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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
1. We start with Fanny in bed her fake grin (more of a constiptaed grimace) smeared across her slapable face holding a Hot cross bun as the pathetic Potts brings her tea and a homemade Hot Cross Bun. She squeals that it is like the olden days. She doesn't normally get breakfast in bed from Michael because Philip is there and no one wants to disturb her and Pubes while they are alone in the morning. But as she glances across to the empty pillow she proclaims Pubes has gone to Chateau Puy Vidal, she couldn't go because another Chateau hanger on and her kids are arriving today Caroline and Amaury and she wanted to greet them. (We all know how seriously she takes hosting). Get this Snorts is away for a few days because they want advice on the layout of their Chateau (Yes from Philip the architect, interior designer of note that he is) If this channel gets anymore ridiculous we will need to send clown suits.

Patreon comment:

Simon Cuypers
Ha 😄 Fun little bts moment were Philip did want to make sure we are not thinking they do not sleep together 🥰 So lovely, but the way she said it didn’t make me think you two aren’t sleeping together, we know it’s about your study 😉 No worrries 💛

2. Now cut to Fanny and Pathetic Potts in the kitchen making Hot Cross Buns MP makes a lame joke. "What do you get if you pour boiling water down a rabbit hole? Hot Cross Bunnies" (all groan together). Fanny broke the Smeg Fridge by getting the butter out and Potts wants to glue the fridge but they decide to get a new part. They are going to add orange rind to the recipes.

3. Potts is staying in Mummy's apartment as his rooms have a whole in the ceiling for the giant flue for the boiler. They have to leave main kitchen as people need to start cooking for Easter.

4. Cut back to kitchen where fat lad is chopping and eating Kirsty husband is playing with knives and Kim is just Kim. Apparently Kirsty's husband saved her from a cut finger. They have created hand made food signs to show if Phi Phi can eat that dish (if the food doesn't make you gip that surely will). Apparently Phi Phi can eat Guinea Fowl as well as Turkey.

5. Now cut back to Mummy's place and Hot Cross buns proving. Then a jump cut to Easter Sunday lunch with Fanny pretending to love a dog and gushing over new arrivals as her soiree. The dog is called Empress Josephine and Phi Phi is saying it is a rat and asking for a dog.

6. Now Easter is over and it is the next day and she is heading to the kitchen to see Pavlina and her wild garlic pesto again (I thought there was very little in the forest so time line jiggle maybe). It is lunch time. Stephanie has an egg and pesto SANDDDDDDDDWICH. Natty and Amaury have separate mustards. The amount of eggs Fanny eats I am sure it is not just hot air that comes out of her mouth

7. MP and Fanny go up to the study to work together. They're both editing. He is editing a flog about photographing lions.

8. Now we are heading back to before Easter to see their planning for bathroom and he has more samples and they are looking for mirrors. He has an Autumnal wallpaper for a cupboard in his room. Snorts corrects her and says his study as he says if she calls it his room it sounds as though they don't sleep together. ha ha ha. Who uses Little Greene Wallpaper to do inside a cupboard in a study where someone does no work. He brings out Hencroft in Punch which is gaudy and Fanny loves it but it is not La Lande. He also brought up a pink paper to do a cupboard in their bedroom she points out they don't have a cupboard in their bedroom ha ha. Now a shit load more samples all Little Greene they're definitely grifting paper.

9. Now Fanny shows gifts from Beryl for Natty and Phi Phi they gush about how talented she is.

10. Now cut to Amaury and Phi Phi trying to put a mirror up in new dining room that really doesn't work the clueless fop.

11. Now filming a fucking pigeon in window

12. Now filming dinner and her guests and and Marie knows the couple it is all coincidence . Dinner is pork, rice with mushroom and pea and wild garlic emulsion. Davey is back seen through the window and at dinner. Amaury and Caroline and family staying. Boring old Fanny is plonked right in the centre of the table yet again

That's all folks like her life and her decor an incoherent mish mash of crap and actually bloody boring
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Karma baby!

