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The only way the twirl room would look ok, would be with snow white painted walls. The decoration in toile wouldn't be so overbearing and migraine-inducing as twirl on twirl on twirl. Anyone remember if the twirl room was also inherited or Madame Jarvis has done it herself?
Someone should have stopped her!
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C'est moi

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By Jove I think you definitely on to something here. The signature looks very very similar to the card I just dug out. This means she is probably not getting as many gifts and could explain why the charity donations are not being published since March. Would she truly do this just to look popular or is it more sinister in that she wants the ad revenue?
It's in the sweep of the s the cross of the t and the joining of the t to the e.

I think yes to both. She would do it to look popular and she would do it to get the ad revenue. The whole charitable donations thing has been so shady from the start. @Clara Burnett has spoken of it in previous threads. When someone says they are making charitable donations or "pledges" how can one actually prove it? She's been dead dodgy from the start of the gift grab. A way to buy herself the things she wants, says it's gifts from rabid CD fans, uses the money raised from the gift grab. I have no doubt that there have/are gifts that come from the fans (and they're probably quite shite like knitted loo roll covers not expensive handbags) but, as has been said many times before here, how is it so that so much stuff is just the right colour/size/style/been waiting to treat myself blah blah blah...
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What the fork did I even watch?!? This is a giant middle finger to Patrons- "A special gift to our Patrons this week- the B-roll footage from our filthy toile install. We're literally putting out the bare minimal with content, as we're off on holiday again..."
I think just thought the same! And then they said they have been working on this room ALL WEEK.
Phiphi said if we don't finish, we can do that for next weeks paetron!
They are just taking the piss now.
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I sometimes wonder if it is a healthy pastime and I am just as bad LOL it is just how blatant she has become and if she gets away with it she with have hauled a mega amount of cash
I have talked to myself several times about why I spent time watching/reading CD/tattle. I have figured that before I start working on boring/stressful/large tasks, I lurk here, laugh & relax and return to my work. my stress reduce instantly!
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Granola Chic

Well-known member
Why make such a big fuss over signing Patreon cards and admin unless they are really... really... behind? People who are doing the right thing never make a big show over the normal everyday jobs one has to do in order to grift the fortune she does every month.

Having a long drawn-out convo over which fabric to repurpose a vanity stool was absolutely maddening to watch. Especially in THAT room.
Speaking of maddening, the yellow dress must be her security blanket. She wears it repeatedly.

Finally, the Mercedes will be in the shop in the upcoming weeks. SJ ran the gas tank down to its dregs (unless she's making up stories again for a little intrigue). Nothing but sediment will run through the engine and clog it up. Those early MB 2000s are old and touchy. Cars should never be run down until the gas light comes on. The tanks at the gas stations are gross. Full of sediment and water.
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Just Grift Wood

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It was late when I watched the grab and I thought I spotted something suspect. She held up a pretty envelope addressed to Stephanie which looked like the signature on my (now destroyed card) and those that others shared back when I question it. Any sleuths able to check it out?
View attachment 1464974
By Jove I think you definitely on to something here. The signature looks very very similar to the card I just dug out. This means she is probably not getting as many gifts and could explain why the charity donations are not being published since March. Would she truly do this just to look popular or is it more sinister in that she wants the ad revenue? The S on mine loops up from the bottom to join the T and P loops back to join the h but this could be done on purpose the HANIE is virtually identical. Please tell me they aren't all sitting round listening to gushing letters written by Fanny if so that is beyond weird.
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Just Grift Wood

VIP Member
You’re probably right ‘cos we can see from Dan’s own YT that they aren’t really the most houseproud family …. but the Twirl-Titillating-Twins have still been faffing about in that room for a whole week now & in that time neither one has either noticed the filth or thought it would be a good idea to clean it …. Or more likely thought it wasn’t either of their roles to actually do it … or maybe have no idea where the chateau cleaning stuff is stored?
I don't think they see dirt and grime do you? The whole place looks kind of soiled. To be honest they both look like they need a boil wash. Fanny's hair is often so greasy and he looks clammy
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I sometimes wonder who is more obsessed us or the cult followers LOL
We dissect everything!

I mean come on, I checked the weather forecast on the days it was cloudy/rainy, so we could piece together when she was away/at the royal dump
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Did phillip say twirl at 20.21? 😂😂😂
Screenshot 2022-08-04 at 21.28.13.png

At 7:40, where Nonuts has a hissy fit because Mummy told him that he can't have the kettle. (He buys it anyway - once Mummy lets him have his pocket money.)

