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And mine I think one of my first questions on first thread was ‘why why why are people giving to a woman who has so much?’ We still don’t really know the answer.

Now the question is exactly that . How can we stop them. Exposé post at Daily Mail would be a start, but someone here said that unlikely to happen as Cinder-Ruth had connections there . I would have thought that association provided an even more interesting angle. Especially if a synopsis of Shato Shenanigans arrived in the desk of the Features Editor with some of the info/facts we have found out.

I say we try it, we need to nominate someone to draft article ....... Names on a postcard please
If there is serious initiative to go forward with this idea, I suggest another means of communication other than this forum would be best
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Ha that walk yield results

Sir trotter is .... beyond questions now

He’s been called away .. atm says Ma Petherick

Screenshots of chats - patron 🎯 canceled the monies off patron are for him to have a living income whilst making vlogs

No videos ... no income
Night 💫💫💫💫💫
Can’t imagine being a 32 year old man and needing to have my mummy be my spokeswoman... If he was called away from the chateau, then HE should have been the one to let his viewers/ patrons know 🙄
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Ok, now I feel really annoyed.:mad: I'm off out for a walk with the dog, the fresh air will do me good. As none of you are kind enough to tell me what the Trotters are up to, I had to have a look...I lasted less than 2min:sick:. Had to turn off, he is making me feel so annoyed! Begging bowl out after less than 2 minutes??? Blatantly asking his fans to get him a new expensive plate? I had a look at comments, the only one he had answered to was a couple of gay men declaring their love...others offering help, plates, you name it, no reply. I really wish people would stop giving him dosh. Don't tell me to talk about Trotter in a different thread, I am not in the mood!
Trotter the toddler is gone to ground ... he suffers for his art 🖼

Billy Spielberg seems to have the approach - treat em mean keep em keen...
So far it’s working for him
Algorithms on you tube - need a fast and steady upswing PRiOR to them regulating to multiplayer time zones

Spielberg has copped this - had subscribers hit the magic number - run it over - many media outlets then rumble into town

Ma Petherick is still her evervessant self on FB .. not as blatant now at banning the comments ... simply ingorance personified in her sir trotter might have something in the wind .

His highs seem SO high ... wondering if he’s a bit delicate ... and definitely in medical 🏥 quarantine - shame really

Nothing posted - if you were a betting man you’d might be thinking media advisor on board
With strict instructions - do NOT engage

At least not till we have thoroughly scrubbed clean you media history 😮💫💫
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Looks like the premier tonight is earlier perhaps they are trialing different times as donations hasn’t been good the last two weeks.

so let’s play

guess how much they will take in tonight in donations. Two guesses per person.

Im so good at this I’m practically Mystic Meg 🏆

🔮 my predictions

guess one. As MM donated 25 for natti last week and 50 for selmar the week before my guess is that Prince Phillip gets 12.50

guess two. MM who seems to be the only one who has donated in the previous two premiers might be skint. So a big fat zero
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Chatty Member
Why? It is none of our business what other people do with their money. Why hurt someone? People will stop giving money when we go back to our normal lives. Let them have a little fun.
It’s true that it’s up to people to distribute their money wherever they want but when there are obviously old, lonely and vulnerable viewers giving handfuls of money to a project which at the very least is a bit dubious, that is cause for concern. Particularly when the picture painted by SJ is one of ‘need’ such as now being able to eat due to donations (she stated this herself in earlier vlog)

SJ would not be ‘hurt’ by a drop income, she’d simply have less to spend on mostly whimsical projects. Stephanie would simply carry on as she did before she was having a vast amount of money thrown at her: All this would continue - the non-stop holidaying around the world, partying, buying heaps of clothes and tatt from from charity shops, hideously expensive china (let’s not forget this is a woman who can spend €85 on yet another plate she doesn’t need. She will still visit her holuday home in SA, maintain her flat in London, go back to Framingham to the house she’ll likely inherit from her mother, stay in bed till noon, and all of this without getting a job. This is how she has lived her life to date, without Patreon. She has out zilch into society ever. Only leading the most privileged of lives. She is luckier than most people anywhere yet plays on the emotions of those who can’t read what she is doing.

