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Congratulations @C'est moi for naming the thread and an honourable mention goes to @graciemckitten for coming up with the name - I took some creative liberties to make it fit.

@Luna20 & @arwensgal1975 whenever you're ready with a thread name. 😊

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Saturday at 10:54 PM
Beachgirl said:
I agree with everything you say. I was in the position of having to call on the youth mental health team when my son was 16. He jumped from a railway bridge but fortunately people got him off the track in time. I got help the next day but only because it was classed as an emergency. I found that they had a way of wanting to deal with the problem and if my son didn’t agree that was it. I managed to get him to appointments but again if he didn’t give the responses they had been taught to expect then we were on our own. It was a tough few years and a further attempt by taking an overdose. I didn’t even bother with the mental health team then just dealt with it on my own. It was his head of year at school and his rugby club that gave me the most support and between us we got him through the worst of it. During this time I was made aware of how many boys actually have mental health problems and tried to commit suicide. It is heartbreaking. It does happen to girls as well as my sister committed suicide.
I lost my son to suicide two years ago, he had made several attempts and we were in the dark about his mental condition as he put on a brave front hiding his torment from us. I’m happy for you and your son, I hope that he is open and let’s you know if things are getting too much for him. Now that I belong to the club no one wants to join, I try to distract myself and stay busy, and the famous 15 make me laugh they’re really not such terrible bunch ❤

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Clara Burnett

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Yesterday at 7:34 AM
Jules100 said:
@Clara Burnett, can you tell us, what is the real reason for no progress in the grande salon? Money, the ceiling needing more support or replaced, heating, Amaury just can’t handle it, Stephanie just wants it to go as slowly as possible…?
As I've reported before, it is my understanding there are structural issues that need to be fixed first and they are serious. Cuz Armoir can't fix those himself so he is left doing minimal things they can do until Stephanie Jarvis figures out a way to tell her patron friends she needs way more money to be able to properly continue the renovations. I am not sure she will walk that route though. She might as well choose to ignore the structural issues (she has done that before) against all advice (done that too, multiple times) and force Cuz to ram the paneling in just to be done with it and move on to the following disaster of a project. At this point there is no way to tell, because she's no longer reigned in by any common sense around her. She has become used to the fact that (some of ) her fans will love her no matter what.

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Knives Out

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Yesterday at 8:45 AM

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Saturday at 6:46 PM

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Friday at 11:27 AM
Just some random thoughts. There are few things that have been nagging at me, I’m starting to think something significant is going on and we literally have no idea what it is. All of the following have my spidey senses activated:

1. Annalise has disappeared.
2. Dan is quite ridiculously, at this point, not explaining himself or his crazy ass project at all.
3. PhiPhi is mocking Mummy.
4. Percy looks ill.
5. None of her old friends are shown coming around.
6. Anne Marie isn’t working on anything we’ve seen, but still needs a break. Again.
7. She isn’t talking about Christmas at all yet.
8. She hasn’t shown her rooms much.
9. She’s not showing contractors or consultants.
10. She still has no merchandise or shop site.
11. Nothing has been done in months.
12. She doesn’t give much of schedule for anything.

It’s like someone reprogrammed her. Or she’s up to something and managed to keep it under her hat (I call it pulling a Dan). It’s also odd to me that he used to do dailies, and now he can hardly be assed to get a video out once a week, and he no longer has a job and would certainly need money. You’d think he needed to grow his channel? I’m just getting a vibe. What do you all think?

