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Did you even ask for her help or was she just giving unsolicited advice?
Nope I didn’t ask for anything or ever messaged her before! She literally said on her live ‘Add me on my fitness pal so you can see what I’m eating’ and once she accepted my request she sent a message that she had gone through my days and everything she thought about what I ate 🙈
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I remember when I first joined in 2017, him saying how he'd saved her from her last bad relationship.. when it was clear he manipulated her when she was at her weakest. It always made me feel uncomfortable the way he used to shout about it like he'd won, but makes sense now.

I really hope she can take the time she needs to sort herself out and get back to being happy. She came across as a genuinely lovely person who wanted to help people... Maybe she ll go back to teaching like she was before he got his claws in.
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He couldn’t sit through a speeding awareness course I’m not sure how he’d be able to qualify in anything
He did it years ago, but like every other professional certification you have to keep it current and upskill. He let it lapse a few years ago and still advertised it on their webpage until ISSA was informed and suddenly there was a rebrand of the page and all mention of qualifications was removed... ;)
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Chatty Member
I remember the affiliate groups when he would make an announcement putting pressure on people to perform and be either approved or kicked out. People were investing in equipment to make their videos better quality and desperately trying to be one of the chosen ones. Then all of a sudden he would make an announcement that he had big news coming or he was closing the program as people were spoiling it or something. Then it would be back on again. People were getting really emotionally invested. Getting in all sorts of situations at work and in their personal life’s for over sharing on line or concerning behaviour and he said they needed to be stronger. Sack everyone else off and give the group priority. I didn’t take it too seriously as I knew I had a career that I was not going to jeopardise and I also didn’t want to ‘go viral’ but for some, I saw this break them and i just hope they all came through the otherwise without too much damage.
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WJS has infiltrated Tattle before so we know the signs. I’m not going to get embroiled into an argument here as that’s not why we’re here. If you want to talk about your experiences with TeamRH then feel free you’re welcome here 🙂
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Joined the manford group and left a comment. Wanted to call him a cunt but thought best not use the c word on my first post in there or they'll boot me immediately 🤣🤣🤣
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He’s practically a fraudster and no court in the land would find his business practice ethical. His argument that you have used the service once you’ve downloaded the app is absolute rubbish. All you get when you download the app you can get free online. He is purely a bully and he thinks he can scare people into paying him an income.
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What really bugs me *if it really happened* is even with surgery according to him she still did the *graft/ghraft/grhaft*, however they bloody spell it so why take away from her effort. I know people who have had gastric surgery and it's not a easy fix and you have to work even harder to make sure you don't become unwell from restricted vitamins and nutrition.
Exactly- I'm in another nutrition group and there are many WLS members there who are supported and given advice just like everyone else? In a way their journey is more difficult as they have to deal with other issues resulting from the surgery (malabsorbtion, digestive issues etc) and it's nice to have a safe place to get advice and support. Not one person there looks on these people as having 'cheated' somehow- they still need to put the work in!
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This says alot about his business, his employees and his followers. It is like an online insane asylum. It is not funny it is insane, sad and pathetic.

None of what he does has anything to do with his business model. Nothing to do with fat loss, positive mental health, coaching, fitness, helping people and certainly not attracting the desired clientele.

His employees are door mats who are just as nasty a bullies, and as insane as him. No way can they think themselves otherwise. They certainly aren't independent individuals, or independent thinkers. They are followers, they follow the herd, they aren't leaders, they are toxic followers and nothing in a business sense.

They can't ever look back on their bullying behaviour, or as accomplices to the shit show that is TRH and be happy or proud. It is definitely not behaviour to write home about or teach your kids.

They allow their car crash of a boss to do what he likes knowing it is ridiculous for him, them and the business but join in anyway.

Working in a toxic environment that allows their nasty, toxic vindictive side to be freely shown and utilised. Causing not just food disorders, but mental health issues, and suicidal thoughts in others. Bravo 👏 how proud you all must be to know you cause the worst issues, and the worst mental health issues anyone could have. To send them to the darkest places mentally is not something to be proud of and not a company to work for, but money talks I guess while shit walks.

I wonder what their families think or if they are different people at home?
No way would I be proud or condone my children or family behaving this way as online bullies.

As for his followers they must be just as bad. Bullying the made up Sandra and George made up or not this shows once again their nasty bullying side.
The same followers who have family, children, parents who in no way would be happy if any of their family members got jumped on on an online 'weight loss coaching group' I use that term extremely loosely.
The whole company from top to bottom and those followers who partake in the nastiness are bottom feeding scum, and toxic right through to the bone.
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Hi! Another ex member here. I’m ashamed to say I joined more than once, originally back before the app came a long and then again more recently during covid. I always thought his approach to his videos was a little strange but he really is a horrible little man isn’t he.
I also had many threatening emails and letters from Ashbourne after I tried to cancel during. I’m sure I has one that threatened debt collectors coming to my address which scared me at the time. Of course nothing ever came of it. Horrible bully.
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Chatty Member
Bold claim! Like to see the evidence...
I had a look the NHS app and it seems they are using a very similar algorithm as TeamRH and probably all the other online calorie calculators. It calculated my cals practically the same. They don’t give a macronutrient breakdown but actually, looking at the app it seems much more appropriate for the regular person. Oh and it’s FREE of charge. Lots of helpful easy to digest information and it doesn’t rely on mfp.

WJS kept that quiet didn’t he 🥺


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His latest post is that Body Coach Joe is now copying him and his price strategy. What a joke. I’d be surprised if Joe even knew who he was!!
He really lives in his own world

We need more people to make the complaint so it doesn’t just show 1 complaint. The more tha does it the bigger the slap on the wrists 🤣
I'll do it, point me in the right direction

Anyone with half a brain knows pretty much ALL weight loss groups etc do offers in January. It's a no brainer. New year resolutions etc. Hark at him making out hes a trendsetter and everyone else is copying him. What a delusional twat

Seen it all now. Emma is one of his minions turned ‘coach’ who has a massive crush on him 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️
Shes as vile as him, I've always disliked her. Especially cause she lost most of her weight BEFORE joining RH. But he conveniently forgets that part

Also I love how he's lumping himself in with the "other big players" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 mate you're a nobody. Your shit plan is NOT paving the way for others to change lol. They do not know who you are let alone give you a second thought. That post is just made up of lies, I hope Joe takes him to the cleaners
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Hes just a master manipulater, everything he does and says has an ulterior motive. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's absolutely despicable
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why didnt he just keep the £4m and invest it and live of the dividends If he wants to stop grafting and relax, if he has £4m he can do that now…..unless it’s bullshit of course
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