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Lulu Goss

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Just watched her on This Morning - she’s saying he just needs more time to recover and that she’s been told by other “survivors” that it could take 4-6 months.

Anyone watching that who doesn’t know the case would probably side with her, it wasn’t factual at all about what’s actually happening.
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The comments on twitter against the BBC post 'give the family more time', they have had so much time, the more time they have the more time this bed is being taken up and not therefore available to a child who might have a chance of survival.
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Also the people randomly putting up pictures of their kids because their kids want to "say hi to Archie." I would not expose my child to some of those oddballs.
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View attachment 1427636
This is the first thing that comes up when I search ‘Archie Battersbee.’ The idiocy of these people astounds me. ‘I would stand between Archie and doctor death.’ Aye love. ‘Archie was showing signs of recovery’ what? I really want to know what medical knowledge these people have of recovery. The boy hasn’t moved a muscle in about three months. ‘He or she doesn’t care.’ Yeah, the doctor that does hourly blood tests, treatments, and injections on a child’s corpse really must not care about medicine or their job. These people need rounded up and their phones confiscated.
She's based her hatred of doctors on the fact one had a go at her for not putting some hand wash out? Good. Hand wash is kind of essential in a hospital. Do your job properly. So, because of that, one doctor bad = all doctors bad.

Pray tell Mari Lyn, where are we going to keep all these brain dead children? Where are we getting the extra doctors and nurses to care for them? Did you know it will take 7 years + to train them? How are we paying for them? I bet she's the type who is always moaning that she can never see a doctor. It's precisely attitudes like hers that are making medical professionals leave in droves. 😖
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I think the facebook group has become a comforting fantasy honestly. In it Archie has a real chance of survival, and they're the heroes battling against an enemy that can be defeated if enough people get behind them.

Lots of comments now directed at the government trying to own our children. God knows, I hate the tories as much as the rest of them, but it's completely irrelevant.

I think tomorrow when faced with the reality in court is going to be heartbreaking.

someone on said that the doctors possibly mentioned a DNAR because Archie is so unstable from what she’s saying

I honestly hope for her sake that nothing happens with him while she’s not there as I think that would really break her

Also this comment by DFA just rubs me the wrong way. Almost sounds like it’s there to intimidate Hollie as they could have easily just said “she may not be at court tomorrow because she didn’t want the judgement to be handed down in person”
Yes - I also think it must be very distressing for the family to know that an anoynomous person who is leading a lot of the negative comments about them (rightly or wrongly) is watching them at court, at such a vulnerable time. Of course anyone can attend and comment, but this must feel very personal.

I've appreciated the fact based content from DFA, but comments like that are nasty.
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Even if she paid though she’d still be taking up resources (equipment, a medical team, a bed) that other children actually need. Dead children don’t need any of this. It’s immoral at this point IMO.
And there's ethics around the repeated blood transfusions
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I'm sorry, but the barmy army have officially gone too far now.
Emailing clinics around the world about Archie to try and get him moved, but spouting absolute lies in the emails.

Also I read on another forum that Archie has been receiving numerous blood transfusions, I feel like this is absolutely ridiculous. Blood products are scarce enough without wasting them, pumping them into an already dead body!
Honestly the grammer, spelling mistakes & absolute nonsense "it's more about organ donation than the individual" will at least mean no one will take it seriously.

Why are they still pushing this. If Hollie refuses donation, it won't go ahead. And his organs clearly aren't viable at this point anyway.
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What on earth has compost got to do with it, are they planning to pop him in a grow bag and grow him a new brain stem?

