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Did you notice how hard it was for her to even consider the creature comforts of others who winter in that dump?
It was amazing how she was sitting alone in front of a camera, and struggling to see other people may not be ok to freeze their behinds!
Nutty is literally walking with a heated blanket attached to her half the time! That must count as some sort of hostile work environment! :LOL:

And most importantly, she is soooo blind to her narcissistic behaviour that she left it in the final version of the video! Blows my mind! 🤯
we have a little poem in my country that does not translate well, but I'm gonna try... it's about different types of ignorance. here is the part that applies to Stephanie Jarvis:

The person who doesn't know, and doesn't know that she doesn't know
Will forever multiply her ignorance and stupidity!
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Thanks again @MojoDublin

Dan's vlog comments :


8 hours ago
Hey Dan, look forward to see what' next. Will Annalise carry on on the Patreon page? If she does I might just subscribe! If she doesn't want to, I understand.

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Escape to rural France
1 hour ago
Of course she is
So, if I’m to understand this. The only difference from before is that Dan is sleeping at the chateau and Annalise has a job? They’re both still going to occupy their home at different points of the day, pretty much without each other, still do things together on occasion and stay friends.

Well, I wouldn’t call what they had a marriage before, and I wouldn’t call the current situation a divorce. Sounds like Annalise wanted some money of her own, and for Dan to do his part with the kids. In return, Dan wants to boink someone new. He did use to go on and on about needing away from the kids which I found strange. Usually when you have children you know that they are going to cry scream and yell and generally be the center of attention. If you want loads of quiet time, you might want to consider that beforehand. And also, who was responsible for keeping the yard cleaned up? My dad would have never allowed the kind of situation they had going on in the yard, especially with babies running around.
If my partner would have left me out in the country in a shithole with two babies all day every day I’d have left him, even if it meant going to live with one of my parents for a while. Can’t wait to see what this new normal looks like. Might not take a long look either.

A few comments on Dan’s vlogs, smolpuppyo’snort getting stuck in again 🙄 It makes me wonder who The Motor Trade is? They’ve stood out to me on SJ’s comments section before too, if Snorty has replied maybe he knows them?

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Is Dana “the” Dana from the chateau? WTF? She’s flirting in the comments?
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I would also like to point out, that the manager of the shitshow, the greatest boss bitch of all time, the organizer, the ring master, the bad cop... Natalia "the nutcase" Oliveto... DOES NOT know what a USB C port is...

I rest my case!
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What I don't understand why on earth would Natti not instantly solve the problem.
'Oh, I wasn't aware of Tatti going to stay at the dump, let me get you some tea while I check the room for you'

That's all she had to do as the manager of the place.
Why refuse? Why go banana's?
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Justice has made huge inroads today. The video has almost 3k views. I saw a few announcements of unsubscribing and ending Patreon in the comments. I’m thinking it’s going to get some traction and start popping in recommended videos for chateau fans. If she freaked out over people finding out about Phiphi, she must have taken to her bed over this. What I really love is Selmar can’t do anything about it really. That’s up to YouTube.

I hope this leads to a big talking to for the Shitolaine. I can see Mummy, or Nic, or Potty climbing her ass for this one. Also can’t wait to see how Nutti behaves in the next video that wasn’t recorded before this went wide. Might be some ramifications for the class 1 clinger.
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Tartlets - the optimisation of YouTube seems to be a fantastic counter strategy against Stephanie Jarvis. Look at the traction Justice has got in under 24 hours! I think we have strong mandate to be looking at making videos to bring Stephanie Jarvis down. People aren’t as inclined to read - whereas if the facts are delivered via video it seems to be more digestible. We need to make a video explaining the disparity of hidden wealth, what is being donated via patreon and her YouTube ad revenue. The Cartier Tank watch and umming and ahhhhing about whether to do the heating or the façade is a kick in the teeth. The sad fact is most of the patreons aren’t questioning and have no intention to do so. They view SJ as escapism consequently they’re eating her fictitious world up. We need some truth serum in the KoolAid.

Look at Queen Kathy, and how she gains traction with every mention of LaLande in her videos. The voices of decent have grown and the doubt has risen amongst her viewership. Now is ripe for a full on takedown. Assets un-utilised, a web of lies, bullying, sexual harassment, employment exploitation, public health laws consistently broken, conflict of interest, dodgy charitable donations, animal cruelty, disclosure of employees personal life, non-disclosure of charitable association accounts, alleged misuse of patreon funds, sadly the list goes on and on. It’s damning and Stephanie Jarvis, the partial owner of Chateau de Lalande, swindler of Patreon and master manipulator behind the Chateau Unwrapped YouTube channel and enabler of tear worthy bullying towards Selmar must be held accountable in a court of law!

