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MPK last vlog...

Someone speaks with wisdom... at last (and seems to see the truth in this story).

1 hour ago
Hi Michael. I'm not sure if you read all these comments, but I've seen this video and had a couple of days to think if I reach out or not. Firstly well done for quitting smoking, difficult habit to stop. I wonder how you received a diagnosis so quickly, I hope you saw a specialist, to get the right information to ensure you get the right medication. If you didn't and its a might be...this could be counter productive. There are so many people who "fail" at things, or do not finish projects, or think they are useless, this does not necessarily mean they have a condition, its just part of their make up. You have an incredible skill set, and by no means useless. Comments praising you or saying how good you look may not necessarily be helpful to you in the long run, other than propping up the old ego. If you are open to advice....mine would out a good therapist who can help you understand you. To gently take you to a place where you work out why....rather than a quick fix pill. I'm not a huge fan of you, but I would not like to see any harm come your way. This video in my humble opinion had a hint of manicness through it. Take more time out, go and see someone to help you, and get healed properly. I send this with my best wishes, and if you wish to reach out I am happy for you to do that.
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Ouch !

2 hours ago
Okay Michael, thanks for the update. I used to be a subscriber but you made things too personal. I love what you and your brother are doing with the chateau. Something a wise man told me man told me, don't talk about your personal life, politics, religion or aches and pains. We all have aches and pains, what makes you so special? I wanted chateau rebuilding, not insight into your life. Sorry if that is harsh, you seem like a cool guy. But be a man, get back to work and get into your work. Carry on....
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Good advice :

4 hours ago
As someone from a family (both immediate and extended) where quite a few have ADHD, I would just say that, while medication can help (a lot in some cases), it won't "fix" everything by itself. Effective ADHD management requires effort too. The best outcomes that I've seen happen when the individual with ADHD creates schedules and other systems that help keep him or her on task. This is often best done in coordination with family and friends. They can often recognize problem behaviors and help put you back on target (often before you realize that you are veering off target).
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Here’s another comment from Michael’s “Fresh Start” vlog…Paco speaks from the heart! 😄 You know, it’s easy for Michael to say “Fresh Start” (once again), but he still didn’t really explain what that means in terms of content. He quit smoking, “discovered” he’s got ADHD, and is now taking medication for it. Ok, that’s fine…so how, exactly, are things going to be different, MPK? He really never promised or committed to actually changing anything. Rather than improving his video content and personal life, more and more I have the feeling he’ll use the ADHD as his latest excuse. In 2020 it was “Angel Strawbridge stole my design,” in 2021 it was “I was ‘used’ by rent boys,” and now he’s set the excuse stage for 2022…I have ADHD.

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Clara Burnett

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Hopefully IJ read both SJ and Cameltoe the riot act in SA- she clearly reads here- as they all do-IJ is the only one with a modicum of business sense
I'm sorry to say I no longer agree. By keeping her mother at arm's length, safely tucked away in SA, SJ managed to take over the reign over everything that goes on at her shittoo. I doubt very much IJ will come to France anytime soon, but she has certainly lost grip over her darling daughter. Pandora's box has been opened and the physical and emotional curses upon her entourage can not be prevented nor erased.
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So i listened while i prepared a sandwich to the patreon video:
- i could hear snorts breath, drove me crazy
- he ate someting i heard him loudly smacking
- the moment SJ, said Squirrel behind the camera, he 'laughed' quitely making his not so musculine presence know
- he interupted once again with directing a question to PA from behind the camera.
Just shut up Squirrel, you have nothing to add to the video's be a good boy and calm your nuts!

Here is what i took from the interview.
There will be 1 CD per week following renovations and life at dump. Perhaps a sunday diary as well (2 sundays are already filmed)
She will dramatically reduce time at lalande because she will put time and effort into the channel with oli. The channel with oli is simply an excuse to start traveling a lot and spending less time in her dump. She has 3 oli video's ready and plans on 5 more video's in Venice. Before she starts the channel. So no more tuesday's and occasionally sundays in 2022.

