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T Rex

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T Rex Take: I am now watching Our Lady of Lidl's vlog (Kathy, we love you- you call it like it is, and I am sorry about your run-in with the law.) At least it was amicable, but I understand her frustration at the narrow roads and those not taking care driving. LMAO when Kathy is recapping the "Poisonous little troll comment", and remarks, "But as they make their complaint, they sort of turn into a poisonous little troll, which is quite astonishing." Kathy reads the post (which attacks Kathy), and responds with, "Well, I think I'm not menopausal, I'm post-menopausal!" (If you watch Kathy's vlogs, you know she has an incredibly thick skin, so I was howling with laughter when she stated it so matter-of-factly!) "I am fat, but I am NOT disgruntled! I just give my opinion. Oh and twisted old queens- well, I'm not a twisted old queen, either." Kathy also gave a shout out to Tattle to say "It's me- I'm the fat one, okay- you can have the rest!" She remarks the post is quite quite angry and does not know what the anger is about- she is not even sure what vlog the angry poster was responding to, but it made her laugh. Some jackass dropped a comment on her bar that said, "Serves you right", which must be a Stephender, which confused Kathy as she has done nothing to Becca Marion (the poster), as Kathy only speaks the truth. Someone named AidenAborra8263 is also a hater. Kathy, love, stay true to you- we adore you for your unfiltered honesty on all aspects of life, even when you disagree with the "fab 15" of us, and I am glad you are feeling better today. For all my Tartlets and Tartgents, go visit Kathy's Flog in France- hit that Subscribe and Like button. We may not always agree, but FML, when the trolls go after Kathy, we need to offer her our support!
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C'est moi

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So far, in the last 24 hours, we 14/15/17 tattlers have been called old. Fat. Menopausal. Hags. Queens. Poisonous trolls. And many other insults. And yet... and yet the last 24 hours we have shown such compassion, empathy and caring concern for each other me thinks the problem lies with this person who joined tattle and then left. They evidently missed the whole point.

I don't think any of us know each other personally. However we all have common ground that has brought us together. And over time we have come to trust and open up. This is how a real community works.
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Really? Really? Receding-pube-head PhiPhi has resorted to making cooking vlogs!
His life at Lalande must be so numbingly boring at this point.
Ladyboy PhiPhi should take a leaf out of Nicolas Fairfraud's book so he can start living a more elegant life!


Pan-seared turkey breasts and mash---prep time 4 hours! :ROFLMAO: I think the man-child needs full adult supervision when he works in the kitchen. Russian Maria, I dare you to supervise PhiPhi!

Jon L
Where's Philip's cooking vlog? I was just on his channel---nada. I was so looking forward to watching how it took him 4 hours to make a simple meal. :ROFLMAO:
Third one Too
“Maybe you should do lunch.” Best line ever!! You’ll know when you’ve watched the video.
Kimmie Kat
1 hour ago
Andrew: “Maybe you should do lunch and then that would be normal dinner time” I shot coffee out of my nose! LOL
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Tea with lemon

VIP Member
Why is Dan talking about windows?
I am not an expert in construction works, but it seems to me that a building must first have a roof.
Do any of you 15 know if there is a chateauverse rehab clinic somewhere for me to sign up for?
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Good that you have "touched base". Sorry to hear you mum is not good. Covid is still very much around but I do hope you remain clear. We had the most amazing day weather wise yesterday, 22+° and the wind, which was blowing down from the pyrenees, was so warm. Then in the evening it pissed with rain. Dried up by morning. It's incredible to think we're heading into December and soon Christmas! I have my son home this weekend, yipee. I'll be able to feed him up and simultaneously bicker with him 🥰 Take care of yourself @JackSpratt 😘
For a terrible “hate group” of 15, I think we are a very kind bunch! ❤
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It sounds to me that you have lived in the same area, so it is easier to keep these friendships. I grew up in a small town and after high school 95% of the kids moved away for study and jobs, and not just to the nearest city. I moved to a city and then the job I had took me to other places where I meet my husband, so then moved to be with him. Then we had to move across the country for another job and leave our friends again. So I don't have any real friends remaining from school, or early work days. But have made new good friends in each place we have moved. I still keep in contact with an old flatmate from my teens/twenties but she is probably the exception, and it's only about once a year. It is very hard to maintain friendships over distance, and once I become the only one who makes contact, I let the friendship go. People do move on.
I lived in a very small midwestern town during my childhood. The girls really were mean and I would try to never miss school, because if you stayed home sick for a few days, when you went back, your “friends” decided to be “ friends” with people that weren’t you. They’d ignore you when you tired to talk to them. This went on from second grade until eighth grade. Our school only had about 15 students per grade. I was a gawky, painfully skinny little girl and I truly preferred to be friends with boys because of this. I did very well in school and that didn’t help. It caused me to have tons of insecurities and anxiety from a very young age. I reveled in my own intelligence though. It was the only thing I could depend on to make me feel good about myself. I ended up becoming a bit of shit. I’d use very large words so people wouldn’t know what I was saying. I spent a lot of time alone, which was okay because I was never lonely with myself. I’d read or draw or build forts. I found it very hard to have friends for a long time. In high school I had a bit of an ugly duckling becomes a swan moment and I had a very hard time dealing with that, because I still felt ugly and unworthy on the inside. So, that was not conducive to making friends with other girls, especially with tons of boys asking for dates.

