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He’s had “autistic lesbian” as his bio on his TT account for ages, pre-OF. But you’re right lmao if you’re gonna cosplay as a lesbian at least do it right!
Looool what exactly does he want to reply to say? That he does have relationships with children online? Or does he just get upset that he’s referred to as his biological sex?
Presumably that she’s not paying her phone bills and Mummy doesn’t give her money 😂🤣
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Nothing is ever her fault. It’s always the other one in her relationships at fault even as she tries to completely control them (flipping out at the slightest suggestion of alcohol FFS) and goes to the extent of reporting them to the police and posting the whole thing online. She’s apparently now engaged to the latest one even though yesterday she’d clearly been telling the nurse she saw all about how abusive she is.

Forever a victim and doesn’t see there is a common denominator that’s not the other people.
He is also very in denial that he a grown man, not a little girl. And grown men do not have contact or relationships with other young girls online unless they are predators. His autism may explain his interest in things like Roblox or Squishmallows but he had a top job at LBG - he has mental capacity and knows exactly what he’s doing when he’s forging relationships with teenagers.
Case and point:


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Ugh so glad this person has a thread! My younger sister plays Roblox and was in Amelia’s group, Amelia would constantly message her and it was just creepy, my sister is 13 luckily I quickly blocked Amelia from everything

she’s just a noncey weirdo
He loves kids the freak
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She claims any criticism of her is transphobic so tbh it doesn’t matter what pronouns anyone here uses -as she will say anything said against her is transphobic regardless. Not to mention her constant suicide baiting, calling this a site to drive people to suicide when it’s not at all.

She’s unable to accept anything is ever her fault, see her insisting all of her exes were abusive and even having broadcasted all over that the current fiancée is before they suddenly became engaged. She’s the same with the kids she falls out with on her stupid bloxmart group as well, and with her parents. It won’t be long before the people she’s doing that pride event with realise they’re doing it with someone with very questionable behaviour around minors, she gets chucked out and proceeds to say they’re all transphobic/antiautistic/abusive too.

She deffo doesn’t get real adults know her little threats about the police and hate speech won’t work. Criticism isn’t hate speech and the police have better things to do with their time. If I were her I wouldn’t draw the police’s attention to here anyway, sure they’ll have some questions about driving during vertigo attacks and while under investigation for a fit along with her relationships with minors. Then she’ll be “all cops are transphobic” and police Scotland won’t be her best friends anymore.
Loool he’s thinking of another site and he’s lucky he’s not caught their attention
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I have been dying to talk about this girl for a hot minute, I’m so glad I’m not the only one completely jarred by her content, but can we have less of the misgendering? Some of you are making really valid points that’ll get overshadowed by her being misgendered - don’t give her an excuse to say ‘it’s only because I’m trans that people say I’m a nonce’, because it isn’t because she’s trans, it is because of her relationships with young girls as a fully grown adult, who pays rent and up until recently had a steady job.

Notice how people who say ‘they have the brain of a 14 year old’, they never seem to hang out with adult peers who are also developmentally delayed, it’s always children. Funny that, isn’t it.
View attachment 2996239Has anyone actually subscribed out of curiosity lmao
I thought she was meant to be a lesbian and aiming her OF content at lesbians? Because I can only think of one act that is described as sucking it like a lollipop and it’s not something lesbians tend to do 🤷‍♀️.

I also see she’s pissed because she can’t reply directly here and that’s not fair but her posting images of her exes and kids she’s fired from Roblox all over was totally fine even if they were presumably blocked or had blocked her so they couldn’t reply directly. Pot, kettle Amelia.
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Like I said and as you can see there, he sees himself as a young girl and believes himself to be a young girl, so therefore it’s okay for him to have friendships with and groom young girls. When really he is a fully developed man. 🤢🤢🤢 and as Cabal says - the whole “oh I’m mentally a child” argument doesn’t stand up when you see the jobs he had at LBG AND Tesco.
The “what do you want me to do? Kill myself?” bit did make me laugh though. Like yeh, that’s exactly what’s being insinuated 🙄
To be crystal clear - that’s absolutely not what was insinuated at all, at any point during that conversation.
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Several adults were complicit in this happening, I’m glad her parents appeared to step in when they did.

