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Sorry but that latest video on her Instagram. She's set her phone up, got herself posed on the sofa to cry over a sad song and phrases. I'm sorry but with every IVF fail I've had, the last thing I'd ever feel like doing is that ! I've been that heart broken I couldn't put a face of make up on and pose for a video. Still without telling anyone what her issues were. It's all just very attention seeking
Agreed. I went through years of fertility issues and posing for a camera doing a poor me would have been the last thing on my mind.
I thought she was ok to begin with, but all I'm seeing now is a master manipulator with ideas above her station who thinks she's a somebody.
It's pathetic.
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Chatty Member
Her dad is kinda hot ! I always get surprised when I see how young both her parents look then I remember she's only 30 and not 45 🙈
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From a child’s perspective, this is how I would see it:
Option 1: Live with mum, who has rules and boundaries, does all the usual ‘mundane’ day to day stuff, quiet ‘boring’ life etc
Option 2: Live with ‘cool’ dad who has no rules or boundaries, let’s you do what you want, has a ‘fit’ young wife which will make him popular with all his mates, has pet monkeys, dad and his wife are ‘famous’, they get lots of gifted items and trips etc
So I would assume all of the above is the real reason the teen is choosing to live with John and Taylor-Rae. Also please note my use of inverted commas on particular words, before anyone comes at me 😂
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Jagged Pill

New member
Soooo, no LIVE! A prerecorded video of her crying was the offering of the night. She’s not ready for the backlash of people who have joined the VIP group just to make fun of her. She’s so sorry and feels guilty for not telling them what has happened to her and she can’t shake the sadness she feels etc, etc…. IMO why on earth would you tell strangers intimate details of your life anyway, it beggars belief 🤷🏻‍♀️

May also be the pity me card after her behaviour last night so the Slave Minds will forget about it and get back to concentrating on her woes.
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If u think she didn’t post that herself you’re mad.

edited to add: when comments are replied to by video the comment appears like a speech bubble and can be clicked on to take you directly to the comment. This one is not a speech bubble and it not on her profile.

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Just watched her recent video as i cant bring myself to follow her. The tears running down her face ffs go get a tissue, strangers sending ya cards and flowers and they aren't a cheap bunch from Lidl. Going on about how difficult it'll be to chat on live about what happened and she owes no one anything, has closed the curtains and not left the house. its been the hardest thing she's gone through, that is until the next instalment of whatever

Right well there's the answer - Delete social media and live your life What's the long term goal here? £4k odd a month income to sell your soul online. Have dramatic posts and videos, she'll have a mental illness and create a character to be the act to keep this up. You've a living room full of flowers and cards from randomers who you probably wouldn't recognise if they walked by you. What is the long term plan here, where is this all going?
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She is the biggest contradicting cunt going. Always preaching be kind and women supporting women etc yet she’s doxxing “trolls” on tiktok and making fun of them all while her air head supporters also make fun in the comments. Pot kettle black! She’s a complete balloon of a girl
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Shes just something else, in this horrific time, even after all she's been through, she still manages to pose for some photos and tag her private group, god love her what a trooper, still thinking about the money 💰 in all of this, sad face and all. Someone nominate her for the Pride of Britain award. Anyone else would be in bed recovering, maybe texting close family or friends, but not our Taylor, she's got out of her sick bed for photographs and all 🥲
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I'm done, don't give a fuck about what's wrong with her after that cringe fest on Facebook this evening 🤦‍♀️ that was hard to watch.... Kept repeating herself about how tired she is and how much pain she is in.... Still managed to dress in an ugly dress and even uglier cowboy boots.....
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Chatty Member
My heart goes out to her.
I'd usually be the first to feel bad and want to support someone going through infertility struggles. I've been through it all many many times and still don't have a blessing. But I'm struggling to feel bad for someone coming on crying trying to bait new V.I.P followers. I could be wrong but my gut tells me that's she's open about the journey to gather the interest of people going through the same to get them to sign up. Believe me I've done alot for awareness of speaking out about infertility but never once for me own gain
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She is hands down the most manipulative person ever, pretending she is her subscribers friends by portraying herself as the girl next door and drip feeding them snippets of information to get them to pay her.
I can see through her, she is nasty and full of venom
I’d say a majority of her subscribers are lonely and vulnerable her posting every aspect of her life makes them feel a part of something! When all she wants is their money!!! It’s actually quite sad and very manipulative on her part! She used them the other night to troll those girls! She knew exactly what she was at!
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Tinkerbell cat