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One major issue i want to raise for Stephanie and her followers, is that the majority of us here, I’m willing to bet, have either been Patrons, sent money/gifts at least once, amd started out as fans of the Chateau Diaries.
Its too easy for Stephanie to say we are a group of jealous trolls, how about we have a headcount of who was actually a fan in the first place? Im able to admit i was a low tier patron for a year, bought a gift but never sent it, and considered being a volunteer.
Comment with
👍 if you were a patron
❤ If you sent a gift
🤣 if you sent money in a live chat
😮 if you considered volunteering / staying / visiting there
🙁 some combination of the above
You might add :sick: if you have never been tempted to send a gift, cash, become a Patreon or never for a moment considered visiting that shit heap.
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Reading all the comments on the absurd Patreon video she dropped today, listening to her sugar coated lies / responses to the idiots from whom she’s sucking $34,000 a month from.
Should she even have the audacity to ask the question of what to do…. The heat of the facade ????
Come on Patreons !!!!!
I’m simply flabbergasted. I mean, HOW does she get away with it ? How?
She’s not a beautiful woman by any stretch of the imagination, she a short bleached blonde Trollope who’s f’ed her way into these positions all her life and not one person has had the balls to call her out on her game.
I’m sure Nic and potty and phiphi read these posts, they must be feeling the heat of what’s about to come down on her head.
why doesn’t someone reach out to the tax authorities in France to have her audited ?
We know she’s mishandling funds.
even Dulmar expressed shock & feeling uncomfortable when all the “money” started coming in. Even he knew something was not right.
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Potty discovered the delete button on his new video - shame because it's the only comment he received....

Screenshot 2022-03-10 at 08.58.16.png

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Hope this serves as a wakeup call to others at the farmhouse, to reconsider if an association there is in their best interests. Kirsty has been MIA for some time. Would love to know what Ian the builder thinks! Bet he has some beans/ tea to spill!
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That idiot did not even have an excuse for the financials. She has a new $8k computer and software that she is going to use to do the financials herself? She's already spent 40K this year?

What an unscrupulous hag. No offense to hags intended.

Where are the association financials, Stephanie Jarvis?
Yup, and she's gonna cook the books, I bet
I think she is hoping it will go away. If not then an invitation will be issued to him to come back and talk about it. "We're super friends Selmar, don't let this little upset get between us. Mummy and I were so grateful when you came like a gift from God when the pandemic hit. I know a lot of nasty people are saying we took advantage of you but you know we never did. Nati gets things muddled up sometimes as you know & I am so wanting us to remain the very, very good friends we have been all along." little moue cute downturned smile face, head on one side look (whilst making sure camera catches it). Selmar gets tools, eats meal cooked by Dan with Stephanie. Strangely Nati & Amaury are AWOL on an emergency visit to Brico. Selmar & Tat leave in camper with tears & waves & hugs all caputured for latest vlog. Turning back to enter the chateau Jarvis hisses, "now get lost you freaks". Fires up the new laptop, launches email & starts the smear campaign with all the chateau owners she knows in her address book. "Dear ....Just wanted to warn you...."
I bet you all the chateau owners are reading on this site and watching Selmar's you tube video. I don't think this one is going to go away that easily. After all the squandering of money for trips and luxuries and then moaning about heat problems and costs, I doubt people are as sympathetic to her 'bullshit' as they use to be.
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I have heard (but could not get it confirmed) that Stephanie Jarvis, only half owner of that dump we are talking about 24/7, did not only support them in their kickstarter calamity, but was the actual architect behind the idea of it, leading those two gullible twats to believe it would be possible for them to pull it off. The original idea, the two organizing their events from hell at her place, shocked her so much that she just had to come up with an alternative. The two fell for it, tried their best, which was obviously far from good enough and lacked actual support from the charlataine, and are now left with next to nothing.
You know I was beginning to formulate this scenario myself. The two of them were like deers caught in headlights. They didn’t know what to do next once the fundraiser was revealed. No social media promotion. Not a word of it from either of them really. They didn’t have a clue on how to promote it. It was almost like they wanted it to disappear. I definitely feel they were set up and then left to sink.
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I think he really wanted to whack her hands away😜
Crikey, doesn't Nutty realise she's an invasive pot de colle. How effing annoying.
Nutty knows what she is doing. Whenever the camera pans over to them, she is kissing his cheek ( in Harry’s bar), hanging all over him, etc. to stake her claim publically. She made sure to be in the background of the Venice video dancing with AnneMarie in a separate room, to imply her ownership and intimate relationship. The guest from the Shittoo posted on here that Nutty would sit on Anne Marie’s knee at the dinner table, no women can speak to Anne Marie without Nutty going ballistic, etc, WTF. Nutty isolates him from others at the Shittoo by shooing other people away, or by getting angry and slamming doors if he speaks with others. A month long holiday with her family in a country where Anne Marie doesn’t speak the local language? Holy pressure Batman! And the incessant childish high school vibe photos She constantly posts?

Anne Marie, look up info on controlling relationships dude, because you are definitely in one.
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What the?

Active member
The damage to her brand has already been done - people apart from Tattlers are asking questions. Video is still up on Sally's channel. ;)
From Sally Sichuan's channel

Do we know who requested the takedown? I know Selmar asked Justice to get in touch.
These comments are under this video First Dance Lesson in 2 Years | SELMAR'S TANGO
I've just checked again & they've disappeared apart from Justices first comment.




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Tattlers... I present to you a nice sweet relaxing palette cleanser from Anna at Le Fleur... a video where NOTHING dramatic happens, and you get to walk around a garden, looking at some derelict structures... :LOL:

And with that I say good evening... toodles!
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If she spent any time at her glorified farm house during the colder months, the heating system would have been changed years ago. Clearly, this indicates what we already know… That she cares nothing about anyone but herself.
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