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MPK last vlog...

Someone speaks with wisdom... at last (and seems to see the truth in this story).

1 hour ago
Hi Michael. I'm not sure if you read all these comments, but I've seen this video and had a couple of days to think if I reach out or not. Firstly well done for quitting smoking, difficult habit to stop. I wonder how you received a diagnosis so quickly, I hope you saw a specialist, to get the right information to ensure you get the right medication. If you didn't and its a might be...this could be counter productive. There are so many people who "fail" at things, or do not finish projects, or think they are useless, this does not necessarily mean they have a condition, its just part of their make up. You have an incredible skill set, and by no means useless. Comments praising you or saying how good you look may not necessarily be helpful to you in the long run, other than propping up the old ego. If you are open to advice....mine would out a good therapist who can help you understand you. To gently take you to a place where you work out why....rather than a quick fix pill. I'm not a huge fan of you, but I would not like to see any harm come your way. This video in my humble opinion had a hint of manicness through it. Take more time out, go and see someone to help you, and get healed properly. I send this with my best wishes, and if you wish to reach out I am happy for you to do that.
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Ouch !

2 hours ago
Okay Michael, thanks for the update. I used to be a subscriber but you made things too personal. I love what you and your brother are doing with the chateau. Something a wise man told me man told me, don't talk about your personal life, politics, religion or aches and pains. We all have aches and pains, what makes you so special? I wanted chateau rebuilding, not insight into your life. Sorry if that is harsh, you seem like a cool guy. But be a man, get back to work and get into your work. Carry on....
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Good advice :

4 hours ago
As someone from a family (both immediate and extended) where quite a few have ADHD, I would just say that, while medication can help (a lot in some cases), it won't "fix" everything by itself. Effective ADHD management requires effort too. The best outcomes that I've seen happen when the individual with ADHD creates schedules and other systems that help keep him or her on task. This is often best done in coordination with family and friends. They can often recognize problem behaviors and help put you back on target (often before you realize that you are veering off target).
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Clara Burnett

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Let us applaud ”billybudd” as no truer words have been spoken “I think Dan who is neither provincial nor a party boy nor her squeeze, is on to her. And Annalise will whip his ass if if he isn’t”. “billybud” - you are spot on. Absolutely.
I agree 100% that Dan is not buying into StephaMEME’s antics. 100%. And if you all observe Annalise as she’s bleaching out StephaMEME’s roots - she is going through the motions, doesn’t say much, smiles, nods. Annalise has StephaMEME’s number as well, hands down. Both Dan and Annalise are cashing in from the cow as long as they can. Dan is most likely going to build up his video/drone business - make money on the side with that, so he’s smart in that way, I think. Annalise now has the back-up work at the school. They’ll be fine if/when StephaMEME explodes. Don’t think for one single minute that Dan and “Cuz” don’t share some eye rolls. Still trying to figure out how long “Cuz” will hang out. He could probably live at the SHITTO until he dies fixing shit. His mother, after her visit at Christmas is probably praying and lighting candles at the local chapel that her son’s visit at the SHITTO is simply a phase. Nutti is probably hoping for a marriage. . . . .the look of happy, content family gathering at Christmas was such forced fun. I’m rattling on too long now, but one thing just leads to another.
Nothing I see Dan doing or saying tells me this, so perhaps it's wishful thinking? Dan is not on to SJ, even though he might think he is. He views her as silly, funny, a bit crazy sometimes, but good fun and in the end he feels flattered by her, by her ongoing compliments and her faked dependencies. What harm could there be in someone so charming and friendly? If Dan really would want to know, all he has to do is ask around. But he won't, because like you, he thinks he's on top of things. All I'm saying is "Oh no, you're not".
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Lady Avonlea

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He's said there just isn't time for it ... which seems obvious when he's got a job, doing renos at his own place and has a family. His kitchen is there and waiting when he has time or wants to change content in that direction. I think it would be very challenging to try to do with the noise of kids in the house, I think the few he did were late at night, if I remember right.

I only ever remember seeing it in a tour vlog from around March/April 2020 of the behind the scenes areas ... don't even remember if we say much of it then.

edit to add this:

Where did she put all that stuff that was in the room which has now been cleared out for the china pantry? Move it up to the attic? SJ just moves crap from place to place.

