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VIP Member
After a horrendous year which included my little mama passing away, having a war with my brother, my bi-polar aunt have seven major episodes, putting two of my elderly dog babies to sleep, and my sweet father-in-law passing away two days ago on the morning after his wife of 62 years last day of chemotherapy. I have to thank all of you for providing me with much needed entertainment, laughs, dressed up squirrels and detective work. May all of you have a blessed and peaceful WARM Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah!
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The Simple Life

Well-known member
Dear fellow Tattlers, I'm sorry if I have been absent for such a long time now. I have read here and there from time to time, but at the moment I don't feel like following and commenting and I also had enough of SJ and her sick Barnum Circus for the moment.
Yet I want to wish to you all and to your dear ones my warmest Season's Greetings. I hope that all of you who had some health issues will recover perfectly and my congratulations to the new VIPs.
May you all find peace and happiness
Thank you for all the merryment, the wit, the ingenuity and the company. I'll be back, promise!

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Merry Christmas and happy holidays to every tartlet around the world. The temperature at my backyard tiki hut here at the Southernmost Chateau is currently 51*F / 10.5*C, but started out at 45*F / 7*C this morning and is predicted to be a little colder Christmas morning. Special thanks to Stephanie Jarvis for bring us 15 old bitches, haters and 3 trolls together, it’s the best and most important thing she’s ever done.❤
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A big thank you @ComtesseRose for dealing with a new thread...this forum is my quilty pleasure..and i want to thank you all for that! and btw the ones who want to try to disrupt our forum...i am very glad to kick them in the ass.. :rolleyes: ;) and send them upstairs without supper...
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
I am still waiting for visual confirmation about this, but upon hearing the rumor I just couldn't wait to inform all of you we won't be seeing our charlataine in the local supermarket any time soon, no matter how urgent her shopping needs might be. Somebody apparently pinned the poop-picture of her ladyship in her negligee watched in ecstasy by her faithful gardener Davy on the Bulletin Board in the Intermarché in Aigurande. Like she used to phrase it: you heard it here first, but there seems to be no reason to keep the local community out of the loop :)


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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
For years all Stephanie Jarvis has been showcasing on her channel is her love of junk, her need for adoration, her preference for a wasteful lifestyle entirely financed by random strangers, her hurtful misuse of well-meaning volunteers. She is even housing a fake Ukrainian refugee solely to profit from peoples feelings about the war. And now we are suddenly to believe she is in solidarity with people that have no electricity because of that war? And she shows that solidarity by organizing a candle lit dinner? Disgust doesn’t begin to describe her unmatched opportunism, this woman will stop at nothing to get the attention she thinks she deserves.
Google owns YouTube and has put in place a policy about this kind of exploitation: “Due to the war in Ukraine, we will be suspending monetization of any content that exploits, ignores, or condones war.”
Stephanie Jarvis’ channel does two out of three: it might not condone, but it mostly ignores and often exploits the war in Ukraine. She deserves a special place in hell for this last flog alone, but suspending her monetization would be a good start.
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well that vlog revealed a lott we already hot water in the shittoo...thats nice...
Tantinette and mummy dont get along...very obvious...btw i would rather have tantinette as my aunt than that sourpuss from South Africa..poor Perce..she might think she is better because Chantal isnt very slim... :rolleyes: ..but that mummy nasty...if i was Chantal i would stuff a tomatoe in that filthy mouth..without the tuna...

it seems there will be no lights outside for Christmas...why all the your courtyard is a buildingsite for christmas..but hey..all the guests know your heap has always been a buildingsite..without heat and hot water..

those skinny red pottypants...omg...does he think he can pull this off..:eek: no potts you cant..its much to revealing..there is nothing worse than a middleaged man flashing his assets...nobody wants to see that...well there is also a middleaged woman around..who thinks it ok to do this...maybe its in the water..:rolleyes:

Mummy points out that the table is old and has holes in it..well she did read here...isnt it a bit late to point this out mummy?? get rid of that filthy thing..and buy some decent stuff if you want to prepare food...who prepares bread and food on that table...yuk..

