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Back when she first came out and said she was struggling with fertility I found her very relatable and likeable, as it was around the same time that I was diagnosed with PCOS. I thought she was someone I could get on board with someone with similar experiences. Now a year later I’m sitting here with absolutely no answers for my diagnosis, no guidance, can’t even get metformin or anything else for ovulation, GP won’t help because I’ve been referred to gynae last Nov and not a dickey bird from them either. And look at her who has had multiple appointments, treatments, possibly IVF all because she’s a local celebrity and has money. Not very relatable now, she has to be the most cold, calculated manipulator I have ever come across in my life. I could not imagine milking the the fuck out of my fertility journey to make a few pound. She can take her holier than thou image and fuck right off. As a woman with similar struggles I can say I do NOT relate to her and she is the last woman I would want to join in with the whole “women support women” tripe. I hope she gets kicked down from whatever high horse she’s on and people see her for what she is and stops contributing financially to this circus she puts on
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okay so, TR and the girl in question dont know each other at all, theyre not friends on fb, the girl doesnt follow her. 11 weeks ago the girl made a post on her personal fb to the effect of "i dont know how you could be bothered recording every second of your life and posting it online" the comments of the original post included some women talking about TR, without ever mentioning her name and without saying anything nasty or "trolling". One woman commented how she thinks its awful that shes getting a constant flow of flowers, gifts, surprises etc when she clearly doesnt need it and shed be better telling her followers to give that money to a charity she supports instead. TR wnt onto the girls facebook, scrolled 11 weeks down and shared the post saying they were bullying her with this post etc. her followers then staged a total insane witch hunt, with grown men even commenting on the original post calling this woman fat, ugly etc etc. the girl was commenting on it asking what she had done wrong and seemed visibly upset and confused by the whole thing. then her followers started to comment on TRs post saying this was unnecessary, uncalled for and that she was now bullying and trolling someone for no reason, and she was actively deleting the comments that disagreed with her and blocking them from the page while still allowing hundreds of her followers to go and troll this woman. I heard she was getting private messages calling her all the names under the sun and everything. Her followers were going down a bit and she deleted the post then posted on her page later on in the evening as if nothing happened. Now if you had just had the worst week of your life and just got out of hospital why in under gods name would the first thing on your mind be sharing a random womans post from her personal fb page from 11 weeks ago. She needed the exposure and sympathy and attention.

One of her top fans who seems to have given her stars before, sent her gifts etc put a status up saying she had unfollowed her and was disgusted at her behaviour, which gained a bit of traction and john's eldest daughter tagged the younger one in the status.
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VIP Member
Their whole lives are a lie! This is what happens when you paint the perfect husband and step son all the truths come out not gonna lie I’m here for all the revelations
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Tinkerbell cat

VIP Member
I think we need a Wiki
Yes! we definitely do.

She’s posted a video saying she’s not strong enough to tell what’s happened to her cos of the backlash she will get from what happened! She also said about ppl ripping her to shreds online and in threads! She’s taking the vips with her to Blackpool with her family and when she comes back she may be ready to share her story!

I honestly think what’s happened to her has made her revaluate what she shares on social media It’s made her realise nothing in her life is private anymore it’s nearly like an addiction she needs the likes and comments to fulfil something that’s missing in her life!
I think she doesn't want to tell what's happened because she has played it up to be something really big when in reality it hasn't actually been that bad and she was just being a drama queen as always - If I'm wrong I will hold my hands up, I wouldn't wish anything awful to have happened to anyone but from experience with TR, its always for attention. I couldn't care less if she never tells us what happened, the fact is it should be private but she can't keep one single thing about her life private. I'm surprised she hasn't taken the vips into the bathroom with her while she's doing a shite ffs.

Give it a week or two and she will be back to the same classy bird that shouts yeoooo shake your diddies while walking down the street with a red bull and that fat creep of a husband videoing her. She could stop people from joining the vip group if she really wanted; if she was really scared about trolls etc but she won't because its all about money and attention.
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So does big j kids not like her ??
Just the son. But then if you are let away with blue murder and untapped finances, where would you live ? His mum was stricter with him and that is the main reason he is living with Big J. Last school year alone he was suspended on 3 occasions, says a lot about his upbringing.
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She says she doesn't want to talk about what happens except in her group because she doesn't want to be trolled. Doesn't she see that any potential trolls will troll her for this exact behaviour.
If you want to tell us all that you've had to have an emergency hysterectomy or tell us that you've had an ectopic pregnancy and lost a baby then fucking spit it out and say it.
If you don't want to say it then keep it to yourself.
No one would have noticed her off for a couple of weeks given her granny died and her uncle wasn't having an easy time.

She brought it to the fore with her blood splash photo in hospital.
She can't bare to let the opportunity to make a few quid pass though so she will "push on and tell the most heartbreaking story of her life to her paying fans"

Fuck off spock. No one cares other than a handful of sad sacks with nothing better to do that gawp open mouthed at your life
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I actually can't believe grown women worship her the way they do, I know some of her vips and they are intelligent and well educated but yet and all there they are creaming their knickers over her and falling for her crap
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The Downfall of Taylor Rae and the Honeymonster
He looks like a serial killer
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This is vile. This girl doesn’t want to get pregnant. She wants to make money. For all the lovely ladies who are watching who have longed for a child. Who have lost. Who have pined. Who have hoped. I’m sorry you have to watch this. It is vile.
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that behaviour last night was shockin!!! and she lost a lot of her loyal followers because of it, when she wasnt gettin the attention she wanted and it backfired she deleted the post. johns daughters tagging each other in someones post about her behaviour, they all clearly know shes tapped. cant believe shed set her followers on an innocent woman for posting something on her own personal facebook 11 weeks ago ffs. my sister in the VIP group just to see what she says on live tonight then shes leaving. i commented on that shit show last night and got blocked instantly, would make ye wonder why she couldnt just of blocked the girl who put the status up instead of posting it, attention seeker lol
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Tinkerbell cat

VIP Member
The thing is - her and big J know this thread exists yet they never seem to do a live about Tattle or call us out on here. We aren't trolling her but there is 40 pages now of people not licking her ass and that's got to sting to someone like her who is forever calling people out on fb etc. I think the reason they don't mention this thread is because people will obviously flock here to read it and quite a few wee sheep eye's might waken up.
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Chatty Member
I'm sorry but this has f**ked me off something fierce. As someone who has struggled with infertility and many many many negative tests, this has triggered me. She's only posting this to get people to join her V.I.P group to find out her results. Either keep your IVF journey private, or don't use it as bait to get more 'fans'.
During my many test days after treatments, the last thing I'd ever think of is to publicly try get attention for the results. Maybe it's just a bad time for me and I'm overly sensitive. But she's annoyed me so much


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All is not what it seems with TR and Big J!! He cheated in both his previous marriages, is narcissistic and manipulative and would tell a lie that could hang ye. He loves to make himself a victim in every situation including with his wee boy now. I don’t think either of his daughters speak to him and both his ex wives are supporting each other all over facebook, the wee boys mummy is doing charity walks and other things for a charity dealing with Parental alienation. Parental alienation is a theorized process through which a child becomes estranged from one parent as the result of the psychological manipulation of another parent. After learning all of this and watching their lives, the way he talks about the wee boys mummy and their situation, especially when hes in the room doesn’t sit right with me!! Also any adoption agencies wont like or allow them to post the process online?? And thinking theyd be able to post the child once they adopt???? Are they that far removed from reality?!
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