 5 stars for her critique.
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View attachment 2207845

2 days ago
For a last minute cancellation, our lovely Chambre de Roger is available from Thursday 1st of June up to four nights.
Please contact to [email protected] or by WhatsApp on +33659202448

Is it only suitable for one person?

@christinegrover179 it is. We have availability for two people in the apartment Tack Room, for the 3rd and 4th of June too! :)
I'm taking great pleasure in hearing that someone must have cancelled.
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I watched the Lake Garda vlog. OMG, how awful can she get? She looked and acted like a clown. She is in completely the wrong role in a travel vlog with that over-excited voice and ridiculous giggling. There is also a very strange mix of different styles of background music and Mozart's clarinet adagio was sullied by having Fanny prancing about in her awful mini dress! The Italian woman was clearly a completely different class from Fanny, with an under-stated elegance and natural manner. She spoke English well and clearly, so goodness knows why they had to put in a sub-text just when she was speaking; it's really needed more when Fanny is gabbling away! I think Camilla has definitely had work done on her face since that was filmed; it looks completely different now. Fanny always sticks out like a sore thumb when other women are around. Of course, that's what she wants: to be noticed, but she's noticeable for all the wrong reasons! It's a shame she has so little self-awareness.
I really felt for Alberta. She seemed absolutely charming and her love of Isola del Garda was apparent - unassuming, unpretentious, unforced, natural. As you say, “understated elegance”, too. I suppose it’s not the first time she’s suffered the chirruping of inanities from visitors, I suppose it’s the price you pay for opening your home and its surroundings. SJ, on the other hand, was at her most vacuous, vapid, forced and unnatural.

Alberta’s English is nigh-on perfect. Given her English mother, that’s hardly surprising. The addition of editor’s captions was unnecessary, particularly when they’re spectacularly wrong. “A pair of samovars” (phaps not verbatim but Alberta quite clearly said samovars) helpfully captioned as “a summer vase” was as hilarious as it was startlingly dim-witted.


Stephanie was at her worst. She seems totally unnerved by people out of her comfort zone of mediocrity. She’s led to believe she’s something special but, when faced with the real thing, she flounders. The more unnerved she becomes, the more banal her remarks become. She drops in inappropriate references to her unimportant “chateau” as if it validates her and somehow makes her on a level-pegging. She’s not so much socially inept as socially illiterate.
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