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While it's all M. C. Escher (Relativity) at Lalande, remember GAG airs tonight as Philip was ill yesterday, however he is always sick. LOL!
So check the wiki and Happy Tattling.
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Ok, I must sacrifice one of my twenty lives saying this; Can we not DEMAND that "Caroline Goodie" shows herself on CD??? We, the people, on behalf of patreons and grannies, we the 15 chosen ones!? Show yourself or we believe not! Failing that, can someone please get her sloshed before next "premiere" so we can see what she f.c.u.k she will drivel when intoxicated? Perhaps her true evil nature will penetrate the goody two shoes persona. About the smallish grammar issue, my secretary deals with this kind of thing on a daily basis... and SO WHAT!.. perhaps "Caroline" also happens to B a VIP who's too feckin' busy? I doubt we'll have more in common than this though. Bloody party pooper. Ok, whilst using my twentieth life, I can add; Ann Marie is a bloody wet blanket. What a disgrace!? His little "oh it is awful to sleep alone" routine could make any normal man vomit...but the camera man did not :unsure: I've always defended Phillip, but he's getting annoying now. I still defend Dan. He came from nothing with bad teeth and a shyness about him,- now he is playing the pretenders at their own game. May his mansion outshine them, may his patreon flourish! Right, I am safely at a distance from being a fake VIP, the shame! So now I shall try to shut up.
Wait, what? You didn’t think I was annoying when you asked me to chew through your security wires so your wife didn’t know it was you who put the wrong motor oil in her car and that’s why the little red light is on.

Heathcliff didn’t think I was annoying when he asked if he could take pictures of me fondling my plushy and I never had to use OUR safe word.

Heathcliff didn’t think I was annoying after I glued his broken bong back together and then we had a 3 day rager at the VIP lounge. Good times!

Maybe you’re having a bad day so I forgive you. You have always been so kind and stood up for me. You are my only friend who doesn’t live in a bubble. I love you, Heathcliff!
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Madame No

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I do have a teeny tiny bit of empathy for the poor idiot - now his duties also include the gift vlog - he literally has to do everything now there is no one else.
Sorry, no sympathy from me. He's an adult. He doesn't have to do any of this. He chooses to do it. He's obviously not a self-made man of success. He's actually got a very cushy deal living at the shithole. Room and board taken care of. Sexual needs taken care of, I guess, I don't know for sure. No pressure to get anything done in a timely manner. No boss checking up on him. No job reviews. His own workshop. Adoring fans. I think he's quite happy in his position. He's a real mama's boy so taking orders from women suits him just fine.
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I’ll be back with a filthy update on the Patreon Video
didnt i tell you all...the bitch is on tour again with her lapdog... :LOL: oh my...that woman has a real problem..she has to be on the move all the time..its like a traveling circus..lets hope she doesnt sing....and another thing....her patreonvlogs seem to be the same as her regular we all can see them just a few days later....:rolleyes: it must be very disappointing to be a patreon...she isnt even at home when they want to visit her...:LOL: its even worse than paying tax..
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This has been rehashed over and over again since almost the start of these threads. In one of the Patreon vlogs she claims to have graduated from Somerville College in 1996.
Such a shame that @ViscountLaLande was chased off this thread before we had chance to find out a little more. He knew her tangentially and spoke about seeing Fanny's matriculation photograph in one of the Common Rooms and also said he would be happy to dig around to find out more.
Yes, I’m still pissed off about how @ViscountLaLande was run off. Don’t know if he was legitimate or not, but would have been interesting to hear what he had to say. He hasn’t been back.
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@Jules100 For all of you talented tablescapers out there, I need help. I’ve never hosted a large thanksgiving dinner. Usually it’s just our family of five, plus an occasional friend. Bigger get togethers are usually hosted at someone else’s house. My oldest son, recently got engaged and I thought it would be nice to have her family over for thanksgiving. I’m kind of freaking out because my house is still under serious renovation & it’s creeping inside. Anyway, it will only be 8 of us this year, but it’s still a lot for me. My table only sits 6. I’m probably going to bring in a folding table the same size. It would make a square shaped table that will comfortably seat 8, 2 on each side.

