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VIP Member
So.... I almost died! 😵
My dark black witchy heart decided to stop due to a couple of measly blood clots... and kept me in ICU for 4 days, and a few more days in hospital and I was finally allowed to come back home 3 days ago.

My darling mother in law is ensuring I don't lift a finger and my boyfriend has threatened to handcuff me to bed should I even attempt to do anything but rest. Although I'm not strictly against the handcuffs, I had to accept I'm only allowed a mobile just for communication... no work whatsoever!

Now…. Tell me what I missed? I should really teach more of you how to screen grab the Patreon videos... what if I had died and you were left Patreon-less? Quelle horreur! I'll post a "How To" as soon as I'm allowed a laptop!
Oh no! I'm so glad you are doing better. We all were so worried when we didn't hear from you.
Let everyone take care of you, follow your doctor's orders and rest.
Take good care!
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
2:40 a.m. (Paris time) and still no Patreon video! What's the excuse this time - drunk, travelling, busy doing the vertical tango with Potty, lazy or just doesn't give a damn?
3:40 a.m. (Paris time) and still no Patreon video! What's the excuse this time -
  • Did Fanny drop & smash the pink phone on the stone floor in the boot room?
  • Did Fanny drop the pink phone into the bathtub during a one-hour soak while draining the new hot water tank?
  • Has Fanny kicked Snorty out and helping him to pack up while waiting for his parents to arrive?
  • Is Fanny busy secretly watching Snorty & Jared have sex while wearing the Dragon's Head?
  • Is Fanny stuck in the loo after eating dodgy tuna fish & peach salad leftovers?
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Maple fairy

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Just watched Puy Vidal. “His architectural expertise” “Has a passion for architecture” Getting a different point of view from the architects more technical viewpoint. (Paraphrasing) I want to vomit! There is reason why architects go to school and have expertise! Dear god! How could those words even come out of their mouths! I want to vomit 🤢🤢🤢!
I see that they got a great welcome when they arrived. Not one person in sight! Down for croissants in the am only to find dirty plates with half eaten food. Next we see them in Chatres. Probably had to forage for their own food.
So you thanked them for finding the Château(I remember that SJ didn’t disclose some of the issues) I wonder if she was paid a finders fee. So Ladies you have a much nicer château with beautiful gardens now it’s time to get your heads out of Steffie and Philips ass and get on with your own plans. Wake up they are destroying what they have so run don’t walk!
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I had to go back and view the Puy Vidal video, the section of the little village La Chatre. What a charming little town! It is such a shame that Steph has absolutely no connection to anyone there. She totally missed out on so much (but we knew that anyway) - local craftsmen for chateau repair/upkeep, farmer's markets and local artisans. She could have hosted craft fairs, events for the community (remember when she used to host music workshops and performances at the chateau?). There are so many opportunities for connection, but yet when she's out shopping, no one knows her, or really has any reaction to her. She's just another face in the crowd. She could have been such a big part of the community. But, I guess that would take work and commitment, and we know that Steph has neither of those qualities.

Instead she buys a lot of crap (along with Phi Phi) to fill the chateau to the point that it will all come crashing down. Rather sad to have no ambition for anything other than being lazy and bored. So much potential, so little care.
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Congrats MsPitstop ........VIP 🥂 !!!!

Ooooh .....I forgot about that garden arche thingy !!! Yeah - were the hell is it ?
They no longer have a revolving stream of work away and random volunteers who can do all the odd jobs like paint something, fix something, take care of animals, clean or cook.

Fanny now has a huge team of paid staff…or contractors so she doesn’t end to pay them benefits or taxes.

two cleaners + outside laundry service
admin for the bnb - nutty
Cuz the carpenter, general handyman or two, plus occasionally Dan on the digger
Several paid cooks / cook volunteers - Maria, Dana, the Texan, plus others
3 gardeners plus Davey - this includes the Ukrainian refugee
tree man & co
video editor and wallpaper sample fetcher -Phillip
social media commenter and deleter - gooder and others

at least 10 on the payroll…or being paid in some manner…room/board, lumber or whatever

estimate $3k per person per month x 10 = $30k

Plus any PR, accounting, legal services she has.

no idea what dragon boy does to earn his keep except random crafts.

everyone else is a guest, ex lover, co-owner, friend or family That seem to do very little in actual work.

mummy Isabelle used to do 80% of that work…cut the grass, garden, laundry, admin, wrangle the volunteers, preserve and can items from garden.

there are older vlogs of Percy painting the church doors.

with 10+ staff that place should be humming.

