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VIP Member
No way! I didn't even realize it......thanks to you and all of the others here who make this site the joy that it is. We are all VIPS in my eyes....and I learn so much from each of you. While Lalande brought us here and unites us, I like to feel that kindness and caring also rule the day, no matter our differences in thought or life experience!

@The Simple Life - I appreciate you and the story you shared and I am sorry about the passing of your son. We never know how our words and actions can affect someone else; your story is a reminder about that.
Congratulatons xxxx
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Whilst we are waiting for more Patron Days info to trickle in, here are some very recent pics from Chloe’s (I like her) insta.

What is that metal canister on the ground? Is it a European door stopper or just junk on the floor acting like a door stopper?
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What are those little squares spread out on the glass shelf? Individual wet wipes because of no running water or condoms?
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Remember the toilet duck? Now he’s a design feature.
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What’s in the can on the floor on the far side of the toilet?
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Dan’s dangling pantry wires. I don’t think this is a good place to hang onions or anything else because no one can reach the items in the very back above the refrigerators and of course no one will clean anything that falls on top of them.
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We usually gripe about the grime by this kitchen cabinet’s door handles, but look at the nasty floor below it. Gross.
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I wanted to use the gross, angry and wow emoticons in one for this, cant☹
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Chatty Member
Not to derail butI have just noticed you avatar from "The Ghost and Mrs Muir" cracking old film we used to watch it when I was at uni "My God you're a damn fine looking woman Mrs Muir"
It's one of my favorites, love a good old movie involving👻
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Lochness Monster

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Rexy........ I would love to see her with Meghan Markle .... they are both cut from the same cloth !

Social Climbers who Must have centre of attention ...... in fact .....lets drop in Fanny and make it a threesome.... so entertaining I would sell tickets for it !

I would be so rich I could buy a Chateau! Nuh..... Chateau's are "So Last Year" ...... :ROFLMAO:
And one of my greatest sorrows is that MM May now call her children Prince and Princess unless King Charles decrees differently.

I have said this before, but I cannot stand Julie Montague. When I saw this morning that she had posted a vlog about the Queen I was pissed. So disrespectful. Several days ago, I fast forwarded through two of her vlogs. One, where they finally got their ancient pool restored and were taking a swim in it and then a more recent one with some dire "this is bad" wording on the thumbnail.......turns out they had a leak in a pipe and didn't have water for a day or something. I think her husband said the entire village had no water.....I don't know if using the word "village" meant just their estate or not - let's be honest, The Earl of Sandwich's estate is huge..

What really surprised me was that her husband, who does play a somewhat prominent role in her vlogs (which ones, I don't know, as she has more than one stupid channel), was the one begging for Patreon money! I was shocked. He did it not once on the same video, but twice! And I think she may have come back and done a drive-by at it at the end! I was fast forwarding a lot, and saw her talking and then there was the overlay about how to become a Patron. So, I've just watched them redo their ancient pool, I've seen her buy and restore/redecorate an apartment in Italy during the pandemic, I think she may have had an Aubusson tapestry restored or was at least thinking about it, as she toured the factory.........and they are asking people to become Patrons to help restore the ancestral home? I am fully aware that the cost to maintain these homes is high and that tax is also high, for all of the people who have inherited them. But come on! Did you need your circa 1800 - or however old it was - nasty pool redone just at this moment? They have a restaurant, I believe they do weddings or events there, they have a gift shop, they do tours of the estate....what else could people possibly do to help support these guys?

Grrrrrr......I've tried my best to be kind today. Sorry to have just lost it. I can't stand this woman, though! I just find her speech affected (and she's from Chicago!) and feel she is probably one of the most self-absorbed people on the planet. Lit-rally (that's how she says it, 20 times a minute - so annoying).
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May I ask what code of conduct you refer to? If I intend to ask questions as I am entitled to at a shareholders meeting, and the association chair intends to have me escorted from the premises if I, say, ask for accounts, I have every right to advice of counsel and to bring said counsel with me.
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So why serve that bordeaux wine if the only link is so loose to chateau verse (same name is all). Wouldn't a more locally produced wine earn her more brownie points with both locals and guests.
Chateau La Gorce wine is not the cheapest, e.g. 17/18E per bottle. There is no way that SJ was serving that at the party. Could have been a refill job! :devilish:
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No problem for my Instagram. Only the food is in the photos.
I can't see any Patron party photos on Andie's IG page? Just a story - which I've not clicked on that is where someone can see you've viewed it. :confused: I wouldn't want them seeing my real IG page as it is under my real name!.. which surprisingly enough is not Ms Pea!
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I hate this about the media... the intensity and speculation during a tragic situation. Yet, we watch and wait for updates. I think we have been numbed to other people's grief and misfortune because there is SO MUCH OF IT broadcast, day in and day out. Some days, I don't feel proud to be human. I was watching a program on the History channel to do with the Roman Colosseum--what horror people inflicted on other people (throughout history)! And we still do this today (well, it's a minority--I gotta believe the majority wouldn't cause suffering and death to others). And now, this family is coming together to be with a much-loved monarch/mother/grandmother who is not well, and we have news stations suspending all broadcasting for what... a death watch? These reporters are digging up anything and everything to fill the airspace while we wait for her to die? It's quite disturbing. Best wishes to the Queen and her family. I hope she rallies. ❤
I hope she is allowed to go home, if she wants to.