I love your china and Champagne coupes. I am useless at tablescaping so would go for simple but I am sure someone will be along soon with some wonderful ideas.
@Jules100 Since your dining room table and furniture are contemporary, I think it’s great to mix it up with the traditional china setting and etched crystal! If you weren’t adding the folding tables, I would recommend placemats. But, in order to “hide” the folding tables, I would suggest a tablecloth. I’m not sure you can find one large enough…if not, I suggest getting two tablecloths that overlap, or split, down the center. You can hide the “seam” using a table runner. I really like a plain white tablecloth because it’s so versatile and goes with any occasion. If you don’t have a cloth, order one (or two) right away so you have them in time! Then, you can decorate the table using traditional fall colors, and your napkins can be a burnt orange (which I think would go nicely with the red chairs). I don’t use napkin rings. I either fold the napkins, or I tie them with coordinating ribbon. For Thanksgiving, or fall, you could roll your napkins and tie them with burlap ribbon or twine. Your table runner could also be burlap or a neutral beige color so it doesn’t take away from the colors of the centerpiece. You could order a beautiful fall flower arrangement for the centerpiece, or use fresh vegetables (pumpkins, gourds, etc.)…or both. If you do flowers, make sure the arrangement is low so guests can see each other, and the length is long to emphasize the shape of the table. Also, instead of candlesticks, you could use votives in glass candleholders scattered informally around the table. That would help combine the contemporary with the traditional. I’m sure whatever you do will be beautiful! ❤
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Just Grift Wood

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I can not fathom the gift opening, with all that is happening in the world - the last thing STEPHIE needs is more crap to open. Think of the money people spend not only on the gifts, but the shipping. From a PR perspective, the least STEPHIE could do would be to announce, like she used to do, who the money is going to - funds she garners from “views”. Back in the day, she was giving scholarship money, would proclaim monthly, if I recall correctly, how much she sent. That has stopped. Not a word. At least by telling where funds go - she could justify the gift opening. Wouldn’t you love to stroll through her crap palace and see where she stashes this stuff. Reality is - we see it once when opened, then off it goes into a hallway, stacked on a staircase, or jammed up in NARNIA. Except for the lovely hedgehog display in PhiPhi’s room.
like all of these grifters she moves the goal posts-don't mention where the money or the accounts are and hopefully the cult following will forget and she can just pocket the lot. I am sure as with all of them their intentions were good at the start but over time their arrogance increases with their greed and they justify their actions and keep as much as they can for Teslas, Givenchy desks and the like-after all it is a reward for their life enhancing content. I imagine a lot of the shit gifts just get binned and some make it to Emmaus if she can be arsed and I bet some are sold in the crappy shop

another comment on arrogant smug Fleurie's:

Barbara Enns
1 day ago
Have enjoyed your family since the beginning. Just a little advice if you’re the opulent lifestyle while still begging for support for your Patreon page, it gets tacky when people are hurting for groceries and gas for their cars. Teslas and yachts start looking bad

Maria Gillinson
2 days ago
Ohhh Philip, my thoughts for what they’re worth. I think it’s hard to justify buying a boat when you ask people to join Patreon to pay for renovations to your home!!



Paul Cundy
2 days ago
A great post. However, I would be a tad disappointed if a boat was purchased before the Outbuilding were completed. I started watching for the wonderful renovations. To see the Chateau come back to life in such a loving and caring way has been extremely enjoyable. For me a boat is indulgent and unnecessary.



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Arnice pernice
2 days ago
They are acting spoiled now. Patron paying

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Arnice pernice
16 hours ago
Well said. It is the same as their pal Stephanie Jarvis. The poor us during covid and now they are raking it in they are being arrogant

I don't think Grifter is the right term for Fanny and the Fleurie's anymore it is not small scale swindling anymore-is it?

Learn to pronounce

plural noun: grifters

  1. a person who engages in petty or small-scale swindling.
    "I saw him as a grifter who preys upon people"

Wording on Fleurie's first flog they most certainly were saying it was for renovation then and talking about their small budget. Now they can employ a carpenter to make a tree house for their kids. a Tesla, a yacht they are just on the same scale as Fanny now. The only difference is we like their taste and renovations but they are on the gravy train big time-so much so they have closed the b n b and between the two of them they put out one flog a week a kitchen renovation takes 6 months and they offer sweet FA as extras to patrons.