Has any of them in the AA group started to offer a Herbalife drink or a JuicePlus sachet yet?
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I've just been reading . Apparently the Court of Appeal are hearing the case on Thursday which apparently was the day that the hospital wanted to end life support.
Screenshot 2022-07-19 at 18-24-49 Tard Baby General (includes brain dead kids).png

One of the comments on there was very thought provoking about how Archie's friends/classmates must be coping with this. All this "turning machines off/organ harvesting/killing a healthy child" must be a real headfuck for a 12 year old who may need to have medical treatment in the future :cry:
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Just catching up after a day of looking after ventilated patients and their, thankfully, normal relatives. 🫣

Someone mentioned the interview Hollie did where she said about Archie playing with the rabbit and then falling, and landing into the dressing gown robe. I saw that and was V confused!! I know we’ve always said her story isn’t straight but it’s getting weirder and weirder. Also who’s dressing gown robe is hanging around their house in a way that you can fall, accidentally wrap it around your neck, then drop over the banister and it tighten? And what happened to the rabbit? I know ultimately the poor child is gone so the story doesn’t 100% matter but just seems such a strange thing to not be honest about.

As for Hollie taking him home and having private care in if she was allowed to - lol. Ventilated patients do go home in certain circumstances (SCI, MND, etc), but they need ICU nurses 24/7 and family members who can act as a second pair of hands in an emergency until an ambulance arrives, so they have to undertake rigorous training. (More so than the medical training Hollie has already completed). Also hospitals are still currently paying internal ICU nurses £40 (weekday) £45 (Saturday / night) £50 (Sunday) per hour on agency because they are sooo short staffed (covid PTSD and all that) - external agency ICU nurses are getting way more. Meaning community ICU nurses are getting even more! So Hollie would have to fund that, PLUS all the equipment. A hospital bed costs thousands, a ventilator costs thousands, the filters (plural) that need to be changed on a ventilator every 12 hours cost approx £50 each, PPE is required, drug giving sets… and so on…

Someone on the Facebook group asked if a medium could contact Archie and help him come back to “our side” which I enjoyed.

I also find the interviews quite cruel. The news channels and the likes of This Morning aren’t offering up real facts or engaging in productive conversation / arguments; they ask what happened to Archie, where he is medically (which Hollie tells in her own way) and what has happened at court (which again is all Hollie’s version). The presenters then have to sit and nod thoughtfully, or get upset with her and say how strong she is and that she has to keep fighting and she knows best etc. Odd journalism. Anyone watching at home who knows nothing about the case, and has very little intelligence to think about it with sense for 1 minute, would surely side with Hollie and assume her child is being “given up on” as she says. They are cruel to Hollie as they are enabling her, and cruel to her followers as they are not sharing the full facts.

And yep, found that thumbs up video both shocking and somehow not shocking - think it’s become apparent that this has all turned into a strange game for quite a while, sadly.
I don't think the TV interviewers/programmes are any better than the Jeremy Kyle show. Using low IQ, poorly educated, deranged people as entertainment 'wind 'em up and watch 'em go' type thing. It also encourages more of this type of behaviour. It's the TV equivalent of those trashy mags with lurid stories. Do we really need to watch trash infotainment like this? Delusions presented as facts? It's not good.
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I understand why she might feel she needs an independent paediatric intensivist but to get what she wants from them they'd have to be a crook.

I wonder what she's not getting about the scans. Is it the language being used, can denial be that deep? I've been of the mind that she's just too intellectually challenged to make sense of it but I'm not sure that's it either.

I don't understand why the media is entertaining her anymore. They must know his brain has no circulation, no oxygen, no activity.

Tabloid reporting is all very well on This Morning, but news channels? Where's the journalism? I think if this was presented with sympathy towards Hollie, but at least a nod to the fact his brain stem is in his lumbar region and his brain has no blood flow would go a long way to re establishing faith in the judiciary and educating the general public. Reporting the court case NOT HOLLIE.
She still seems completely deluded about the whole situation doesn't she? In the interview, she mentions how she would look after him, even if he's "disabled". He's obviously way beyond that.

She also still fixated on this neck lump, as if that's having some bearing on his current state. The Army have decided "that don't look right hun" so she's running with it. Strange how she never makes any comment on the fact that his brain and now his lungs are rotting.

She refers to "thousands" of people who have come out of a vegetative state, seemingly fuelled by the second-hand accounts she read on Facebook of someone's auntie waking up after being in a coma.

