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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
Whilst we are waiting for more Patron Days info to trickle in, here are some very recent pics from Chloe’s (I like her) insta.

What is that metal canister on the ground? Is it a European door stopper or just junk on the floor acting like a door stopper?
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What are those little squares spread out on the glass shelf? Individual wet wipes because of no running water or condoms?
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Remember the toilet duck? Now he’s a design feature.
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What’s in the can on the floor on the far side of the toilet?
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Dan’s dangling pantry wires. I don’t think this is a good place to hang onions or anything else because no one can reach the items in the very back above the refrigerators and of course no one will clean anything that falls on top of them.
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We usually gripe about the grime by this kitchen cabinet’s door handles, but look at the nasty floor below it. Gross.
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The floor by the cupboard is rancid and from your pics maybe the metal thing is a water bowl for indoor rodents ha ha. To run a B and B everything needs to be to code those electrics in the onion torture chamber have not been signed off for sure

Gawd almighty...I know some people have a lot to say but can you just give it a after post after post. I'm using the ignore button now. Desperate to get to that VIP status.
No just chatting, but you can definitely scroll on post Police !!!
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banshee ob

Well-known member
What a day. First, paying respects to QEII--may she Rest In Peace and may God grant all who loved her comfort. What a life she lived--I have nothing but respect for her. Several have mentioned that Prince William is now the Prince of Wales... doesn't he have to be invested? I was under the impression that it is not a title that is automatically inherited, nor is it one handed out to every heir to the throne. Please enlighten me on this. Next, I have to agree that my fellow American, Julie Montague, is annoying as hell. I can't stand the exaggerated speech and the "Lit-rally" that comes out of her mouth non-stop. Bad job representing us honey. People seem to find the constant interrupting between her and her husband charming--I can't stand it. It's rude and ridiculous. They act like children. She also needs to stop with the breathless speech. Shut up already, Julie, American Whatever. You make me cringe.
Glad to hear that the emphasized "T" speech affectation annoys someone else besides me.
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Madame No

VIP Member
Something really surprises me, so if you can help me.
The photo of the bathroom shows a radiator. There are also radiators in many other rooms. So, are there also pipes that connect these radiators?
If all this exists, it means that they do not have to install pipes (drilling the walls for pipes and installing radiators has already been done) or radiators.
Maybe it all needs to be inspected, valves replaced and similar, but the infrastructure is there.
So, you just need to install a new burner (wood, pellets, gas) and that would be it. Or not?
And one more thing!
If only a new burner is needed, is it possible that it costs (as SJ stated) €300,000?
And I'm confused again!
From what I recall, the existing radiators aren't the right type, of course not. There have been multiple leaks, etc. with them. It was just another one of Fanny's cheap fixes for heating that didn't work. She just doesn't get it that basic structural necessities are not cheap, not fun, not pretty, and you can't get them at the junk shop or brocante or whatever the French call their junk shops.
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Ferris Wheel

Active member
Message from Chateau de LaLande on f/b

Françoise Moulin Surely you should read up on the concept of Patreon before making accusations. Any way Francois have a lovely evening, I am sure there is no point in you remaining a member of our group when we frustrate you so much, we must be making your life so unhappy & we don't want to do that.

Message from Fanny on f/b to patreon who posted the photos and then said she wouldn’t put any more up. “I have loads but won’t share anymore after last night’s disgraceful happening x”

Lin Gell It was an absolute pleasure to meet you and Corale, Lin! Please don’t worry, and feel free to post any photos you like. If I let haters stop me from posting anything, there wouldn’t be any vlogs! Your extraordinary actions during the pandemic show that you don’t let naysayers get in your way ❤ It was an honour to host you here at Lalande.
So I must be slow on the uptake.
What happened? I must have missed a backstory while quickly reading.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
Unless you're President of the US or a £100m International Business I've never, ever heard of a lawyer attending a gathering on these terms. Certainly not in a professional capacity. It would breach our code of conduct.
Just saying what has been said. It could be a lawyer who also used to be a patron who knows just repeating what was said on here by @Isabelle6541
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Chatty Member
OMG Brenda has put up a very long pious load of claptrap again on f/b and there are lots of VERY long replies from people agreeing with her. They really need to be read but I am loathe to copy them all on to here as it would take up a couple of pages. If you are a member of Escape to Chateau de LaLande and more on fb do go and have a look. They make for incredible reading and really show the madness of Fanny’s followers.
Please please print a few of the best here if you can I’m such a Luddite and don’t f/b or anything else but absolutely adore reading and looking at the cracking stuff you all post here - so would appreciate it !
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VIP Member
I saw this on Instagram earlier today. What a difference, it looks good on the eye and probable tasty. How difficult would it be to have served something like this for a starter.
Can anyone, in their wildest dreams, imagine Fanny doing this?
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Chatty Member
Yep, if you watch the latest, Fiona cut it all up and hemmed it into tablecloths... she was proud of her diagonal corners too... :( What a terrible waste of the most gorgeous quilting cotton, and all those table cloths they already have in the attic.. Shameful
Plus the terrible waste of high class fabrics seemed to be for naught as the photos only show one and other tables had unironed old tablecloths. Does mean the sewist was not a good table measurist?
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I’m only counting about 40 guests. And as they are likely travelling in pairs or family/friend groups, there could be only as low as 20 patreon payees represented. Out of 3500 that is not a lot.

