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I've said since the start of Dan's channel that he was under Lalande's spell. Actually, he and his family are completely dependent on the Chatelaine for their financial situation (hence, for their life in rural France).

Anneliese's part-time job at the local school + her freelance hairdresser salon in rural France are not enough.

Anneliese sent him to Lalande when she first watched the early CD vlogs. And he's made the mistake to focus only on ONE customer : Lalande.

He's trapped. He's got no choice. His "You Tube career" will work as long as he films some bits of Lalande.

No choice really unlike Matt, Ian the builder or Nick the tree surgeon.

He still can "escape" but it'll be hard. And not sure he wants to,
Good thing for him though, is he can just go mow someone else’s grass or chef someone else’s food - In a variety of places. He also now knows how to produce YouTube videos and has a monetized channel. This man has taught himself to fish as opposed to having been fed fish, so I’m sure he will be just fine. PhiPhi on the other hand, has nothing, and is allergic to fish.
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She’s really given herself a break hasn’t she? One video a week, instead of three. No real Patreon work reports, just fluff. No in-depth Sunday videos, no research. No managing projects, gone. For six weeks. A six-week vacation essentially. Heck, she doesn’t even have to carry anything, because Piss Boy. I wonder how much patience her fans will have when she gets back and then goes to Venice for two weeks. Oh and you know she’ll have four side trips after Venice.

The Fleuries just did more landscaping with a farmer and three volunteers in a week, than she did all of last year.

Old Horseface and Anna built a swimming pool with one other guy and a wheelbarrow this month.

The Escape to the Dream family plumbed three bathrooms, pointed the stone walls in a bathroom and countless other things this week.

And she is on a six-week vacation. 🙄
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I have been Dan. I think I can shed some light on why he’s doing the pantry. Here’s a couple examples:

I have reorganized a clothing and possessions horde many times on and off for 30 years for my rich aunt. She has a very hard time disposing of anything. I can’t explain it, but there’s something about seeing a person with a horrible mess and having a need to help fix it. You think if you can just reset them, they will keep it taken care of going forward. Nope.

They got that way for a reason, and after you fix them, they will end up there again because their head is messed up. She has beautiful things, a huge beautiful home, and way too much shit. (My aunt). She also doesn’t like seeing messes, so she stuffs every drawer, cupboard, closet, basket, or shelf with random shit. But she would saw her arm off before she’d throw away an old mint or hair pin. She has fifty sets of china. She has 4 walk in closets. She has a silver place settings for 60 people.

She is just a normal, random person. She didn’t have kids (she highjacked me apparently) 🙄. At one time she had 9 dogs, and 12 porch cats. She’s currently driving her 4th husband insane. He’s a very nice man. She’s bi-polar with a ptsd diagnosis. Most bipolar people are narcissistic (it can’t be helped, it’s mainly because they are unwell). She’s very pretty (looks like Catherine Zeta Jones) and has love bombing down to a science. She’s also incredibly generous. She’s been giving away her toys and giving people presents since she was a toddler. It’s hard to explain, but she brings out an overwhelming feeling that you have to help her. She made a lot of money on her own, she was outstanding in selling to people (mainly due to her love bombing ways). A person like this with a lot of money is like a fire with gas.

Being around her is not uninteresting, but it’s also not normal. It’s like she sucks the life out of you. She can also be contrary and piss you off to the point that you don’t care if you ever lay eyes on her again. We’re family, so we get over it, I don’t think I would with a random person.

Back to Dan and the others that have gone before him. I can see where they thought they’d fix things and she’d appreciate it and it would just go on forever. She probably had them thinking she was just happy to have things sorted and that they could operate independently, and she was so grateful. Until she wasn’t. Or got distracted. Or moved on to the next thing.

As long as Dan happy with his compensation and it’s not hurting his family, then I say who cares. But he needs to look out for himself first, and stand up for himself if it gets out of hand. That goes for all of them. She is never going to change.

And yes, as I write this is am spending too much time away from my business to help my aunt empty every closet and cupboard in her 6000 sq foot house because she’s had it painted and cupboards and closets re-done. I’m arranging for charity pick ups and talking her out of buying more new furniture. It totally sucks, and I don’t want to do it. But I am compelled. She’s also in her 70’s and no one else is going to help her. Just when she was getting on my last nerve a couple weeks ago, she hands me a check for $5000 to say thank you. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Dan's vlog :

1 day ago

Dan, I hope Stephanie is remunerating you fairly for all the work you do, you’re doing an amazing job on the pantry at lala lande Certainly putting your many talents to use and have done so much more than anyone would have expected. I hope Philippe joins the hard workers like you and Amaury and helps out with maintenance/ repairs and Reno’s upon his return.
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1 day ago
Philip is employed as an editor, cameraman and purchaser of stuff.