Note: your christmas video's were not 30 minutes long. The intro and patreon names are at least 3 min long + the average of advent were on average 17 minutes including intro and names.
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Percy, whilst a tiny man, is highly intelligent. I had no idea he was one of the founders of Q Data- he's done quite well for himself. His company went on to be quite successful in the USA. His own children are incredibly successful in their own right (I think 2 of them are neurosurgeons, and one is an engineer.) What on earth do he and IJ even have in common? SMH- he's brilliant. His children are brilliant. And then he gets the step-child of Fanny- wow. If anything, this video made her look even dumber than a box of rocks.
Percy knows exactly what SJ is like (and what his wife is like!). He clearly did not appreciate the Advent vlogs and that was not just about the length; I am sure he sees PJ for what he is and how useless he is. He almost said how much better Dan is at making short vlogs than both SJ and PJ! She didn't like the final advice and said they'd gone off on a tangent. As usual, she looks and comes across as the bimbo she really is, not capable of achieving anything like Percy's children have. Interesting that she said she is unable to multi-task and yet she has made a practice of starting numerous different projects at the same time and consequently none of them are completed. Whatever she says to Percy, she will continue to do just as she pleases and will not learn from any advice he offers. No surprises, of course, about the lack of info and figures for the patrons. You can see the falsehood just by watching her facial expressions, gestures, and body language.
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Queenie Mvelo

Active member
Totally agree with you! Percy is over the whole charade.
I am new to Tattle and I enjoy reading the remarks, comments😉😊, especially those about the double barrel shotgun cavern squirrel nostrils!! I enjoyed the first CD diaries and was hooked (no subs) and sadly it deteriorated for me. Then stumbled on to Tattle and now enjoying the show!
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A Gigolo is “a male escort, social companion who is supported by a female in a continuing relationship, often living in her residence and is present at her beck & call”. “Expected to have nice manners, provide sexual services, & tend to her perceived needs, whims In an effort to seek constant favor”. . . . . . .. . .that’s exactly what we’re seeing. Must be stomach turning for those who observe it up close and personal as they freeze a smile on their face. . . .hoping it is but a phase StephaMEME is going through. So obvious. . . . .pathetic. . . .overt display of StephaMEME’s messed up life and times. SNORTS is clearly subservient to StephaMEME, does her bidding and is there to please her. There have been multiple, multiple lawsuits over the years in many countries where the Gigolo makes claims. StephaMEME should watch out for Snorts. But she’ll walk the fence line for awhile more - as she loves the attention, adoration. It is absolutely stunning to observe his behavior in multiple scenes throughout her videos, and I can tell by the slightest facial nuances of those around her (and some reactions not so slight) that most everyone “gets” SNORTS. Will he make a mis-step? We shall see. . . .there have been exceptional passive/aggressive instances captured (apron from the Egyptologist. . .) and many others. Anyway. . . . . . . .sick, sick and sick.
He's been referred to as her Gigolo here since way back in Thread 10! I think may have been @SableOnBlonde who first tagged him. Good to know that the Chateau inmates also think of him the same way.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
She'll deny anything unfavorable against her just claiming they've misunderstood everything.
Exactly! And what's worse: she's completely lacking the insight into her own character to ever admit to it. No matter how crazy her stories turn out, she believes them herself and blames anyone who doesn't.

If Dan can make money out of cooking at the chateau then why not make life easier for himself and everyone else by having a good pantry ?
It wasn't the state of the pantry what was creating the dirty mess and a health hazard in the first place. It was the lack of enthusiasm by all shittoo inhabitants to maintain a certain level of hygiene and keep the rodents out. If you (or Dan) think that mentality will improve by repointing the walls, you are in for a rather smelly surprise....

