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They also went through a stage of posting very distressing phone calls or messages from younger people who had been dragged through a 'disciplinary' which were clearly a young kid not understanding it at all. If some one is breaking rules in a game, just ban them, dont make a kid sit through an recorded phone call and post it online.
The people who arent kids in that game come across as very vunerable adults - she has a PA who changes every few months, probably because she leaves the work to them and they quickly get overloaded.

The game itself seems to be up for a month or two then goes offline again for an extended period.
It’s literally just a kids game and he’s running it like the Mafia it’s just so bizarre. The recorded phone calls and having a telephone line for ROBLOX is just not normal behaviour. Yeh you’re right, the ones who aren’t kids are clearly vulnerable in some way - they’ve got LDs or MH issues. I wonder if his fiancée has been taken advantage of. One of her fb pictures says Amelia “kidnapped her for a 4 hour drive to McDonald’s”.
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Is she back to posting stories?
She only stopped for like a day, too addicted!

Her arselicking of cops is so weird to me especially given her whole persona that she seems to be going for. Does she think if she sucks up to them they’ll ignore the grooming?
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Most care systems now are adapted to work with the ptsn shut off. She had the care alarm way before she started messing around with landlines. I've not had a land-line since I moved out from my parents. For some one who cannot work I am suprised she wants any additional costs
She’s clearly getting a load of financial help from her parents which is fine, good for her but makes her claims of having no support even more laughable.
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Feels so nauseous, dizzy, exhausted but manages a burger, chips, sauce and a big slice of chocolate cake. 🙄

Now been sent to the walk in centre but drove her own car there, got her chair in and out of the car, all whilst the world is spinning. 😵💫

If you were that ill you’d get a taxi, or just not ring 111 purely for a day out.
Surely though they ask how she gets to these appointments for her dizziness, her fits etc. Do the NHS in Airdrie and the Beatson just not give a shit she’s risking everyone’s lives driving about the place? Plus publicly tagging the latter in her driving to them while unfit.

I was under the impression that if you told them you were driving when you shouldn’t they had a duty to try to stop you and to report you to the DVLA/police - that’s what happened to an elderly neighbour of mine who wasn’t fit to drive and told the GP he’d been driving, they called whoever and the police came to confiscate his keys.

ETA: yes they do, which begs the question of WTF is wrong with the NHS in Airdrie. It also might have the knock on effect of stopping someone wasting their time phoning 111 every few days if there were consequences for their malingering.


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There are few if any providers these days that let you “just cancel” without any exit fees etc. Unless it doesn’t affect him cos mummy pays.
Honestly I did have sympathy but that was all lost in the rant telling people to off themselves. As some one who suffers with mental health issues I'd never ever dream of saying that to anyone! And spinning it round to being transphobia. Honestly I couldn't care less what she identifies as but it really takes it away from people who genuinely encounter transphobia when some one screams transphobia at non transphobic comments!
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For some one who works in cyber security I am so shocked that one of the first things you'd not be told was how dangerous stuff like this can be. How much info you could provide a company to gain access to an account from what she posts is unreal. I've known people get fraud committed in their name with alot less info
Also she said she made an OF because of financial instability - at the same time she's now starting a malpractice case against the NHS for alleged prejudice. She said before that the issue was the lab lost the biopsy sample and by the sounds of it equally she didn't follow it up. I know if I had a whacking great lump I'd be at their door until they took a second one.
He let that lump on his neck grow and grow - shit happens in the NHS and samples do get lost from time to time - but people were telling him for weeks to get it checks and he was really nonchalant about it. He went on some crazed rant in his caption about it being Rishi and the Tories’ fault - some medical staff are genuinely just clumsy and/or negligent.
Looks like we are all
Gonna get arrested 😭🤣🤣

she’s so weird??? And now she’s pulling the mental health card grow up Amelia, just because you’ve been caught out doesn’t mean you can go “ooo I don’t wanna be alive now”
Caught out for being a raging nonce on young girls no less
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Don't like her. Can't handle any negative comments, always tries to have a smart arse reply. She's not popped up on my fyp in a long time.
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I’m sure there’s enough info out there to report her easily. If not to the DVLA but to 101. Im far from a “snitch” but as with the article above it’s extremely close to my heart. I was almost killed in 2015 by someone who didn’t report their medication condition to the dvla and by the grace of actual god I don’t know how we both survived when he had a medical event behind the wheel.