Hi we’re Anna, an English former fashion designer and Philipp, a German speaking Italian film maker. After the birth of our 2nd daughter, we decided to leave the busy city life of Paris and follow our dream of buying the 18th Century Chateau Gonneville sur Honfleur, in the beautiful Normandy countryside. France is full of historic gems in desperate need of saving, so we feel honoured to be able to do our little bit. It’s not easy, but it’s a labour of love to restore our chateau back to it’s former glory. Having a small budget means we do most of the work ourselves, learning a lot of skills as we go, building muscles we never knew we had and getting creative to make our chateau as personal as possible. When we’re not hosting, you’ll find us covered in paint or dust and we wouldn’t change it for the world after all it’s all part of this crazy adventure. We’ve been changed by our experience and we want to sharing it with you. We hope you find inspiration to follow your dreams and dare to do it. to support our channel and our renovation project, please visit: or buy us a coffee: Instagram channel: Facebook: Website: If you like the classical music in our videos, please check out Audax Records, the label of our incredible talented friend and musician Johannes Pramsohler. Deezer: Spotify:
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T Rex

VIP Member
I’m going to binge all of Stephanie’s old Christmas Diaries advent vlogs each and every day until Christmas. Who’s with me? 🎄🎁💩

Also, since it is the 17th of November in France right now, I would like to be the first to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Jules100!!!! 🍾 🎂🥂 You don't look a day over 25!!! Many hugs and much love, and here's to hopes you win the lotto today! ❤❤❤ In the words of Fiddy, "Go Shawty, It's Your BIRTHDAY!!!" and many Miller Lite toasts sent your way!!!!
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One day (if she hasn’t already), Fanny is going to wake up and say “what the hell was I thinking?”


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A final snippet from the blogs -nBefore we moved to Les Pierres, we were the caretakers of a property close by. The owners proclaimed it their life motto to try and be tolerant to intolerant people, which weirdly enough sounded wonderful and open-minded at first, until we realized just how toxic an environment it created, where misconduct without any consequence ruled.
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Please send positive vibes to Caroline Gooder as she approaches the final stages of her Ph.D. studies on Stephanology!
Damn! The mad woman must have all the CD and Cadeaux episodes on a continuous playlist!

kevin ohara
6 hours ago
Iv just seen the episode where you drained the pond to use as a pool what a waste all the wildlife plants etci have a lot of admiration for you decorating and making things etc but to destroy natural places is stupid if you wanted a pool make one lol
caroline gooder
1 hour ago
Please see the episode with Davey's 5 year plan. The pond is still there and will be a natural pond and not a fishery as it was historical. On Davey's plans it has a structure near it for viewing, etc. Michael Potts likes to swim in natural areas and the Moat, so he will enjoy to swim there. The lake was drained due to the demands of the EU water police and is being surveyed to return in a new more eco friendly state. The new modern pool is going in where the tennis court is in about three years.
On the off chance Goody Gooder is a real person, Stephameme might want to put a little distance between herself and this rabidly obsessive fan. She has swerved wildly into crazy stalker territory. Again, if Gooder is a real person and not a chateau subterfuge, which is highly questionable.
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@MRShavershamsdress I'm sorry for the heart emoji, there wasn't a hug one... It's not life that hurts us, it is usually an individual or groups of people, life gives us circumstances which is what we have to deal with whilst suffering from the hurt. I'm sorry you were made to feel responsible for your friends passing, blame is a way of keeping the focus off themselves...Your friend will eternally be a wonderful man 💜
No need to apologize. I think Tattle Life could stand to increase the emoji selection. Personally, I took your heart emoji to indicate understanding and compassion. One of the things about sharing a traumatic experience is to show how much more in common we all have, that we can overcome adversity if we choose too. I have a wonderful life, that I enjoy, with chosen family I love. Changing any one event might not have allowed my life to develop as it has. Whenever I hear people say they have no regrets I find it difficult to believe. This forum, while dedicated to holding someone accountable, has evolved into a group of genuinely diverse but like minded individuals and I, for one, am glad to have found it!