He's talking about mouse turds and old plaster flakes in the food.
And he will be talking about those mouse turds and (less old) plaster flakes for a long time after, because his efforts will all be in vain. The Dutch have a fitting saying "Even if a monkey wears a golden ring, it is and always will be an ugly thing".
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Right, she is off her Trolley. Bonkers, bananas, and she has a friend like that too. I just did this for Tattle, I watched vlog by Flower killer Marie. As you all can guess, it made me quite irritated, I may just have a little pre dinner drink! ;)
I am as much a flower artist as she is, jeeeeezzz. I can also put flowers (on their own) into a little vase. One flower in each vase. And go on about how "I love putting single flowers in vases". They think they are Thelma and Louise! Sorry, that is the most uncool roadtrip that I shall avoid watching anything more off. Why did I do it? CD has made me a bit weird. Why do I care? Why watch? Dan is too cool for school as well now, all wide eyes and flapping arms, he obviously thinks that is how one vlogs professionally. Be yourself Dan, that was better. Flower Killer Marie must also be herself, but also stop vlogging.
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Electric heaters and a pompe à chaleur, invest in some good thermal undies then. They're all bloody mad, good luck to them! Have dealt enough with chateaus and their upkeep since living here to know I'd never ever want one. It's people's naivety with all that owning one entails that never ceases to amaze me. Especially those who do not have the full financial means to begin with. The German couple, the bathroom in the toile room, no tiles under the bath for the enevitable water that gets on the floor (worked in a chateau with a bathroom almost exactly the same) that wood will eventually turn black from water damage. I still think there are a lot of people who take on these chateaus with the idea of B&B or Gite complexes even, thinking it will not be a full time job, it is you'll hardly ever have any time off yourselves unless you've the money to employ staff but you're never 'off duty'. At least the Canadian ladies decided against it in the end, suddenly the penny dropped that it's not all princesses in floaty dresses it's pure hard graft.
Too right JackSpratt, and we would know. We are one of those 'lot' that have a Chateau in France, but we're not morons, we bought a petit château, fully renovated, plus WE KNOW what we're doing, we have been in hospitality for over thirty years and knew exactly what it needs to make money here.
Interesting point, to have a chambres d'hotes in France you are a 'micro-entrepreneur' (you're a fool if you start a SARL to run a B&B) and micro-entrepreneurs can not employ staff. Also, SJ's Association is operating illegally by all accounts and that is just from what she tells us!
I can not get over how all these Chateau channels expect people to pay (patreon, bymeacoffee, kickstart etc) for their Chateau that they will then reap the benefits when they sell. They ARE NOT National Monuments, the government here steps in when it is a true 'Monument National', these places are private mansions and they are a dime a dozen, believe me!
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I wonder if it's not because the majority of her superfans have no idea of what The Ivy's is, or the real cost of a Chateau in France, or what a splendid beach house in SA or a flat in central London represent.
Of course, they have no idea that Mummy as they call her has a flat in South France (Mediterranean sea) and a nice house in Suffolk and (once again) what it represents in terms of wealth.

They want to believe in what makes them dream. And the Lalanders know it
After watching so many different Chateau channels and Chateau vloggers, I sometimes forget they’re in France…everyone speaks English! @LaFrancaise123 I just want to confirm…French is still spoken in France, correct? Just want to make sure! 😊
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Just watched the GAG, she really is barking mad taking woolly hats and scarves to SA, and what nutter buys a rich person a £10 pom pom hat and pays more than it cost to post it to France, it all just beggars belief, I wonder how much footage she lost editing out Percy yawning, he’s so over his in-laws 😂
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If Dan is in any way serious about having a career on YouTube (and he says he is, almost every episode of his no longer daily vlogs) he should immediately stop deleting comments. He made a huge mistake when he aligned his business with hers and the content he’s showing makes it clear that he has reached the point of no return: he’s convinced the viewers of his own vlog like to see him do stuff in her HMN more than they like to see him diy at his own house. He’s been thoroughly love bombed by SJ and feels he needs to defend her from critics and haters. He completely ignores the fact that his fans like him for who he is, not for who SJ thinks he should be.
I have seen this happening with so many of her staff, over and over again. They start out strong, showing off their character, but once SJ sniffs out there might be something useful in it for her, she starts moulding them into her loyal servants until they think that’s who they are and what they are there for. It never ends well, ever.

