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As Fuzzypeg says, this is not illegal, that is not to say that a closer look at some of the activities surrounding Lalande (and other chateaux) would not be worthwhile
  • Patreons generating huge incomes, Buy me a coffee, GoFundMe, etc. Undeclared income, etc.
  • Use of volunteer labour,
  • Breaking of Covid guidelines / unauthorised "tourism"
I am sure others will have ideas.
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For someone who has been on this forum for five days, you have consistently displayed a singular lack of social awareness and the ability to read the tone in which you are perceived by your audience. I suspect this is an area of life you find challenging. Now who does that remind me of? :unsure:

Agent 007 the keys 🔑 to the DB9 are on the hall table

Kudos 🎯💫💫💫💫💫💫💫
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Oh it's like a game. Is this right?
1. Husband as boyfriend on and off at uni. SJ approx 18
2. Nic - apparently just friends at uni
3. Married Husband 22-24???
4. MP met through Oli on and off 10 years. Buys Chateau during relationship. SJ approx 25/26 - 35/36
5. Edmond
6. Mason on and off
7. Ludwig Norweigner
Jardine! His name was James Jardine and he ended up with SJ's cousin, i think.
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Clara Burnett

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SJ needs to have drooling fans around her constantly, thus the need for volunteers. Most of the volunteers are young and aimless and obviously don't need to work for a living. The current lapdog boy is super annoying. How can anyone with any self-esteem tag along after someone old enough to be his mother buying crap from the thrift stores. I think he hopes that she will adopt him and he can mooch off her for the rest of his life. It's a really sick relationship and reminds me of some creepy old Hollywood star aging away in her decrepit mansion.
So true. Even her best friends often complain about the need for constant entourage. It's nearly impossible to have a private conversation with her, unless she gives permission for it. If at all embarrassing for her, she just makes sure there's entourage around, a very clever tactic to avoid difficult things.
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Clara Burnett

VIP Member
Maybe they are more detached now that Anotoinne is older.
Certainly not, SJ would never allow that, he has to be there to 'support' her. This is probably why she makes him join the gift grabbing thing too, against his will. He's just a pussy when it comes to standing up to her. Poor Antoinne. That kid should be protected from all that immoral behavior.
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While 1,180.00 a month won't keep her in Louboutins or in her case Birkenstocks... it's a dam lot more than a lot of people have to live on and all she does for that is stick a few flowers in a bottle, take a couple of photos and write a few words on her blog! I suppose in some ways you have to say fair fucks to them, fools and their money easily parted.
After watching all these chateaux parasites, I’ve been more than tempted to do the same. Need a new car? Bring out the begging bowl. Need a new phone? Bring out the begging bowl. Grifting seems to be very lucrative these days, plus you get an army of minions to do your every bidding 😂🤷🏻‍♂️
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Sadly I think you are wrong, Patreon is a membership fee in exchange for content ?
people can see her lifestyle and yet willingly join patreon. Absolute madness but it’s not illegal, it’s Patreon that needs to be closed down! Patreon is immoral, the more money is donated the larger their 5% cut. :devilish:

Her super fans are quite frighteningly stupid .
patron is good for honest people.
But the Princess who cried wolf who now earns nearly 40k a month... Sadly people don’t put one and one together.
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Isabelle completely smashed the Jaguar once herself, only owning up to it towards the insurance company, but telling everybody else it was a ‘hit and run job’ by somebody else, shame on them for not leaving a note, something she would have surely done herself....yeah, right...
She got Percy to fix it, obviously. She still 'owns' SJ a new car too, promised after crashing a previous one. Real good driver she is. Almost blind, but real good driver...
I could only imagine her driving over a peacock on that lawn mower Dan is now using. 🦚
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I also thought they were a thruple. This is their channel in this vid you can see a woman and a kid too perhaps they will move in at a later stage. I suspect they are family of the trotters and also travellers.
By seeing a caravan —- in any shot
Does that automatically make u a traveler ???

In that case dan and Annalise are travelers ??

Could it be - empty chateau for decades no heat - until the heating works - plumbing - electric you stay warm in a caravan

Ask selmar - it’s his preference
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They don’t get stuck. They just fly home. If you’re a US citizen and there are flights departing from whatever country you’re in to the US they can travel home. No one is getting stuck. My niece flew in from The U.S. to Ireland for Christmas (to her selfish delight she beat the Covid odds, her words) and back again no bother.
Clara Burnett Post 3590371
I am confused. I understand that borders are open for residents of EU countries so those people don't need visas. But if someone say from US is working at the chateau on one of the work visas and they get stuck in France due to the Covid so they stay over the 90 days, what do they do? Can't go back, can't work for money - are they expected to starve? If they have to $ or access to any what happens?
NorrisCS Post 3590908
Here in OZ we keep getting told there are over 30K Australian citizens still stuck overseas and very few flights are coming in, although they've recently allowed all he top tennis players and their entourages, families etc. for Aust. Open based on the argument that it will generate money and be a positive influence. Now a whole lot of them are Covid positive and the top players are whining about quarantine (in 5 star hotels) and how their wives can't go to the hairdresser etc. Lord preserve us from these entitled self absorbed twats.
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seperate thread. I think everyone is bored of them.
That thread is so dead, mainly because there’s nothing to talk about. They were too boring for Escape to the Chateau and now too boring for youtube 🥱. MPK is only interesting when he’s with SJ. Many fans and especially patrons are starting to get irritated with the lack of content and the lack of communication, wouldn’t be surprised if we get an influx of new members soon.
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The poor quality had me rolling!!!!! Lololol.
This is so bad it's hilarious! Amazingly, because I didn't think it would be possible, worse or at least as bad as the car-crash fake egyptologist interview. Which leads me to wonder where and how and overwhelmingly WHY does she find these people? To make herself look good? To help them? Because no-one else will have her? Mutual self-promotion? I'm stumped.
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Incognito Chatelaine