Where can i see the dirty pantry Dan has been working on please? The last vlog of his i saw had the pantry all emptied out. I wanna see mess!,🤪
Here's a shot of the dirty kitchen kettle!


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So, you think he sees himself as a professional filming guy in the future? Is that what you're saying? Do you think he has that type of talent? IF anyone has that sort of talent, I would say it's Teabag. I just don't see the creativity in Dan. His vlogs have already become pretty repetitive imo. I could be wrong.
I daresay that if Dan had the volume of free time that Teabag enjoys, he'd have time to explore his creativity a little more. I really don't know how he manages to fit so much into his days.

We rarely see Dan when he isn't working - no wonder he looks as though he often needs a shower. Teabag and Snorts always looks as though they need a good scrub and neither of them seem to lift a finger!
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perhaps because he is employed by sj, and if he has to be there, why not make a vlog
I agree. Dan is making daily vlogs, and working at the chateau is a part of his normal routine. Seems reasonable to film there to me. And he’s working on a pantry…a utilitarian room. I mean, it’s not going to “steal SJ’s thunder” (so to speak). If SJ can’t let Dan take a couple of days to finally restore a pantry that she let crumble for the last 17 years, she’s really got major issues. Just imagine how much could get done if everyone just tackled these little projects and finished them one day at a time.

Reminds me of the first few lines of a poem my grandmother used to quote…

“Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the beauteous land”

– Julia A. Carney, 1845
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Now I understand why they needed to visit SA. Philip had an interview and I'm delighted that he seems to have been successful! Congratulations on the new job as one of Vile-otti's "hostesses". (It explains why he had the trial run with the banana shorts!)

Screenshot 2022-01-29 at 10.50.32.png

He talks about making the yellow dress at 41.15.
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He's got an easy reason to relinquish sitting in the lap of luxury. ;)
Your idea of "sitting in the lap of luxury" is a million years away from what I consider luxury, he is welcome to freeze, eat off second hand plates food prepared in a dirty kitchen brought out of a mouse filled pantry and a overflowing Smeg fridge. Shopping trips traipsing around Emmaus with a sprinkling of a Acorn Antiques spending money I have not earned or deserve would all be my idea of Hell.
I agree he will not be going anywhere unless pushed by SJ he is too bone idle, I think he must be related to the Petherick clan, (not Mick).
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Do we know how much the Leach family paid for their gardens and castle?
This is from the live chat 9/12/21...

Candy Williams How kind of Stephanie and Phillip to do that for their friends.
Stephanie Sharkey Does he mention price at all?
Michael Morrison @the Chateau Diaries we might need to employee your assitance in our search and you too… @Philip Janssen
Stephdayosteph can't wait to go back and watch the beginning. is this Steve/Sara's place?
Stevie B How much do we think it sold for? £900,000
Stevie B Must be close to £1,000,000?
Jimmy Connolly €2,495,000

👇 From

One person who bought a French chateau from Mr Chassin over the past year is American, Julia Leach.
The 30-year-old was inspired to purchase one after becoming an avid viewer of Ms Jarvis' The Chateau Diaries while she lived in New York.
"The contrast was stark between the hustle and work culture I was immersed in, and the slower pace of life of Stephanie's videos pulled at my heart," says Ms Leach, who shared Jarvis' videos with her family in California.
So in April 2021, Ms Leach, her partner, sister and their parents pooled their financial resources to buy the 12-bedroom, 13th-Century Chateau du Puy Vidal in Charente, southwest France, for €2.2m (£1.8m).

...and it continues...

Hazel Fisher
1 hour ago
@Lizzybean I belong to another group we all say the same thing She’s extremely calculating but I think very clever So the givers keep giving I hope Dan doesn’t take to this way


1 hour ago
@Hazel Fisher I hope and think Dan is way more astute. He is not greedy and can see this helping him. I’m not sure about groups ? Apart from patron? I stopped giving money after three months as I could see her making no real renovations and just spending from you tube which she seems to think is hers for the taking whilst patron fund everything else. It’s mild dishonest , I’m not sure she is doing it deliberately but has all her life been a spoilt only child and this is magnified. She truly thinks she is a princess. It was fun to watch and seemed genuine. Now it feels like a farce and the car crash will be interesting . The other fallouts like Selmar , Tomas and now Marie who have all become quite delusional with the ideas of grandeur they obtained whilst at Lalande. It does not seem to attract anyone now who is not on the grift eg Curtis etc. It all feels very inbred with the SA links and villioti. I’m pretty furious about the cadeux too. It’s very ugly to watch and I have now stopped. Maybe the inflation rate in the USA will make the older ladies there rethink patron.