14 hours ago
And Sound effects specialist (behind the camera) as well as table setting expert advisor
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Clara Burnett

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Clara if I may ask, when did you see through to the real SJ? Did you initially fall under her spell as you say is her usual modus? Did you spot the narcissism and break away to see more from the distance or did you not have clarity until the space permitted.
To SJ friendship is like spare change. I have never felt close or involved enough to SJ to call her an actual friend, so she has never had anything like that over me. I am an observer more than a direct responder, I often bite my tongue rather than show its backend. I have never been a target to her either and I've made damn sure nothing I represent is of any interest to her. I initially was impressed with her charm and fascinated by how she made it work for herself, but pretty soon recognized the many downsides for whoever rained on her parade.

I like Dan. He and Annalise and the boys all lived in France and were happy long before anyone heard of Steph, Lalande and the circus show it has become. Yes Dan is very involved with the place but if it all went wrong tomorrow and You Tube was no longer a thing and it all stopped, he like anyone else who is capable, adaptable, puts in a hard days graft and has many capabilities will do just fine, he has enough backbone to stay there on his terms as long as he wants to and if he goes elsewhere it will be Steph and Lalande that will realise what they have lost.
In an ideal world things will play out like that probably. In reality, the harm done can hurt a hell of a lot more. You only have to read the blogs of her former guardian Frank to see what her misbehavior can cause mentally. He was even more capable than Dan and managed her whole HMN by himself, veggie garden, animals, B&B, kitchen, everything. Like being Nutty, Dan and Marie in one. At the time they were thinking of buying their own chateau in the area and start a business themselves, instead they bought a tiny cottage and are still having a hard time making it all work. SJ will never mourn any loss other than her father. Dan really needs to be more careful.
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Dan's latest vlog... Not all his fans are happy with his new turn.

15 hours ago
Why do we have to still watch you at the chateau? I could watch her blog if I wanted to see the chateau. And I don’t. Where are your children and your wife? Have you left them for Stephanie? I hope not. Get back to your house and family. PLEASE!!
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Clara Burnett

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Legally not cleaver enough ….

Their aspirations combined with the interpretation of the law

Will have little affect with the tax authorities ….. who’s guiding rules are openly on display and on a global basis are followed .

Despite any minor YouTube idears of How the rules are formed … to their liking … even patron cannot afford them a tax lawyer to fight their tax position …

Remember globally

You can only redo a claim on your taxes for the last 4-5 years .

The tax authorities can and will investigate you for all eternity…
That includes reviewing mini apron and darling daddy’s grift in multiple locations

Could get expensive 😈
I've heard surging rumors of someone successfully digging in the Jarvisses' past endeavors of tax evasion and other embezzlements. They might have felt safe from discovery before, but the heaps of money SJ is raking in now has put everything they've done before in a renewed spotlight. If I was SJ I'd be scared shitless. And if I was her accountant I'd make sure that the money put aside for the lake was indeed put aside for the lake.
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Lady Avonlea

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Oh Natti, Natti, Natti. An almost 40 year old woman acting 15. I appreciate new love and you are deliriously happy. Good for you. However why not keep it classy, sophisticated and private. Unless of course you are expecting 3500 patrons and 80k odd viewers to fall over themselves witnessing your love affair and financing it. How are you intending to commercialise your relationship? That’s what has me stumped. A Buy Me A Wedding campaign, a sudden pregnancy, engagement gifts? Mmmmm.

BTW. It was only last Christmas you were sending loving wishes to Mason.
It's hard to keep track of the many dodgy, grifting, manipulative and questionable things which various inhabitants of this shittoo have orchestrated over the past 2 years for their personal financial gain.

Just take a page out of FRK's playbook which she used early in Covid to help set up her original floral studio in the barn. Just post your wish list on Amazon, like FRK did, and patrons/crazed super fans/flying monkeys will send you everything you desire!


