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Completely agree, it's time for a proper revamp. Everyone can see that she's moved way past the capsule-crap by now, which is okay but she still tries to portray herself as a minimalist organisation queen. If she doesn't accept and acknowledge that her life has changed her channel will continue to die a not so slow death. People change, it's okay, but she's being disingenuous and inauthentic about it. It's not 2018 anymore, you never had an actual capsule wardrobe, a lazy susan doesn't make you a organisation guru.

Also capsule makeup bag, what a load of bollocks. In her video today she shows a fuckload of product lying around in the bathroom...stop the bullshit

No progress without feedback. Deleting comments that aren't completely arse-kissing, critical or suggest changes only ensures that your content stays the same while the viewers and their taste in content changes. If you don't get with the time, your channel will die as so many others have before who didn't take feedback seriously.
For me it's a sign of maturity to be able to accept criticism and not kill the source. A few years a go I would throw a fit when someone criticised my work, today, I'm grateful for any pointers to improvement (mostly, lol)
The girl next door-image she's been trying to portray for a decade is just not believable anymore, you're in your 30s girl, the "how you doin fellow kids"-vibes are strong...
(obvs she's still young but I'm in my mid-twenties and can't even relate to her, how tf are people younger than me supposed do it?) She's overusing the same five phrases to make herself seem more in touch with the young audience but it's just so cringyyyy. No amount of moments or yaaas can cover up that she's basically a grandma in a million pound mansion.
100% agree, and “Grandma in a millionaire mansion” should be in the next thread title!
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Eat My Shorts

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Starting to think her typos aren’t a product of laziness, but actually because she legit can’t spell / has awful grammar.

I’m a stickler for grammar and I get that some people struggle with it for various reasons but for a grown woman like Anna with no learning difficulties (that she’s ever mentioned), I just don’t think there’s any excuse.

Sorry, the ‘they’ll’ in this post from just now has me really triggered. I would DM her but she’s never once opened one I’ve sent 🥲
Surely in her line of work, you double or triple check before posting!? 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Just watched her “morning routine” and again she shows her phone with the time showing 20:28 (a previous poster spotted this in another video). Either she’s got her phone set to the wrong Timezone, or she’s filming clips at night and pretending that they’re being filmed in the morning. Either way it’s bizarre.
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Starting to think her typos aren’t a product of laziness, but actually because she legit can’t spell / has awful grammar.

I’m a stickler for grammar and I get that some people struggle with it for various reasons but for a grown woman like Anna with no learning difficulties (that she’s ever mentioned), I just don’t think there’s any excuse.

Sorry, the ‘they’ll’ in this post from just now has me really triggered. I would DM her but she’s never once opened one I’ve sent 🥲
I'm with you, also 'a June'.

I make errors on this forum, because well it's not my job and often don't proofread what I type. But I work in marketing and attention to detail, in my industry is a big deal. The one off spelling error on an Instagram story might not be a big deal and we all make errors here and there, but if someone kept doing it I would have to bring them up on it and it just wouldn't be acceptable. You are being paid to produce content and for Anna it's her job. It looks unprofessional to me. Would anyone want to walk into a shop to buy a product with a massive spelling error across the packaging, or if you visited a website how seriously would you take it if there were spelling mistakes all over it? 🤷‍♀️
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I just put on her first every day June video for background noise because I hate myself and I literally found myself shouting at Mark to get the fuck out of the shot.