VIP Member
@Karma baby! - that is frightening! I am glad you returned back from the dead to us. Did you see the white light and Brenda Gibbons' reflection in it- which made you turn back?!? :ROFLMAO:

We really missed you! I hope you have a speedy recovery, and I'll keep you in my prayers, my favourite atheist! Listen your your mother in law and boyfriend, and stay in bed! Many hugs and much love!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

PS- you didn't really much too much. Fanny hosted "A Very Fanny Ratchet Easter", and bought more le garbage. Selmar re-posted the original "That Beeyatch Natalia" video, but on Facebook. Dan moved bricks. The most exciting news was that Chateau Chat, Behind the Chateau Doors and Chateau Teapot are combining forces to make a collab channel titled, "Chateau Wrap Up"- which is much anticipated by all.
If there was ever concrete proof that there is a god, let it be that I was spared from the reflection of BG 😂

Thanks for the recap! Eagerly waiting for the ladies of chateau tea spill to do their magical collaboration! 🤩
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I know I keep bringing this up, but some of those plates are so far gone, that I am positive they stink to high heaven. The glaze has failed and they soak up foul dishwater. They are unsuitable to eat off of and probably unsafe as well. Display them, fine. I love the look of distressed transferware. But good grief do not serve food on them, especially to guests.
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T Rex

VIP Member
Thank you for watching this so that I maybe don't have to. I can't deny it...I feel betrayed by this family. They've let me down.
But as I read your synopsis, I felt a tinge of relief. They see la Lande for what it is. Let's hope they see Philip for what he is, as well.
Maybe I'll watch this in the morning, when my cats wake me up again at the crack of pre-dawn!
You're welcome! I don't think they are a bad lot- if anything, they seem to be very organized and have a solid business plan. I don't think they really took Snorts seriously, but felt they had to film his arrival to be polite (he only came for the day, luckily, but suspect Fanny sent him in as a spy to get him out of the house and he's a nosy little twat) and stay in good graces with the rest of the Chateau-verse. With Bob (Papa) on board now (don't underestimate this guy- it's the quiet ones to watch out for!), he sees things as they are, and his facial expressions were a dead giveaway when he arrived to LaLande and started inspecting the facade, and made the remarks about the tennis court, while glancing at the terrace stairs and swamp in disapproval. I would love to see the unedited version- Bob- "This place is a dump!" Carolina, "Dafuq?!? Why is there no breakfast- just a filthy kitchen?!? Do they all sleep until noon?!? Who actually runs this place?" Maruca, slapping Penelope's hand at the Easter lunch- "We don't know the hands that made it nor how long it has been sitting out. Put some food on your plate to be polite, but do not eat a thing. Yes, you can eat the pre-packaged candies to tide you over. We'll buy you a snack on the road."
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Chatty Member
Just watched Puy Vidal, thought they ahd more sense than they show. Yes I ahve had people do things for me in the past that has helped me temendously and been forever gratful which they got from Stephainie, Philip and ? who else went and checkedthe Chateau out taking pictures etc. Yes I have allowed them to remain in my life because of my gratitude but I do control it. What shocked me about that vlog was.

* I watched the Egypt trip, is dementia setting in but i dont remember seeing them????? Help me out here.
* They dont check resumes, check Philips there is nothing architectual in his background WTF, Surely dad will suss him out.
*the pretendiousness of Philip carrying around his little stack of books, hes another RC Woodhouse self proclaimed
*Look at Lalande and the shocking condition it is in, they did admit it was cold, and they are seeking ideas from whom!!!!!
*Is it all to bring extra viewers, associating with them.
*what drugs did the thre woman take to thing Philips stuffed hedgehog room was beautiful. Also go back in history it was Micheal P who did the room not thet little puffed up person
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Snorty has left the shitoo!!!! (Don’t get too excited because it’s only for a couple of days). He’s gone to Chateau Puy Vidal, but sit down when you hear why he’s gone to visit. Apparently the Vidal Puy family asked Snorty to give them guidance on the layout of their chateau - WTF ??? WERE THEY DRUNK???
I was given exclusive access to PhiPhi’s proposed layouts for the Puy Vidal chateau…




What an absolute joke! Here’s an idea, PhiPhi…why don’t you stay at the farmhouse and get some work done there!!!
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Would you guys be gagging if Michael and Billy were the first guests on @Jules100 new podcast? Imagine the shit those two have on Our Lady Dame Fanny Four Flues. The LieLande ship is sinking….
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Stephanie: "We didn't get the plates because I'm being really good at the moment I'm hoping next week...I'm meeting the architect to be told the exact plan of the restoration and the cost of the restoration of the chapel so at the moment I'm on a saving spree rather than a saving spree."

If the chapel restoration is funded by Patreon money, why is she on a "saving spree" if she's using her YouTube income? Is that statement a confirmation that she does use Patreon funds to furnish her farmhouse, contrary to what she said before?
Liar, liar! Pants on fire!

