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I think we’ve all been so upset by how the free meals vote went this week, that we’re all once again wondering how to help or making plans to help more than usual.
Then in swan in these two, Tan has spent enough money to keep a whole school afloat in the last few month’s. It’s actually obscene the amount of shit she’s bought and really the only thing that is worth anything is the puppy and only as he is a living animal not in monetary value.
Tasha is more low key but must have food shopping bills that would keep the rest of us awake at night, bought a new sofa after less than a year of having one and sells the old one, goes on the beg for freebies due to her ‘influencer’ status and brags about how much food they put away.
it just makes me so sad that there are selfish people like this when we’re in a tough time and should all be pulling together.

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Has she got Fanta in her wine glass? 😂
No it’ll be alcohol it’s any excuse for a drink it’s probably the only way she can face sharing a bed with Onslow🤢
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Another unopened bottle of wine for fatty I see to go with her shrivelled up bit of beef and rank looking spuds. It’s obvious from the photo that the bottle has more in it than the glass. Why bother? I mean it’s a 12 quid bottle, so not cheap, but if you can’t afford to drink a 12 bottle why fucking buy it??
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Not to derail this thread and get into a debate but I’ve been so moved by Marcus Rashford and what he is trying to do to help children who go hungry & really using his platform to try and make a change. Then there’s ‘influencers’ like this pair who buy an unnecessary amount of food, never sticking to their bloody meal planners and wasting said food, not using their platform to encourage their followers to help out in anyway they can, along with them actually doing something to help like taking all their discarded meal planner ingredients to a food bank (I know we can’t prove they don’t do this but I HIGHLY doubt it, if Trasha did we’d hear no end of it after her shenanigans of helping out her lonely old lady who pays her for the bloody privilege!) It’s just made me so mad.
Specially how Trasha bangs on about her kiddies, you’d think she’d show some compassion towards the cause and other kiddies who go to bed at night on an empty stomach.
I don’t have kids but I’m doing my bit because I was lucky enough to never have to worry about being hungry as a child and I’m ashamed it’s taken me this long to realise how bad the issue was.

And if Trasha or Tanya receive anymore gifted food/sweets I will well and truly blow my top and give them what for. Can’t understand why influencers (more so bigger accounts who quite clearly make a living off doing it and earn a lot) or celebs accept gifted items that they could clearly afford themselves... why can’t they say please send these items to a food bank or charity and I will still promote your company anyway to my followers with the nice gesture you have shown.

I totally agree, and u know another thing that really annoys me is how much they will drag out xmas with all her buys and Xmas food till the run up, I just think it can be a bit of rub it in ur face especially to the people who truly struggle to afford Xmas and some people be lucky if they can even afford Xmas dinner on the day and sometimes seeing all that can be abit upsetting for other people and make them feel worthless, but they are both that selfish they wouldn't care, am not saying they shouldn't or cant enjoy Xmas but to be mindful of other people and keep somethings private
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Am I the only one who finds those blood pouches in really bad taste? I mean their whole Halloween vibe is about dead people and corpses. Just doesn’t really feel that funny ATM...

Am I the only one who finds those blood pouches in really bad taste? I mean their whole Halloween vibe is about dead people and corpses. Just doesn’t really feel that funny ATM...
ETA - not that it’s EVER funny but feels in really bad taste in the current climate.
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Ok I own up to this 😂 can’t stand any more of her bullshit 😡 waiting to be blocked now 😂

She’s now removed my comment 😂 too bad fatty I’ve screenshot it for everyone to see
She did this to me once when I called her out- blocked me. I spoke to Tash about it and Tash said she does it a lot and doesn’t understand why she doesn’t admit it’s the same picture. Oh look, you even got all the shadows and dimples the same Tanya! Do you think people are thick??? No. You are. Delusional. Even lying to your SIL to be no wonder she had enough and stopped following you. Gas lighting at its finest. No wonder your son doesn’t want anything to do with you either
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I’m not sure sorry, it wasn’t in the car industry I know that, but she wouldn’t say because it was obviously a massive thing that she had to leave because she stole.

Something else she used to do was pretend that it was her who paid for her son to go to private school, but we found out it was his grandmother, not her mother but the dads. And she’d been going on about how she would send her girls there.... we knew it was rubbish but she just can’t help herself lying!
Absolutely disgusting that her parents bailed her out by paying back the 5k instead of letting her suffer the consequences of her own actions!!! She’s an ADULT not a silly teenager that has made a mistake. She knew it was wrong and could end in jail time but did it anyway. There is no way I would have paid that 5k for her. If she’s stupid enough to commit a crime like that she must sort it out herself. I bet they also stick up for her every time she cheats too, blaming the man or whatever else Tanya tells them. No wonder she is an evil worthless scum of a person if her parents do that kind of thing to help their daughter that!!!!!
well if you want to know the truth, she was working at a post office when this happened, it was about 20 years ago. Said the money vanished off the post office counter, she was investigated by post office but a family member, not her parents paid the money back. She was fired from post office at the time. Her parents definately dont side with her at all. They are the nicest people and despair at her. But at end of the day she is their daughter.
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I just don’t understand this pic?!?!? Why so many themed Strictly bits! Is she in paid partnership with them? Who can be bothered (apart from Trash obvs) to buy and set up sucha a staged pic! 🤷🏻‍♀️ I mean, do they do a Strictly online shop for this tat? It’s weird shit, is all this themed shit! They obvs have way too much time spare, that they can do this day in day out! #imfuckingexhaustedjusookingatit


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Tanya's story tonight.
I find it really hard to believe anyone would lie about something like that but I also struggle to understand how she can share it with everyone knowing she doesn't bother with her own son.
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Does she not get bored of lugging those pumpkins around her house just for an instagram pic? And how many pumpkins has she bought!! All to be wasted and just thrown away I bet 😔
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Lol today she will post some £100 purchase saying H2B got it for her to cheer her up as she has been struggling etc etc #bekind
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I have to say @OranguTANman I'm not sure you understand Tattle. Many people on here follow these 2 muppets and post. None of us are traitors.
These women choose to share every aspect of their lives publicly. All we tattlers do is discuss said posts.
None of us are gonna apologise. We have freedom of speech.
If that is your agenda then welcome if it isn't then I would suggest this isn't the forum for you.
Exactly, whoever it is we don’t care. A few people on here have said they talk regularly with these two twats.
That’s what’s good about Tattle you have the freedom to say what ever that fuck you like.
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Out of curiosity can we all not like any of Tashas posts for the next week and then see how many genuine likes she gets? I think a lot of her likes are tattlers.
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