Hazel Fisher
1 hour ago
@Lizzybean can I ask why you chose to be a patron ? I’m genuinely interested As I just can’t get my head around it Have said this many times Theses people have plenty of money really that are seriously rich All what you say is my opinion as well I can’t and don’t watch the present giving one You should read tattle they have it all on there interesting read


Cat T.
59 minutes ago
@Lizzybean There has been tons of renovations being done. They just haven’t been completed as yet. It’s not like remodeling a house you know.


Hazel Fisher
56 minutes ago
@Cat T. but the amount of people who have been there it should be


Cat T.
47 minutes ago
@Hazel Fisher Phillip has been on holiday since he arrived. Brocanting for pretty china and women’s clothing for himself isn’t work. Setting a table isn’t work. Following Stephanie around with her pink cellphone isn’t work. The sexually confused man child doesn’t know the meaning of work and shouldn’t be paid a cent. Unfortunately, Stephanie’s taste in men (or boys) is right on par with her taste in decorating. Messy, bewildering and an eye sore.


Hazel Fisher
42 minutes ago
@Cat T. lol that quite frank


Hazel Fisher
38 minutes ago
@Cat T. I thought it funny the other day when he said he lived in a chateau like it was he’s When correctly he should of said I work in a chateau What will happen when it ends Will he claim right over the China


22 minutes ago
@Hazel Fisher I was one of the first to send something ,a small item as I was taken in by the poor little me living in a run down chateau … cannot believe what I caused, so that’s my interest! I cannot say what I sent as it will be very obvious who I am! I have a card handwritten thanking me back in the early days! I chose to be a patron thinking I would see more truths, and understanding of exactly how Nick and Michael are involved,but in fact having watched loads of the old patron vlogs I could see the web was so tangled it would be difficult not to spin a yarn each vlogbut stayed for 3 months only . I dared to challenge something in the patron comments and lots of the cult members came for me ,it said enough really! I am alarmed by her ability to spend with no thought to the near future, particularly seeing Davey’s garden , land plans on patron. I have lots of historical plant knowledge and landscaping although not in France. I understand his work is free but this makes it almost impossible to be a client or boss. It will end in difficult times more so for Davey I fear. The amount of money needed to maintain this… I left because I did not wish to fuel the fire but also because of seeing how it was just a love shack? And now some very dubious pairings have developed, Selmar? Marie? And whatever people think about her and Philip, he calls lalande his home, if he buys stuff for it etc will he have a claim on it if there relationship fails? I worry for him. And then I started to do some homework on all the properties the three of them own or have use of . Definitely they need NO support from me! I have friends and contacts in Woodbridge and Framingham and am curious to find out more about some of the goings on. It is a soap opera and I guess we all know how they play out!


Hazel Fisher
10 minutes ago
@Lizzybean The planting of the trees is horrific nobody leaves the wire baskets on ! I also have great knowledge of this area Marie is a lost cause she will never make it in the UK as a florist I was one for 38 years Selmar the idea you can get millions in the bank is just unbelievable I do believe they see Stephanie as a master at this and believe is possible for them as well sadly not all have the power she has great kudos the money shows
I was a Dan fan. I no longer am. He has deleted this 👆. Lizzybean has too many comments, sprinklered throughout, to delete them all without raising suspicion. It's not a good look for Dan's YT channel. He is no different than the grifter he works for. Did Dan receive an urgent message from Stephanie Jarvis or was it her handler Philip Janssen that reach out???
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The reactions have started (in the comments) :

38 minutes ago
I’m confused…I recall Isobelle had already met Philip?


37 minutes ago
She doesn't know Philip is Stephanie's boyfriend. That news will show Isabella's feelings.

31 minutes ago
Well if we knew then she definitely knew. What an odd title.


9 minutes ago
@Laura Kelly ohhhh! I see. So she has already met him like I recall but doesn’t know he’s her boyfriend?

