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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
Good, because that's exactly what she is. No amount of love or laughter will ever disguise that in the end.

True, but whenever that happens, she would still say she was successful once and grifted for over a million. Taking it a way doesn't cut it, I'm afraid. She needs to be hold accountable.
I completely agree with you she is behaving in the most disgusting way, thinking patrons are now an annoyance/inconvenience to what she wants to do. She shows utter contempt for them posting the video at such an unGodly hour. Ages ago she made a big deal about everyone sitting together over an evening meal, as being very important. Now with her little pubic hair toy she is living like upstairs downstairs, she no longer mingles, they are isolated up there in their hideous red tower. No one is giving her advice and forget smoke and mirrors the two little twats are just blowing smoke up each others arses. Phi Phi is young and very foolish and can't believe the meal ticket/pleasure ride he is on so no one is telling Fanny to do the right thing and crack on with some renovations. I have been renovating for two years and I can strip a bedroom of wallpaper carpets, have it plastered, clean and decorated in a week hanging a few poxy pictures takes a couple of hours.
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Squirrel boy is a 1 man framing production factory!!!
Are you sure Fanny?
Then talking about the woodland fabric Fanny says it’s nice to have something that’s a little bit fun, a little joke in here.
I’ve got news for you Fanny, Squirrel boy and you are the only jokes in that room.
You are scraping the bottom of the barrel you cannot sink any lower in the trash you are putting out. Your patreons must be idiots to keep accepting such crap as their special behind the scenes update.

Fanny enjoy your admin and I sincerely hope that the French bureaucracy catches up with you soon. French government/tax office please come down on her as hard as possible, it’s the least you can do to give her what she deserves after her years of deception and lies.
Sleep well Fanny your good times are running out.
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The best part of Oliver and Camilla Strong's uninspiring flog, was their youngest daughter banging the piano.
As an experience mother, that is one unhappy child. She is missing the pool at the rental property.
A new puppy should fix that...WRONG.
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Chatty Member
Busted Stephan-me-me-me. Great sleuthing @Mme Flog @OhIDontKnow... Always suspected now pretty much proved.
Yes!! Great sleuthing! Clara has been saying for awhile that there isn't a store room full of packages sent from viewers. I suspect stephy is using ad revenue and youtube funds to buy subscribers. A vicious cycle of lies and grifting to convince viewers that she needs their help and continue to fund her lifestyle. We know there isn't much happening at the shitoo as far as reno work, only tv crap like stairwells and little sitting rooms. She buys herself expensive items then makes it seem like she is so beloved by her patrons and in turn donates money to a charity. That never seems to be proven either. Shit! What a f-n asshole. Ok, rant over. I need coffee. 😠
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Tea with lemon

VIP Member
I'm interested, how are the preparations for the Patreon gathering going?
I mean, not a word about it after that one post.
If I were preparing to travel to France, to the Patreon meeting, I would be worried.
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Mme Flog

Active member
"Dee Pressland

• 44 minutes ago (edited)
I too swear when I am infuriated, it's a given! BUT, is it really necessary to swear constantly just for the sake of it and, just for effect as well as, maybe to be used as clickbait in your YT title? I imagine that you don't constantly use swear words in your everyday conversations with your husband/children/grandchildren/art class members/your neighbours, do you Kathy? i am approx same age as you and I know that my son would be mortified if I did so without "real" cause on an everyday basis outwith me being a South Shields, "fish wife". Which neither of us are, of course! I know that you are an educated woman Kathy, just as I am, so I am assuming that you now know when, why and how to use the eff'ing/FU terminology via your recent YT education/experience. And, as you have now come to realise, primarily for more YT clickbait exposure. You are learning! Good for you as from what I originally understood, any money you earn via your YT channel will be donated to various charities - would love to know which please. Is that still the case/your plan?"