Didn’t gay minister who sloppered all over Philip giving him a plastic blazer say he had changed his European travel dates to be at La La for first day? I am looking out for him.

As discussed by others, I no longer feel sorry for these patreons.
I think the minister Kenneth Somebody is on the group photo-Day 1. Top left, next to Pavlina.


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Reader's digest

VIP Member
Brenda’s Original Post

What are the most important things in life?
To be healthy, happy & kind would be a fairly good trio of assets to start with.
I am always saying, do things that make you happy. For some of us that might be, reading, cooking, supporting a football team or maybe even scaling very tall buildings half naked!! to name a few. Not all of us will enjoy those topics & will shudder at the thought of having to endure them....but then of course we are blessed with choice, the ability to choose to do what we want.
Most members here have a few common threads, the love of all things French, Chateaux with a special emphasis on Chateau de Lalande. Without a doubt there are many members of society who would cry at the thought of having to endure our chosen topics, just as I would struggle to play a game of bingo, attend a football match or go for a cycle. However, I couldn't see myself going onto a social platform to scandalise & ridicule the people who do, nor would I get on a soap box about the way the football clubs etc are managed, how they attract members or indeed what profit they make off them. Again we have a choice, watch the game in the local pub, watch the game at home using a streaming service, watch the game live @ stadium or buy the latest jersey & watch the game @ the stadium. All these choices come with a price tag, as with any hobby.
It is much the same for us, we can watch The Chateau Diaries on You Tube plus we have the added bonus to become patrons...that is our choice, it won't be everyone's choice for different reasons.
However, if you get enjoyment out of being a Patron & it makes you happy...that is all that counts.Embrace it & participate. You only have to justify your choices to yourself & your God, no one else.
Since records began there have always been people who enjoy judging is their hobby, one that has increased in popularity with the internet. We will never change it, just as we can't change the stripes on a zebra. Is it right or is it wrong, is it jealousy is it this or that.....I don't think we should beat ourselves up about it. If it makes them happy...let them batter on
We too will batter on, continuing to enjoy what makes us happy.
Life is too short to spend it getting our knickers in a twist over what someone else thinks....especially strangers.....

Response from Neil
Well said! I made a long comment about patrons complaining about the fact that they didn’t see what they paid for.
In the nicest of terms I explained they had misunderstood the terms of being a patron. They didn’t determine what was shown, the content was determined by Stephanie or the other YOuTuber putting out the vlogs. To think that you are a patron and as a result can determine and drive the content is completely the opposite to what being a patron is.
I’m a lowly patron but the disgusting comments I’ve seen have made me really despise the way they think their money they’ve freely donated should drive the content and the restoration of the chateaux. It doesn’t, never did, never will. To think that your donation will drive content shows that you have completely misunderstood what being a patron means both now and historically.
Da Vinci was patroned by the Medici yet they never told him how to paint, they gave him a subject and he painted it in his own way.
Patrons donate freely and that should allow the chatelaine to use the money for the necessary work or restoration needed. To demand to see restoration projects in progress is not what you pay for. You will be regularly shown, often monthly where your money has been spent but that doesn’t mean that you get to see it. There are other contracts involved.
Owning a chateau and it’s up keep is expensive as is it’s restoration. Our donations as patron are very carefully accounted for and spent carefully. To suggest otherwise is a slur on Stephanie’s accountability. She has been nothing but transparent with the use of her patron donations.
She doesn’t need to be so open about the spending of her own money such as the monetisation of the diary vlogs and does so transparently on Cadeaux at the Chateau purely as she wishes to give back to the community that have been so generous to her.
Patrons, no one is forcing you to donate. Your donations are for the chatelaine to do with as is needed and it’s their decision to report transparently to the patrons where their money is spent. You don’t have the right to drive content, demand to see progress on projects or make demands on what should or shouldn’t be done.
We are financial supporters and that is all we are.
I for one patron am delighted to receive an extra video a week and know where my money was spent. Providing its going to the betterment of La Lande and its community I am so very happy that I’m making a difference.

