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Definitely Maybe

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Just caught up ! Can't wait to see what the dynamics will be at the Shittoo now Amaury and Nutti have moved out . Hope that it causes friction between Fanny & Snorts and he gets the heave ho ! *rubs hands in anticipation* :sneaky:
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Have you noticed that manipulative Stephanie usually gives men gushing, over the top compliments on the most basic, simple, banal tasks that they perform, observations they have made, what they wear, or anything they do?

I am joking somewhat, but she will say things along the lines of:

you cut that bread most beautifully
you know just how to carry wood into the house
what a fabulous muffin you have selected
that table cloth is centered so well
you are a magician with the fairy lights
you are such a warrior cleaning up the peacock shit
my twinset and booties look wonderful on you Phillip
you are so smart to wear a coat
you are a master at washing wine glasses
you toast bread like a professional chef
you are an amazing historian on the history of pink toile
you are making bread on the dirty kitchen table? How marvelous!
wearing boots instead of slippers outdoors in the mud is a genius move
former boybanders are the best at determining suitable architectural renovations for a crumbling farmhouse
In my humble opinion, she is on the Histrionic Personality Disorder spectrum. She literally exhibits every characteristic. She not a narcissist as Narcs, for example, do NOT have several longstanding, faithful, very old male friends from their University days in a joint home ownership and are far more selective and targeted with compliments. I have a friend with HPD and she always makes everyone feel special and men especially.
“Oh my goodness, how is it you can do that? You’re so strong and masterful…thank you you’ve changed my life with your specialness”.
Reeled in, hook, line and sinker suckers!
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I think there would be a clash between Marie and Maria, especially when it involves the kitchen as they are both quite territorial.
Fanny definitely has given herself a staffing crisis. If only Snorts would pitch in and earn his keep. However, I sense Snorts is the main reason for the staff shortage.
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Karma baby!

VIP Member
Anne Marie and Ñutty have had to go along with Fanny”s deception and pretend they were still living at the Dump for months, waiting on when the Shittelaine decided to reveal their move on video to Patrons and YouTubers. The had to put the reveal of their lives on hold for selfish Cuz Fanny. Fanny was still controlling them when they moved out of the Dump.
The only reason she gave the “sneak peak” to Patreons now is that they will be staying at the shatto soon and will notice the happy couple are missing… Dame F4F won’t stop lying unless she really really really has to!
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I've woken up to a great day already, and I've not stepped out the door yet!
We've got a new thread - thanks @ComtesseRose - a great title - thanks @Lochness Monster for naming the thread and @MadameChat for nominating it - and I've made the 'most liked threads' for the first time ever. Perhaps I should swear a bit more on here :):)
AND now I know who you know who is on here!!!!!
Also thanks to @Karma baby! for the patreon vlog. AnneMarie & Nasti leaving the building has given us a whole new angle to bitch talk about.
I’m having a bit of a Gwyneth moment 😂


Is it Friday yet? I feel like celebrating 🍾🍾🍾;)
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I keep thinking about Molly, I really hope she's cherished. Here's my old fella getting himself all stressed as we're away for the weekend and he thinks we're going without if.


Are you excited?
The thumb nail made me spit my coffee ha ha ha

Excited? Moi?

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@Jules100 bugger me you have a bite on Chateau Wrap up which I loved by the way

Doing It Ourselves
1 hour ago
What’s your number? View attachment 2120012


Very interesting that Michael would leave a comment on Chateau Wrap Up. Normally the modus operandi of the chateau grifters is to ignore…or attack using aliases. Since he commented, I’m thinking Michael is putting some more distance between himself and Fanny. Have cracks formed? (in their relationship…we already know they’ve formed in Fanny’s face!)