Obviously Anna sees something special in him but wtf is it and why are so many of her followers keen for more Mark? Are they really that starved for mediocre white men in their lives??? Make it make sense!
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I can imagine the flames coming out of this thread if we get Mark with the violin. :ROFLMAO:
Hahaha of course Mark plays the violin, he also speak 5 languages (very unlike average Brits), he can drive since he was 5. He is basically Kim Jung Un, but white.
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I get that she’s deleting “negative” comments straight away but why is her videos getting so little thumbs down? I don’t get that🤔 can someone explain please. I’m quite new around here.
People have probably died of boredom before they get to the point of clicking the thumbs down.
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Re Mark

I think a lot of the blame lies with Anna and not him. Allana and Dejan have a much better work ethic and Allana clearly pushes herself which in turn pushes Dejan to produce good quality content within certain timeframes. If Anna doesn't want to do that, we can't exactly blame Mark for letting her take the lead. Dejan has no desire to be on camera, where as Anna clearly encourages Mark to be on camera. Anna could easily say to Mark, edit out that bit when you interrupt me or for example in her last vlog when she is doing the intro and Mark has the kitchen tap on behind her, she could have easily stopped filming and said 'babes I'm having a vlogging moment here, do you mind?"

Mark seems to see his job helping Anna as a bit of a side hustle, and his main job seems to focus on gardening and feeding the birds - again this is Anna's doing! It just seems like sometime in 2019, after her book launch and everyday edit videos she decided to take her foot off the pedal - maybe because she raked in £££££ and has never really seemed to be on top of her content like she once was. They clearly can afford a comfortable lifestyle, but lets be real here if Anna loses views/sponsorship deals etc they don't have enough £ to continue to fund that kind of lifestyle indefinetly. They've got all their eggs in one basket and don't seem too worried about it. But if Anna lacks real drive and motivation is it any surprise that Mark does too? I know when I had a boss who would bugger off at 3pm on a Friday to go to the pub it was incredibly demotivating and felt like why should I stay late on a Friday to do work if you can't be arsed. I get the same impression from Mark, but he seems quite content with pottering around the house like a retired 70 year old.
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Stop 👏 using 👏 "realness" 👏 the 👏 wrong 👏 way 👏

You look awful, Anna. This is not laundry day. Nor is it Summer Camp '94 and you're about to go canoeing right after the friendship bracelet workshop. All you have influenced is for me to wish the bike shorts trend died yesterday.

Screen Shot 2021-06-15 at 2.22.24 PM.png
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Chatty Member
I apologize in advance if you are not here for it, but I am having a rage moment.

Followed Anna since her uni days but with a heavy heart I have unsubbed (I feel like that is the case with several of us).

It's just the lack of effort and the failure to see things from a different perspective. I mean, how she talks about money to seem more relatable while in her new house, with clothes easily worth thousands even if they were "in the sale!" regularly popping up...just from having a short look on her insta I could see several new Toteme pieces, the row shoes, re/done jeans to be used for pregnancy (that she said do not fit any longer- good use of around 200 pounds).

The capsule thing doesn't fit her lifestyle any it the wardrobe, the makeup bag, all the other edit moment moments.

The poor editing, the very obvious deleting of comments (I had a snoop around her YouTube this morning and compared views to ammount of comments and it is so obvious). Yes they earn the dollars but in all honesty, if she is losing viewers like me who I would say are within her ideal demographic (same age, started following from the start of youtube etc) who else is she losing? Like someone just mentioned her subscriber count went down to 497.000 on her profile.

In all honesty and trying to be objective, I don't see Mark and Ofmark being able to live the lavish lifestyle they have got going on long term, and I see them both having to get normal jobs eventually. They don't care, and they are quite frankly being blind to the fact that subscribers actually are the reason they can have the life they have right now. If numbers go down so will collab opportunities and everything else. By the looks of it we are getting a bit tired of hearing about bird seeds.

Edited for typos.
Completely agree, it's time for a proper revamp. Everyone can see that she's moved way past the capsule-crap by now, which is okay but she still tries to portray herself as a minimalist organisation queen. If she doesn't accept and acknowledge that her life has changed her channel will continue to die a not so slow death. People change, it's okay, but she's being disingenuous and inauthentic about it. It's not 2018 anymore, you never had an actual capsule wardrobe, a lazy susan doesn't make you a organisation guru.