This is what we are discussing and why we would like to stop her benefiting any further. Please read/recall earlier threads or look at live chat where superfans actually state they can’t afford to give but will do so once they get paid (they think she can’t feed herself unless they donate) Or the old lady who I’ve nehtuoned a couple of times. who donated on live chat and towards the end of the vlog came back and said ‘I worked very hard for that money and it took a long time to save, please spend it wisely’. Literally giving away their savings to a woman who is an endless money pit. With respect, the finances of Patreon donations and the recipients, SJ and CDLL has not been investigated thoroughly and it is this aspect which needs to have clarity.
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Lady Chatalot

Active member
Can I just bring some attention to SSB's comment that people who had been guests at her chateau had been bullied, including those who had not been in the vlogs? I joined in December, so I am not familiar with all of the content in the threads, but I have never seen anyone encourage bullying of her guests, nor have I read any tattler discuss it one way or the other. Discuss them, yes, bullying, no. This is something we consider beyond the pale, surely? So is this a blatant lie on her part?

Perhaps she is alluding to the comments on Facebook about the Christmas breach of covid recommendations? Ironic how she worded that to make it sound as though tattlers were in the wrong, and not the group of people who spat in the eye of all those separated from their love ones at Christmas.

There is a very dark side to this woman indeed.
So many people use the term 'bullying' to mean anything that's not complimentary. It's a word so overused today. I have never heard or seen anything written about bullying guests at the chateau. Where's the proof? Perhaps it's just more crybaby stuff.
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But that has never stopped her before even though she knew it was illegal ....
Basically she owes money to everyone who's worked for the B&B during their workaway period. Just one phone call or email to the lawyers of hospitality workers union and they'll collect the money for everybody.
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I’m glad he’s come out and put the focus on Angela. It’s really horrible how she treated him. Surprised though that other château owners (especially Stephanie) haven’t said anything and surprised Stephanie still wants to be associated in any way with Angela.
Maybe because as far as Madame Chatelaine’s concerned, it’s all about me, myself, and I 🤷🏻‍♂️
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I would but I'm in a wheelchair (can't step need to roll) and only sleep 2-3 hours so need some amusement and the time zones are killing me.
Have you looked at the Positano Diaries? I found them via here as I think someone mentioned them. I think they make the Chateau Diaries look gaudy as they show a genuine & gentle, peaceful way of life. I find they act as a balm when I am getting wound up about What Stephanie Did Next posts on here!
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Just looked at that chateau's Instagram. What a huge difference between that and la Lande. The couple are restoring it so tastefully; it looks beautiful and such a far cry from the mis-mash of styles and colours and all the clutter and kitsch trashiness of CLL. They seem likeable: modest and much more natural than LOTL & co.

I meant send one to BG!
But PLEASE don't send one to me, by mistake!

Absolutely agree, this is how it should be done!
Yes, it's everything that Lalande isn't and I like the owners too. I do hope that they don't get too mixed up with the other lot and definitely that they don't allow Bungle Trotter anywhere near.
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I think LOTLL has missed a trick.
D&A appear to have invented their own version of Patreon without having to pay Patreon commission

🔑🔑🔑 to the bank 🏦

That’s how you doing it - vouchers to spend on Their products....

Hats 🎩 off to them - genius
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Chatty Member
I think so too, but she's still keeping him on a sideline to see where this new 'confession' will take him, money wise. She might cling on if there's something in it for her.
Agree with both of you. Something happened in their friendship ... maybe the fact she knew he was falling out with D&A and she distanced herself a bit from him to keep in with them (always looking at the £ sign - never the principle).
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Iolander Post
Hang on I missed that - when did Workaway ban her and where are the posts discussing that?
It was very early on when she visited Chateau de Bourneau and suggested they should also have workawayers and learned from them that, because of costly insurances and limited tasks they could give them (they also run a B&B and event business) it was not a good idea. It looked like it came as a surprise to her. After that, Tomaz vlogged about his normal day (which was filled with B&B work) which caused a lot of commotion. Workaway rules prohibit use of volunteers for running a business, unless paid, because it distorts competition and therefore is illegal. SJ herself also provided a lot of evidence how every volunteer had tasks in her B&B. Suddenly her fans started to ask questions why her Workaway site was closed and how could they apply. Soon after, SJ announced in her Patreon account her life long dream to employ Nati to run the B&B... You get the drift ;)
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
From my vague recollections I think it was said that France does not support the Workaway concept and then I may have also read or concluded that she was getting too many applications on Workaway and disconnected from it. But I deffo think I read that France does not allow it. 🤔
But that has never stopped her before even though she knew it was illegal ....
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Well-known member
Can I just bring some attention to SSB's comment that people who had been guests at her chateau had been bullied, including those who had not been in the vlogs? I joined in December, so I am not familiar with all of the content in the threads, but I have never seen anyone encourage bullying of her guests, nor have I read any tattler discuss it one way or the other. Discuss them, yes, bullying, no. This is something we consider beyond the pale, surely? So is this a blatant lie on her part?