VIP Member
No she didn't... Apparently she uploaded a Pre recorded video as she wasn't ready for the trolls to "make fun of her" she said she has had so many new subscribers this week and she suspects that they are trolls just wanting to bring her down.... Bet she still took their money though !
She is taking the piss at this point now 😂 Surely if you were worried about newbies being trolls then you would stop anyone new from joining then? She knows what she's doing. money money money.
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Tinkerbell cat

VIP Member
I had to make an account to comment
I really did like Taylor Rae until recently months .
The attention seeking is real 😬
how she got those followers to bully that poor girl is disgusting….
Absolutely vile. People were even saying things about the girl's partner and weight etc. Didn't think I could detest her more than I do.
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Yes! we definitely do.

I think she doesn't want to tell what's happened because she has played it up to be something really big when in reality it hasn't actually been that bad and she was just being a drama queen as always - If I'm wrong I will hold my hands up, I wouldn't wish anything awful to have happened to anyone but from experience with TR, its always for attention. I couldn't care less if she never tells us what happened, the fact is it should be private but she can't keep one single thing about her life private. I'm surprised she hasn't taken the vips into the bathroom with her while she's doing a shite ffs.

Give it a week or two and she will be back to the same classy bird that shouts yeoooo shake your diddies while walking down the street with a red bull and that fat creep of a husband videoing her. She could stop people from joining the vip group if she really wanted; if she was really scared about trolls etc but she won't because its all about money and attention.
Sure she did a live in the bathroom and big J was on the toilet having a dump!!! This was before they were married
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I didn’t mind her tbh until all the baby bateing shite started and I did feel a bit sorry for her at the start and did still follow her on socials until yesterday but everything that happened has put me right off her. She just showed herself up last night by showing she’s exactly the same type of person as the trolls and bullies that she claims bully and troll her.
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"big ape on speed" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
One day he's gonna cope running round after her. Was it not a while back he had one of those 24hr heart monitors on ? Imagine if you were him, sitting in work (if he works), and coming up to home time, you'd be quaking in your boots thinking what you are coming home to next, the screaming banshee of Banbridge !!! All you would want is peace and quiet, instead of having to do what she has dreamt up next to enact or listening to her woes.

Maybe the monitor was one of her effects for more attention and sympathy, you just wouldn't know with her.
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Jagged Pill

New member
Back when she first came out and said she was struggling with fertility I found her very relatable and likeable, as it was around the same time that I was diagnosed with PCOS. I thought she was someone I could get on board with someone with similar experiences. Now a year later I’m sitting here with absolutely no answers for my diagnosis, no guidance, can’t even get metformin or anything else for ovulation, GP won’t help because I’ve been referred to gynae last Nov and not a dickey bird from them either. And look at her who has had multiple appointments, treatments, possibly IVF all because she’s a local celebrity and has money. Not very relatable now, she has to be the most cold, calculated manipulator I have ever come across in my life. I could not imagine milking the the fuck out of my fertility journey to make a few pound. She can take her holier than thou image and fuck right off. As a woman with similar struggles I can say I do NOT relate to her and she is the last woman I would want to join in with the whole “women support women” tripe. I hope she gets kicked down from whatever high horse she’s on and people see her for what she is and stops contributing financially to this circus she puts on
She was most likely seen quickly cos her sister is a nurse there. I have witnessed staff contacting either the Head of Service of a particular dept or the consultants secretary in order to have their referral put to the top of the list!
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