Does this sound familiar? @Summerbaby?
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
The yellow dress is for continuity. They went for pizza on another day in the week-they just wanted it to look like how hard they'd worked that they'd only gone out for dinner straight from work at 9.30pm...yeah right.
Funny they have time to go to Barcelona for days, but can't spare 25 minutes to have a meal that would have been cooked for them. All they have done in that room is hang two pairs of curtains and about 12 pictures and that is a weeks work. They must think all viewers are brainless, it is insulting now. I don't know many restaurants in rural France that still take food orders at 9.30. Also Fanny please wash your hair it looked so lank and greasy.
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Well-known member
Hi Isabelle6541,
I'm confused, what is the article about? lots of "influencers" have been caught red handed lying, or fabricating a life style for content, I just don't see the angel the publication could go with this, that would require all this backup information, I'm not wanting to come across rude or anything, but speaking from experience iv not know a publication hold story's for that long, in case of been under cut or the story been scooped by another outlet.

you said your a group of former Patreon members, have you background checked that the reports are legit? its just coming across a bit long winded (my option) unless you have some info the we don't know.

i hope this doesn't come across salty, I don't want to be banished off to the Katie price forum (yikes)
No problem with the questions and salty you are not... If you don't mind, please read back to some of the first posts. It should clarify some things. This has taken a long time because we have taken the time to check, double check and triple check things. So long winded indeed. We would all rather be safe vs sorry. I don't mind another publication scooping us. More is better. I just hope they would did and are doing the same amount of work we have.
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If you look closely at this picture the “Do Not Use” sign is pasted over her arm. The sign isn’t behind her - it’s been added on top of the picture. So, either she tags her own pictures with a label of “Do Not Use”, or she submitted her pics to Lalande before posting them and was told not to use that picture for some reason.

I usually create a separate folder for pictures that I want to upload or post online so I don’t wind up accidentally picking one that shouldn’t be posted. Like if I have 3 chins in the picture or something…lol

It’s weird and perplexing. I don’t know what to think about it. I do know what to think about those weird green elf shoes she has on, but I will be nice today. attachment 1472459
Actually, the “Do Not Use” sign appears to be taped to the armoire mirror (on the door on the right hand side). This picture shows the sign…if you look closely at the armoire you can see it. It looks like it’s on her arm because she used the armoire mirror for her selfie.

That armoire is probably full of junk, hence the sign!


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C'est moi

VIP Member
Yesterday's, 8/1/22, gift grab live chat...

View attachment 1465551
Diana Elizabeth Bashford Where is every one
Jenny Willow is there anybody there?
Jason Dubey I here too!!!
Jason Dubey Hello

View attachment 1465554
Isabelle Jarvis Hello everyone from the UK
Chateau Unwrapped! Hello from Lalande everyone!
Chateau Unwrapped! @isabelle Jarvis Hello darling Mummy
Isabelle Jarvis Hello darling. Call me after the program please
Percy Attfield Hello from Suffolk this time.
Chateau Unwrapped! @isabelle Jarvis ok, maman x

View attachment 1465560
Örn Leifsson Why is it that in the premier the video quality is so bad like now it's only 240p but when one watches it after the premier it's available in 1080p
Chateau Unwrapped! @Örn Leifsson I don't know, it's sometimes quite frustrating! Maybe because we often upload the videos shortly before the premiere - this was filmed today!
Sarah Yates @Orn Leifsson they’ve been having problems at LaLande with their internet connection

View attachment 1465565
Isabelle Jarvis Slander!

View attachment 1465569
Jimmy Connolly I’d love to know dans channel where he posts EVERY DAY?

View attachment 1465575
Sweet Baby J Hi chateau friends, sorry I’m late!
Sweet Baby J Is the resolution terrible for anyone else?
Crafty C's @Sweet baby j yes resolution off, hopefully it will clear
Sweet Baby J Thanks @crafty c’s im glad it’s not just me!

