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The people who suggest Nutella and other stuff honestly make me so angry. This is a child they are talking about not some sick science experiment.
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She seemed to be implying that the hospital was lying to the judge or omitting information

Edit - I just saw she's released another video, so my reply is in reference to the one from yesterday (? I think it was anyway) where she also mentioned that she had tried giving him honey
i worked in a hospital where someone choked to death in the ICU. The man had a stroke and had no swallow reflex. His family thought they were helping and the SALT (speech and language therapist) obviously had no idea what she was doing, and that if he just had a sip of his favrioute drink he’d be fine. I don’t know which family member was responsible for it, but it was a huge drama, the police were called etc. I worked in the stroke unit and you heard people say stupid stuff like that all the time “oh just give him a cup of tea…” no!

someone else pointed it out but I think it’s an issue that effects both the medical field and the military, what you see on TV or video games is NOT what happens in real life. We’re getting more and more distant from reality
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The sum total of the discussion should have been to ask the doctors "Have there been any new developments in Archie's condition that would indicate that he has any chance of recovery?" Going into discussion on religious beliefs seems to be completely skirting around the crux of the matter, that he's brain dead and has been before he even arrived at the hospital. This might sound insensitive but at the moment they're simply pumping air, blood and drugs into a corpse.

All this discussion about whether it was "his wish" to be kept alive? Unless there was a written declaration of this, or some kind of living will in place. then nope, tough. His mother stating it was "something he said" is hearsay and second hand information, and at this point she's not going to come out and say anything to the contrary, is she?

Even when he does "die", you just know this won't be the end of the story. She's probably already instructed her lawyers to sue the hospital for negligence, even though it's clear that this poor lad was dead before he arrived there.
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Ugh i feel so bad about the poetry and everything else mainting Archie will recover on the fb group. This is helping no-one, least of all the family. Feel like the longer this is dragged out, the harder the emotional crash will be.

Come on Archie rise and shine we all know your just resting and taking your time.
Open them beautiful big blue eyes and give everyone a lovely surprise.
A long hard battle has/is being fought, with mum dad and Ella having to go to court.
Come on champ prove them right. They won’t give up without a fight.
Make tonight that special one when you wake and say hello mum.
Your family are an inspiration and so loved by a majority of the nation.
They cannot please a scumbag few but they thought they would leave those ones for you.
You can put them in their place as they made themselves look a complete disgrace.
Come on Archie fight fight fight come back to your family and hug them tight
God lord what on Earth has got into these people to write this stuff. All clamouring for likes and comments on Facebook for their shit poetry, tattoos etc. If you were a thoughtful person wanting to write a poem about a gravely ill child why would you include talk about going to court and scumbags. Bloody oddballs.

This is sadly no longer about Archie, it’s about his family’s wants and weirdos on Facebook wanting attention.
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Chatty Member
Imagine being the nurse/doctor that explained to her why he wasn’t have a feed to rest his tummy as he was having issues absorbing them (a few weeks back) to then hear her on the phone saying they are starving him.

my heart breaks for them nurses and doctors working in that ward right now.
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Michael Schumacher doesn’t have any life either.. Another selfish family keeping someone artificially alive because they can afford to. It’s barbaric that doctors take money for these things.
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I believe he's already on a standard dose of it now, but how long before Hollie starts whipping the army up about the use of "death drug" Midazolam once all the appeals are exhausted? "It's a lethal injection!" "It's what they use to execute prisoners on death row, you know".
Yes, I've had relatives freak out at this when the syringe driver goes up 😳 we also routinely overdose people on morphine as well apparently 🙄 we're crazy, homicidal maniacs and love injecting people with autism, covid and monkeypox and we're preventing the earth from being flat 🤪😆🤭
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super grateful

Well-known member
"I know a lot about this". Sure, how many constipated brain-dead kids have you treated in your lengthy career as a Facebook medical expert?

Ahhh people. Always think they’ve finished surprising me, yet they never have.