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I am still concerned by how many times she has reiterated that patreon money does NOT get used for her lifestyle - that all comes from her YouTube income she says. But what she should be saying is that her lifestyle is funded by the Chateau Diaries income and NOT the Cadeau Channel. Because, of course, all of that income goes to charity? Are you sure? Because I am getting a bit suspicious.
What she also fails to mention is just where her money came from before. Did she have an allowance? Does Mummy give her $4-5k a month? Does she have a little investment account that pays out $10-20k a quarter? What the hell did she live on before? You don’t keep two properties with no job without mailbox money. No one does that.
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She took old worn out (& charity shop) clothes back to the shops years after she bought them. For those who do this, your rags are put in the recycling pile after donation because 1. They are too old & worn out to be sold compared to the other fairly used & new stock. 2. The shop is too small to display everything so only the best is picked for display & the rest sent to be recycled (too much stock & limited space). Sending rags to those shops are a waste of time, they would know that if they volunteer to work there. She gets inspiration for vlog content from here, her current vlog was in response to comments here which doubted her designer clothes were from charity shops & her mention of chateau de bourneau was in response to my suggesting they replace her on Ch4 (who would be stupid to let her continue with CDIY after her over reaction about the Dutch BF), I don't see her as a jealous person but maybe she is, Ch 4 needs to give others a chance. She now makes her 'private relationship' a main part of her vlogs. I don't think she would have been able to afford Dutch BF if not for Ytube & patreon assistance. She finances his feeding, accommodation, travel etc & she pays him as well (pocket money). I think @ Interestingchateaux is one of her accounts here. Her arrogance, defiance & stubbornness is why she loses viewers & patrons, All those around her support her because she's generous towards them (with other people's gift & money). They all benefit from her greed (6 - 8 month gift waiting list & has received at least 500 gifts).

@ arwensgal1975 said The only problem Michael has is not owning up to mistakes and being a pathalogical liar. He had a golden opportunity to have a great channel,

That also applies to SJ. She's messed it up with her greed & support cast. I wonder how they all lived before SJ introduced them to online begging? It's not because of their chateau businesses, because those that don't own chateau's are begging. I have compassion for MPK & I hope he never gives up trying but I don't think he should have a Ytube channel, it is about DIY & he is not a DIY person also his health & prescriptions should be private. I feel the hospital picture & his health news is manipulation for more patrons. I don't trust them anymore, he has a sister begging online for her teeth & her horse. What job was she doing before SJ introduced her to begging?

@ LadyoftheEast said That old YouTube money sure stretches a long way. Salaries, food, wine , flights, travel furniture, dinner etc.

I don't believe her. The Salaries alone would reduce most of her £4,000 - £6,000 monthly Ad revenue (her avarage views are 100). The Fleuries must now be earning more YT pay than she does (or the similar) even though they upload fewer video's & they are using unpaid workers.
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john eccles

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I don't know what to say. Well actually I do want to thank everyone for the thread nomination, but I'm still in shock. I totally love this site and long may it continue to send out the truth and facts about these immoral people. Had a titter a few nights back, I was watching a sleuth programme, when this line came out, "Oh you are the lady with the low neckline and even lower morals"!!!
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From Dan's latest vlog comments...
Hazel Fisher
59 minutes ago
I thought you were the gardener So much of that work to be done


22 minutes ago
Exactly..I think Stephanie has panicked because she knows patron are wanting to see renovations and they have NOT been happening. If…. Dan is paid by patron then she can tick this off but if not. What are patron funding


Hazel Fisher
13 minutes ago
@Lizzybean well is Phillip still on holiday pay 💰 Or a works jolly who’s paying


7 minutes ago
@Hazel Fisher I’ve no idea how much holiday an editor/ cameraman gets. If he was freelance then… but I understand he’s in the payroll…. Good question tho. Let’s see how many weeks more ‘ holiday’ he can have, perhaps it is unpaid leave?


Hazel Fisher
1 minute ago
@Lizzybean I really like Dan and he’s little family There will be tons of gardening to be done and getting things ready in the greenhouse I just think she is quite a filter from one project to another but taking in that amount of money it should all be finished

3 minutes ago
@Hazel Fisher I agree. I think the money has completely gone to her head.also she has never wanted to be full time at the chateau and now what with Covid restrictions and now the responsibilities to patron it’s curbing her lifestyle or at least it should…. Be. I would be embarrassed to have so little to show for all the patron dollar.
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Ian the builder Ian the sparks and Matt the digger all come across as nice normal blokes without side, but whilst I wouldn't call them bodgers in the same league as Dan or Pa Trotter, their work is often ill-advised.
Remember the electric wires for the courtyard lighting?
And what happened in the end with the walled garden irrigation system? Matt and Dan spent ages on the pipework.
Yes thing us ggyahoo, having all this 'technical' work such as plumbing, electrical etc work done by non-french registered trades people can give the insurance companies a reason to null and void a policy on a property in France.
Here in France we refer to the guys as having Brittany Ferries diplomas, all of a sudden they gain construction qualifications on the trip over from blighty.
We have experienced this first hand, use French trades people! Stop using unqualified Brits just because you are too lazy to speak the language!