Stuart is for sure a fan of pulled pork..she run out of ideas...or was it the budget?? that whole combo of things for that meal was all a bit odd...

the tartan gnome and Heineken Kat arrived..oh my..lucky there was only room for 4 in that bed to watch the channel 4 christmasspecial where Fanny makes goatmilk icecream...:LOL: the whole Fam cant make it up..

and last but not least....i want to wish you all a happy Christmas..lotts of love from our cozy cottage somewhere in The Netherlands..and for all those who feel lonely or need support...i think of you..and a big hug.. a new year is coming with hopefully better prospects for many in this world..😘
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Speaking of... I wonder if this is the long awaited breakdown.
Nope. She was hungover today, that's all. Mind you, she will make a scene out of it, sniffling and moaning. This is also the start of the usual narrative of having worked too hard and taking a few months off.
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VIP Member
Nutty's mother looks younger than she does. She was at the dinner table; I remembered that she had blonde hair from when they visited her in Argentina. B's sister and her one daughter were at the end of the table. The sister looks more like Nutty but more attractive. I still can't see what Amaury sees in Nutty unless he is just flattered by her clingy neediness.
I think Nutty’s attractiveness lies in her location mere feet away from him 24/7. Anne Marie doesn’t want to exert much effort and she is there, usually clinging like a barnacle to his arm.
I also have a few theories about the odd pairing of Amaury & Natti:
-Slim pickin’s in the middle of nowhere
-In the land of the blind, the one armed man is king
-One time Amaury’s mom, Chantal, fell into the moat and Natti jumped in to save her, then performed cpr to bring her back to life
-Amaury is lazy
-Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
-It’s what’s on the inside that counts
-Natti is really a kind and generous person
-Amaury is even shorter in person than he appears on YouTube
-Natti is really good at picking the bedbugs out of Amaury’s hair every morning
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@TorontoGWM previous post about mancub sorting IJ's jewellery .. The thread had closed whilst I was typing a response... hence (yes I say hence as well as whilst) here is my take on it..

It is one thing to dress a room in readiness for guests arrival, however given that it is IJ & Percy's apartment I think rummaging through personal items, re locating them, re arranging and importing furniture, is a step too far.... the 'squirrelled away Champagne' why not leave them where they were? Why make a point of telling everyone that IJ doesn't even drink champagne but has taken 3 bottles from the supplies. If IJ is supposed to hate mancub why does she make a point of praising him and his support for her daaaaaaarling daughter? Did anyone notice the tissue that was placed inside the baubles for the chocolate figs to nestle on? This was directly as a result of Tattlers mentioning the lack of hygene when SJ plonked the home made choccies in the trinket box for Chantal and Steven. Whilst I am at it, if my husband, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, had bought me cabbage plates for a Christmas present, they would be wearing them as a crown.

Is that Snorts’ hair they just found in the food?
He's wearing a beany hat and a scarf at the dinner table... real class... there are ways of dressing warmly without looking like you've just been offered refuge from the streets.
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Madame No

VIP Member
Before the day gets ahead of me, I want to wish all the Tattlers a Very Merry Christmas no matter where you are in the world. Through thick and thin, tears and laughs we have slogged through yet another year of vlogs. Special thoughts go out to those that have suffered personal loss this past year. For those that are ill or feeling alone, I also send love and compassion your way. And a very special consideration goes out for those stuck inside with unpleasant relatives! Try not to drink too much, find a safe place to scream obscenities, and come on over to the dark side to vent. Merry Christmas Everyone! 🎅 🎄
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Chatty Member
and the oscar for best actress goes to .......

STEPHANIE for her interpretation of man flu

The oscar for best supporting actress goes to ........

