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I wouldn’t like to be in Natalia Olivero’s shoes today.

I listened to Selma’s video and must say it is his best video yet. I felt sorry for him and Tatiana Belinda Hill. Appalled at how the inhabitants of Chateau Lalande treated a fellow human. How on earth are they going to embrace a refugee. Queen Kathy is right. There are no grown ups in the Chateau. Just a nest of vipers. 🐍
I, for one, would never want to be in her shoes. Imagine how uncomfortable that must be with two left shoes 🤪.

And I agree with the rest of your post from the bottom of my heart.

Chateau de Lalande, a place full of scam, filth and bullying

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Wait, wait wait. She has Narnia full of brocant shite, loo with $$$$ wallpaper and she can't figure out whether to do the heat or facade? There is no way patrons will not question their generosity. Seriously folks

I can't get past 15 seconds of her videos before my eyes involuntarily roll. I'm triggered by her use of whilst
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What the?

Active member
I've finally caught up but it's past my bedtime ie. after 12am here. much has & still is happening since Selmar outed/divulged/confessed/exposed himself. (I can't think of the word but you know what I mean)
I'm not sure it has helped with any potential employment nor has it upheld any good vibes he thought he still had with Isabelle & Stephanie Jarvis but good luck to him.

On a good note, it has opened up new people's perception of what we've known about Stephanie & her minions.
Unsubscribing, cancelling patronage & voicing their disgust/disappointment is music to my ears & tired eyes.

That's it for me...time to do it all over again tomorrow!
Stephanie Jarvis 50% deadbeat owner of Chateau de Lalande ... the countdown is in motion!

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I’ve played it and enjoyed it, though I’m more of a Sorry man myself. As a retired journalist I’ve seen the worst of humanity and long been desensitized to the horrors. (Jonestown was my second assignment as a teenage reporter) A result of that is I’ve long felt people are monsters, which is partly why I’m here. La Jarvis is a monster in my eyes based entirely on her behavior. She’s a narcissist, probably also a sociopath and greedy to boot. I just feel people should pay a bit more attention to the history behind language and common phrases. I’m something of a etymology fan/geek.
Journalist! Did you say Journalist? I think our prayers have been answered. 🙏We have an assignment for you. 😎🕵🏻‍♀️
I’m sure you know people, who know people. We need an expose. 60min will do just fine.
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Lady Avonlea

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So, PHILIP went into the campervan to talk to Selmar and Tatyana?! wtf. Stephanie Jarvis really is a 12 year old child incapable of de-escalate situations or managing emotions within her team. My god. Talk about the wrong woman with the wrong job. She should not be a ‘boss’, ever. Ignorant woman.

Do you guys think there will be a reaction video? I will not be surprised if she just gives it the silent treatment untill it goes away and the next hot topic comes along… or maybe she will create a destraction herself.
You can't expect the Lady of the Manor, Stephanie Jarvis, to get her hands dirty dealing with the downstairs staff. Fanny was far to busy:
a) booking her next vacation
b) soaking in the tub
c) enjoying her morning tea in bed
d) bidding in an online auction
e) packing for her next vacation
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Thank you for answering, but what I really wanted to know is why under that comment I posted there was no "like button", as I see now is under the comment I posted here previously. I was talking about the button. Does this mean that my post is not visible? Just wondering.
It could be worse. I made an innocent statement many threads ago and was called a "C you next Tuesday" and a stupid bitch and quite a few Tattlers DID like the mean comment thrown at me by the "tattler" who know longer posts on here ( I hope they got banned but good riddance!) Which made me feel REALLY bad! I would have rather their expletives toward me be ignored rather than "liked" as they were totally unwarranted.
I think sometimes at the end of threads people just jump to the new thread without reading the last few pages of the old one as the comments get to be redundant until new shit hits the fan.
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I wonder what 'cuz" is really , really thinking at the moment ??
Bully girlfriend or not a bully girlfriend ???
Is she more trouble than she is worth???
Decisions, Decisions , Decisions ???
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Just reading through the YT comments.
Poor Alan C didn't know quite what he was taking when he tried to do battle with Valerie. Doesn't he know that she has battle honours? The FB Grannies had to surrender and admit defeat. 🏅

Will Channel 4 get wind of this?

Let's hope that others seeing this will come forward to tell their stories.
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Clara Burnett

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It looks as though Cynthia's comments, along with lots of others have disappeared. So much for Cynthia not being worried!
It's an old trick I recognize from when I started to post here, happened to me over and over again. I would respond to their nonsense comments, get shouted at and then suddenly got locked out of the google account I was using, with a message that there had been suspicious activity in the account ant that google had to research and verify. I think the chateau mafia just reports people and YouTube acts on those reports by suspending that account and hide the comments in it.
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I love that Stephanie Jarvis, the partial owner of Chateau de Lalande, swindler of Patreon and master manipulator behind the Chateau Unwrapped YouTube channel and enabler of tear worthy bullying towards Selmar wants to consult us pseudo patrons about whether she should spend Patreon money on either the façade or the heating - naturally SJ would prefer the façade being the vacuous person she is. So currently, SJ understands it's one or the other. I have an idea - use the Patreon for the heating - then use your own money, from your Youtube ad revenue, for the façade to do your plans like any other person would have the good sense to. But oh no. Our Stephanie Jarvis, the partial owner of Chateau de Lalande, swindler of Patreon and master manipulator behind the Chateau Unwrapped YouTube channel and enabler of tear worthy bullying towards Selmar eyes have to travel - she needs to immerse herself in culture from distant lands and has no intention to commit her own funds to renovating her own shitoo. I wonder what her Patrons make of statements to the affect of one or the other when she's been living it up since November 2021. Despicable.

Better still close down the Patreon and use your own money to renovate your own home. SJ is on her third year of support and what has come of it.....? Plumbing new depths of selfishness.

As to be expected, no mention of the Selmar and Tatyana debacle. Never happened. Minor inconvenience at worse.

Is this the advice she is receiving from her YouTube Manager? Ignore everything and bemoan the lack of finances....?

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Again, there's lots to read about Dana and what she has done in the older threads that you clearly have no appetite for. You made it very clear you like the woman, i made it clear I don't hate her but won't drink a cup of tea with her either. That's life, Tattle Life even, some of your favorite CHARACTERS in this shitshow might not be as loved by others. Tant pis.

Clara, I've been here posting since thread 4. I remember your arrival. Yes, I mostly read and I'm not a prolific poster but you can't say that anyone who doesn't toe the party line 'hasn't read old threads'.

I don't like Dana especially- I don't know her. But the distaste for a woman who isnt grifting, isn't lying and hasn't done anything wrong other than be flirty and be older is awful. And I the misogynistic insults that are levied at her are hateful.

People say leave off Dan as he's not the aim of these threads and then promptly crack into Dana. Why?
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UK Phoenix

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My mum, RIP, went on a pilgrimage to Lourdes back in the mid-70s hoping for a miracle. Didn't happened. But, during my recent downsizing I found stored away within my loft her over the shoulder, huge holy water bottle cannister which still contained one-third of the water, plus her Pilgrimage passport and daily diary too with addresses of all those she met. Each to their own. ❤
Thank you for the hearts to my post, I wasn't after sympathy in any manner, just stating fact. But they are so much appreciated. as I still get really emotional, especially as I am now exactly the same age when my mother died. Life is, just that, life. ❤
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