Perhaps she is alluding to the comments on Facebook about the Christmas breach of covid recommendations? Ironic how she worded that to make it sound as though tattlers were in the wrong, and not the group of people who spat in the eye of all those separated from their love ones at Christmas.

There is a very dark side to this woman indeed.
I think you’re right and I thought that too about her guests (some of the 21 plus plus guests going through the revolving doors of the heap over Christmas and the New Year), that’s who she was referring to. She is a sly and manipulative spineless snake... using Michael’s vlog in so many ways to her own benefit. Dear god please let some of her gullible fans get on here and read about how she really is, but I guess we are trying to get through to those who don’t want to hear! 🙉🙈🙉🙈🙉🙈
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Mrs O

Well-known member
SJ was also mumbling something about how she doesn't have a heart to evict the bats from the attic. Think about the piles of batshit accumulated almost for two decades rotting the beams...
If she starts cleaning that out she should be very very wary. Just think batshit and China!!!!!
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Rory Post 3575614. Sounds about right - he seems to me to be a bit of a lost soul. Quite knowledgeable in his own way and I suspect he soaks up any knowledge as it comes his way and which he can use for his interests, but without any formal education, so good on him. SJ and her kind can swan on about their Uni degrees (easy when Daddy paid for her education) but 1 pissy degree from Oxford sounds good, but not much of an achievement especially when she's done nothing with it. It's a pity Michael didn't get credit 'cos some of his contributions are well done. I saw the episode of ETTC where the lift was installed and all the decoration of the tower was filmed close up and Angel was touching up and finalising the paintings and she mentioned the "greenery" - looked to me like monstera leaves, was projected onto the walls to create a template to merely infill - she was touching up the edges as they were already 95% completed. The only credit she gave was that a couple of artist friends had helped - so that must have stung for him. I don't know who did the caricatures of Dick, Angel and Arthur, but they were awful. Most of these chateau owners have egos the size of Mt Everest - that's why I can't watch much of them. I have seen a couple of DIO (probably ep 1,2 and 3) but won't be bothering if the parents are as bad as they say.
Yes the friends designed it and he painted it. Not sure if they drew the outlines on the walls. He mentions it in a vlog with SJ. I just think is stimulated by being creative, with guidance - hence him reproducing Beatrix Potter images. He did one painting in a vlog of the Chateau in watercolours, I think. It was quite good.
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Chatty Member

One would consider with your number of degrees you state that you currently hold, you would easily be capable of doing the research for yourself, rather than attempting to gain investment from amateurs.
Mmn ... That comment was delivered with a rather a nasty tone . I’m sure @sandro37 will reply if she hadn’t already.

She's not overwhelmed with anything. She's lazy af, hence the "volunteers". It took her 15 years to organize a laundry room, and she had Tomaz do it? Instead of going on this silly trips to the charity shop all of the time, she should concentrate on the major issues. She's got the money, she's 45 going on ten.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. 👏👏

She's not overwhelmed with anything. She's lazy af, hence the "volunteers". It took her 15 years to organize a laundry room, and she had Tomaz do it? Instead of going on this silly trips to the charity shop all of the time, she should concentrate on the major issues. She's got the money, she's 45 going on ten.
Couldn’t have said it better myself. 👏👏
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You have to question how BJJ was offered an opportunity to volunteer at La Lande as he has no skills or capabilities and loads of allergies requiring special foods, addigional catering costs. I mean there was an 80 year old electrician. Kat could cook but she had to apply twice. You can only conclude singing and acting were the criteria.
Re Marie cooking 5 days a week. They should just make breskfast and lunch DIY, only group meal is dinner.
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