A quick note to tell y'all I'm still okay. Tired to the bone, but okay and comfortably disguised. To be among these people, trying to communicate, takes a strain on every fiber of my being in a way I couldn't have foreseen. I keep having to pinch myself to accept it's real, they are real and even more crazy then I thought. A little tease to divert the hunting: there have not been many photo's released yet, but I am in (at least) one of them! Happy hunting, Stephanie, but remember: it ain't over till some lady sings. God, I hope it's not going to be you. My poor ears.
Sometimes I am shocked at the ability of my withered black heart to be outraged. Then I think, no, it means that despite all evidence to the contrary, you're still human.
Gentle pinches, and vaya con Dios, compadre.
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Congrats to @Freesia54 & @Hemerocallis on their VIPness.
(I have both of your flower name sakes in my garden, the freesias are out and smelling lovely. The Hemerocallis are gearing up, are just all leaf at the moment)

See you both for a drink and knee up in the VIP lounge.
PS I used to have one of these flowers below in the 80s!

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I confess I had stopped watching after the disgusting Ollie's public pillory, so I didn't see that. Later I forced myself to finish the video and... OMG, that was even worse! Poor children... that's children abuse. Eating disorder, fitness freak, control freak, that's all very well, just keep it for yourself woman, but what leaves me speechless is how her daaarling husband is letting her doing this to their children. Can you imagine how they will grow up in that context?
There is nothing spontaneous or natural about that woman; the way she speaks, her movements, her stiffness. She's a manipulator of the worst kind. How is it that her daarling companion didn't teach her emotional intelligence? Or is it that he doesn't know anything about it either?
For a very short while I even liked their videos, although I never liked her. I could see right through her. But now... no thank you.
He has no dignity and self-respect and she is a narc. Puppet training? Treating him like a dog??? And he accepting it? No thank you.

I want to explain why all this sadistic Grand Guignol touched me so much and hit me so deeply. My case study narc mother used to do this to me when I was a child. I was not fat, just a chubby child, but she pestered me by saying I was so fat that I would die young, that when I grew up no man would have want me, that she should take me to a famous doctor who treated obesity and she even took me to a place where they had a weightbridge (yes!) and weighted me in public... I felt so ashamed I wanted to die.
Well, as a matter of fact I married (and divorced) but then had several men who pursued me and with some of them I had some wonderful relationships. I was considered a very beautiful woman, although I never saw me as such. Only now, looking at my old photos, I realize I was indeed beautiful.
She did the same to my son. After my divorce at 33 and with 3 little children and my work, I was in a mess and she offered to take my older son, then 8, with her for some months. At the time I still haden't realized who she really was. She gave my poor angel that same treatment and he developed bulimia thanks to her. I took him back after 4 months but the damage was done.
He was as handsome as a prince, with the soul of a poet. Yet his eating disorder and his depression got worst and worst and 30 years ago these issues were not addressed as they shoulkd have been. I sent him to a good psychologist, but it only helped him for a short while. In the end he was so devastated and his bulimia was so bad, that he took his own life.
And he was only 17.
Food and love are the same and Camilla, instead of worrying for her weak husband and children to train them to starve and endure her maddness, should seek help for herself and fix her psychological issues.
I'm very sorry for your experiences, and losing your son, I can't imagine your pain.

Later in MMM video they went out for dinner and the children were eating large steaks and chips. They were really enjoying their food. So I don't think you have to worry about them eating.
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Princess Pussycat

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First of all Congratulations 🍾 ❤to all the Tattlers who reached the VIP status. Please forgive me if I'm not mentioning all their names. And thanks to the wonderful thread titles as well. I have been trying to follow everything that has happened and indeed is a lot. Or, maybe, not so much. I'm not going to comment on the Patrons' day débacle as you have already said it all. After all, what else should one expect from SJ? She and her lot are their ususal and so they'll always be.
My only remark is that she was very careful in not disclosing that they were indeed getting ready for the event, although with those very insulting results. I gather she did that just to mock us, and in fact we thought that there were no preparations going on. Well, there weren't many, but still they had to make some room in the garage, get the chairs, setting the tables etc. @Clara Burnett told us they weren't doing anything, that everything was quiet as usual, but perhaps they did all at the last moment.
If the old ladies are happy to be conned and treated like a herd, stuffed in a filthy, dangerous storage place, seated on chairs fit for kindergarten children, well, good for them. From what I could see, they look to be very simple people and probably their idea of a fairytale castle is very low standard.