Also capsule makeup bag, what a load of bollocks. In her video today she shows a fuckload of product lying around in the bathroom...stop the bullshit

The whole thing of Mark (apparently) deleting comments makes me uneasy. I can understand that perhaps he’s talking more of an interest in the business now he’s working on it FT and he wants to ‘protect’ his pregnant wife, but there’s something a bit controlling about it that I don’t like. One, it’s the fact that there are now loads and loads of ‘isn’t Mark great‘ comments which seems a bit narcissistic and seems like something you’d do if you wanted to convince your partner that you’re brilliant - it feels a bit gas-lighty. Two, even if Anna wants to live in a bubble of nothing-but-nice at the moment it doesn’t make good business sense to ignore any less positive feedback because ultimately, it might be right and to fail to listen to what your audience is saying is going to harm your business. Anna might be the one in charge here and if she really doesn’t care and doesn’t want to listen, then fair enough. But if she’s genuinely not fully aware of what’s happening and Mark’s taken over a bit then that’s a bit worrying.
No progress without feedback. Deleting comments that aren't completely arse-kissing, critical or suggest changes only ensures that your content stays the same while the viewers and their taste in content changes. If you don't get with the time, your channel will die as so many others have before who didn't take feedback seriously.
For me it's a sign of maturity to be able to accept criticism and not kill the source. A few years a go I would throw a fit when someone criticised my work, today, I'm grateful for any pointers to improvement (mostly, lol)
The girl next door-image she's been trying to portray for a decade is just not believable anymore, you're in your 30s girl, the "how you doin fellow kids"-vibes are strong...
(obvs she's still young but I'm in my mid-twenties and can't even relate to her, how tf are people younger than me supposed do it?) She's overusing the same five phrases to make herself seem more in touch with the young audience but it's just so cringyyyy. No amount of moments or yaaas can cover up that she's basically a grandma in a million pound mansion.
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Chatty Member
Again with her performative "I'm so busy, look, I have a spreadsheet". It feels like she's trying to make herself feel more busy than she actually is by making a huge production about every miniscule detail. She literally doesn't need a social media plan like businesses have, all she does is regurgitate old videos, blog posts and links. Like, you are ONE person, your husband is maybe ten metres away from you, why do you feel the need for fifteen planners and to do lists?? Does she have the memory of a goldfish?

9am: put video live
4pm: remind people to watch the same old five videos over again
4.30 pm: daily shill

That's ACTUALLY it.

Let's not forget she has a dumb notebook and a dumb to-do-list, as well as her digital diary, she probably spent more time doing list than her work.
Lol this reminds me of work, we have daily meetings in the morning and a huge meeting to plan the next two weeks every other thursday which often runs 6 hours (not even kidding, we're not IBM or Google, there's ten people in my team). Not to mention two calendars, Microsoft Teams, Jira, Confluence, etc. I'm filling half my hours with trying to keep up with notifications from our fifteen fricken platforms. The definiton of "why work when you can talk about it and not actually do it"
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Poor girl, pregnancy just really doesn’t suit her,

Also, I know this is only vaguely related to Anna, but the term “babymoon” really makes my teeth itch. When did this become “a thing”?

Also, she referred to it as an “out of office moment” in her stories, as a further parody of herself.

Also, “out of office”, as though she’s ever in the office.

(The post of a thousand alsos.)
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I don't know how they can live like that with a baby on the way..and how they can focus so much on the garden instead of renovating the interior. If that were me, I would work day and night in the house to make sure as many things as possible are ready for when my baby comes so the environment is not only nice, but healthy for my baby - also I know they have a lot of plans for the house, but they won't be able to do anything that involves a ton of noise for the next year or so because of the baby sleeping a lot and then it's even worse because they stat crawling and walking everywhere so you can't have them live in a building site. Why not focus on doing a lot in the house this summer and leave the garden for next spring/summer? Especially when money is not an issue... (also not saying to do the furniture and so on, but do all the structural things that would involve a lot of dust and work and noise).
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