I don’t understand her doing it all in plain sight. I do think she genuinely believes she can hide behind her protected characteristics, but that protection doesn’t extend to you grooming a child.
My personal belief is that the girl’s parents got a hell of a shock when Amelia turned up and they saw the reality of who their daughter had been chatting to on FaceTime for hours every night. I doubt they knew how old Amelia actually was but the illusion would have been truly shattered when she drove up to meet them. Thank god for the child’s sake they finally stepped in.
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Being besties with the police while posting things saying Pride isn’t a safe space if there are police there, make it make sense challenge!

Feel like police Scotland should have better things to do with their time than arresting everyone who has ever criticised her for transphobia regardless of whether the criticism has anything to do with her being trans tbh. Being trans doesn’t exempt you from all criticism and make any criticism of you transphobic FFS. Your “relationship” with the giraffe wasn’t questionable because of your trans status, it was the fucking age gap and how naive the girl clearly was.
In the Facebook comments of the engagement post, there is a video of a voice recording of his girlfriend speaking to his mum about marriage/proposing. This girl seems really vulnerable. His mum is saying it’s too soon.
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Sorry but he is a grown man, his sex is male, I don’t care if he identifies as a female - he is using his gender identity to excuse his inappropriate relationships with children. He is a dangerous predator. As with the Elphaba threads, it is your prerogative whether you respect their chosen “gender identity”, we don’t tone police pronouns etc.
Respectfully, I disagree. There are a number of things to call her out for before you even arrive at gender. Her inappropriate relationships with minors. Her recording of anyone and everyone without their consent. Wasting NHS time. Driving while on the phone. Filming herself in the shower knowing her audience is young and taking zero responsibility for it. Telling people to kill themselves. Disclosing personal information about her ‘girlfriend’s’ mental wellbeing for all to see. Posting compromising footage of a minor. The list is literally endless.

There could be other trans people reading this thread affected by transphobic rhetoric - never mind about Amelia.
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How many times is she going to switch internet providers in just a couple of months FFS, back to EE now after changing the first time because she didn’t like EE changed the name from BT 😂😂😂 Especially with all the shite she has networked in her house, the time she has to spend connecting it all back.

Each time with a whole load of new accessories and purchases as well, for someone who started an OF because she was worried about money she’s spending it like water. No doubt the next drama will be that she hasn’t just been able to cancel one of the contracts like she thinks she can and they want a few hundred from her as an early termination fee.
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The lesbian thing does confuse me. Does she want to be with a lesbian woman because if she’s not going to ever have the bottom surgery I don’t understand how that works?
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Her lil roblox mates are concerned she will seizure at the wheel and with some of Scotlands roads even if she doesn't hurt anyone she could cause harm to herself so a few of them submitted reports to the DVLA. I wonder if she lied about driving at the hosp
He will be the victim of or the cause of an A9 fatality if he carries on. Ridiculous
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Can’t hold an iPhone 15 pro because it’s too heavy when she’s having a vertigo attack… but is safe to drive herself to hospital during vertigo attacks. Make it make sense 😭
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When she mentioned the site driving people to suicide my brain literally said 'oh huni' because if she got picked up by them she'd definately never cope.

Some one did a whole YouTube vid about her and the young girl and how weird it was. Taken from clips from her public tiktok. In fact she is kinda lucky her own account was banned as we could of just screenshot her sharing all this publically too. Her fb profile also wide open.

I cannot stress this enough Amelia. Learn the law on age gaps, fair use and re read the high way code. Don't tell people to kill themselves as one day some one will and it will be your fault. Stop love bombing everyone then complaining when they feel suffocated. And for christ sake - as an ex cyber security person - if you don't want to risk it becoming public - don't post it.

If I learnt that in middle school, you should know a private account doesn't mean private.

See a therapist and eat something which isn't fast food or out of the air fryer. You're body will thankyou for it.
I’m sure there’s still a comment on the Facebook picture of her and the underage girl saying “are you the same age?” And Amelia heart reacted it…oh dear
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Glad there’s a thread for Amelia. Used to see her on TikTok before she disappeared and thought her behaviour and obsession with Roblox (which is primarily a kids game) a bit odd. Never mind the relationship with the school age child😧

Interesting that she’s now pleading poverty and doing OF for money but is always making extravagant purchases? Multiple new iPhones (bought outright) fairly expensive car, endless takeaways? Especially as she is not working. Does anyone know if she gets benefits? If not it’s all paid for by mummy🤔
The kids who have “roles” in her Roblox game have to pay for the privilege so part of the money is coming from them. Literal kids who are paying to work for her.
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