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Michael Potts is a pathetic little man, like Fanny desperate for attention and if he swims in that moat another time to show what a "crazy" interesting party guy he is. The top hat swimming, so bloody sad-look at me look at me I am so spontaneous. The whole rent a crowd vibe just smacks of desperation. Potts just seems. like a faded old soak. At one point he was the boy about town, but he has been professionally unsuccessful and romantically basically because he is a man child, a sap of a human being who has never grown, intellectually or emotionally.
I thought it was very telling when Fanny commented to Potty, “can you believe 20 years later we live here just like we always wanted”? I think this comment is more significant than it seems on the surface. She wanted to live there, but everyone left her there to go work in the cities. Potty wanted that place done up and wanted to be there but he couldn’t afford it. Now they can. They can live there and travel all over the world. It’s getting fixed and they don’t need to sweat the money anymore. It probably had a lot to do with their breakup in the first place, regardless of whether she acts nonchalant about it. Maybe that’s been her end game. Phiphi is a beard to cover for her snaring Potty away from Ruthie. Michael is always on her vacations and vice versa. They never did fully explain why he was moving all of his things did they. They have a staff now and can party and shop and entertain. It’s a dream come true! I think she let that slip out by mistake frankly.
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I was accused twice of being Fanny. I've explained why that can't possibly be but now I've decided I will be your fanny. Direct all fanny comments to me and I will do my best to answer as Fanny would. (Not as she SHOULD because that's asking to effing much)
Who is your most favorite and least favorite tartlet and why?
Tootle pip,
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Did anyone else notice on Manor and Maker how many bit player floggers were in attendance. Gone are the days when the big names in the Chateauverse want to have anything to do with Fanny. None of the Chateau DIY lot come near nor by, even the Smug's know that she is toxic now.

I also noticed Fanny's demeanour obviously no one is allowed to film her much. We are led to believe she is Love life and laughter. On her flog she is all smiles and over the top gushing. On Manor and Maker you get the real Fanny. Sullen, acting like she is the star turn, superior, irritated and not full of laughter at all rather a pinched little woman who is so far up her own arse.

Fanny now has the audacity to say she will try to do a Sunday flog but no promises. She will do just enough to keep the money coming in. Her lamentable Channel is called the Chateau Diaries but as has already been said all you see is the kitchen and the mothballed garden. She has volunteers trapped inside no car, no choice about what they eat or appearing on camera. There is literally nothing happening and no renovations she is a con woman and a thoroughly unpleasant she thinks she is famous and it has all gone to her head. She offers patreons scraps of flog content which would take less than a day a week to compile and has the audacity to act as if she is doing everyone a favour-get over yourself you utter disgrace of a human being. Even the bit players won't come soon to be treated as fodder for her pathetic content. Sarah and Steve think she is a friend which is sad for them. One bit of solace is I think Fanny is a very angry, pent up and unhappy grifter and she is now living in a place that is worse than when she moved in a complete building site but nothing is being done to sort it
She looked, in fact the pair of them looked dog rough at that brocante. She had a face on her like a slapped arse and so pissed off they had the audacity to film her on her 'day off'.

She's finding it harder and harder to feign any kind of excitment for the gift grab and the flogs are just going through the motions on rinse and repeat, week in week out.

I still wonder if there will end up being a cut and run, never to be seen or heard from again. Got the cash, thanks very much, see ya!

Hope the girls fro Puy Vidal have gone home and thought WTF did we just subject ourselves too and cut ties once and for all. Steve and Sarah are just floundering between Fanny and Viv and even though Viv has the perma Cheshire Cat grin all the time, I'd sooner be in her company any day. La Lande is just tired, worn out and seedy.
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Just Grift Wood

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Did anyone else notice on Manor and Maker how many bit player floggers were in attendance. Gone are the days when the big names in the Chateauverse want to have anything to do with Fanny. None of the Chateau DIY lot come near nor by, even the Smug's know that she is toxic now.

I also noticed Fanny's demeanour obviously no one is allowed to film her much. We are led to believe she is Love life and laughter. On her flog she is all smiles and over the top gushing. On Manor and Maker you get the real Fanny. Sullen, acting like she is the star turn, superior, irritated and not full of laughter at all rather a pinched little woman who is so far up her own arse.