@Jules100 Loved the first podcast collaboration…great job! It seemed a little like a Teabag love fest, though! 😆. If Michael agrees to an interview (which would probably be a cold day in hell!), don’t go easy on him! Yes, it looks like he might be trying to turn things around in the past month and it’s a good re-re-re-re start. But he has a long way to go before regaining my trust. So, no “softball questions!” Rent boys, Madrid, blown money, wasted time, Gofundme account for a gardeners cottage he doesn’t own (when Gwen could have funded the cottage renovations instead of buying a convent), months-long breaks from YouTube and Patreon, and his relationship with Fanny…details! 😆
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All is not well at LieLande - nobody moves out for a work/life balance if they’re happy. Changes are afoot and our SJ may well be micro dosing her anti anxiety pills again.
Thank you @Karma baby! for the goss from your sickbed. Xoxox
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Wait a minute. This just occurred to me. I think many of the Scotchette comments about Amaury are lies planted by phi phi to make it look like Amaury and Ñutty were forced to leave the Dump rather than Amaury being tired of being exploited by Cuz, getting sick staying in the nasty Dump, Cuz getting fed up, etc. This is to combat rumors or observations on Tattle, CD/Patreon comment sections, other forums, etc. that would reflect poorly on Fanny and Phi Phi. Phi Phi/ Fanny are throwing Cuz Amaury under the bus thru comments by aliases so the Shittelaine and the Douche Lord look blameless and justified in “kicking out” Cuz and Ñutty. They are trying to create confusion and chaos about them leaving, the “ control by chaos”, look over there at druggie, greeedy, angry Anne Marie and abused Ñutty that were forced to leave the Dump, don‘t look at the blameless Shittelaine and the 2 other business owners trying to protect herself from Cuz and Ñutty. Phi Phi reacts to most everything discussed in this forum.

Read these 2 comments by Scotchette:

9 hours ago
@Marney P I think the "ambiance" in the shito changed when the cousin arrived. I think they were all having fun and suddenly, people left one after the other. Marie W, Ian, etc. Amaury is not a team worker. He's a loner. I don't think he fitted in the shito. I also think, he was asking too much money for the structural issues and Nick, Potts and her decided they needed professional help to fix the place. Problem: It's gonna cost them more but they probably want something professional this time? Nasti and him are lost souls. They were spoiled for a while by the shitelaine. Vacations in Argentina, vacations in Venice, Trianon party in Paris. I think the party is over for them and it's probably not her decision. Amaury is family but the 3 owners run a business. She is the cash cow, so they have to protect her, take care of her health, she is running the show. I just read on Tattle that Nasti complained that she had to eat her food cold because they had to wait for the Shitelaine and her lover. She doesn't even cook. I'm sure the shitelaine has friends who want to come this summer and she needed space. She always had a nice way to get rid of people. The problem: no grand salon, dangerous surrounding. I'm out.

Live chat:


scotchetteThe cuz and his nut were kicked out. Business decision. It was smelling too much cannabis at shiteland. I'm afraid for Natti. He doesn't look like such a nice guy. Cuz Steph must know that by now.

Do you see what he is doing?

Scotchette, aka phi phi doing Fanny’s dirty work, has asserted that Amaury was kicked out of the Dump and tried to say Amaury wanted to perform structural repairs at an exorbitant cost and pressured the owners to be allowed to do so ( Clara addressed these issues in the past here. Cuz knew about the serious structural issues, knew they were beyond his expertise to perform, but continued to do work in the grand salon because Cuz didn’t want to reveal the structural defects to viewers and Patrons.)

Phi Phi tried to say Amaury ran off Marie W. ( untrue) and Ian ( partly true but did so with Fanny’s approval). People began leaving once phi phi entered the Dump, not Amaury, Phi phi claims that Fanny paid for their vacation to Argentina ( untrue). Then Phi Phi infers that the decision to make them leave was the 3 owners decision, not Stephanie’s decision.and that “ but the 3 owners run a business. She is the cash cow, so they have to protect her, take care of her health, she is running the show.” Classic phi phi bullshit.

Then phi phi tries to say it was a business decision to make Amaury and Ñutty move out of the Dump, inferring Amaury was a pothead smoking so much weed that the Dump smelled like pot ( which no person who stayed at the Dump has reported her or in any reviews for the Dump and there is no way he could be stoned when working with the saws and performing detailed carpentry ) and also infers that Amaury may be violent with Nutty, that he is “ afraid for her and he doesn’t seem like a nice guy” and also creates the inference that Fanny is not safe around him either.

Clara was right. You don’t get between Fanny and her money.
Touche! The gaslighting, the innuendo!

Whe Selmar spoke against her they became worried about him aka. questioned his mental health.