One of my wise friends who went to Cambridge 😂 says different friends come into our lives at different times for different reasons.
For some it is not because we are lacking but the rhythm of life has changed and also if you travel a lot and move around the country that affects friendship groups too. And some have children and then dynamics change.
For Stephanie, she was a lonely, self indulged child .
Who has a strange Scottish man looking after you that would probably worry parents of other little girls??
She spent a lot of time in her tower and then Daddy took her to many many places. Never any mention of mummy attending the various CHRISTIES sales when she was bought a tapestry, or a rug, or a bed so much stuff. Lalande was her fathers dream too. But just where did the money come from to spend on this? Two nurses salary? Does NOT add up
Her parents owned the Alzheimers care home she grew up in. They sold it to fund her portion of LieLande as I understand it. It isn’t really clear but I assume that also funded the current London apartment and the South Africa beach house. Perhaps even Isabelle’s UK and French properties as well.
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oh no...not another one... :eek: i live surrounded by old furniture..antiques..silver cutlery and porcelaine..i had to attend all that pahlava last week..:eek:.i so can enjoy a normal dinner at the my workclothes....without all the fuss...just good food...and good company...i so hate theater...
Oh yes. Here’s the way I see it…I inherited a lot of things from my grandparents and great grandparents. I used to use the “good stuff” only on special occasions. Now I use it as often as I like. I figure, why keep it put away for a special day? I guess I just don’t want to look back one day and say “nice, my china is pristine! I never used it!” I’d rather use it, look back at the wear, and say “we had some nice meals with good friends and family on that china!” I agree, no one should feel uncomfortable in your own home. They should feel welcome and able to relax. If it’s like a “theater” no one feels comfortable.
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In today’s Petherick flog Billy decided to take the piss outta me for complaining about overuse of “crack on”. Well played Billy, you got a chuckle out of me this afternoon. I feel so warm and fuzzy. Now when you’re done with him, send Rick my way. I’ve got a few things he can clean out.😈
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Yes, unfortunately my story is just one of several in my life. And I’m not alone…many more stories like mine. Being excluded is painful. Most of my straight friends from childhood and early adulthood suddenly disappeared when I came out. But I’ve got great friends now. I hope that my nieces have a “gay best friend” when they get older. I think we really do make life a lot more interesting and fun!
Have to say i feel for you..i had to stay in the closet untill i was 25 myself...all my friends had a susspicion i was gay...but nobody asked...i went on a holiday to Ibiza when i was 21..with a very good friend....we went to all kind of clubs..we met a lott of people..and they all said to him...we are sure your friend is gay... :LOL: i guess by that time he also thought i was..but it was never some point i felt i had to move to a different all my all friends were married and some had even i went off into the gayscene..on my 25...had the best time...also have to say...never had one problem with homophobia..i guess i was lucky..and i also think it had a lott to do with my background...nobody even dared to take me on i guess...;) have to say..i once in highschool gave a nasty commenting kid...a huge knock on his nose.he cried like a baby...after that...nobody ever made rude remarks....i am gay..but certainly no pussy...i never felt myself a victum of homophobia..and i surely never was..
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Le Baiseur

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Really? Really? Receding-pube-head PhiPhi has resorted to making cooking vlogs!
His life at Lalande must be so numbingly boring at this point.
Ladyboy PhiPhi should take a leaf out of Nicolas Fairfraud's book so he can start living a more elegant life!

View attachment 1739030

Pan-seared turkey breasts and mash---prep time 4 hours! :ROFLMAO: I think the man-child needs full adult supervision when he works in the kitchen. Russian Maria, I dare you to supervise PhiPhi!
View attachment 1739039

Jon L
Where's Philip's cooking vlog? I was just on his channel---nada. I was so looking forward to watching how it took him 4 hours to make a simple meal. :ROFLMAO:
Third one Too
“Maybe you should do lunch.” Best line ever!! You’ll know when you’ve watched the video.
Kimmie Kat
1 hour ago
Andrew: “Maybe you should do lunch and then that would be normal dinner time” I shot coffee out of my nose! LOL
Stick to your day job, Philip. Oh... wait... what is your day job?
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