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Drives me mad she's in remission from cancer but keeps telling people including medical professionals she still has it
Also remember this person also allegedly works for the cyber security department for a large well known Bank but acts ridiculous online
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Chatty Member
Glad there’s a thread for Amelia. Used to see her on TikTok before she disappeared and thought her behaviour and obsession with Roblox (which is primarily a kids game) a bit odd. Never mind the relationship with the school age child😧

Interesting that she’s now pleading poverty and doing OF for money but is always making extravagant purchases? Multiple new iPhones (bought outright) fairly expensive car, endless takeaways? Especially as she is not working. Does anyone know if she gets benefits? If not it’s all paid for by mummy🤔
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I’ve actually got a shiver. A sick feeling, lost for words kind of thing. What the actual HELL was that. Amelia is extremely dangerous. If that’s something they’re willing to put on social media (why I don’t know) then imagine what is said/done off socials….
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Thr messages prior to her ex snapping she was clearly asking to be left alone repeatedly again and again and she kept badgering her. Then out the blue messaging her and accusing her of getting some one to call her? I'd tell her where to shove it too 😂
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Can’t hold an iPhone 15 pro because it’s too heavy when she’s having a vertigo attack… but is safe to drive herself to hospital during vertigo attacks. Make it make sense 😭
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What is eye opening is through all of this, shes still not thought about it deep down and thought - maybe i shouldnt post half of this on social media and maybe i should consider what I post.
Above all, shes putting herself at risk.
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But him being male drives his behaviour. Men are statistically more likely to commit sexual offences. The latest ONS data shows that the victim was female in 86% of sexual offences - Amelia targets young girls. Men are more likely to be sexual predators of young girls. He is using his female identity as an excuse to justify and engage with young girls, as he sees himself as a young girl. He is a porn-sick, fetish-addled autogynaephilic pervert as evidenced by promoting his OF content whilst engaging with children on his social media.

Look at the case of Amy George (Andrew Miller), he abducted and sexually abused a girl by luring her into his car whilst dressed as a woman. The child trusted him because he presented as a woman. Just one example of how people like Amelia use a female persona to abuse children.

I don’t care for the feelings of men pretending to be women.

I am calling him out for his disgusting behaviour that you mention. I just won’t pander to his fetish whilst doing so. I haven’t called out anyone on this thread for saying “she/her” even though I disagree with that.
Not all trans people are predators, trans women are not ‘pretending’ to be women, they are women. I think you can criticise Amelia without bringing her gender into it, that’s all.
She claims any criticism of her is transphobic so tbh it doesn’t matter what pronouns anyone here uses -as she will say anything said against her is transphobic regardless. Not to mention her constant suicide baiting, calling this a site to drive people to suicide when it’s not at all.

She’s unable to accept anything is ever her fault, see her insisting all of her exes were abusive and even having broadcasted all over that the current fiancée is before they suddenly became engaged. She’s the same with the kids she falls out with on her stupid bloxmart group as well, and with her parents. It won’t be long before the people she’s doing that pride event with realise they’re doing it with someone with very questionable behaviour around minors, she gets chucked out and proceeds to say they’re all transphobic/antiautistic/abusive too.

She deffo doesn’t get real adults know her little threats about the police and hate speech won’t work. Criticism isn’t hate speech and the police have better things to do with their time. If I were her I wouldn’t draw the police’s attention to here anyway, sure they’ll have some questions about driving during vertigo attacks and while under investigation for a fit along with her relationships with minors. Then she’ll be “all cops are transphobic” and police Scotland won’t be her best friends anymore.
Imagine being a queer person and liking the cops, could never be me.

If she goes to the police about this, she’ll have to show them all of the allegations people are making, people who have video footage, screenshots and evidence that she herself posted on the internet for the world to see. Nobody has leaked anything. Nobody has doxxed her. We only know what we know because she shared it publicly.

The police do not care, nor have the resources to investigate individual users of an internet forum for discussing content that Amelia has put out. They’ll likely tell her to stay off social media for a bit and lay low. Nobody is worried.
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I don’t think this is true it surely would be on her notes she’s trans. If it is true What a waste of nhs time just tell them i dont have a womb.
It’s probably happened a few times when she’s turned up at A&E and they don’t have her notes tbf. You’d think she’d just tell them though.

I see she’s still buying expensive business wifi stuff when she’s been told she’s not fit for work and claims she’s set up the OF cos that means she’s got no money. Either she’s racking up debt, spending Mummy’s money or she’s lying.
  • Sick
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Is that what it’s for?! Ffs if he spent less on changing his WiFi every month, house phones etc. he’d be sorted. Surprised he hasn’t got mummy to pay for him.
Yeah I assume so, loads of posts about GenderGP which is private so even in Scotland you’d pay for a prescription from them.
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I think she’s lying about not having money I think she does have money but not any new money coming in. She’s spending way to much for someone who can’t work.
She also keeps posting about periods I get that she’s possibly trying to raise awareness but I don’t think that’s her reasoning for posting I think it’s attention she almost like she resonates with us woman.


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Its quite funny how she clearly reads this as today she was banging on about how changing phone provider doesn't affect her because she just cancels. But prior to that was posting about her mental health being so bad and how bad she feels so low because it what's been said but a week ago she was telling us all to kill ourselves and making comments violating the hate crime law she keeps preaching.

And re the NHS England - it's not great by a long stretch but it's worsened by people going to a&e with minor things - alot of the people who are loudest about it are the type that go to a&e for more minor things and complain their left waiting whilst drs and nurses are probably with a critical case. I always think I'm completely blessed not to be the person who's rushed in first.
There are few if any providers these days that let you “just cancel” without any exit fees etc. Unless it doesn’t affect him cos mummy pays.
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Well-known member
Where to start with this one:

- Posts recordings of every medical encounter she has, be it doctors, 111 or calling 999 on her girlfriend.

- Claims she recently had a fit and was unconscious on her bathroom floor for a fair period as well as biting her tongue yet is still driving all around, so either lying or breaking the law (breaking the law either way likely as she’s tagged her many appointments for her alleged fit so the NHS think she’s had one).

- Wears a care help pendant and accidentally calls for help at least once a week.

- Has had a string of relationships with younger girls, one of whom was still very clearly school age who then “ghosted” her (aka parents realised she was being groomed) but she still often posts about the girl.

- Isn’t Scottish but has forced her way into various SNP groups and bitches about the English 24/7 despite being from York.

- Has no support and an abusive family but talks to her mum constantly and her mum both comes to visit her frequently and got her a job with Lloyds.

- Has cameras in every room of her house and posts footage from them regularly.

- Currently presumably in a breakup because she called the police on her latest girlfriend for seemingly no reason and accuses everyone who so much as looks at a cigarette or alcohol as having addiction issues.
Do you know why she lost her old account? I just had a look and remember her from lockdown 😂
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@lavenderlamborghini do you know where those screenshots/messages came from? Like was it an account designed to call em out?? I remember seeing something like that before the old TT got deleted
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Probably works on the kids she likes to intimidate but not so much on adults as she’s finding out.

She’s so selfish, as long as it works for her fuck everyone else - see driving, loving cops, the SNP crap acting as if they’re perfect and will create a utopia (I don’t know much about them but no politicians are perfect let’s be real), constantly throwing her mum under the bus, making all the groups she goes to the Amelia show and so on.
Can’t wait for Joanna Cherry to discover him and he will quit the SNP asap 😂
  • Haha
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