Frankly I get more done on a weekend.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
Michael Potts is a pathetic little man, like Fanny desperate for attention and if he swims in that moat another time to show what a "crazy" interesting party guy he is. The top hat swimming, so bloody sad-look at me look at me I am so spontaneous. The whole rent a crowd vibe just smacks of desperation. Potts just seems. like a faded old soak. At one point he was the boy about town, but he has been professionally unsuccessful and romantically basically because he is a man child, a sap of a human being who has never grown, intellectually or emotionally.
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La Classe, knocks the nuthouse into a cocked hat.

Me too, he's my secret crush. Hope nothing terrible has happened.
He is one of my favorite Tattlers also.

I hope he has just taken a break because of outside commitments and that he and his family are well.

IMHO, this could end up being groundless, but I didn’t know if he had been doxxed by this particular Tattler or whether the increasingly personal questions posed by this person or the comments this person made to pretend they had mutual interests/possible acquaintances, made him opt out for a while to protect his privacy. I think most everyone else here was respectful of Le Comte de Monte Cristo’s need and preference to keep many areas about himself private.

I hope he does come back soon.
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I’m kind of thinking about taking Anna’s class. I can tell you bitches about it & maybe get a little content out of it myself.🤷‍♀️
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VIP Member
So.... I almost died! 😵
My dark black witchy heart decided to stop due to a couple of measly blood clots... and kept me in ICU for 4 days, and a few more days in hospital and I was finally allowed to come back home 3 days ago.

My darling mother in law is ensuring I don't lift a finger and my boyfriend has threatened to handcuff me to bed should I even attempt to do anything but rest. Although I'm not strictly against the handcuffs, I had to accept I'm only allowed a mobile just for communication... no work whatsoever!

Now…. Tell me what I missed? I should really teach more of you how to screen grab the Patreon videos... what if I had died and you were left Patreon-less? Quelle horreur! I'll post a "How To" as soon as I'm allowed a laptop!
I’m so happy to hear you are in the mend. It must have been pretty scary to go through that.❤
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I very rarely buy myself something pretty just for me, however as my son gave me some rent money I went for it.😂😂
So let me introduce my very own gift grab. No video or shots of me as my hair needs washing.
I will just add that this was in the sale and I bought it to see how they are made professionally so I can make my own in future. If they turn out well everyone will be getting them as birthday presents this year.


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So there was no room at the Inn CHMN for Davey thru Easter, HOW RUDE after all his attempts at garden design, free Playmobil and junk from his parents house. Lucky escape I'd say.
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@KyBourbon Your Easter table was GORGEOUS! What did you serve?! I was joined by my 13 yr old in the kitchen. I asked her to sprinkle paprika on the deviled eggs. She doused them with cayenne pepper. We all found that out THE HARD WAY. 🤪
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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
Imagine having people who pay you 34 grand a month to do a job and you know you're not going to deliver on time but you can't be arsed to say why you will be late. There will obviously be a newly created drama to try and fill Fanny's flagging coffers, but really she is just sleeping one off. If she brings up the hard work she is doing as an excuse I will happily scream. At this point I hope she has decided to do a runner with her ill gotten gains
Oh my Fucking Giddy Aunt here is is she fell asleep poor lamb. What a lazy piece of shit. I will watch and type out what she has to say but who truly gives a shit about that twats hot crossed buns

Stephanie Jarvis
New Arrivals & Michael's Hot Cross Buns!
I am so sorry that today's Patreon video is out late! I finished editing it after dinner last night and fell asleep whilst it was uploading - I've just woken up in a terrible panic about it! I can't believe I did that 🫣
I hope you enjoy the video - here is the recipe for the Hot Cross Buns that Michael made:
Lots of love from Lalande,
Stephanie x
She woke up and posted it at 8:37 a.m. Paris time.
Snorty has left the shitoo and Potty is in Fanny's bedroom, so now we know why she didn't post the patreon video last night!!!😜

Details pending!!!😜
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C'est moi

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I'm wondering if they are alcoholics. They both do nothing but hole up in that room of hers, looking at auctions. I think there is maybe a 20 minute window, by the looks of things, when other people in the house even see them. Notice that everyone used to look relaxed around her and now they look at them like "Oh look who decided to show up." Then everyone don's their "This is me smiling while trying to be patient with these assholes."
Seriously? You are only wondering! The bitch has a booze table in her bedroom. A fridge in the corridor outside her bedroom. Frequently seen languishing on the bedside table is an open wine bottle and glass/es and you're only wondering! I think it's a foregone conclusion.
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I agree with you @ScooterMaGoo. But I think Fanny's whole problem now is that strangers (who think they are friends) are paying for her COVID lifestyle. Puttering around with her mummy in her Chateau. But she never did that nor does she want to. She is a resident in England, flutters around and using the HMN as a glorified frat house for her Oxford peeps and associates. This has been mentioned previously by others and it's 100% what's happening. She was living off Airbnb income here and there, workshops a couple times during the summer, a shite B&B of granny tat, but now with people paying her thousands to renovate/restore, she doesn't know how.
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