15 minutes ago
Wait! Wasn’t Mummy at the Chateau when Philip first arrived? She always called him “the boy”. This is confusing.
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Marty McFly 9

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We were given some rapid tests today .... and husband and I both have COVID. Our one son doesn't, and we aren't letting the other one know we're positive or testing him due to his extreme anxiety. We've been sick, like bad head cold sick, since mid - end of last week. Doing better in many ways, but still a lot of coughing and fatigue and some sinus headache for me. We're all double vaxxed, I JUST got my booster a week ago, so too late ... someone here just suggested something they are taking to help with symptoms ... going to look for it, but if you see this give me a reminder and we'll see if we can get some.
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JP in SC

Well-known member
Lady Avonlea you are exactly right - MUMMIE has Macular Degeneration - holding most every item directly up to her eyes. My father had Macular Degeneration, I noticed IJ immediately in the gift grab replicating how someone with the issue actually works to see something. Not a good thing. No cure. Will only get worse. Will be interesting to observe Stephanie as a caretaker. . . . .that won’t go well, as every hug, every “oh MUMMIE” is so faux. IJ may get treated in old age, as she treated a young Stephanie. It will all play out passive/aggressively.
Espy - “Gerry was just dreadful”. . . .agreed. I’d like to comment further that I believe that Gerry has been hitting the sauce pretty hard, early and often, daily, probably starts up at lunch, or tips a little in his morning tea then continues on. The jokes, almost as if he is trying to “earn” his keep. Gigolo still has a hard time keeping his mouth shut behind the camera.
Ah, Stephanie - what a crumbling, pathetic entourage surrounding you. . . . .you work so hard at keeping up your ambiance, but darling - your show, your brand is lost now, and it continues to get worse.
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Suggestion for the next thread title: I'm just a snigolo and everywhere I go..... People know the part I'm playing! LOL!
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Ok so I was in Waterstones (a bookstore) yesterday and I noticed our Don Jarvis's new read - she thought it AMAZING!
Firstly, SJ you presented this as a charity shop find, which of course it wasn't, seeing it was a recent release and a 2022 edition cover.

Screenshot 2022-01-31 at 12.08.57.png

Screenshot 2022-01-31 at 12.08.50.png

Secondly, I read the recommendations on the back sleeve. Note Amanda Foreman's it may suggest why Don Jarvis thought the book to be so AMAZING. Her reading literature speaks to her need for status and ownership. She doesn't strike me as a particularly clever person as she hints to this need in almost all vlogs, when one would assume one would conceal it as much as poss, but then again, I questioned if she were goading us Tartlets with it. I would guess she knows all too well the majority of her militia and patrons hang off of every word she utters and don't feel the need to question her sincerity.

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Lady Avonlea

VIP Member
New Patreon video
Interview with a zombie!
From Fanny's mouth to our ears:
- will finish 1 project before starting another in 2022*
- will focus on renovation in 2022
- 3.5 videos per week (Patron, Cadeaux, CD on Thursday and maybe on Sunday)
- shorter advent videos
- 8 videos with Oli (3 done + 5 more, mostly from Venice)
- Financials - hopefully next week????

* There are so many unfinished projects already to complete (Grand Salon, Natti's room, Gerry's room, Marquis Suite, Pergola, Downstairs Loo, Pink Upstairs Loo, China Pantry, Chapel windows & resortation, her upstairs office).... plus more. So does this mean Fanny won't start the heating, facade, gardens, rendering, patio/stairs, pond, lake, upstairs red loo, billiard room in attic, etc...until all these current, unfinished projects are completed? I doubt it!

Sadly, Cadeaux isn't going away - that's the only thing Fanny said which I believe.
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Perplexed bee

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Not if SJ can do something about it, obviously in the "kindest" possible way. She has stated many times in the last year or so how happy she is without her mother (con)trolling every inch of her life. IJ has become a liability in her vlogs as she can't shut her mouth and will stir things up, especially in combination with the Snorting Squirrel Cameltoe and his appalling behavior: fireworks indeed, I personally can't wait (not that I wish anything bad on Percy, even the old racist deserves better).

Indeed they are. But not sick enough to not claim those costs as 'business expenses' as they are used as props for yet another monstrosity of a vlog....