We moved my senior year when I was in high school to a very large metropolitan city. I had a blast. Girls were normal and made many friends. But, after graduation my parents divorced and I moved with my mother to a very snotty southern city rich in history and snobs. I attended college there, which was very reminiscent of my youth surrounded by mean girls. It was the same thing again, but on steroids. I worked in a bank all through school and mainly made friends with my work mates.

Even though I can be loud and boisterous, and I can chat up just about anyone, I’m shit at forming friendships with strangers. My husband is fabulous at it and it has allowed me to form friendships with his friends and it’s part of what makes me happy being with him. I spend my efforts at visiting and chatting with my family mostly, I think because you know they won’t let you down and will always be there for you, because I certainly learned the hard way that friends can be an absolute nightmare.
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Well…….they’re off………. you filthy animals……….

Invited to a rich Americans chateau they met at the National Assembly cook-tail party. An actual real chateau owned by someone with money, taste, and heat! Oh! and an abundance of Murano chandeliers.

She doesn’t show anything much. Stairway, salon, and the room they picked to stay in. Many others were there. No word on who was host or guests. The curtains and carpet in that room cost more than her farmhouse.

They walked the grounds the next morning and went off to posh antique show at Josephine Bonaparte’s chateau. They looked at wines, bought some for Thanksgiving….. I fast forwarded…….🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

She met a lady selling handmade bags from high end designer fabrics and of course probably bought something. They bought place cards with animals on them……

And the video ends abruptly with no outro……..
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Ann Marie can you tell Snorty to stop talking? I really don’t want him touching me either.

I said no touching. Really this guy is asking for it!

You don’t feed me, walk me or play? I have no use for you. Now I understand why the fast French dog said you are a creep.
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Bleu Lala

Chatty Member
@Bleu Lala, how are things going with the storm damage on your house?❤
@Jules100 Thanks for asking... We were in the middle of a kitchen remodel when Ian hit (and flooded the entire house) the kitchen redo got back on track quickly and should be completed next week. We stayed with the original plan to demo everything down to the studs, install new flooring, electric, plumbing, drywall, cabinets, countertop - the works, so the storm / flood basically delayed completion by about three weeks. It's turning out better than I ever expected - I'll post before and after photos when it's complete:)

When we demo'd the kitchen we discovered terrazzo under the tile and were like ooooh, terrazzo is fabulous, but in order to keep the kitchen on track we stuck with replacing the tile. When the rest of the house flooded and ALL the floors had to be redone we decided to restore the terrazzo. This has been a nightmare! You literally have to move out of your house - everything, furniture (in a POD in the driveway), stuff (in storage), people (rented an Air bnb), pets (stayed with friends), everything! It was a complete pain in the ass, but it's only 3-4 days... Well, they started late, took twice as long, charged us more and then did a crappy job and we have to wait until the end of the month for them to come back and fix their crap job! Thanks Dr. Terrazzo! We are currently "camping" in our own house with camp chairs and air mattresses - so I am one pissed off tarlet!!!! After that we are taking a break from construction until the new year and then we'll tackle the office and pantry / laundry room that were damaged in the flood.
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I just watched all 25 of the first CD Advent vlogs.

I'm waiting up for a midnight phone call and working on a project. A post @LittleMore Cottage made prompted me to go back to watch the early SJ vlogs. Because I agree, her vlogs were awesome in the beginning... She seemed so much more genuine and likable, and she used her gifts of cooking, sewing, decorating... It was fun watching her puttering about her chateau...