Oh and it's all down to the NHS wanting to save money. It's not about the money Hollie, it's about the resources. He's depriving a child with a chance of life from that bed, and from the specialist doctors, and the 2:1 nursing care. She also throws in the classic "I've paid into the system" argument, which obviously means that Archie should therefore be entitled to prolonged treatment.

Just massive, massive levels of delusion all round.
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There's a mother who takes her young daughter to Azaylia Cains grave and encourages her to read to Azaylia, all whilst filming it!
Ashley Cain’s threads were my first exposure to that kind of thing and it still blows my mind. I don’t understand why people are so heavily invested in someone else’s child and I don’t understand why the parents encourage it
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I can’t believe she she said yesterday something like she doesn’t believe in dignity in death for a child. I’m paraphrasing. But it’s her final few days with her son and she’s spending it doing interviews in the morning. Some of the barmy Army were planning on having a charity “let’s get Lit for Archie“ party charging for tickets today. I just find that abhorrent.

I’m not a fan of the dignity page but they pointed out that it was Archie’s family that made this whole circus public when three days after the accident they set up a go fund me. (This was in response to to his Mum complaining it shouldn’t be in the public eye which is kinda ironic when complaining in an interview!)
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What mother in this position would have the headspace to be arguing on Facebook?

Whenever I’ve been worried about my child in the past my phone screen time has been 0.
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Talking about Archies wishes now.
An 11 year old cannot fully comprehend what being in this kind of situation would mean, that their brain would be rotting, they would feel no pleasure or pain, their body would be skeletal and they wouldn’t ever wake up. They couldn’t possibly understand the strain on their family. If he did talk about it he probably imagined a situation wherehe would get better.
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The people in the groups on Facebook that are tattooing Archie’s name and making wrist bands etc are absolutely sick in the head. Hollie is obviously going through the worse thing a parent could ever go through, she’s vulnerable and not thinking rationally.

She’s blaming a Tik-Tok challenge because that’s easier than accepting that her 12 year old took he’s own life, weather intentionally or for attention.

The thing about him putting a rabbit in a bag clearly shows that he was mentally unwell, by 12 he should understand that the rabbit would suffocate. Again, was this a way of getting attention?

I feel sorry for Archie and his family, it’s such a waste of precious life.

I do hope one of Hollies friends or a family member would sit down with her and properly go through the accident and explain Archie’s injuries and sadly there is no coming back. She needs someone around her who can put aside their feelings and think rationally.

The sickos on these Facebook groups are giving Hollie false hope, I truly do understand that she would cling onto anything in the hope that her son will “wake up” but it just isn’t possible😪

I do disagree with her blaming the doctors, there number 1 priority would be to save Archie and give him the best care possible.

I live 5 minutes from the Royal London Hospital and as an out patient I know first hand that the doctors and nurses and other staff that I have come into contact with have been absolutely brilliant, they are professional and caring and really are a credit to our NHS.

The whole situation is incredibly sad and I hope Hollie finds the strength to do what’s in Archie’s best interest. Let the poor boy be put to rest and Hollie and her family can find comfort in each other and begin there grieving process.
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Honesty if she’s so damn convinced his taking breaths, she should agree with court pulling away the machines keeping him alive, and see what happens then.

She’s disgusting, and I full believe she might end up on a involuntary mental health hold if she keeps going.

She’s literally trying to live a double life, one in court, where she accepts he won’t recover, is one online, where she says he’s getting better.

Something needs to be done, I really wish the court could order her to stay off social media.
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The bonkers facebook posts from complete strangers continue....

💜Archie is aware

💜Radiant & relaxing

💜Champion & charming

💜Handsome & heartfelt

💜Inspirationally intelligent

💜Exceptionally entrancing
That’s so creepy. Also they clearly haven’t read the Court documents
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For me she just contradicts herself so much and riles her ‘army’ up in the process. She’s said in court she knows Archie is going to die but as previously discussed here she wants the chaotic, unplanned death where he crashes. Not the peaceful, dignified death the court has ordered.
Yet she then spouts this…….


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