As much as I dislike the interaction between SJ and her Snorting Squirrel Cameltoe, I once again could not agree less with you. IJ might be fun to watch for you, I have witnessed the way she holds sway at the farmhouse up close and personal and there's literally no fun in it for anybody. She's a horrible person through and through and if she does come back for an extended period of time, SJ better have her locked in her own quarters. She can't handle the mess she created as is, let alone with that old hag back in town to whip everybody into shape again. Parties no more.
I would like to look at the CDs as a dystopian fairytale: IJ needs to be there as the villain (the step mother archetype), to counteract the sugary show of the air-headed princess, with her toad-promoted-to-honking-prince, and the whole coterie of quirky servants, all cavorting around in a crumbling castle. If they would stick to that, all would be fine and amusing (they need more plotlines at the moment, it's getting a bit stale). It's the way they are financially exploiting the vulnerable viewers which is sickening.
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I thought that IJ was still still at Lalande when Pipi first arrived there?View attachment 1037211


(some flying monkey karma)

At least mummykins was honest, and when SSB asked her thoughts about BJJ she replied with delighted that he is contributing to her daughter's happiness.

Standard answer.

Not a single word directed to him. "Philip is a wonderful man; hardworking, kind, etc."



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Clara Burnett

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Between the farmhouse & the London flat, her b & b takings are quite good. I would think if she had 220 bookings, that would translate to roughly 400 guests give or take. I could be wrong, but my reasoning behind those numbers is that she was fully booked last year when I scrolled through her calendar last spring. Only one room is set up as a single, the rest are double occupancy, one is touted as being "perfect for families".

I'm not sure, but I think she operates from March to October so that's 245 days.
Her words "fully booked" must, as always, be taken with a pinch of salt. If she feels like a party coming up, or just wants a bit of privacy, she closes down the b&b as if it's fully booked. She only accepts guests on Friday and Saturday anyway. Considering her b&b I think the takeaway should be that she doesn't need an income from that anymore and because it involves so much work she will choose to be "fully booked" as much as possible, especially when she's not.

Because Sj is having an affair with a married man perhaps?(not insinuating Dan!)
The Snorting Squirrel Cameltoe better make damn sure he's paid properly then...taking all these beatings, not just from us but from her super fans too...and for what? To make SJ shine and free her up for some naughtynesses? Now, does that sounds even remotely like the SJ we know and hate?

Ahh... I didn't realize that the apartment was the grandmother's! I thought it was IJ's. Either way, I agree that it isn't in SJ's financial realm, along with the English house. Whenever I start thinking about the AirBnB business, the beach house brings IJ's other house(s) to mind, but I didn't mean to imply that she has any right to the profits of IJ's own assets. My bad.
The apartment is most definitely not the grandmother's, but IJ's. She wanted a place close to her mother for when she visited, without having to stay somewhere less private. Since the grandmother died, nobody has been to the apartment. The only thing SJ likes about it is the money it will make once it's sold.

the beach house brings IJ's other house(s) to mind, but I didn't mean to imply that she has any right to the profits of IJ's own assets. My bad
SJ used to rent out the beach house through airbnb and could keep all the revenue made this way. IJ rented it out through a different agent and made far less. Not sure what the current deal is, who gets the rent and who pays for maintenance. Oh wait, Jarvisses don't do maintenance, do they?
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Going through the monthly statistics.
The Fleuries have knocked the ball out of the park with 4 million views and 79k new subscribers. They are the only ones who can get a glimpse of the huge potential of viewers chateauverse can gain. How To Renovate A Chateau's YouTube Stats (Summary Profile) - Social Blade Stats Happy for them. Happy that to reach better numbers you don't have to squeal, fake or manipulate. SJ is doing well as usual but can't compete with them. She has her cult following to keep her pockets lined. Surprisingly she got her usual ~2 million views even she uploaded less. Food for thought.

People don't seem to care about MPK anymore, under 100k views to his 'fresh' start. It looks like it's a no go. I feel a proper 'woe is me'-car crash video coming.

Billy, DTM and Anna with her talking horse Ed are competing neck to neck. Well done all of them! 2022 might be the year for them. La Lacelles will join them in a few months.
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Clara Burnett

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Where can i see the dirty pantry Dan has been working on please? The last vlog of his i saw had the pantry all emptied out. I wanna see mess!,🤪
The fact that he had the girls (as he calls them, I guess he means Kim Raad and the land girl volunteer?) clean it out first before starting and not show it on his vlog, should be indication enough of how dirty that place was.
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