He could, but he doesn't, does he? All his work is now related to SJ. He's going to crash and burn and it won't be long, if I don't misread the signs. It was all fun and games when it started, but it isn't as much fun anymore. He might be fine in the long run, but not until he has found a way out of there.
I think Annalise may be his saving grace. She is working away from the chateau now and may be able to bring him back down to earth…..,or not. I notice Kirsty hasn’t blogged since before the party they attended at the Chateau. I think she sees thru it all. She has also been off camera on the other blogs for a while now.
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Tomaz a “bit over the top?” Why, whatever made you think that? 😆

View attachment 1032048
Now there’s a vast improvement.

Mr Squidgy, Mr “Me work? WTF, I’m basically royalty”

There’s a true narcissist if I ever saw one. His poor, dear Mamma.

Happy February!!!!
SJ is up new patrons but is back to Dec. 31, 2021, all time low per patron $s. This is what buying patrons looks like.

To date, that was the most vile gift grab. IJ and Percy, opening random gifts, that were thrown into SJ's new luggage for the sole purpose of filming, SHAMELESS GRIFTERS. THIS ONE, IS A NEW LOW OF GRIFTING GREED.

Notice the bio-toilet, loaded onto the plane along with SJ's luggage. I was in hopes that it would be part of the gift grab.
View attachment 1031706
The SA gift grab live chat...

jetje and puppyluv were active before the flog started. They were drumming up viewers for Castle ten Berghe.

Blue Transit The benefit of bringing their gifts is that you now have more luggage room for essential shopping back to LaLande
Jenny Willow @Blue Transit I think Philip has already filled all the spare space
jetje goes dutch hi all..... castle ten berghe has a short vlog in 12 minutes too... lets go there before this starts xxxxx

smolpuppyo'love Omg excitng
smolpuppyo'love jetjegoesdutch hallooo there ready to do the hokey cokey!?
jetje goes dutch @smolpuppyo'love always !!!!!!!! lol
smolpuppyo'love I love you all
smolpuppyo'love hahaha @jetjegoesdutch
smolpuppyo'love I'm hoping that some of my gifts have made it to this cadeaux!!!!
smolpuppyo'love getting impatient now foot tapping...... just so excited
jetje goes dutch we're all at castle ten berghe peeps... there's a premiere there and it ends before this starts.. come on over xxxxx
CasperP come on over to Castle ten Berghe for a few minutes of chat before this one starts ... we are all waiting for ya
smolpuppyo'love be back later

Percy and BJJ were tasked with the live chat. MP, (a Lalande account), cleared up the Peter Attfield question.
Percy Attfield Hello all. Hope you are all well.
Percy Attfield I’m not able to respond to each one individually. Just too many!
Peter Attfield Good evening campers hope you are all well
Peter Attfield Good evening campers hope you are all well
M P PETER...Are you Percy's son???
Peter Attfield @ M P, I have no connection with them

BJJ and puppyluv
Philip Janssen Hi everyone!!
smolpuppyo'love hello lovely Philip
smolpuppyo'love papa smurf

Jason Dubey...
Jason Dubey I always pay bills on Monday when this is on, and was in the phone tree and totally missing the prompts cuz I was distracted by all the wonderful gift giving!!! I had to mute Unwrapped for a minute!
Jason Dubey@Linda Elliott Hello again, and thank you for your kindhearted comments on Escape!! Very much appreciated!
Jason Dubey @Brenda M It is my friday! We sold tons of art in the gallery this weekend so I am in a very good mood and going back home to the B&B with my head held high!
Jason Dubey @Brenda M ....but not too high, just normal!:)
Jason Dubey Oh my, how beautiful. You guys this really transfers over to the viewers on the other side