View attachment 1465577
caroline gooder When will Isabelle and Percy be there?
Percy Attfield @Caroline gooder within a few weeks

View attachment 1465580
Elpis Liossatos Hi has anyone on the team received a CD I sent a month or so ago? Parcel from Switzerland?
Chateau Unwrapped! @Elpis Liossatos I'll check with Nati

View attachment 1465582
Jason Dubey So I am feeling pretty good right now. Just paid our Sales Tax Return and renewed one of the business licenses today, and it went flawlessly!!! YAY
Isabelle Jarvis Jason Dubey. Well done
Jason Dubey @Chateau Unwrapped! Good Day!
Jason Dubey @isabelle Jarvis Thanks Isabelle! Much appreciated
Chateau Unwrapped! @Jason Dubey Hello
Isabelle Jarvis Jason Dubey that’s the secret I agree and an efficient accountant of course
Jason Dubey @isabelle Jarvis Keeping perfect books makes things so easy
Jason Dubey @isabelle Jarvis I do all the invoicing myself, but have an awesome bookkeeper, and a CPA. I have to rely on other professionals as much as possible, otherwise it is too much
Isabelle Jarvis Jason Dubey yes glad you have a good team.

View attachment 1465583
Sweet Baby J Hi @chateau unwrapped!
Chateau Unwrapped! @Sweet Baby J Hi
Sweet Baby J Are those hospital socks?

View attachment 1465793
Jacqueline Fitzgerald is there a problem with the camera? the picture is really blurry

View attachment 1465809
Jason Dubey Great bag!
Jason Dubey Hot bag for Nati
Sweet Baby J Sometimes those fabulous purse straps can make fun belts too!

View attachment 1465820
Sweet Baby J @chateau unwrapped! Is the vacay w Nic & Marie on the Orient Express?
Chateau Unwrapped! @Sweet Baby J No, it isn't
Sweet Baby J @chateau unwrapped! Maybe next year, I know it’s on your bucket list!

View attachment 1465825
Esther Quezada The video is blurry because it is a premier. You can go back and watch after the premier for better quality. But all premieres are a bit blurry.
Sarah Yates Philip said last week he thought the low resolution was because the Chateau is having problems with their internet

View attachment 1465828
Philip Janssen Hi everyone!!
alexis wells [message deleted]
Anne Morgan Unwatchable as such a bad picture only getting 240p will sadly have to watch later happened last week too don’t know why
Jelena Novakovic @Anne Morgan same here: blurry, and 240 too.

View attachment 1465837
Jason Dubey That is exactly what you need Philip! A Baby Yoda!!
Jason Dubey Who needs a dog when you have a baby Yoda! @Chateau Unwrapped!

View attachment 1465835
rosa veldkamp 720p is generally the lowest resolution you want to post a video in, but I have noticed that when I watch later, after the premier , the video is usually much clearer.
Philip Janssen The video quality is sometimes bad when it’s premiering, I don’t know why. If it’s not a premiere, it might be your internet
Esther Quezada Is it me or has Philip gotten taller?
Philip Janssen @Esther Quezada As far as I know, not in the last 8 years

View attachment 1465842
Sweet Baby J @Jason Dubey, I still watch in low res, but it gives me a migraine
Jason Dubey Oh Sweet Baby, can you take an ibuprofin? @Sweet Baby J
Jason Dubey Baby what if you try wearing sunglasses? @Sweet Baby J
Sweet Baby J @Jason Dubey, I just take excedrine for migraines and that usually knocks them out after an hour or so.
Sweet Baby J @Jason Dubey, no sunglasses inside whilst watching YouTube. Bad resolution tends to be a migraine trigger
Jason Dubey I can just see you Baby J with an ice pack on your head, sunglasses and a turban watching this..@Sweet Baby J
Sweet Baby J @Jason Dubey, did you hack my webcam?
Jason Dubey @Sweet Baby J You know it Sweet Baby

View attachment 1465863
Philip Janssen Did the sound just cut out for 2 seconds just for me or for everyone?
Philip Janssen Must be our internet then
Jimmy Connolly Yes Philip but I had just dropped my phone. (Again)

View attachment 1465867
Sweet Baby J It’s so sad some of the presents weren’t opened in February
Philip Janssen @Sweet Baby J They arrived after Valentine’s Day and we’ve got a backlog of gifts
Sweet Baby J @chateau unwrapped! & @philip j you guys get so many stuffed animals, have you thought about a stuffed animal themed guest room?
Jason Dubey That would be perfect in Dan's Toile room on a chair @Chateau Unwrapped

View attachment 1465872
Dana's Cookbook Hello everybody ! Great presents my video will come out after , meet you there

View attachment 1465879
Jimmy Connolly Take that twattle

Heather Stewart Don't forget the thumbs up!