Brenda to Neil
I understand where you are coming from. Patreon is a subscription we pay to enable creators to have a steady income in order to allow them to pursue a creative career that would not be possible without that income stream. In return, we receive exclusive content relating to the creator. That income belongs to the creator, as patrons we have no say what so ever how they spend or save it, as long as we receive content we have no grounds to groan, if we don't enjoy the content, unsubscribe, its a monthly system so cancelling is easy. Stephanie however done something very unique from day 1 of her patreon, she pledged that she would use all her patreon income to restore the chateau. This was not only a good marketing tool, it also gave patrons a feeling that they were part of the restoration team at Lalande. Each month goals would be set to raise a certain amount plus patrons would vote on what the next project should be. This level of inclusion has given some people the impression they have a greater say. Stephanie has come under fire, & some very unkind comments have been made that she is funding the restoration of her home through donations. This is very untrue, & inaccurate. Stephanie has NEVER set up go fund me type appeal. Just like Sky we sign up to a certain package, we pay a subscription we view the channels within our package, Patreon is the same.....I often wonder did Rupert Murdock get the same scrutiny when he had a 39% stake in Sky!!! Stephanie uses the restoration of Lalande for her content, but, what projects she decides to undertake, how she project manages it , is her sole decision....well maybe Isabelle has a casting vote!!, just as a Sky subscriber has no influence over what programs Sky purchases!. On a personal note, I do not think Stephanie should provide any accounts to Patrons.

Neil to Escape to Chateau de Lalande & More
I’m unsure what you are telling me. Am I out of line for saying what I did?
Please explain what I said was wrong as I’m fully supporting Stephanie and La Lande.

Brenda to Neil
no you are not wrong,absolutely not, I am only explaining 1st the concept of Patreon, because people out there do believe it is a donation platform, & some believe they are donating to a project. Stephanie made a pact with herself & her patrons that she would use her income from her Patreon channel to fund the restoration on the chateau. Then, I was just explaining why some patrons will come across as if they have a "say" in the order of things, if you watch the earlier patreon vlogs, where there were monthly targets etc. More recently larger projects have been undertaken which have been time intensive, for example The Marquis suite. Some people were upset because we didn't see the ongoing progress of this & had to wait until it was aired on C4. Some people felt short changed. The truth of the matter is that program has a global viewership, which in turn highlights The Chateau Diaries channel & Patreon maintaining & helping their support grow. The cost of this exposure on a rate card basis would be prohibitive. Therefore it is an excellent commercial decision to contribute to the series. It was just unfortunate that this project was very labour intensive, very much worth it I am sure we can agree. Of course Stephanie wants to keep everyone happy, but sometimes it is not possible to make an omelette unless we crack the eggs. No you were not wrong, I am just highlighting views from every perspective.We should just watch & enjoy the content as it is available & as you say place no pressure on anyone.

Then ANOTHER person joins in.

When people get notoriety people get jealous. The smear videos are like the National inquirer they get traction off of Stephanie’s notoriety .
So what right do they get to complain when they are using Stephanie’s own work to get monetized.
But the jokes on them even negative press drives up Stephanie’s social media and YouTube channel.

You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.

And Stephanie sows goodness . She takes gifts and gives back by opening them on air . Sowing into Charities.

She helps her fellow Chateau owners and their Channels.

Stephanie understands
A secret of sowing kindness . Videography is hard work. The software a learning curve Video equipment hard work.
Waiting on upload can be hours especially if YouTube glitches.

If you listen to Chateau DIY just electrics and water and heat start at 6000 a month to run a basic Chateaux some up to 15,000. That’s just the monthly expenses .
Hello, my name is Reader's digest and I am a tattler!
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shatcho shiek

VIP Member
slyna, post: 11618673, member: 183597
She did an excellent job...

except when it comes to her OWN PERSONAL SHOPPING nothing but the best for steph princess. So retirement home thinking skimping on basics for the lowly PATREONS AND PAYING GUESTS. ITS a wonder she doesnt scrap half eaten plates into a soup pot for next day aparently thats a common retirement home trick and or the ones who have digestive issues its scraped from others plates into a blender with mashed potato into a puree.
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Finally...... I just caught up with the last threads. It took me five days!! And I scrolled through some of the not HMN relevant posts.

Now, let's feed my starving cat, the one in my avatar.

Speaking of Avatar, am I on your list, too, @Jules100 ? I didn't see mine in the past threads and as suggested seached for it in your post, but couldn't find either. I'd really appreciate a tile :love:

Edit: spelling
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VIP Member
I expect the system they installed was undersized to start. Add to that cheap, low end components and a worn out system that is 17 years old. The radiators themselves were failing so you now have heating that needs almost total replacement.
Yes, she has touched on how they have to measure rooms and BTUs (?) -- ie., units of heat required to heat room -- to insure the system radiates sufficient heat.
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The Simple Life

Well-known member
No way! I didn't even realize it......thanks to you and all of the others here who make this site the joy that it is. We are all VIPS in my eyes....and I learn so much from each of you. While Lalande brought us here and unites us, I like to feel that kindness and caring also rule the day, no matter our differences in thought or life experience!

@The Simple Life - I appreciate you and the story you shared and I am sorry about the passing of your son. We never know how our words and actions can affect someone else; your story is a reminder about that.
Thank you so much, this is why I wanted to share it.

And Congratulations for your VIP status! ❤ 🍾 🌹
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VIP Member
I got into doing 18 count needlepoint for a while a few years back and did a few needlepoints of my favorite impressionist paintings. I don’t know how well the photos will show up, but here are a few of them.
They are wonderful! I love how vibrant they are.
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