Fanny now has the audacity to say she will try to do a Sunday flog but no promises. She will do just enough to keep the money coming in. Her lamentable Channel is called the Chateau Diaries but as has already been said all you see is the kitchen and the mothballed garden. She has volunteers trapped inside no car, no choice about what they eat or appearing on camera. There is literally nothing happening and no renovations she is a con woman and a thoroughly unpleasant she thinks she is famous and it has all gone to her head. She offers patreons scraps of flog content which would take less than a day a week to compile and has the audacity to act as if she is doing everyone a favour-get over yourself you utter disgrace of a human being. Even the bit players won't come soon to be treated as fodder for her pathetic content. Sarah and Steve think she is a friend which is sad for them. One bit of solace is I think Fanny is a very angry, pent up and unhappy grifter and she is now living in a place that is worse than when she moved in a complete building site but nothing is being done to sort it
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I used an AI app and asked it to write a haiku about Stephanie and Philip, here are the results:

I prefer the classic 5-7-5 syllable format instead of the odd feeling generated 5-7-6, so I made a slight adjustment.
Stephanie and Phil
A lovely couple in France
Life in a chateau

I was then inspired to write another one just by myself.
Stephanie and Phil
Pretentious and so dirty
Soap and water, huh?
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Lady Avonlea

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Big Announcement - I'm going to launch a 3 hour YT class ($300 + my free content valued $500) on, 'How To Present a Proper Charcuterie Board' because these Chateauverse people are in desperate need of help. Plunking bits of cheese on a platter with some hunks of cold meat & steak knives, does not qualify as a charcuterie board.

As an added bonus, the first 10 Tatters to sign up get an extra 15 minutes, FREE, of my invaluable time whilst I instruct you on how to select the paaaarrrrrfect plates for the charcuterie display, using Bone China inherited from paternal grandparents. (A mini session normally valued at $150)!

Enrollment closes at midnight EST! Hope to see you all there!


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Some items discovered in the woods after Fanny’s Easter soirée.

Well! I guess a good time was had by all! 😆

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T Rex

VIP Member
I've just this very minute become a well-known member! What do ya know! Is there a lounge for us? 😍
Congratulations!!! You are more than welcome to join us at my boat house, coined by @billybudd as "The Fish Shack", which became our hangout when a few of us awesome Tattlers were not yet VIPs and denied entrance to the VIP lounge (@Jules100 did try to climb into a window, but lost a flip flop in the process!). @billybudd is a phenomenal chef, whipped up amazing meals and cocktails, and always had a bottle of her granny's sampler (moonshine). Sadly, the last time I saw her was when she was dancing the Carolina Shag on my dock, and it is gator mating season... Dammit, @billybudd, I told you NOT to pet Cuddles! With the absence of our chef, this weekend's dinner will consist of pork and chicken tamales (because I made a thousand for Easter, and filled up my freezer), arroz, key lime pie, and copious amounts of Miller Lite and Mezzacorona Pinot Grigio (because it is BOGO up at the Publix this week- and y'all drink like Stephanie Jarvis!) Sorry @Sunnee- Hurricane Ian took your disco ball! Come on down @Pippin speaks out ! As long as you don't fall in the water, Cuddles won't bother you. (Dammit, Cuddles, the diver who cleans the sailboat is NOT Uber Eats!)


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WTAF the little weasel as a consultant. Seriously!
I'm offended!

I studied, got the diploma's & cetificates throughout my career, got managed by shitty managers and wonderful managers. Stood hours on my feet for days on exhibitions, lack of sleep, stress as high as the mount everest. That's how I became a consultant not by reading a wikipedia page!

Please chateauverse people DO NOT include a forest rodent into any of your plans. You can read wikipedia yourself!
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T Rex

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I love that Bob from PV said “it’s halfway to completion or halfway to disintegrating”. That pretty much sums up all of Lie Lande
Thread nomination 🧵 , courtesy of @MadameChat and Bob (thanks, Bob!) : "Lie Lande- it’s halfway to completion or halfway to disintegrating!"
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Just Grift Wood

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I remember back when Channel 4 “exposed” Fanny’s relationship with PhiPhi. She made that special “emergency response” vlog to explain what was going on to her subscribers and patrons. She told everyone she wanted to keep her relationship secret because she shares so much of her life in her vlogs she wanted just “one thing” kept private. She promised her viewers things wouldn’t change. Another con from the grifter. After that big announcement, PhiPhi’s annoying face has featured prominently in practically every vlog. He literally brings nothing to the table. He doesn’t make the vlogs better…they’re worse. So…why??? Why is he still around? So many have been love bombed, used, and discarded…why not PhiPhi? She should have cycled through him by now.
Even that flog was bullshit it was no surprise to her and Channel 4 didn't out her she kissed Phi Phi on DIY show she created that noise herself. God knows why he is still there I think she needs a lap dog.