*medical condition sorry!
He loves banging on about Scotland and how amazing it is here - it wasn’t that long ago we had the fatal Glasgow bin lorry crash which killed 6 people and injured 15 because the driver didn’t disclose his medical conditions to the council. no doubt if Amelia’s medical incidents *are* true, coupled with the incessant need to film his every move behind the wheel to make “content”, he will be the next perp of such a tragedy.
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I can't help but think poor diet and bad sleep schedule are 99 percent of her problems. Even shopping it's all things you throw on a tray or in the air fryer. She's got some impressive metabolism as I'd be 80 stone
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I’m surprised she’s left so much available to find easily in her dead name and photos of her pre transition.

When did she transition?
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He loves banging on about Scotland and how amazing it is here - it wasn’t that long ago we had the fatal Glasgow bin lorry crash which killed 6 people and injured 15 because the driver didn’t disclose his medical conditions to the council. no doubt if Amelia’s medical incidents *are* true, coupled with the incessant need to film his every move behind the wheel to make “content”, he will be the next perp of such a tragedy.
If she had “seizures” she wouldn’t be driving. Medical professionals have a duty of care to report someone whether they be somatic or epileptic therefore makes me wonder if it is BS. “Seizures” are the new ✨ TikTok trend✨ yet these idiots wouldn’t cope if they actually had to deal with epilepsy or had a genuine seizure because I cannot describe how utterly horrific it is.
Also the whole craze with people videoing themselves driving makes me utterly sick so many of them do it.
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Is there actual proof of this cancer diagnosis/treatment? Given this persons history.

*I have only briefly looked at a few videos it was enough to put me off for life so I don’t know this persons full history 😂
Yeh the cancer was legit his old account had videos of him at chemo and in the hospital (of course) since he films himself at all times. I can’t actually remember what the diagnosis was cos he had a huge lump on his neck/near his jaw
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@lavenderlamborghini do you know where those screenshots/messages came from? Like was it an account designed to call em out?? I remember seeing something like that before the old TT got deleted
These were conversations I had with her at the time. I messaged her on my finsta directly calling her out for her behaviour.

She can say what she likes about Tattle, but I have said and will say nothing on here that I wouldn’t say to her directly, if I haven’t already.
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I wonder if during the police appointment she prominently put on her calendar today for us all to see she showed the police this and if they’ve asked her about her driving. Feel like the police should be a lot more interested in her putting herself and all the other road users at risk while unfit due to severe vertigo as well as while being investigated for a loss of consciousness than they should about people pointing out how dangerous that is.
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Where to start with this one:

- Posts recordings of every medical encounter she has, be it doctors, 111 or calling 999 on her girlfriend.

- Claims she recently had a fit and was unconscious on her bathroom floor for a fair period as well as biting her tongue yet is still driving all around, so either lying or breaking the law (breaking the law either way likely as she’s tagged her many appointments for her alleged fit so the NHS think she’s had one).

- Wears a care help pendant and accidentally calls for help at least once a week.

- Has had a string of relationships with younger girls, one of whom was still very clearly school age who then “ghosted” her (aka parents realised she was being groomed) but she still often posts about the girl.

- Isn’t Scottish but has forced her way into various SNP groups and bitches about the English 24/7 despite being from York.

- Has no support and an abusive family but talks to her mum constantly and her mum both comes to visit her frequently and got her a job with Lloyds.

- Has cameras in every room of her house and posts footage from them regularly.

- Currently presumably in a breakup because she called the police on her latest girlfriend for seemingly no reason and accuses everyone who so much as looks at a cigarette or alcohol as having addiction issues.
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These were conversations I had with her at the time. I messaged her on my finsta directly calling her out for her behaviour.

She can say what she likes about Tattle, but I have said and will say nothing on here that I wouldn’t say to her directly, if I haven’t already.
Holy shiiiiiiiiit
Thanks for adding those here
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She’ll know there’s more evidence because she’s put it all out there herself thinking nobody could touch her.

I myself have more but don’t want to upload certain footage/screenshots because it’s up to the young girl in question if she wants to pursue any retrospective action. She’s already had so much about her put out there when she was too young to consent to it, I would think long and hard about the merits of uploading potentially compromising content that might add to that for her sake.

I’d say Amelia will be seeking legal counsel, which isn’t unwise, but she must know deep down this won’t go in her favour.
I agree with you here - I saw how upset she was that her face was put up in posts even though the negativity wasnt aimed at her. poor soul
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I'm new to this one, why is he in a wheelchair? Is it a genuine disability or munchy behaviour?
She had cancer and then chemotherapy which made her need a wheelchair. Although not once has she tried any therapy to help strengthen her muscle's. Before the cancer she used to claim her dyspraxia caused her pain and made her need a walking stick. Dyspraxia dosnt cause pain.
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