I am new to Tattle and I enjoy reading the remarks, comments😉😊, especially those about the double barrel shotgun cavern squirrel nostrils!! I enjoyed the first CD diaries and was hooked (no subs) and sadly it deteriorated for me. Then stumbled on to Tattle and now enjoying the show!
Tattle on CD is far more entertaining than CD itself.
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La Jolla (where I believe their house is) is one of the nicest places to live in California, a very wealthy area on the coast. Her mom seems the type who needs to be envied and viewed as a top 1%er. I don't think she'll get the same attention in France as she was getting in her upscale Cali lifestyle. I think they will very much regret that move.
Although they have money, It's going to be quite tough for them I think, we yet have to know what they're really going to do with the chateau but:

1) Who on earth buys a home, let alone a massive Château without visiting it first?
2) who buys a château in a country they do not know the language of? And create a business there????
3) Who buys a château in a country they don't even know the customs and way of living, it's not because you've been once in France that you know how to live there. They just look like Emily in Paris.
4) And purchase a chateau without even having a VISA???? WTF??!!!

If this woman wants the same attention that she had in California, she needs to start French lessons YESTERDAY, especially in rural France, we don't really go after strangers in France if you're not going to make any effort!

Recently watched a documentary on ARTE ("La vie de château.") where a Canadian family wanted to buy a château in France, without speaking the language (again), and they did not want a place with to many work to do, like plumbing!! 😂 I think they only wanted to live like Marie-Antoinette, without the bad ending!

Owning an old house is hard work and loads of money, and SJ definitely made it look so easy and dreamy, people are completely delusional and all want to live the same life as she does. She definitely had money prior to buying the château, and even she said she didn't realise how much it would cost! And now France is once more invaded by the Brits!😂😂 , and the thing that makes me a bit angry is that they're not even trying to integrate themselves to the local community, only hiring english speaking people seems a bit odd, like if you want to move to France surely you did because you liked French life? No?

Started watching her videos for renovation, but I rarely watch any now as no progress are made, only watch the Fleuries and Au petit chateau 1780 (in French but with subtitles) I recommend them if you don't care about other's life and only want to see reno being done!

(And sorry for any misspels, English is not my first language)
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T Rex

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Going through the monthly statistics.
The Fleuries have knocked the ball out of the park with 4 million views and 79k new subscribers. They are the only ones who can get a glimpse of the huge potential of viewers chateauverse can gain. How To Renovate A Chateau's YouTube Stats (Summary Profile) - Social Blade Stats Happy for them. Happy that to reach better numbers you don't have to squeal, fake or manipulate. SJ is doing well as usual but can't compete with them. She has her cult following to keep her pockets lined. Surprisingly she got her usual ~2 million views even she uploaded less. Food for thought.
I just watched the Fleuries latest vlog (Philipp had me howling in laughter with his breakdown of "costs" he would be charging each one every day- it was a joke, people!) Anna has been preparing them breakfast/lunch/dinner from the tiny (but clean) makeshift kitchen, and the volunteers are quite a jovial & productive bunch- it is amazing to see how much backbreaking work gets done so swiftly, as they have specific tasks (the cheeky Dutch woman, "I found a pretty blue stone with some pattern on it- but dumped it with the other stones.") While Philipp has a dry as the Sahara sense of humour (not everyone gets it), and yes, their vlogs include paid product promotion (this is gives them a little extra income, so I'm not mad- I just FF through it), the whole episode was clearly about their gratitude to their volunteers (who have gotten a LOT of backbreaking work done.) It was also endearing to watch them eat dinner with the entire family, kids included.
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SURE, 👌🤞🤥

The Chateau Diaries

1 hour ago
She was (and still calls him “the boy” 😂), but she never met him as my boyfriend. We got together after she left, so it was quite nail biting to see how it would go…

The Chateau Diaries

1 hour ago (edited)
Mummy met Philip when he came as a volunteer and we got together after she left. I did tell her about Philip, but she never met him as my boyfriend, so it was quite nail biting to see how it would go…

This is from the (3hrs. to go) live chat...

Dolce Novembre TOY BOY
Click Bait??? More like Ick Bait.
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Clara Burnett

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Was there a reason for Nutty to despise him greatly? Squirrel bossing her arround for example?
I believe annmarie and nutty will have a grand exit!
There apparently were many reasons, but the one I heard is that he treated her like shit because he's higher on the SJ ladder and he wants them all to know.
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