Phillip for this interpretation of being a straight boyfriend '

That crop top WTF.....
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The cropped jumper...the hedgehog on the shoulder...the French tip all comes together. Total cringe fest


Someone tell Phyllis he needs a nice pair of perky boobs, and a clean belly button to pull that top properly.

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VIP Member
Okay, back by popular demand, I’m giving you filthy animals my Filthy Patreon Recap.


The first thing I want to point out is that Fannys Spectacular Blue Overcoat does not have faux fur at the collar and cuffs. That’s real fur bitches. I would know. I’ve bought and sold many.

Moving on, another thing I want to point out is that she was gone for at least a week. They left in the morning for the train to Paris. They got to the Netherlands the next day, then on to German Christmas market for who knows how long, then on to the Richmonds’ for who knows how long, then back to Paris staying the night (must have driven), then on to her very wealthy friend who won’t go on camera to stay the night, and then drove to lalalande.

Oh yeah, that’s why she hasn’t done much for AssVent. Yes that’s right, I’ve renamed it AssVent, because she’s blowing all of it out her ass this year cause bitch has been GONE.


PhiPhi edited this vlog and he left in one of her stroke: impaired speech moments. She repeated herself and looked like she was gonna pass out a lil bit. WAY TO GO EDITING PHIPHI!!!

When they stayed at the fabulous chateau of the secret friend - their room had twin beds? Pics for proof. Auntie and Uncle stayed in the room they stayed in last time with a queen? Just saying…..

Stuart was definitely there alone with Pavlina when they got back. No ass bread for the Richmonds’. They get points from me for bagging the bread.

There was the obligatory shopping in Paris. They looked at foodstuffs and porcelain. Anyone surprised?

She said AssVent videos are late because they are now filmed on the day.

She definitely did not plan to spend long at the Shitoo this year. I’m being generous saying they were gone for a week. Might even have been 10 days. She was probably lying when she said she was three days ahead. But that is certainly no surprise. If Fannys lips are moving there’s a 50% chance she’s lying.

Until next time, you filthy animals.


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Karma baby!

VIP Member
Steff feasting on a sausage roll.. clearly she's never seen one this size before.

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Steff on a mission to burn more money on useless shit.

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F4F & PhiPhi handle some fruit in the store.

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Please, for the love of all things holy! Someone tell me why are these 2 suddenly part of the main cast?!

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The lady painted their portraits... But I genuinely can't tell which one is F4F and which one is PhiPhi

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I watched the vlog and she was definitely not too ill. She was out in the cold in her dressing gown again. Christmas collapse my foot! What a fraud.
Seeing as though she was as usual filming in bed I looked very carefully to see if the other side of the bed had been slept in. She was careful not to film the other side, allegedly Phillipa's side. However... she slipped up and I could see from the side where the pillows are that the pillows had not been disturbed and were perfectly arranged. Who sleeps in a bed with someone and when the other partner get's up they arrange their pillows perfectly? Not in my experience it doesn't happen, the bed is made when everyone gets up. Then she says to Phillipa as it minces in with a cup of tea what a lovely sight first thing in the morning. Had Phillipa been in the bed the whole night her first sight would have been of it getting out of bed, dressed, fumbling around etc. No, her first sight was it entering with the tea. I smell a rat, a great big smelly one...oh sorry, that must have been Phillipa's beanie.
Couldn't believe my eyes when Dan pitched up with more Christmas trees. What? I understand about fetishes but this tree one is too weird. This woman is now probably certifiably insane. Someone in France needs to phone social services and get them to come and pick her up before she does something that everyone will regret.
I'm getting fed up with the pretentiousness of this bunch of misfits. Is anyone going to explain to me who in their right mind would have monogrammed dressing gowns for guests who are only staying for one night? What? A team of Psychiatrists would have a field day (more like field months) with this bunch, honestly they would. I better get a brandy to calm my nerves. The elastic band holding them together has just snapped!
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