Percy was uncomfortable, when SJ explained that the cards were missing from the gifts. He thanked the mystery gift givers...
Percy Attfield Thank you for all the presents; they were unexpected

Alice Allan has asked this question during every live chat, since Christmas. She is either out to lunch or has been tasked by BJJ and SJ.
Alice Allan Hello everyone, greetings Stephanie, Isabelle, Gerald and Percy.
Alice Allan So can anyone confirm that Chateau Dairies are only viewed Monday Tuesday and Thursday. No Sundays anymore?
Philip Janssen @Alice Allan Only a Chateau Diary on Thursday, a Patreon video on Wednesday and a Cadeaux on Monday. Stephanie is planning to bring the Sunday videos back in the near future! :)

Spero is soooooooo excited. Maybe, he is in hopes of collecting Decmeber's gift grab money.
Of course, it will be split between Spero and SJ. 🤫
They will all, be traveling to Johannesburg, for Wednesday's meet up.

Spero Villioti Hello Stephanie and everyone, we are all looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at Villioti Fashion Institute
Spero Villioti Hello Brenda Stephanie and the whole gang are coming to us on Wednesday. We will record everything and share it with you all.
Spero Villioti Looking forward to meeting Scott Man and Philip
Philip Janssen @Spero Villioti I’m looking forward to meeting you too!
Spero Villioti Hey Phillip 🇿🇦it’s going to so much fun l have planned a wonderful lunch for us all
Philip Janssen @Spero Villioti Can’t wait!

When BJJ answers about anything of value, he is never 100% sure.
Rose @Philip Janssen where is Steph's suitcase from?
Philip Janssen @Rose I think the brand is called Steamline, but I’m not a 100% sure

Mary Parker,
They threw random gifts in SJ's luggage to make it a true gift grab. CHRISTMAS 2020... 🤪🤪

M Parker I'm hoping to see my birthday gift to Isabelle on here, but I'd honestly be very surprised if it is, because I feel it was too large to bring
M Parker oh, but here's my Christmas gifts from 2020!
Philip Janssen @M Parker I’m not sure as we only brought the smaller items, but Isabelle will hopefully to open everything else when she returns in the spring
M Parker @Philip Janssen what's not on the list? Sorry, I got distracted and lost track of chat!

BJJ doing a little business....
Lisa Akinlabi @Philip Janssen Have you purchased more since the last shopping trip you showed. (I hope so)
Philip Janssen @Lisa Akinlabi I haven’t! But the owner said the people of the crystal are looking to sell more stuff and she’ll send me pictures :)
Brenda M @Phillip Janssen hello my love Will you be doing another video before you go back to Lalande
Philip Janssen @Brenda M If we have the time, I’m planning to film another video (maybe even two) before returning!
Sue Gordon @Philip Janssen Oh!! Looking forward to more video's.
Philip Janssen @Sue Gordon I’m glad! The next one will hopefully be within a couple of weeks

No question about IJ is tooooo personal for BJJ to answer????
It serves as a handy excuse. Because, according to BJJ, it will take months to diagnose and she is already improving....🤪

Laura Claudia@Philip Janssen My mom is the same age of Isabelle and she has cataract, will Isabelle need surgery? I hope not!
Philip Janssen @Laura Claudia We hope not, but we’ll know more in a few months!
Laura Claudia @Philip Janssen please feel not to answer if the question is too personal, I hope I did not intrude!
Philip Janssen @Laura Claudia Not at all!
Philip Janssen @Laura Claudia I think so, but she’s improving already

puppyluv and Laura Claudia are members of the Lalande inner circle...
smolpuppyo'love great editing there of blue steel pose from Scotman
Philip Janssen 😂@smolpuppyo’lov
Laura Claudia @Chateau Unwrapped! and @Philip Janssen You were so kind and considerate when you brought the gifts for the people who send them to see the darlings opening them

Philip Janssen Thank you all so much and see you in Thursday’s Chateau Diary

Spero is sooooo ready and Alice Allan is now an official spokes person...
Spero Villioti Bye guys see you Wednesday at Villioti Fashion Institute
Alice Allan Good nite stay safe
Alice Allan It was really nice today hearing from you all
Am I the only tattler that absolutely adores Mummy?