Screenshot 2022-08-04 at 21.30.41.png
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As much as I am enjoying all the chat about twirl, I would like to interrupt this thread to unveil my apprentice tile for @Jules100
I had to use MS paint on my PC, as alas I do not have the fancy iPhone photo editing mark up tool !!!
I cheated a little bit and traced some of it (as per Teabag and Ollie). I hope you like it. If not please just toss it in the trash or offload it at Emmaus. Thank you and goodnight x ❤
View attachment 1472872
@tat life, thank you so much! It means a lot to me. I will use it as a special coaster with my fancy Christmas wine. Also, I’m going to add it to my Zazzle store, cha-ching!
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Well, my dear friends, there you have it: Stephanie Jarvis’ version of ‘Let them eat cake’. So her patrons want renovations? She’ll show them some decorating, in her worst ever attempt of interior design even I have ever witnessed. Her patrons want to know if she signs their cards herself? She’ll show them, sitting quietly in a corner while her loving boyfriend does the ‘hard work’ of framing her little offcuts of fabric. Her patrons want to see her work? She’ll tell them she has been doing all this research about the valuable toiles she owns/bought/grifted and she ‘shares’ the hidden information she herself has brought into daylight by writing it on the back of the frames for aaaaaaaallll visitors to enjoy. And while she’s at it, she does not spill any opportunity to poke some fun at Dan for having developed PTSD from staying in her now favorite because upgraded room in the filthy attic, that at best used to be a servant's bedroom and by adding her pink puke she has not renovated anything but in fact has brought it further away from reality.
Dear Clara. I could not agree more. Contempt for Patreons it is. Something very odd is going on. This isn't even re-furbishing. Presumably after complaints that nothing is happening at the chateau they want to make it look like work is continuing and they are "hands on". Too lazy to start a new project, but knowing they need to do something in a day for three lots of content, they (seemingly on some kind of high) they decided to make an existing room look like a tart's boudoir / dog's dinner / stuff of nightmare by inflicting upon it the worst imaginable embellishment, making it up as they went along and egging each other on - no doubt screaming with laughter at the Patreons for being taken in by this ridiculous charade. The only thing they overlooked was to find a pair of Fanny / Phil's pink / purple / red knickers to frame and add to the walls. Too right, it did not cost much. Another $33,000 per month not accounted for. And all that seems to be happening in response to this, is Patreon money is going up overall, as is the number of subscribers.
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Well, I’ve studied and compared the signatures from the envelope and letters and, honestly, I think they’re written by the same person. Coincidentally, I served as a juror on a civil trial regarding a property dispute. Handwriting experts testified about a signature on a document that was said to be forged. All I can say is that if I saw those “Stephanie” signatures from the screen shots in a court of law, I’d say they were written by the same person. They’re much more similar than the signature comparisons I saw as a juror in the civil trial (which the handwriting experts agreed were written by the same person). In my opinion, if it wasn’t SJ, it was one of her minions.
I think they're written by the same person; I also think that same person might not be S herself. During my 6 months or so as a patron I was sent two separate postcards both signed "Stephanie" but in very different handwriting. Not hard to imagine whoever was given the postcards to write that week is still there and is now being asked to fill out "cards from gift-givers" for the show.
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Clara Burnett

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I am a lurker and I honestly do enjoy TCD most of the time... BUT... I really am baffled by SJ trying to "Marie Kondo" and then buying what is honestly tat from brocantes etc. The amount of junk in the chateau is making her dream renovations impossible as they keep getting sidetracked by teeny projects because there are so many distractions.
It does make me sad as I really enjoyed seeing progress on bigger projects and enjoy before/after footage of renovations.
Another thing that KILLS ME - in the entrance hall, the day bed has a MATTRESS on it with a pashmina or something wrapped around it and you can see the mattress. It's quite a lovely room and I just can't believe they wouldn't bother to upholster such a major piece, meanwhile they're faffing about with toile in frames?!
I get that emergencies like floods etc will set back certain projects but we were promised a plan and that she was working with a project manager for a proper plan of works. Everything seems so chaotic although I appreciate we only see snippets.
I also miss her older style of informative content - it suits her much better than when she's hyper and overdelivering. She is really knowledgable about certain things and that really added depth to her videos as opposed to the often inane commentary we get (like the other day when she made a massive fuss about the robe she had been gifted... it was so over the top I thought it had to surely be paid promotion??)
You're almost completely cured from the disease she spreads (and I don't mean Covid, even though she has been known to be pretty careless when it comes to appropriate and sensible behavior during the pandemic) and the lies she tells. You see her for the fraud she is, now admit she always was and you were fooled by her smoke and mirrors. I guarantee you are not the only one!
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WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE. THIS #CarolineDoGooder person is insufferable 😣
This adoration of Fanny is so obnoxious.
do any of them think she could give two 💩’s about the CarolineDoGooders of the world ? Not for one second.
Before I was blocked crazies would reply to my comments for months after. They hate anyone asking hard questions or criticising their Darling.
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Reader's digest

VIP Member
Before I was blocked crazies would reply to my comments for months after. They hate anyone asking hard questions or criticising their Darling.
I used to be one of the very early (15😜) people in the live chat and had a warm welcome from many when I shiwed up. Good times, I miss Donna Davis Art.
Then I started criticism (when poor Philip was harassed by this ga/uy- or not) and was attacked. Anyway I stopped being in the life chats but when I show up every now and then I am still welcomed by the same lot- they are forgiving 😂 The trick is you need a ratio of 1/10 of critique to compliments.
"I love how the sun shines in France, too" /It's sickening how you never finish any project "
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Lady Avonlea

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Deivids in the YT series Do and Be Different Family says @13:05 that he's leaving the rebar out of the concrete extension he's building contiguous to his old farmhouse because....extension must expand and contract as the house does in winter and summer. Otherwise, if extension is connected to the house with rebar it will crack, and will crack farmhouse. He's also not building walls, more like pouring a foundation with a pump house embedded in it. They're using big building stones as filler/reinforcement.
He's not a construction guy, but a DIYer like everyone else, and possibly the hardest-working young man in the universe.

Ready for your close up, Mat the Jungle Slayer?
I'll be popping the speshul Catalan espelette-flavored hot tamale popcorn.

Darling Tracker - 17 🤮
The vlog is 19.03 minutes, so that's an average of 1 Darling every 67 seconds. 🤮
However, the first darling occurs at the 4.36 mark. which averages out to 1 Darling every 52 seconds for the remainder of the vlog. 🤮
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