Fanny has never shown us anything of her real life. The hours spent lolling in her bed internet shopping, her sullen nature her petulant brattish outbursts, her constant need to be front and centre. Fanny has used YouTube to present the Princess life she has always wanted. The woman literally does nothing, her volunteers are now like unpaid servants she is deplorable. You may have noticed Fanny is annoying me more than ever. She is so shallow, vapid and actually really rather unpleasant. She has a superiority complex.
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Cleo's Asp

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What struck me about the Puy Vidal vlog was the lack of welcome and the absence of the hostess at LL most of the time. The guests seen to be left on their own to look after themselves. There was no one to welcome or serve them when they came down for breakfast. The PV family all had to help to lay the table for the courtyard meal. The rest of the time, they just wandered around on their own. No wonder they went out for a meal in the local town. It looked lovely, SJ has never shown how attractive the town is. I was amused when the father said the LL tennis court looked half finished when it's been there longer than Fanny has had the place but she has cleared ignored it and let it go to ruin. They had believed Fanny's hype about PJ's "architectural knowledge" but they eventually found out because, at the end, they talked about his input being more connected with practical living in a building as opposed to the actual architectural planning! He did look ridiculous clutching those books, he was probably worried that they would see through him for the imposter that he is. I am sure they did, but had to be polite and grateful in the vlog. There is no comparison between their chateau and the dump! Any advice needs to be given the other way round. Fanny and Snorty are like little kids who could never manage to achieve anything like the PV lot.

How ridiculous to have huge Easter eggs in boxes for an egg hunt. What a complete waste of money!
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Just Grift Wood

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Slow day at work so just wondered if any of you have read this shite:

131,896 views Premiered Apr 9, 2023
Hello lovely people! I'm so excited to share our Easter Special video with you! We had a crazy time preparing for our Easter weekend here at the Chateau de Lalande. With over 50 guests to host, there was a lot of cooking and decorating to be done! From preparing Easter dishes sourced from our vegetable garden, to laying a table for 50 with beautiful spring flowers, the Lalanders put their hearts and souls into creating a magical atmosphere. But the real highlight of our celebrations was our Easter Sunday egg hunt in the bluebell forest. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the children were giggling with excitement as they searched for eggs hidden among the bluebells. After the egg hunt, we enjoyed a delicious Easter lunch in the sunny courtyard. It was so warm that even the moat seemed inviting... Overall, it was a wonderful Easter weekend, and I feel so grateful to be able to share it with all of you. I hope you enjoy this video and that it brings a little bit of Easter joy into your day!

1. Bullshit one preparing dishes sourced from the garden-well that may explain why there was so little food other than beige carbs for the 50 guests
2. Bullshit two beautiful Spring flowers. That trollop has planted so many plants that have withered and died they just shoved some garage bought tulips in over tall vases. Take a look at Rebecca's flowers at De la Ruche to see how to do flowers for a table, but Rebecca puts effort in and actually has a flower garden within 5 years of moving to France. You Fanny have been at the dump nearly 20 years and there are no Spring Flowers and if they are you couldn't be arsed to pick them.
3.Bullshit 3 laying the table with mismatched Tilda grifted fabric and paper napkins hardly speaks of heart and soul!!! Where was the wine.
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T Rex

VIP Member
So.... I almost died! 😵
My dark black witchy heart decided to stop due to a couple of measly blood clots... and kept me in ICU for 4 days, and a few more days in hospital and I was finally allowed to come back home 3 days ago.

My darling mother in law is ensuring I don't lift a finger and my boyfriend has threatened to handcuff me to bed should I even attempt to do anything but rest. Although I'm not strictly against the handcuffs, I had to accept I'm only allowed a mobile just for communication... no work whatsoever!

Now…. Tell me what I missed? I should really teach more of you how to screen grab the Patreon videos... what if I had died and you were left Patreon-less? Quelle horreur! I'll post a "How To" as soon as I'm allowed a laptop!
@Karma baby! - that is frightening! I am glad you returned back from the dead to us. Did you see the white light and Brenda Gibbons' reflection in it- which made you turn back?!? :ROFLMAO:

We really missed you! I hope you have a speedy recovery, and I'll keep you in my prayers, my favourite atheist! Listen your your mother in law and boyfriend, and stay in bed! Many hugs and much love!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

PS- you didn't really much too much. Fanny hosted "A Very Fanny Ratchet Easter", and bought more le garbage. Selmar re-posted the original "That Beeyatch Natalia" video, but on Facebook. Dan moved bricks. The most exciting news was that Chateau Chat, Behind the Chateau Doors and Chateau Teapot are combining forces to make a collab channel titled, "Chateau Wrap Up"- which is much anticipated by all.
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Love that PV have left the negative PhiPhi comments up
That’s the best comment I’ve read in a long time. PhiPhi…Snorts…Pubes…is a laughable, no-talent, uneducated, unskilled, inexperienced, unfashionable little prick who has attached himself like a leech. He’s a hanger-on. The fact that anyone would look to him for advice on anything lowers my perception of them. The fact that Fanny chooses him as boyfriend says more about her total ineptitude than all of her unfinished projects combined. What a joke.

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