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Chatty Member
Yes I think it is her sister, I'm sure her mother still works for him too. Just a strange dynamic.
To be fair if she’s taken a step back but hasn’t bought her out then her family members are probably still there to protect her interests. Maybe they’re acting as her voice in how the business is run so that she doesn’t have to be near him 🤷🏻‍♀️
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He deffinatly posted it 🙄 it’s there for all to see, take a look 😂 along with someone calling him out for it !

Funny thing is, if anyone reads it that isn’t on the Facebook group or misses this attempt at marketing the person is saying he’s barbaric and she was bullied by his members, similar to many other reviews ……bit of an own goal Richie 😂
I notice it only went on 19h ago which is probably why I couldn’t originally see it. Which one of us posted this one 🤣🤣🤣 (it wasn’t me unfortunately)


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VIP Member
WJS: we fight for the under dog. We don’t body shame. We covertly film ourselves in the gym pretending to stick up for some guy in a gym, who’s best friend was supposedly picking on him. But I won’t show that and have no actual evidence.

also WJS: Making fun of and body shaming a woman, including using personal pictures of her to humiliate her, to his thousands of followers.
What did the woman do? Dared to Correct someone’s grammar on a team rh post.

if THIS doesn’t just exemplify the real WJS I don’t know what does.
This absolute vile shit show is the real him and how he really thinks. And any little thing to get him wanking over going “viral” for ££££ is all he cares about.

Rachel didn’t leave him because of “trolls” or the business came between them, but because when the truth started coming out and she realised EXACTLY what he was up to, and how nobody disliked her - but he’d fed her bullshit pretending there were loads of trolls on the internet, hating on her 🙄

nobody hates rachel and it’s apparent she was a victim of his abuse, just like many ex members and staff.
WJS is the toxic centre of that company because the man is a psychopath who uses and abuses people to get what he wants.

Using his platform as a “therapy” tool to post all his jumbled emotions is a calculated move.
this man is not capable of sincere emotions because everything is how can he get what he wants out of X Y or Z. Ask any of his ex business partners, staff or anyone who’s been involved in the company in any way and had to interact with him.

no legitimate professional business person would do any of what he’s done.because it gives you notoriety but not of the right kind.
WJS and his business rep are mud right throughout the community of tech and app people. Nobody wants to work with him.
He’s notorious with people in the local area, for his shitty jobs and stupidly low pay.
there’s a huge group of people who have been subjected to his vile behaviour, abuse and humiliation too, who he just marks as “trolls” when they speak out.
And there’s other things he’s done to ex friends, I won’t bring up here out of care for that persons family and friends 😔

WJS I know u get employees to read this, so whoever is spending their working hours reading this, pass This message on from me.
you’re a vile cunt!
This!!! All of this 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Chatty Member
I see he’s mocked up a fake trust pilot review supposed to be from the fake Facebook account (Sandra) about the fake graffiti post. People actually believe Sandra is real. I have no words for this man’s head fuckery.

Team R Fake. They fake everything.
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Well-known member
Screenshot 2022-11-07 at 10.39.12.png

"2 amazing women" that he's spent years building up, then shooting down, then building up, then shooting down

Promotion to COO then demotion, promotion to MD then demotion

Narc cunt
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VIP Member
This knobhead allowed me to realise that I am actually a good judge of character. In the early days when everyone still thought he was gods gift I knew there was something off about him. One minute telling me I HAD TO hit my macros and the next saying it didn’t matter and only calories were important. I wasn’t a member of Team RH for long after that.

I don’t even think he knows what he’s doing to be honest. I’m glad Rachael got out and I really hope she finds happiness away from that awful creature.
Same here. I went to him as a kind of last resort aftrer trying almost everything else. I soon realised that I actually knew as much (if not more) about nutrition than he did, and his fixation with hitting protein and fibre or you won't lose was a load of shite! I slowly backed away from asking for help although I interacted a lot in the POD of the time- when you could actually get support from each other, until I was 'politely' asked to stop helping other members as that was the 'coaches' job...
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Cookie dough

Active member
Protein at least 1gm per pound. So on his so called personalised plan he gave me 120g of protein goal when I’m 156 lbs
maybe it’s me, I’ve never been good at maths 🤷‍♀️
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Having all that stock with the old logo must be killing him. You can imagine him saying he won't put any new logo stuff in the warehouse until he's flogged all the old stuff, and he'll be making misogynist Richie Barker's life hell
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Well-known member
Post this everywhere. Tag him on all of it

A 6ft man mountain making non too subtle threats. Horrible
Post it everywhere his followers will see it. Ask him why feels the need to go around sending intimidating threats to women in the internet (I’m assuming you are female - apologies if I’m incorrect)
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New member
New, was a lurker, just called him out on that ad .. now blocked him because I don’t need that grief in my life. What a prat
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He's posting more exercise stuff on his own page. I find that more interesting than his crappy jokes and diet shaming stuff, that's just boring.

I wonder whether he is trying to rebrand as Richie Howie rather than team RH. Trying to build more of a profile, then set up a new limited company and sign people up under that. Easy way to get rid of Rachel if there are no "clients" through team rh. Eventually he can close that business down.

I don't think he'll ever have enough of a following. Team rh back in the day was good, a proper support group where you could talk to people. He isn't inspiring enough as himself and no community anymore. People doing what he does is 2 a penny.
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Well-known member
The fact he actually posted a trustpilot review is beyond sad.

Well done Marketing Team, u really are setting yourself up for an excellent career in the business 😂 my other half is a marketing man, been in the business for 25 years, made his way to the top of the business. he just shakes his head in disbelief at this stuff, id be leaving team rh off ur CV if I were u 😂 even if u have no say on it, it’s tainting u !
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VIP Member
I did wonder if he realises the expiry date on team rh is coming up, 5yrs ago they had potential now they just seem stagnant, same stuff over and over, he's gotten worse and more negative in his Facebook posts, the team that was RH has broken down and its just the Richie Howey show. There's only 19,000 members now they have that new group. He probably realises himself that the new sign ups aren't coming at the same rate, he's having to push for positive reviews on his posts.
19,000 is absolutely hilarious 🤣🤣 especially when some of them will be ppl who don't want to be a member of his shit plan but have been stung for the years contract so are in the group cause they're paying for it so may aswell be

Joe Wicks - 4.4 MILLION. compared to his measly 19,000 hahahaha

James Smith - 514,000

WJS is a failure, time to PACK IT IN


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