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Chatty Member
Well said, Raspberry. SJ is providing entertainment and escapism and every viewer will have their own reasons for tuning in, just as volunteers will for taking part. My hope is that a more interesting cast of characters is able to join her soon. The past year's crop has either been so dull or, if they show a spark of personality, over-exposed. SJ and Oliver work well together, but I doubt their roadshow will ever take off as I think TV of a different sort will take off for her.
It can only be a matter of time before she’s on mainstream tv. Channel 4/BBC channels are full of lightweight historical documentaries and female presenters such as the all too ghastly Lucy Worsely who also likes to dress up (ie as king Henry 8 scoffing medieval grub) and tbh SJ and her quirky cheesy visual is a lot easier on the eye than irritatingly-twee Lucy.

I could also see SSB on a bad interior design programme such as the old Changing Rooms, where the dreadful ‘interior designers’ frequently made the client cry with their awful bad taste make-over. She could be a female Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen (and look how well he has done on the back of a full head of hair and no talent). When I think of some of the hideous rooms Stephanie has done at Lalande, she’d be fantastically well-qualified to do this. Or even one of those ‘Find your new home abroad’ shows that are prime afternoon viewing for retireds. They’ll love her and there seem to be no end of repeats on those shows so imagine the royalties LOTL could take it. Although, she would have to get of bed and do a proper days work .

See, she doesn’t need Patreon at all. She could buy her own presents and make donations to charity out of her own earned income. Like most people chose to do.
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Clara Burnett

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As for SJ... well, it won't be long before more people will start seeing for themselves what an empty vessel she truly is.
My fear is that there will always be more people falling for it though. Empty vessels are popular these days...
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Lady Chatalot

Active member
The world is dependent on artistic input , car manufacturers, aviation, soft furnishings so many areas...but the "designer" does not hold the copyrights because they are working for a salary & what they design remains the intellectual property of the company they work for, & the designs come under the company name not the employee, which I am sure is the situation of MP
If you are an artist & you paint/design something independently & someone else uses it without permission that is breach of copyright
copyright remains in place for 70-100 years after the death of the designer.
You could say MK has breached copyright because he copied Beatrix Potter images & showed them on his vlogs...he gained financially from someone else's property as the copyright belongs to Frank Warne & Co ( I think that's the name don't shoot me if not) they are a branch company of Penguin
With the Donegal Brenda Merch some people have posted pictures of the calendar which includes details of everyone whose images were used so that is likely not a copyright breach, the cloth is also likely to be an old print modified to include the shitoo and also out of copy right
The prints Michael done for his patrons of a willow pattern, I don't think are original art from him but a modified design which may or may not be out of copyright legislation.
A serious problem could arise out of the vlog, as I said yesterday you do not have to mention names you can be guilty of defamation by implying. He may say " I implied nothing" but by mentioning the prints not to mention the 100's of messages & comments on all the forums he will not have a leg to stand on...even if AD are in the wrong..because they are 2 different cases! He would have to have written to DA requesting they "Refrain from using his designs", he would need to show where he attempted to copyright them...and much court is going to believe the warble in that vlog, he would be tore apart in cross examination as there are too many inconsistencies. It could be the beginning of the end..& maybe we should set up a gfm for him.
He is very naive about how the world really works. He's been so sheltered for so long. He's had a string of low-paying jobs and still lives at home. I don't really think he has the guts to go it alone. He talks tough but that's all it is - talk. I have never seen any original work by him. He is a copy artist. He got taken by Angel and he's sore about it. Get over it! That's life. Growing up is sometimes painful. He just needs to get over himself. I really do think therapy might be a good choice for him at this stage in his life. He only came to Gwen's chateau because he was aimless and unemployed. He still doesn't have a clue what he's doing. In his latest crybaby video he said he and his family weren't going anywhere, well that's the truth and the problem all rolled into one!
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Well-known member
I know I'm rotten... now after listening to Renee, Anna and Sissel may I please present Stephanie Jarvis, Soprano... - sounds like something you'd hear in a Jane Austen adapation for TV series of a daughter performing on the pianoforte for the guests....
everybody needs a faithful Johnny


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Well-known member
I’ve only just found this thread! Can someone give me a very very quick update on the various Characters? I loved “the chateau” series. I remember Stephanie (with the French mum and step dad “Percy”). Is this thread about her?
It’s about her but more about her YT vlog Chateau Diaries and her spin off Cadeaux at the Chateau as opposed to the Stephanie of Escape to the Chateau DIY tv series - same Stephanie... just two totally different personas! Plus early days Chateau Diaries we were all fans but as the vlogs rolled on and devotees began to send her extraordinary gifts, their hard saved pennies and their family heirlooms which she grabbed and clutched to her chest saying “mine... all mine” we all began to get a real sense of the real Stephanie... not pretty at all.
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Chatty Member
is she planning to move back to London? What is the transportation system like there, do you need a car to get around? Or if she’s getting it for work to transport flowers, could she write it off? So if someone else pays for it ... and then she write it off?🤑🤑
I’m living in London and sold my car. Public transport great. Buses and Underground and Black Taxis and tens of thousands of Ubers . Hire car clubs and rental available everywhere.