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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member

Grammas Garden of Ideas
7 minutes ago
i hv come to dislike these brocante activites. i just skip thru. some of us want to see amorys work everyones cooking. all home repairs. the gardens in every stage. whts going on with the lake and the woods. nick nick nick. and all your other friends. theres too much stuff/ gifts. /things though. maybe if u show us something u give way everytime and to where when u buy some thing. and hey wht going on with the chapel. hi guys. btw. really nice to see michael potts
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Congratulations on your VIP, retirement and a new puppy. Do post some photos of our 3💕

Sounds like similar weather to us although we tend to get back gates slamming instead of swaying palms.😟 I will have to send over my doorstop alarms to put behind the rear tyres. They would scare anyone off. 😂😂
@Beachgirl I have been trying to get all three together. Getting the puppy to hold still is impossible. They are also all Black so the angle of the pic has to be just right I will do my best
Congratulations on your VIP, retirement and a new puppy. Do post some photos of our 3💕

Sounds like similar weather to us although we tend to get back gates slamming instead of swaying palms.😟 I will have to send over my doorstop alarms to put behind the rear tyres. They would scare anyone off. 😂😂

@Beachgirl I have been trying to get all three together. Getting the puppy to hold still is impossible. They are also all Black so the angle of the pic has to be just right I will do my best

This is Febe (I know it's not spelled that way) she is a lab/poodle 12 weeks old
Congratulations on your VIP @LittleMore Cottage, you did it! Sounds like you have a lot going on. What did you name your new pup?❤
Originally she was supposed to be Charlie Girl. But once I met her the name didn't stick, somehow she looked like a Febe.....I know hooked on phonics, not the way its spelled. But she is special a black Labrador/poodle mix. "Labradoodle" and needed a special name..
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
My thinking.
Maybe Puy Vidal invited Phillip (not because of his expertise, god forbid, so they're not blind) to start a discussion in their YouTube comments, you know the algorithm and stuff. (I sincerely hope it's that, or....another channel in the series not to watch.)
I just watched their Easter flog it was obvious that they were not impressed but trying not to be rude. They were not important enough to even have Fanny on film. The Saturday night party no one mingling, clearly not enough food they were all hungry all weekend. The Father shocked at the structural issues. This vlog shows how poorly Fanny treats guests they are there for content only. Their Chateau and gardens look great after one year Fanny's is worse year on year and I suspect that terrace step is about to go, how Fanny has the audacity to have paying guests into that building site is beyond me.

Can I also point out how disrespectful it was to put the younger sister in the same room as the older sister and her partner. I don't think Fanny would have done this with a straight couple- it is not on. They are a couple and on a weekend away and may have appreciated not sharing with the sister. Am I the only one who thinks this?
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Well-known member
Will the real Caroline Gooder please stand up?

I clicked on Caroline Gooder’s comment on Stephanie’s Easter vlog and this is her YouTube ID. “carolinegooder7091”. Then, I clicked on Caroline Gooder’s comment on the new channel collaboration under Chateau Chat’s channel, and she has a different YouTube ID “carolinegooder”. I would assume each member of the Dump has their own respective Caroline Gooder login, which would explain how she/he is commenting almost 24 hours per day. Don’t worry, Phillip. We know which one is yours. Your sarcasm shines through. Now, does someone want to let the real unsuspecting Caroline Gooder in NC know that the people at the dump are using her name to troll people? Hmm. I’m too tired to go back and look at other comments but I would imagine there are multiple Caroline Gooders. We should probably keep a list and assign them to members of the dump.


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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member

Chateau Delannoy
3 hours ago
i did not know you can get cadbury cream eggs in france
not in belgium , your dad is still pretty nimble
Grts Yves


Yel I
2 hours ago
Lalande gets most of their food (and other stuff) from UK.

Anna Lee
3 hours ago
Have you seen Philips taste from LL videos? , stay true to your own tastes x

Laura Robertson
3 hours ago
His taste is so trashy. those recent lanterns and especially the largest one....... just nasty! He doesn't have a clue.......


World of surprises
2 hours ago
@Laura Robertson he is young and very naive. I wouldn’t say his taste is trash, I think he needs to stop buying for buying and he really should get a qualification. What will happen the day they break up? No job, no experience, no money.