I’ve got to say that the reason I was first attracted to CD was the relationship between mother and daughter and particularly the personality of mummy. She reminds me so much of my grandmother who was very much the centre of our family. She had (I’m sure!) undiagnosed personality disorders, but heaven help any doctor who’d might have been attempted to label her. Like Isabelle, Gran started successful businesses, worked tirelessly and drove staff to meet her requirements.

There is something about strong, ambitious women and when strength of character is combined with charm/beauty, it’s a formula that gives them a lot of power. A lot of what we loved was what the surprise element, the ‘what would she do next’. She had an impeccable wardrobe and she had an almost divine presence. Despite everyone dancing around to please her, the pay off was being noticed, amused by and as we grew up - respected by her. Some of the harsh things that she has done to the out of favour I cringe about; she wouldn’t take laziness, indifference or rudeness. However, stay on her side and the whole world seemed magic. I think Isabelle is nowhere near as successful in her manipulation, but she gives it her best. She likes things a certain way, demands adherence to her standards and I have to say I admire that.

Phew. That off my chest, I’m seemingly the only one who enjoyed Grabeaux at the Beach House. I far prefer cast members’ P and I’s genuine seeming gratitude over boring, provincial Nati, simpering vagabond Selmar and foppish Snorty’s superciliouness any day.

( runs back to bomb shelter)
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I just don’t think her Patreons are very bright, she’s had over half a million euros and doesn’t seem to have anything to show for it, that is a life changing amount for a lot of people and that is why these tattle threads have gained so much traction.

I get that she’s been knocked off her perch a bit by the vast sums she’s receiving but she’s had long enough to get her act together. I get having scaffolding and the outside rendered is not sexy vlog fodder, but it needs doing, just get on with it and get moving with that disgustingly dirty blue peacock wallpaper room, she’s sourced where to buy the paper, just order it, her and snorts could get on with stripping the room, lots of breaks eating all the gift grab goodies then get a professional in to hang the wallpaper.

Since getting all the money the balance of renovation against fun and frolics seems way off, the more money the more fun and frolics where it should be more renovation.
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MPK last vlog...

Someone speaks with wisdom... at last (and seems to see the truth in this story).

1 hour ago
Hi Michael. I'm not sure if you read all these comments, but I've seen this video and had a couple of days to think if I reach out or not. Firstly well done for quitting smoking, difficult habit to stop. I wonder how you received a diagnosis so quickly, I hope you saw a specialist, to get the right information to ensure you get the right medication. If you didn't and its a might be...this could be counter productive. There are so many people who "fail" at things, or do not finish projects, or think they are useless, this does not necessarily mean they have a condition, its just part of their make up. You have an incredible skill set, and by no means useless. Comments praising you or saying how good you look may not necessarily be helpful to you in the long run, other than propping up the old ego. If you are open to advice....mine would out a good therapist who can help you understand you. To gently take you to a place where you work out why....rather than a quick fix pill. I'm not a huge fan of you, but I would not like to see any harm come your way. This video in my humble opinion had a hint of manicness through it. Take more time out, go and see someone to help you, and get healed properly. I send this with my best wishes, and if you wish to reach out I am happy for you to do that.
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Ouch !