A car is a hindrance in London. Still surprised that anyone is giving Marie anything. For what exactly ? When I see how hard my kids work (early and mid 20’s) and not getting any free handouts.
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VIP Member
Ohhh FFS this is getting out of hand!!!
I was going to subscribe to this new couple and cancel my patreon to SJ. I thought they were different. How disappointing. Continuing with SJ only then, as I lobby for transparency on the 24000 now being received incoming/outgoings; project updates. On patrein she us now talking about panelling in all the bedrooms and udeas she gained re windows (after 15 years, replace glass, close curtains). No January financial update as yet. Not seeing my messages either. As a charity foundation I presume I can ask french authorities for copies of the accounts. SJ said on patreon she was happy to show the books "I have nothing to hide." I presume my enquiries won't inadvetently draw attention to the La La Lego economic universe.
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No, that would have just blocked me from his page. They must have filed a complaint or something, because Facebook just tells me I am suspended. I can try and get it undone, but I think I'm not going to bother . Trying to pick my battles wisely.
But how would they know specifically that you were the one to do it? And even if they knew, can you get someone suspended for that, without any proof? That’s crazy 😯
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PrincessandthePea Post 3563159
It's not for free here in Oz. We only have ETTC original series and that's being repeated ad nauseum. There are on our cable tv (Foxtel here) and that costs $$. Mine is $100 Aus a month (about 75 US$ 80 Eu and 50 UK Pound) One of the free to air channels has just started showing ETTC but again the earliest ones. We see none of the shows mentioned on this Forum and I've only found other stuff by stumbling around and finding links, so very time consuming and the comments don't make sense to me until I've seen the shows first. I've not seen a lot of the earlier CD so I don't know who a lot of the early people are and I can't stomach going back and having to listen to her anymore. I actually don't mind Michael Petherick (what one would call a "sweet kind boy" prior to 1965) and it would be nice to see him make a go of it with a nice guy as a partner but he needs to get out of the clutches of SJ and other influences in his life and grow some cahunes (?spelling)
Ah, I didn't realise you couldn't watch it online free via YouTube in other countries. I too can't stomach watching anything she puts out any more & if I do look back it is just to see something again which when you watch in retrospect (of reading all the comments) just seems so obvious now. I think it was a slow burn with me. When I watched the initial programmes I thought she was a bit vain & faux - I mean who really clears peacock poo & climbs up a ramp to an overhead barn wearing heeled boots & a full length sheepskin coat? I too don't mind Petherick. I think his material is quite dull & the family are obviously cashing in on the whole chateau/YouTube phenomenon but I don't see them as manipulative as SJ has been in her personal life as well as now her professional one. I think he probably has realised that he can go it alone as no cross over now between them I don't think?


One would consider with your number of degrees you state that you currently hold, you would easily be capable of doing the research for yourself, rather than attempting to gain investment from amateurs.
Thanks again for your input Hani. Or is it Mr Potts running the account today?
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Yankee Doodle