The first CD Advent vlogs are really fun vlogs in my opinion. Such fantastic chemistry between Micheal Petherick and Stephanie and the content is entertaining. Not a popular opinion but I thought Michael was a doll from the minute he was introduced. I spotted that his door swung the other way right from the beginning, having grown up around gay men, so I was surprised the grannies thought they were a couple... I saw a vulnerable young person, who had tremendous talent that he was wasting... So I developed a soft spot for him immediately. I don't think he has had it easy. He has his glitches, but he is not a bad person.

I won't even attempt to go into the chemistry between SJ and Michael Potts when he finally shows up around vlog 22/23. They make a good looking couple when they are decorating the tree. Not like the one she is with now...
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I've been reading the flogs of Clara's old Deutch mates ( the ex caretakers)

These snippets i found interesting

1) they live in the Le berry region still and comment reasonably frequently about the ' local chatealine' -

2) admitting irresponsible animal ownership and inbreeding

In our French life we do have a few years of conversance with farm animals, being responsible for their care when we were managing chateau life,( link to lieand website)A before coming to our senses by buying Les Pierres.- There are many hilarious stories to be told about the trouble we got ourselves into by wanting to help but not knowing how, like when we offered to incubate the fertilized eggs purchased by the owner because of her sudden irrepressible desire for blue-egg-laying hens and allowing her to go overboard with the numbers, resulting in a crowd of chicks in our living room, mostly roosters, ironically.

Or having the aggressive ram of the sheep flock bleed on my lap (over-boiling affection, remember) after his harsh castration, the punishment for impregnating his own daughter who had to give birth whilst still being a child herself, not having any instinct yet for breastfeeding, forcing Ivory on his knees to…well, you get the picture.

3) A need to create a certain online image

We now ardently hope that voluntarily participating in a châtelaine’s outlandish and rather obscene scheme to extend Christmas to twelve days, overly filled with theme-parties, loosely based on various pagan traditions that included daily excessive dinners, never served at an acceptable time because of our need to create wildly winsome online images, in hindsight lacking inner richness but generating an abrasive awkwardness instead, will be forever in our eventful past, no regrets just lessons learned.

4) We weren’t supposed to stay for longer than three months in Le Berry, having a disciplined focus on our creative work at the time and babysitting a friends chateau while she was blowing off steam elsewhere, but her return for a full on British Christmas delayed our departure for years to come.

The frequent and usually extravagant parties we quite literally endured in those first French years came across mostly as an outlet against emptiness, sometimes attractive but recurrently prescribed and dull, invoking a pressing why that never received a plausible answer, but were obviously not the main reason for our extended stay, nor for our final retreat under less cheerful circumstances.
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Sasha Groves

Chatty Member
I feel privileged that @KyBourbon and @MRShavershamsdress have shared previous deep wounds with us ❤ You both must feel comfortable with us to disclose past emotional trauma. We are mostly a faceless bunch operating under an alias however behind the false names we are compassionate and supportive towards each other and I think we feel a virtual connection. I’m so sorry to read historical homophobia had such a understandable impact on both of your early lives and I really hope that we’ve moved on as a society for the better.

@KyBourbon, if you ever decide to buy a weekend pad over the pond here in Oxfordshire pretty please can I come around and help you set the table 🙏🏻 I promise not to look into all of the rooms with open doors on the way to the toilet 😆
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Thank you so much lovely Tattlers for all of my birthday wishes …..I’m feeling all warm inside as although I have been here for quite some time I am not a prolific poster (even though an avid reader & liker) and was expecting it to pass by mostly unnoticed as I am but small fry in the birthday company of a revered (in her own Tiki Hut) Tattle legend. 😊

I just love the wit,humour, detailed information, wild imaginations, detective work & camaraderie prominent on these threads. They really brighten the dull days up & I so wish I was as sharp witted as some who often have me laughing out loud.

@MadameNo I was clearly hoping for a magic Pink Phone for my Birthday so I too could transform my (almost finished, warm, cozy and functioning) Chez Jane into a complete crumbling wreck full of damp walls, rotting windows, stinky dirty furniture, copious amounts of paaaaaarfect porcelain and nightmare garish WCs (obviously also including drifting random people I pretend to like but can’t actually be arsed with.)

Alas the Chateau Gods didn’t grant that favour this year ….. so no lie-fuelled shameless grifting fraud for me…
it’s onwards with the saving up/budgeting for each project & finding nice competent local French artisans who actually do a good job & would you believe …even finish each one!

