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Detty pig

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Did Tanya post that walking pic after someone mentioned trash hasnt gone on a walk?
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Hello 'ladies', just catching up properly on here after such a stressful few days. The reality of all this covid19 has been too much this week after my husbands uncle and nephew (father and son) both died from the virus. His uncle was a heavy smoker so it got him bad, and then the son contracted it after dropping some cough medicine round there and ended up staying to help do some cleaning (I know, against advice, but what are you meant to do if someone you love is dying and youre told you cant see them?! All they had was each other, and now I suppose they are together again in Heaven, but its so so so shit). And I am feeling angry today. Angry at how this disease is spreading, and people going out every day to shops thinking its a joke and that they can just take photos of BBQ times and doing gardening, showing off online.

My husband is alright. Typical man, hes spend the last few days in and out of the spare room downstairs we made into a gym and so I've left him to it. But I had a big girl cry this morning on my own when I got up at 6am and everyone else was still asleep. I want to see my parents so much, and its true when people say no matter how old you are, you always want your mum!!! They dropped off an Easter egg for my son the other day and we all waved out the window and had a giggle (trying to make it fun for him so he doesnt pick up on the stress), but inside I was crying.

I should be hosting our yearly easter roast meal today with 20 members of the family round and we should all be doing 'cheers' and 'happy easter'. But instead im sat here feeling like I want to cry every 2 minutes and I cant bare to look at social media because (and im sorry if anyone does this), but its just constant posts of peoples spoilt children with 57 chocolate eggs or whatever, and T&T showing off with their photos and stuff. And no doubt later we will have a photo of the roast dinner and everything will be 'so yummy so happy so lucky so blessed' I will continue to take the piss, but im suffering today.

Going to light my fave candle, do some cleaning (I dont have any grout haha) and just remember that this wont be forever.

Thanks for reading if you got this far!!! xx
I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s so shitty and unfair. I know it must be hard but try to remember that you have your dignity which is more than these idiots will ever have. Thinking of you ❤
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Yo Tesco


Open up, yeah

(Yeah, what do you want Trash?)

Orangutan just caught me

(You let her catch you?)

I don't know how I let this happen

(Which shop?)

The Aldi next door, ya know?

Schlong, I don’t know what to do

(Say you didn’t know)


Orangutan came in and she caught me red-handed

Creeping to the Aldi next door

Picture this we were both lard arses

Banging on the Aldi door

I should’ve bought an extra 10 loafs and a six pint of whole milk

All this time she was standing there

She never took her eyes off me

Shop hopping to Aldi and Tesco, Waitrose and Sainsbury’s too

Push through queues and grabbing pasta you cling to your tro’ol’ley

You better watch your back Trash, Orangutan’s on the attack

Let's review the situation that you're caught up inna

To be on lockdown you have to know how to stay at home

If they shop at night, they gonna shop all day

Never admit to the world when asked

Just make claims that you had it anyway

Trash was caught with pudding from iceland (we didn’t know)

Orangutan’s Spa made an appearance (we didn’t know)

See me bragging on the gram (we didn’t know)

We even had a normal Easter (we didn’t know)

Got called out by sally Potts (we didn’t know)

Shitty paper plates on my table (we didn’t know)

Orangutan’s burnt chocolate bunny brownies (we didn’t know)

Faking gifts from made up neighbours (we didn’t know)

Coronavirus isn’t no way over
Dead 😂
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I bet 🦧 absolutely lapped up the grief 🗑 got for that fridge pic.
Spiteful cow that she is.
Does seem a bit two faced of Sally Potts though, both pictures are in really bad taste considering what is going on in the world right now. Neither of them should of posted them, bet 🗑 is spitting feathers at hers causing uproar lol.
I agree, Very two faced. And I bet orangutanya🦧 is loving it.
Looks like Trasha 🗑 has deleted her fridge post!
If Tanya has any sense she would do the same.
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I will say the new filter Tanya is using for her instagram looks really nice!
her feed looks so much less cluttered than Trashas
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It makes me cringe the way he calls her honey all the time 😖 what a drip. Honey monster more like.

As for trasha’s menu.. the beer can chicken is back, i bet we all can’t wait to see a chicken with a beer can shoved up its arsehole.
Honey Monster.... Im deceased 😂 😂 😂 😂
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I can just hear her common voice, my main job is feeding my family right now!
You absolute idiots!

You know what you could do, volunteer!!!
I am on day 2 is self isolating because my husband has come down with CV symptoms.
Honestly have no patients for these two!

Yeah she is, and she is a fucking twat!’n
Jesus I am ashamed of the spelling mistakes!
Let’s blame it on being stressed and I am on my phone 🙄🤣
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