Active member
I have a problem which I hope members can help. I kept up with the current Forum. I finished 51 pages of an old Forum yesterday after 3 days. Last night I watched 3 or 4 of MPK blog Doing it Ourselves (mainly as a substitute f he did (would not appear on camera - why? Fat, ugly, old, still with warrants with Garda outstanding? he welcomed her with open arms and told viewers how, wonderful, kind, supportive etc she is. She brought fancy Tea and very fancy Chocolates for him (Lots and Lots and LOTS - formula of Lalaland Tea and Chocs, tea and chocs, china and aprons, tea and chocs) -buying his approval -luring him away from SJ? I note she didn't buy the little boy a gift (not tea or chocs) - a little toy or something - but of course she doesn't need to schmooze him or his parents (Billy and his wife seem hardworking and sensible)'cos MPK as SJ's squeeze is her goal.
Question please as I may not need sleeping draught every night and MPK's blog isn't that exciting - once you've seen the drama and tantrums and tiaras of Lalaland it's hard to go back to the lukewarm cocoa MPK provides - does this Granny substitute Lovefest between MPK and BG continue and still existing or did it become a case of "It's her or me" demand from our favourite Princess? She of "Grab 'em by the Balls to keep them close"
Back to my problem. I wake up and put the kettle on. Turn on computer. Make toast and coffee. Check Tattle (which I'd caught up with night before). Bloody hell. Forum closed and thread locked. New Forum. Stacks and stacks of new stuff. Read and respond, read and respond. Two hours and 3 coffees later and I'm still here. Is there a solution?
Step away from the computer Franny Bee. You need a break.
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I think my criticism of SJ's vocal ability is not so much the quality of her voice, it is more about her inclination to want to "perform" at every opportunity. I am sure she doesn't need to use her operatic voice whenever and whatever she sings. There are plenty of classically trained singers, who are able to switch in and out of their operatic voices - Katherine Jenkins, Alfie Boe, etc. I think she would have a very pleasant voice if she could wind it back a little.
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The very first ever CD Vlog, number 1, SJ is in the kitchen and Mummy has a face on her like a mad man's arse... totally rabid about something, she turns and is walking out of kitchen (still with mad man's arse face on her) then she see's SJ with the camera, Jekyll & Hyde, face completely changes, beaming smile, and even SJ calls her out of it.... laughing like a hyena of course but still calls her out and does anyone remember her appearances in the DIY series when CDLL was featured, when none of us knew anything about this place or SJ.. just another chateau owner being featured, I remember anytime Mummy appeared I used to think "what a horrible woman".... she was and she is. Nasty and fake. Vom...

Ah guys c'mon.... answers on a postcard please... "Name the chateau superfan / volunteer or paid worker aka WorkingClassGirl"?
I'm going for Potts. After all Ms WCG did say - bless him.
"Maybe I am a bit weird but I think he is the most attractive of the men at the chateau and certainly of the other men we have traced in her life".
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I’m just curious - what does Nitty currently do there? She’s employed and paid to run the B&B - but the B&B is currently non-operational.

Also, has anyone ever wondered why flower-Marie went back, leaving her full time job in the UK to be a cooking slave and play at flower shops? We thought she might have been expecting something better like getting Nitty’s job but was passed over in favour of Nitty, so they had to scrabble around to find her something to save face...😉
Nitty is enjoying a paid holiday till Easter courtesy of Patreon.
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Princess and the Pea post 3562297
I agree and also, I haven't looked up her rates as it would raise my blood pressure, but if I paid out a wodge of $$ to stay there I would not want to (a) pack large amounts of clothing and (b) put on 5 layers of said clothing whilst trying to enjoy a stay in a French Chateau - albeit Shat Oh when I arrive and see it for what it is ( and looking like the Michelin Tyre man whilst thin, fabulous Princess floats in and out eyeing off my man with her silent lure of look at me, look at me,me,me). I can spot her type a mile away but I'm older and wiser and have scar tissue to toughen me up but some young women can be hurt very badly and don't recognise the danger of having a toxic narcissist in their space. These people can destroy lives if their victim is not emotionally strong, but they don't care as long as they get their prize - ever seen a cat playing with it's prey?

Mine's fine, it's the poor buggers who have to wait on me hand and foot who do it tough. I buy lots of boxes of chocs as thank you's so virtual box of chocs attached (sorry don't know how to do emojis.)
You wouldn't need the 5 layers of clothes as the chateau isn't open to guests until after Easter when generally the weather is warm and even hot. The fact that inside the temperature is cooler may be a relief and the fact that there is no need to install air conditioning is all to the good.
The weather isn't like that in UK especially in the North but I know that and still choose to volunteer.
I accept that this is no longer a historic house as changes have been made over years but I doubt the basic beams, roof timbers, upstairs flooring etc were replaced and it is those that need protecting from harmful effects of full central heating.
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VIP Member
It appears that we have an influx of trolls on the Trotters thread - I am sure they will make their way here too. Most recent visitor Tinker1, joined 7 minutes ago! The Insider joined last night and clearly linked with Usabelle. I wonder if this is Ma and Sadie? Happy to let them carry on. I think I triggered this by seeing a comment by MP on his You Tube comments, following a lot of questions about hs failure to post vlogs. He said that his grandmother had died on Monday, followed by a couple of condolences from his fans, This, along with the comments disappeared shortly afterwards. I wasn't able to screen shot it at that time unfortunately, , although I believe that another Tattler saw it too. Time will tell - at some point he will either need to confirm or deny this.
I'm quite happy for them to carry on but will not respond to them- you of course can make up your own minds if you think I am Brenda.
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