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I've commented but on my fake profile so don't really care if she blocks me. I've commented from that one before and she did actually comment back and a load of her little 🐑 commented to, so we'll see how she replies this time 👍🏻
I can't comment on Taschas because I've commented on one before and was blocked within seconds 😂
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Chatty Member
God Tan’s content is so banal. Nobody cares about your food. Your not a chef. Your a cook, someone who follows recipes!
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She has tagged them x

imagine being her neighbour and looking out of your window to see her bending over the garden talking to herself whilst she filmed that 😂
Oh yes did didn’t see that! Surely she hasn’t got the nerve to tag them then if it didn’t happen! 🤔
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Chatty Member
The lies just keep on coming from Tanya don’t they.. it’s so obvious.. it’s like when a child tries to cover something up & they create the most ridiculous story- stop bull-shitting Tanya... people don’t just find stuff they didn’t know they had... you are going out shopping most days.. for me, what gives alarm bells is that if in the real world, if any of us had a family member or friend who lies like she does, then we’d seriously intervene and suggest they need proper medical mental health help. It’s just not normal behaviour... and it’s not just the odd white lie.. it’s literally whopper after whopper.. and she’s so far down the rabbit hole, in her messed up head she probably convinces herself that it’s alright to do.. she seems to have limited internal awareness of how others perceive her ... most regular people would be mortified if people accused them of lying... but yet Tanya just sees it as more attention that she craves so much.. it’s so messed up. She’s a psychologists wet dream - but for all the wrong reasons...
Exactly ,utter bullshit .why does she keep trying to justify her every action now ,if you do nothing wrong and abide by what you’re supposed to then there’s nothing to convince us of
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My work got soap dispensers put in all around the building in November. Since the virus has gone around all soap dispensers have been changed to anti bacteria (probably anti virus too) soap rather than the fruity stuff they already had in the dispensers. I was going by that.
Even then her soap doesn't look used 🤷🏻‍♀️
It’s all for the gram, she probably uses Tesco’s own! But for this out for the gram!
You can buy old Molton brown soap dispenser’s on eBay. We use them at school for paint for the kids!

Why are the 🗑fords still outside playing games and watching a film on an iPad? It’s not summer, it’s about 10 degrees this evening! She must either have so much stuff stockpiled in her house or it’s been over run with Easter bunnies that’s why we haven’t had any indoor pics for days!
It’s because she can’t get in her living room for all the stuff she has stock piled!!
That’s why she is obsessed with the garden. We have been in our garden most days, but to be honest by about 3 it gets too cold.
And I am not walking around in flip flops!!
She really needs help! It’s not normal behaviour...
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I can't comment on Taschas because I've commented on one before and was blocked within seconds 😂
Did she reply?

thank you thank you thank you ❤ I have so much admiration for teachers anyway, but even more so at this time! I work for the Police (office staff, not an officer) so I’m still having to go to work to support our officers to ensure they can still do their job! And these two twats are acting like they’re having a bloody holiday 🤬 they need a reality check! 708 people died today whilst these two are more concerned about having a fully stocked fridge.
Everyone does an amazing job, and yours is just as important. 💙
These two are an embarrassment 😡
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What criticism has tanya had? I thought it was tasha getting all the criticism on the gram? Has anyone seen her poor me spiel under her dinner picture? We obviously know she reads tattle by constantly faking.. sorry i mean *trying* to show empathy to our hardworking key workers in this scary time but this is the first I've seen her slip up and basicly admit she reads here frequently because this is the only place I've seen her really face criticism for her actions 💁‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Think she has deleted whatever comment you're referring to 😂
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Loony lovegood

VIP Member
Yo Tesco


Open up, yeah

(Yeah, what do you want Trash?)

Orangutan just caught me

(You let her catch you?)

I don't know how I let this happen

(Which shop?)

The Aldi next door, ya know?

Schlong, I don’t know what to do

(Say you didn’t know)


Orangutan came in and she caught me red-handed

Creeping to the Aldi next door

Picture this we were both lard arses

Banging on the Aldi door

I should’ve bought an extra 10 loafs and a six pint of whole milk

All this time she was standing there

She never took her eyes off me

Shop hopping to Aldi and Tesco, Waitrose and Sainsbury’s too

Push through queues and grabbing pasta you cling to your tro’ol’ley

You better watch your back Trash, Orangutan’s on the attack

Let's review the situation that you're caught up inna

To be on lockdown you have to know how to stay at home

If they shop at night, they gonna shop all day

Never admit to the world when asked

Just make claims that you had it anyway

Trash was caught with pudding from iceland (we didn’t know)

Orangutan’s Spa made an appearance (we didn’t know)

See me bragging on the gram (we didn’t know)

We even had a normal Easter (we didn’t know)

Got called out by sally Potts (we didn’t know)

Shitty paper plates on my table (we didn’t know)

Orangutan’s burnt chocolate bunny brownies (we didn’t know)

Faking gifts from made up neighbours (we didn’t know)

Coronavirus isn’t no way over
This is Brilliant 🤣🤣😊😊
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Tan, seriously shed a tear because someone dropped off 4 £1 Easter eggs? I shed tears today because I had to assist in a crash c section to try save a positive covid 19 mum and baby, 3rd positive patient on labour ward in 2 days..
do these two donuts have any idea how fucked up this situation is? Or how much of a crisis the hospitals are in? I genuinely believe they would stay the fuck at home if they had the slightest idea or weren’t so pig ignorant.
They’re too obsessed with themselves they don’t care what’s going on. Your amazing! Stay safe
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I've not been here long so I've probably missed a lot. I did read a few bits from past threads but haven't seen any evidence on any I have read. He does seem slimy though, looks like the type who goes to the pub any chance he gets to avoid "her indoors" and thinks they have a shot with the much younger barmaid (I've done my time as a barmaid lol)

Lmao at the noodles 😂😂😂
It was last year sometime. Not sure if she claimed that she had slept with him or her friend has slept with him. Something about him having to keep his work boots on because she loved it. I think that person was reported because it was just too over the top of a lie.

noodles because I couldn’t think of any other childish way to put it so it would fit their vocabulary of drinkies,H2B, kiddies, happy tummy etc haha
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Are my eyes deceiving me, or does Tan’s ‘Spring Veg Pasta’ have shitloads of bacon all the way through it? 🤷🏼‍♀️
Ive never commented on this thread before but I follow coz, well, LOL 😂
But I was thinking the exact same thing!! And I’m struggling to find any veg in there 🧐🧐
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If you slow cook chicken (literally 2 mins on boil, 30 mins with heat off and lid on) and shred it, the chicken goes a lot further! Also if you manage to get a chicken to roast, use leftover meat for a chicken shepherds pie and then boil the carcass for stock which can be frozen! 😊 I've managed to get away with using minimal meat and normal amount of veg in things and making it last longer in fridge/freezer! Also you can literally throw together anything and I can assure you it'll taste grand, having herbs and spices in the cupboard helps alot and if you can get/have tomato puree, you can mix a little with hot water to make a sauce. Even better if you can get your hands on chopped tomatoes but they're golddust here right now!
If you have pasta, chuck it in a pan with tomato sauce (made however you need to) and basil with mushrooms/peppers, it actually makes a really nice hot or cold pasta which I find fills me up with just a little bit? Mushrooms are amazing for bulking out dishes I find!

I wouldn't mind hearing other people's recipes though because I'm running out of ideas too 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I’m going to try this, thank you for sharing 🙌🏻

I use BBC Good Food & Delicious online, lots of fab basic ingredient recipes!
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