28 minutes ago
@World of surprises no car, no home, no we here to stare all the trash he has bought. He has a hood over her now. Anyway she has stopped wearing her wedding ring to him and we all know it is pretence as Michael is there now. Philip as we know from Selmar likes boys too.
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That sounds rather lovely, I’ve saved the recipe so I shall try it out one day.💕
Lots of different recipes for Breakfast casserole, this is a good basic one. You can add vegetables or other meats and cheeses - They work great if you have company or need to service more than 1 or 2 people. I make them in the summer when I have family at the cottage, it's great becuase you make it the night before and them just cook the next morning. Thanks for sharing that @KyBourbon
Hey when did I VIP??? I must have missed it-- I knew I was close- I have also given Notice at work and I am retiring ( for good this time) So Time to Celebrate - I can't wait for Summer at the Cottage and I have a new Puppy---- Par level of dogs here must be 3- One is 14 one is 3 and one is 12 weeks- Yikes I am in for a fun Ride PS Puppies are fun but challenging -
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T Rex

VIP Member
I'm just going to say it, Maruca of Puy Vidal (bless her heart) does have the BEST "resting bitch face" expression of the entire Chateau universe. She seems lovely, but her facial expressions say otherwise. I don't know- I think she would make IJ cry! Hell, that woman looks angry and often (but is portrayed as a kind, loving mum!) I pity anyone who is dumb enough to attempt to mug her- one look from her, and she'd slice their arm off!

OT- but where is our beloved @Clara Burnett ? How was your Easter? Were you forced to hang with the Shitoo crowd, or did you get a bye for a change? Cheese on toast, please don't tell me they discovered your identity and drowned you in the shitty moat! I hope you had a great one, without the drama of the Shitoo. I know you can't tell us much, we definitely DON'T want our insider outed. I hope you are okay- we miss your face and insights! Hugs and much love, and thank you for surviving shite events for us!
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
On Puy Vidal comments

54 minutes ago
Its disappointing that an architect with years of experience in the profession in France is disrespected by asking views of a shabby boy who has no training in form or function. And has positively ruined Lalande with his inability to curate. His Granny fetish is not appealing stylish or in any way appropriate. His addiction to shopping is also filling every surface with junk. Thanks patron. Everything about Lalande from the awful food to the manners is far from this prestigious thoughtful beautiful chateau.


4 hours ago
Not many other people included. Why? Stephanie. Dan and others. Why was it all shielded.

3 hours ago
La Lande - ' some people come into your life for the sole purpose of showing you what not to do. '

Caro papa
3 hours ago
Phillip is absolutely a top notch gentleman with a heart of gold.


2 hours ago
Nonsense. No gentlemen I know dress speak eat it interact like him


Stephanie Waters
7 hours ago
Great idea having Philip give his advice! I’m sure it will turn out beautifully!




5 replies


Ludo Vica
6 hours ago
Philip has a talent that is a rare combination of aesthetic beauty and ergonomic practicality


Jennifer Campbell
4 hours ago
@Ludo Vica And his eye for fine detail always amazes me!


1 hour ago
If I think he is talented heaven help us


Kathi T.
45 minutes ago
Nice that Philipp supports you with his expertise, maybe in return you can teach him how to not only start projects, but also complete them. Because Lalande obviously has some catching up to do in this regard.


Bela Bells
8 minutes ago
Phillip's expertise? Really? (What a slap in the face to all educated and professional people)
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T Rex

VIP Member
Pick me! Pick Me!!
While I have my suspicions who Fanny's flying monkey favoured Tattler is (sorry, love, neither you nor I will make the cut! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: ), her least favourite Tattler has to be, by far, our beloved @Clara Burnett, who has driven her to madness for years for being the #1 Tattler in-sighter. While our beloved Clara has been mum for a minute (protecting her identity to give us the true story- mad respect), if anyone truly deserved the "golden Easter egg", it is our @Clara Burnett! I hope you are safe, and Potts did not drown you in the cesspool moat! We miss you, and do understand you've had to go undercover!
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I thought it was very telling when Fanny commented to Potty, “can you believe 20 years later we live here just like we always wanted”? I think this comment is more significant than it seems on the surface.
When she said this comment I let out a huge WTF? Definitely more to this comment.
What a way to make Phi look like a third wheel... The complicity between those two is thick as the mud in the moat.

Forget that she originally wanted to flip the chateau... But wasn't Nick the one she had the big dream with?

Phi's study? LMAO. Yeah everyone has a bed in their study... Pull the other one... You mean the room that was supposed to be Michael's bedroom?
Cuckoo bird if I have ever seen one.
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