I wanted to talk instead about the nastiness, cruelty and sadism of that Camilla woman, when she put in front of her daaarling husband a tray full of mouthwatering pastries just to "test his resistance" and went on sadistically describing the characteristics of each one of them.
It was humiliating, she made him look ridiculous in front of the world and took pleasure in torturing him with her fake upper class accent and unnatural always controlled behaviour.
If I were Ollie, I would have been furious, have smacked her botoxed face and eaten everything, plus, sent her to hell.
When you are on a diet, the last thing you want to see is an anorexic woman, severely obsessed with fitness activity torturing me by putting cakes under my nose. You know that this was one of the practices used by nazis in order to extract confessions from starved prisoners?
She has a problem with food and is a control freak.
I found the whole act just disgusting.
Could not agree more about the abusive Camilla. I was disgusted and appalled that Ollie did not tell her to piss off. What a cow.
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We provided them with loads of games! They have no excuse for providing less than sfa.

Teabag…totally agree - manic, bloated, weight increase. Those issues could all be down to the meds for his self diagnosed ADHD. His was a channel that had a lot of potential. He really is a multi talented bloke, but who knows what his problems are. I’m pretty sure that a lot of his patrons and channel support bailed when he provided no content at all, and then did the illustrations, advertised and sold them. I wonder if he sold enough to get an idea of numbers of people who would be prepared to buy his drawings printed onto linens etc. That could be a sweet earner for him, but if he slacks off, consumers will be waiting for months, if not a year for purchases to arrive. He should do a trial run of products for Xmas. There you go MPK, I only take 50% commission 😊
I do call Teabag a Spiv ...... and he is but ....... in the beginning of his channel I was very impressed. He is good at photography and he put the right music to his shots too. I loved and still love that old gardener's cottage and it would have been done and finished by now if he did not go the Spiv Spanish way for his grifting holidays and then the crying for money when he came back.
Teabag could have been the tippy top of the Reno's but he could not "keep at it" ..... oh well.
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VIP Member
A woman after my own heart. Congratulations.
My sewing is all hand stitched-everything. Ginny Beyer has been my inspiration and I do quilts which resemble my Persian carpets. I have spent years in India in a semi meditative state sewing!! The repetition of the stitches, in my opinion,
can correspond to a chant.
Yes I agree the repetitive nature of quilting by hand or machine gets me in a zen like zone, I quilted the blue quilt a couple of days before my small Op to take my mind off worrying! I haven't hand quilted in a few years, once I became more able with my sewing machine, but I still do some hand embroidery. I find sewing very relaxing.
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And she Anne Marie bring out the massive dessert in a tank top and places it a foot off the ground in the driveway. WTAF
I missed that!!! 🤭😳😮
What FB page is posting the updates? Only ones I saw were “to join”.
And I thought there was a public one.
I’m not wanting to join. 🤦🏼‍♀️
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To be honest, having been inside just the other day, nothing will collapse any time soon. I might not be an expert, but seriously, who needs one to pierce this lie?
Right now, I'm so sickened by their antics that I'd quite like it for Fanny and PJ and their cronies to be tied up inside before sending Nick in to bulldoze the place. They could turn the pile of rubble into a beautiful rockery.
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My daughter did her junior year of college in Athens (College Year Abroad program). When we went to visit, we were told the toilet paper does not go in the toilet, but in the little bin next to the toilet to be thrown in the trash. Eww. Have there been improvements? That was around 2006...
It’s the same & housekeeping didn’t empty my bin today 😬
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Thank you for the new thread @Le Baiseur. I am EDT +6, I hope that gives an indication of when I might be asleep. :LOL:

Only thread nomination last thread was @sideways "Fanny is so full of :poop: its pushed up into a cleavage" (edited version) or if somebody can make something witty about Patreon daze. We could use those...

@Freesia54 Congratulations on the VIP status. If you want to name this one you can, or else #179 is all yours...

Didn't we have another VIP, I seem to remember last thread about a tartlet saying it was their 999th post...

Seems like Stephanie went all out on Patreon days. As it should if she didn't want a hoarde of Patreons turning to tattle...
Thank you... I put forward 🧵 The Patreons came in 2 x 2 and were herded to the pens but it's not great so I'm happy to bow to your greater knowledge with all this VIP stuff and thread naming. :m
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