View attachment 1465899
Philip Janssen Thank you all
Isabelle Jarvis Good night everyone thank you for being here
Percy Attfield Good to meet all see you soon

View attachment 1465876
Dana's Cookbook Due to Dur to maintenance work on the network the video will premier after @Chateau Unwrapped! , meet you there a thousand apologies
Is Jawon Dubey throwing shade at fanny with his accounting comments and getting Isabelle onside? Would hate to be fanny at that mother and daughter reunion 😆😆😆
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First of all.. who is chloe? an American guest or a ' friend' of the shiteau?

second of all valentine gifts in August .. we know you don't have a stockpile Miss Stephanmeme liar Jarvis so why have you rolled out these gifts now?

The jewellery is so gaudy. nothing is delicate at all.

Also no gifts for Chloe i presume.. the whole I am not guilting you to giving me gifts thing.. that was weird.. and then the bracelet she put on.. was taken off at the next jump cut - forced to give Stephanie back her lot eh!

A lot of american gifts all of the sudden.. importing from state side are we now Mrs liar! Or have you just manipulated enough stupid Americans to send you gifts

I find it really really weird that many Americans are obsessed with Europe having never been there ( and some can't differentiate between France and Italy) and fantasise about life here like it is written in fairytale books. ( really really weird.)
I had to laugh at the jewelry that was sent! It is Papparazzi Jewelry, typically sold online parties for women/men to make a little extra money. It sells for $5.00 each.
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VIP Member
I've just finished watering all my pots on the patio and deck - it's supposed to be around 106°F here today. While doing this, I just couldn't stop thinking about those Patrons asking for a response about what day they were to arrive for Patron Day, people who pay her money each month, that she can't be bothered to respond to! It occurred to me that Amaury said he and Natti were going to work together to make those covers for the trash cans and Stephanie was saying "You shouldn't have to work on your vacation." Does this mean Natti is on vacation, too?

If so, this means that mere weeks before Patron Day, no one is manning the emails for questions! We know Stephanie won't answer these people - she just cleared out 9,000 emails out of her own inbox, a sure sign she doesn't GAF about correspondence (unless it's someone giving her - I don't know - expensive gifts like chandeliers?).

All of this has my blood boiling. I need a cup of tea to settle down.
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The wedding ring is gone :LOL:


Is alzheimer's kicking in? She will tell the story of "The Miller" again???
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In other words, he portrays a gay man. Let us not forget he is also a cunning linguist. Loves puns.
Yes, they shop together, they decorate together, do their nails and hair together... he's like the gay son she never had.
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Found the perfect outfit to wear when staying in the pink toile nightmare room! The only thing that would make this attire paaaarfect is if it was made from toile! 😆

I’m not even sure what you call it…Pants? Dress? It’s very strange…kind of like that pink toile room…an interior designer’s horror.

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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
He used to be good looking. Now he looks just 'used'.
Speaking of looking used. Drug addicts on the street look healthier than Snorty.
What they hell has happened to his eyes? Staying up all night deleting comments and reading Tattle? Is Snorty allergic to the sun lotion he puts on his face for drives with the top down in the Merc?


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Well-known member
Yes on the hot sweaters in the heat of the summer???
I don’t get it either- something he’s covering up? It’s me....
Here I am living in the south- in the summer- hot as hades here.
Sweaters/jumpers are the farthest things on my mind to wear! Gah! 🤦🏼‍♀️
Well 20+yrs ago i was Lurches age and had an eating disorder. I covered it with a selection of allergies of foods I could not eat. Wearing heavy clothing to cover my skinny body from getting comments plus I was freezing all the time.
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