Agency ICU nurses hate coming to work in Neuro ICU because “all we care about is brains and poo”… The complexities of over flow, constipation, the reasoning for brain injured patients to need to poo so much just cannot be taught in one Facebook post! But anyway, I must learn by now to shut up and accept these people know much more. 🙃
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super grateful

Well-known member
Incase no one has told you today, thank you for everything you do when looking after your patients.

Sending you all the love, that job cannot be easy at the “best” of times.
Oh that’s very kind, thank you. 🥰 I feel very privileged to be able to care for the people I do, which makes it worthwhile!

(Also sorry for banging on about ICU all the time, just very interested in this case as it’s close to what I know/see often and felt I can offer insights/info during the discussions being had. People please do tell me to shut up!! X)

I don't think the TV interviewers/programmes are any better than the Jeremy Kyle show. Using low IQ, poorly educated, deranged people as entertainment 'wind 'em up and watch 'em go' type thing. It also encourages more of this type of behaviour. It's the TV equivalent of those trashy mags with lurid stories. Do we really need to watch trash infotainment like this? Delusions presented as facts? It's not good.
I agree! It’s just going to make the end so much worse for Hollie / her army as they’ll now have the added feeling of “oh but Dermot and that guy off BBC news agreed with me”. And you’re right, anyone with a story now feels like they can pop on tv and share their own version of events - and it’ll likely be fine as there seems to be no fact checking going on! Definitely encouraging people.
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I hope that the family is supported through this but even more than that I really hope that the doctors and nurses who have treated Archie receive some proper support as well. I can't imagine how awful this must have been for them. :(
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Funny how literally every person in that Archie's Army group has trouble with spelling and grammar. Almost as if they're all as thick as pig shit. I doubt that though, since they're all apparently qualified doctors.
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Judges would never admit this but I guarantee they've decided on the papers alone how they're going to decide. IMO the barrister for the family knows he's fighting a losing fight but what can you do - you get your instructions, you have to put up a fight as that's the job, and ultimately you have to look like you've gone down with the ship too. I've had judges before make it really obvious in the first few minutes that they won't find with my case but I'm there for my client and tbh sometimes when that happens I will fight every possible point, even the bizarre and the daft, because I want my clients to know I did my very best even when we all know from the off they're going to lose. A lot of clients just want their day in court at the end of the day.
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Chatty Member
So infuriating.
Are they actually seeking an unplanned death, like a traumatic cardiac arrest?

yeah, Hollie, real mum of the year for letting your child suffer (and rot away). First class selfishness.
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I’m looking on Twitter now and I’m shocked that the whole ‘Archie was doing an internet challenge’ narrative is still being pushed. I understand that people who write news articles for the BBC and other big news outlets aren’t going to be up to date with internet trends for kids but it’s still aggravating to see misinformation being spread so widely. For anyone unaware, there was a ‘fainting challenge’ that was mildly popular about ten years ago on YouTube. It involved either holding your breath and jumping up and down until you pass out, or a more dangerous version was having a friend choke you until you pass out. Obviously this was a really imbecilic trend so it never actually got extremely popular like the media likes to portray. I find it very hard to believe that Archie was following a trend that was nearly as old as him. I also find it very difficult to believe that a twelve year old who hung themselves with a dressing gown chord over the bannister wasn’t suicidal. He had to be fully aware of what he was doing. The child has been through enough suffering and the judge letting him die peacefully is the most humane thing that’s happened through this whole horror story.
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If she thinks he just needs another 4-6 months then I think she should be billed for the care at this point. 🤷
Even if she paid though she’d still be taking up resources (equipment, a medical team, a bed) that other children actually need. Dead children don’t need any of this. It’s immoral at this point IMO.
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In most recent post:

"Please reframe from posting negative comments please this isn't a page for debate!"

I think, fortunately, people are starting to realise.
Translated means:

Please refrain from posting what we need to hear and only post what we want to hear”

Imagine looking back on this in a few years time and seeing this picture of yourself gloating over your dead sons body 🤬
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