2 hours ago
Okay Michael, thanks for the update. I used to be a subscriber but you made things too personal. I love what you and your brother are doing with the chateau. Something a wise man told me man told me, don't talk about your personal life, politics, religion or aches and pains. We all have aches and pains, what makes you so special? I wanted chateau rebuilding, not insight into your life. Sorry if that is harsh, you seem like a cool guy. But be a man, get back to work and get into your work. Carry on....
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Good advice :

4 hours ago
As someone from a family (both immediate and extended) where quite a few have ADHD, I would just say that, while medication can help (a lot in some cases), it won't "fix" everything by itself. Effective ADHD management requires effort too. The best outcomes that I've seen happen when the individual with ADHD creates schedules and other systems that help keep him or her on task. This is often best done in coordination with family and friends. They can often recognize problem behaviors and help put you back on target (often before you realize that you are veering off target).
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All good advice to MPK. Nobody wants to see a car crash due to mental health issues. I’ve felt uncomfortable watching MPK for a long time (I work in mental health). Unfortunately, while he has capacity to make unwise choices, his family can do little to stop him vlogging his chaotic/unwise lifestyle. YouTube is not a good place for him, I don’t think.

Being a total bitch again - hate doing this... - but that corned beef skin against the yellow is a huge no. SJ get some SPF on a sit out in the sun for 10 mins daily, very unhealthy look to her complexion. This is proof she's not getting any vitamin D, certainly not from Phyllis that's for sure.
The yellow dress would look good on black skin. Black skin looks amazing next to all vibrant colours, white skin as pale as SJ does not do well with bright yellow, no matter how much she loves it!
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It finally hit home for me. We are all vaccinated but, my 20 year old son & 16 year old daughter both have Covid. My 23 year boy lives on his own, so he’s ok. I don’t have it yet, but I don’t see how I won’t get it, as I’m here taking care of my two sick kids. Either I’m immune, asymptomatic or just lucky so far. They both have fevers, sore throats and runny noses. They both have said they’ve felt worse, so that’s good I guess. The Theraflu severe cold powder that you put into hot water really helps a lot, even though it tastes terrible. I can’t believe my husband hasn’t gotten it yet, he’s out living his life and doesn’t worry about it. I’ve said before, he thinks you can only get Covid if a zombie throws up into your mouth.
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Chatty Member
that fully booked thing means nothing...when we dont want people in our house in france we fill in its booked...fully booked doesnt mean all is paid for...
That’s what I do with my Holiday rentals as well. You need to block off routine maintenance, deep cleaning, redecorating, etc. Or if it’s off season and the rates aren’t profitable.

We have to all realize by now that SJ is not a business woman. The BnB/workshop enterprise is to justify her living at the shitoo job-free. It’s a hobby that (she doesn’t enjoy) more than a business. She has not had a proper cook and cleaner since the caretakers left. Dan has filled in as has Dana, the rest are volunteers! She’s phoning it in. Again, she’s isolated herself in rural France with no employment opportunities so she doesn’t have to deal with real life. She can imagine herself a princess who needs rescuing time and time again.

Her patrons see SJ as their better and by supporting her they are social climbing in the virtual word. You can read it in their carefully written comments which are flattering and needy all at once, they want her to notice them. Let’s see how the social event this year at the shitoo pans out with her patrons in her face, needing her attention and adoration. They are also going to want to see how she used the gifts they sent. They will want to see the newly decorated rooms and finishes which we all know are color penciled in and sloppy. That’s if this event even happens. Does SJ really want her patrons to see the peeling facade? If her patrons see what is outside her camera angle will they be appalled or not even care? I don’t think SJ can handle the amount of face time her patrons are going to need from her. How many can afford it? Will Jason Dubey be there? Is Dali dead? Covid saved her before, it could save her from these people who will all want a piece of her.

Am I fed up, appalled, yes. This traveling during a pandemic is outrageous. People are dying and the hospital systems are overloaded. How much do we expect medical staff to be able to handle. From my perspective; burn out, deaths, suicides, and nurses leaving a profession they love because they can’t do it anymore. People losing a coworker they’ve worked with for years, dead, not coming back. Nine hundred thousand people dead in the US. And, the families, there’s really not more that I can say.

Really, SJ you are not that important. There are channels where toys are being opened that have a larger viewership than you.
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