Now Amaury was shown the door because he's a violent pothead.
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Just Grift Wood

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Paaa haaa there are so many fuckwits roaming free

Deanya Schempp
12 hours ago
After all this time, I'm always still surprised that Stephanie knows the right thing to say to everyone under any circumstance. She doesn't talk down to the kids or snidely ever about anyone. Should we all be so kind and generous.


4 hours ago
AMEN... Stephanie is a light for all of us to aspire to. I'm concerned she'll burn out before her time because she gives so much of herself to everyone else. She's definitely a "Heyoka Empath" ...

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I hope the rope is around PhiPhi's neck.

Something is up ..... Fanny does not want to spend the $$ to correct her Castle so ..... maybe sell it???
The farmhouse is falling down. I think no one would want to buy it, and would not pay a price equal to what Fanny and Baghead paid for it 18+ years ago. Fanny is nothing without the Shittoo, as far as YouTube and Patreon is concerned. IMHO, I believe all she is trying to do is to continue the grift as long as possible by delaying major expensive work with surveys, etc., and personally banking as much money and gifts that she can amass. When the YouTube and Patreon money stops, she will just use the farmhouse as her party pad until it collapses, then sell it for whatever they can get for the ruins and land. She is trying to build lots of gites in the farmhouse that she can lease them out for money, regardless of how unsafe they are, to cover the Dump running expenses and taxes, and to provide benefits to the co owners to allow them to party, travel, and pay someone to take care of the grounds until the farmhouse totally collapses. I think they will just keep banning use of the areas that are collapsing, with the areas widening yearly.

She is also using the tree guy to cut down as many trees as possible on the Dump grounds because she can make a substantial sum of money from Nick harvesting and selling the wood, and he is likely paid from the wood harvested, it is a win win for Fanny. She will never tell viewers or Patrons how much money she has made from harvesting the trees. She has many acres of trees left to be harvested. One viewer on Jules’ unwrapped video made a comment about a tree being worth 3,000+ each when cut down.Nick is at the Dump several days per month But shady greedy Fanny will never admit that she makes money from the tree harvesting.

Fanny has advertising cash, YouTube cash, tree cash, Patreon cash, a tax free Association, B and B cash, the gift grift channel, and freebies.
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I'd be getting rid of her - Natti, that is. As the saying goes: love me, love my dog. I absolutely despise people like her. Such mean-spiritedness. I can't work out why Amaury would tolerate her imposing rules on his dog.
Let’s not forget that Amaury left his 2 old dogs back in the UK for like a year when he first came to Lalande. What was that about?
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The whole situation is total farce. How can Our Lady Dame Fanny Four Flues leave the refurb of the bnb rooms to the last minute like this? Even I’d be on the Xanax in that situation and I’m relatively chill. She’s had since Oct when the season ended to get that shite done. It yet again displays ineptitude - how can she be trusted with Patreon’s money if she can’t do the simplest of tasks on time? - it’s all a big game to her, to see what she can get away with. The money must be squirrelled away for other plans because it sure isn’t visibly going on the HMN. She’s made seemingly healthy men, Amaury and Dan, look beyond dishevelled, and frankly, ill during the course of their appearances on the flogs. It’s beyond me. The litany of people leaving is endless - that is the true reflection of what is happening in that HMN. I have a feeling it’s Phyllis, and his egging on of SJ’s narcissism, that has destroyed the “live, love and laughter” in that crumbling tip.
It sparked my interest when it was revealed that nasty Natti and Amaury had moved into Nick and Marie’s place. The owners were planning to have SJ redecorate on their behalf, but as usual, nothing has come of that. The expense of getting those Gerry and Nazi Natti apartments plaster boarded out by Ian the Builder and no one is to use them…. Ian the Builder hasn’t returned either - so I think it’s safe to assume that those bridges are well and truly burned.
When will the militia open their eyes to see it’s all charades to SJ - keeping up appearances to keep the dollar coming in. The money is slowly decreasing over at Patreon, but she is now relying on these YT sponsored videos which bring in far more money each month than Patreon does. I’m guessing she’s earning £40k plus Adsense from each video a month from YouTube and yet the building is crumbling… I reckon with one or two month’s sponsorship deals every window could have been replaced there with shutters. She may well even be able to foam insulate the main building. It’s a complete and utter waste of donations. Shocking behaviour.
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