So I really just have one remaining burning question ….does @Patriciarella train all her own squirrels 🐿 do we think?
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Last week I saw my first St. Jude fundraising commercial featuring the Gaines. I immediately called St. Jude and cancelled my support. When they asked why both the rep and her supervisor got an earful. Sadly I think it went in one ear and out the other.
One more comment and then I’m off my soap box! I suppose that Chip and Joanna Gaines will always have their ardent, hard core fans…just like SJ. In the case of Chip and Joanna, there’s a US fundamentalist Christian component to their fan base. That’s fine, but what angers me is that when these fans are confronted with questions of homophobia, they defend the Gaines by saying Chip and Joanna are “only practicing their beliefs.” Well, the Gaines are now a huge brand synonymous with Magnolia, and they run a business that employs many people. In American history for a long time the Bible was used to justify slavery and the superiority of one race over another….they would claim slavery was a deeply held fundamental religious belief…it was wrong then, and it’s wrong now. No one would defend the Gaines today if they decided to exclude African Americans from their show on the basis of “practicing their beliefs.” So, when people use that same reason to defend the Gaines for excluding same sex-couples or gay people in their shows, it’s just a shallow excuse for homophobia and hate. So, I choose not to watch their shows, their network, and I don’t buy their products. Ok…I’m done! ❤
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I don't think Fanny is very happy. I am sure making 3 x flogs a week, not coming up with the accounts, feigning joy, making excuses why nothing gets done is actually pretty stressful. All her real friends seem to have moved on and even Mummy has her own life now. She is left with the pretentious pretender who is enough to sap the joy out of anyone with his affectations and ideas of grandeur.
So true. There’s a saying “Do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.” That sounds nice, but many times when people turn their hobbies or passions into income, it becomes a job…and eventually they start to dislike or resent the very thing that once brought them joy. Stephanie is a victim of her own success. I think she started her YouTube channel more as a lark and didn’t expect Patreon to take off like it did. Now, she enjoys the income, but the constant filming and expectations have worn her down. For the most part, Michael has walked away from his channel...easy for him to do that because he doesn’t have as much to lose. But It’s hard for SJ to walk away from $34K per month in tax free donations. So, she’ll continue to crap out content with a fake smile and contempt for what she’s doing, and her cult will continue to lap it up.
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Madame No

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For those who are interested, and that may not be very many! FRK is back home with mom in Norway. She has rebranded herself once again, this time as The Scandinavian Florist, I guess there's only one in Scandinavia. She is walking the forest gathering foliage for wreath making, don't be mean, they are not weeds. Could this be a sign that she has accepted her position in life? Stick to one thing, being a florist. Live in one place, Norway. No mention of being a chef on a private yacht or elsewhere. Still not employed though. That is the sticking point.
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Sasha Groves

Chatty Member
@mousepanda8, after reading your pasted snippets from her former friends platform (thank you for that) I strongly believe, and always have, that she’s incredibly unhappy and always has been. Her life is driven by trying to fill a void and creating an illusion on any platform she can of decadence, inclusion and happiness. All the things she was starved of growing up in a Care Home on the outskirts of a small town.

Her and Micheal hit it off so well because they were both lost souls who wanted all the fun with no responsibility. Both ‘looked after’ adults.

I find this remark made by SJ ‘try to be tolerant of intolerant people’ fascinating. Is this formed by past life experiences of people being intolerant to her? You bet it is! That’s why she is surrounded by people who most would find hard to tolerate day to day. It would also explain why she puts up with Snorts.

Snorts; I think he sees himself as someone special to take care of her, to mollycoddle her. To shield her. He’s actually just slipped into the shoes of former guardians past. Potts, Larkin, old boyfriends, Frank and Ivo to an extent - someone to take care of adulting for her (the boring bits). He’s nothing special and will be replaced by another just as past history and pattern of behaviour dictates. Also her past guardians enabled her, he has done the complete opposite.

Conclusion; at the age of almost 50 and still living like a lost child it’ll take someone extra special to take care of her and bring her down to earth. I think most grounded achievers need an equal to share their life with and not a 50 year old juvenile who needs tolerance and their clothes laying out for them mid morning.

If she wasn’t a complete liar, user and all round immoral person one would almost feel sorry for her.
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Granola Chic

Well-known member
Happy Birthday to one of the wittiest of the Tattlers.
May your renovations be dust free and come to a speedy close.


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