Well-known member
Just looked at that chateau's Instagram. What a huge difference between that and la Lande. The couple are restoring it so tastefully; it looks beautiful and such a far cry from the mis-mash of styles and colours and all the clutter and kitsch trashiness of CLL. They seem likeable: modest and much more natural than LOTL & co.
Absolutely agree, this is how it should be done!
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Just took a look at Marie's website, she has a link to buy me a coffee and if she hits a certain goal she'll buy a car???? WTF Do none of these people know how to save or work hard and save??? I guess she sees Stephanie begging for money every month so she might as well do it to. So pathetic.
They seem to think that the world owes them a living. Entitled lazy good-for-nothings.!
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Im sure there is a way around it. As it’s run as a seperate channel they could claim its part of business and possibly write of as business expense? Without the gifts the videos won’t exist? And as she say the money will go to different charity every month whatever it makes / spends doesn’t really affect her that much other than she gets to get more people to her other channel.

she can also change her mind. All money from that channel to charities every month. Ffw anouncement January that November and December will now go to a fashion scholarship.
And January and February will go to treating the team who has worked so incredibly hard over Christmas. 😉
I think the Australian slang term guernsey started life as the englush word JERSEY, a jumper. Aussie Football jumpers were originally wool. Can you imagine running around in the rain in a wollen jumper kicking a ball?!? The weight of the jumper!!!
Rory post 3574467
But haven't you heard, We're the ones from the Land Down Under, where the women glow, and the men plunder? They bred them tough in those days, now they run around in polyester singlets, get upset if they aren't paid in 6 figures, need 2 WAG's on each arm to make them feel like a man and get all weepy if a female in the crowd calls them a nasty name.

This can be updated by anyone ❤

💫💫💫💫 possibility’s 💫💫💫💫

New thread names 🧵#12
@Princess and the Pea
your chilly fingers in the chateau making it hard to type

💫💫💫💫💫 tattle glossary 💫💫💫💫

Add if any missing

CD - The Chateau Diaries
BJJ - Baby Jesus Jeans, aka Philip
PP (Nostril of Lalande) - Prince Philip
UH - Uriah Heep - Philip
LOTL/LOTLL - Lady of the (Lost) Lake, aka Stephanie
SSB- She Who Shouts from the balcony SJ
QBC- Queen of bed chambers 👸 SJ
MB - Madame Boneyparts 🦴 SJ
SJ - Stephanie Jarvis
Nitti/Nutty - Nati
MP/MP2 - Michael Petherick
MPK - micheal Petherick (sir Trotter)
Trotter - any Petherick family reference
Ma Trotter - Sheree Petherick
Dear Brenda/BG - Brenda Gibbons (superfan/Facebook admin) from Donegal Ireland
Karen Cbomb - other superfan/admin, Canada
Donegals - limericks (renamed in honour of Dear Brenda)
Potty/MP - Michael Potts
Cinder-Ruth- MPotts current squeeze
Agents - Tattlers who find out juicy background info
Chat O (or variations) - Chateau (how Brenda says it)
“BuyMeACoffee” - give me money (no, really, give me money, I really need it)
MBNS;GF - more boring narc stuff; gimme facts

Flat 34B - bolt hole 🕳 SJ 🇬🇧

PSDFHB - princess 👸 shouting down from her balcony
PRSDBP - princess 👸 in her robe shouting down from her balcony at the peasants

Wet Blanket - Fun hoover
Mickey Dodger - Woman who avoids sexual encounters
Edmund Fokker van Crayestein - Former main squeeze of SJ

Snap 🎯 I did think the same

20:01 it’s natti
15:01 it’s Potts
I thought Potts was the only good looking one too - he could wash his socks in my tea. I like Selmar, but whilst I think he's a kind soul he's a bit too left to centre for me and I couldn't cope with the hippy lifestyle. He and Deisel need to pack up and move on and find themselves a nice lady who wears tie dye long dresses, wears her hair long and flowing, cooks for him & grows vegetables
(isn't he a vegetarian?) and knows how to Tango.
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South Africa has a huge Aids epidemic, and poverty is rife. The amount she is donating (in her own name) to one student who wants to be a fashion designer to boost the egos of the rich, would go a long way towards helping those who need medicines or food. She has chosen that fashion college as they gave her a dress and will no doubt give her more and her name will be published all over the place. There is so much more she could do to help alleviate real need now she has an audience out there.
Yep.....there’s always got to be something in it for her. She will be looking forward to fashion shows and freebies and articles in glossy magazines.....much more interesting and in keeping with her fluff bubble priorities than walking round a sanitation plant or visiting a feeding station or clinic. She is just froth.

Can I add. I was aware of his complaints about a year ago and from him not his brother. It was on his Instagram I believe and comments had been made by people who supported him on D&A facebook. Everyone felt sorry for him, and it was made clear who had “stolen” his designs. That is how his youtube channel started. People rushing to support hard done by Michael. Everything in his vlog was what I learned about a yr ago. The only thing different, not saying their name.
and SJ comments- she just made MP vlog all about her. She sucked all the attn by what she claimed her father had been accused of supposedly on here. It was, oh yeah, you feel sorry for Michael, well hey how about this about me me me.
Things started for revenge very rarely go well.
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