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Iced Coffee

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While I'm not surprised that Jim proposed (he obviously wants to be married and "settled" and was looking for anyone to fill the slot), I'm honestly shocked that Sarah said yes.

Also, someone else mentioned earlier that perhaps Jim didn't like how Tanya "outgrew" the stage of fawning over him all the time. I'd never thought of that before, but I think there's some merit to it. Makes sense that he went for a new younger woman who he has financial and emotional control over. He obviously is a fan of this kind of power dynamic. :rolleyes:
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Jim is talking about planning the wedding like there's no tomorrow, I mean, he's happy and we get that but dude...
“Must stay relevant. Must stay relevant. Must stay relevant.”

If I were Tanya, I’d have a nice gin and sit back and watch lol
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They did a Q&A I think, or Jim was interviewed somewhere, saying that he met her on Raya (the app for ‘famous’ people; I like Sarah but her qualifying for that app is...surprising)
This is funny, for Dullard Jim to register himself on an app for ‘famous’ people is hilarious. And for Poundland, bargain basement insta model Simple Sarah to register on there is hilarious. Also shows she was looking for someone to increase her profile. They are tragic!
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Content of that video may have been genuine but it was purely an exercise in proving he's the nice guy. Save the backlash.
I can't imagine Tanya had any say in it at all, it was to save his own arse.
"It was really hard for Sarah to be exposed to the internet" - bullshit! She's doing everything she can to get involved. Her Mum and all!
He didn't need to include her at all, most people don't.
They never addressed it when their fans were asking but now he releases it? Yeah, really nice guy!
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I did think that perhaps Tanya did a ‘trial’ giving-away of Martha and doesn’t want to say in case she takes her back or something... like Suzie aka HelloOctober gave her dogs to her parents then eventually got a bf, felt good about her life and took one dog back after a while. That was the only explanation I could think of as to why they wouldn‘t just say outright.

Obviously whatever happened is fucked up, but YTers are very used to coating things in a poor-me and also everything’s fine topcoat. Like the usual ‘I couldn’t give her the attention she deserved and now she’s with a loving family’ spiel. Or if she died, it’s very easy to just say she passed away and get the sympathy comments and move on, no one is going to be demanding a government inquest into Martha’s death to uncover ‘real’ reasons lol. So I guess it’s an ego thing.

And Jim clearly didn’t want the dog either, idk why people can’t grasp that. The story people keep pitching of Tanya secretly and malevolently giving her to a shelter who adopted her out so fast that a deceived Jim, bursting through the shelter doors at the last minute and gasping for dear Martha, only to be told he’s too late, and then carrying on with his ‘still BFFs tho’ charade with Tanya, is frankly bizarre. It’s again an inability to accept the more obvious and blatant reality of the situation— Tanya and Jim got the dog as a married couple and neither of them wanted her in the split.
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UK law requires you to be separated for a whole year before filing for divorce and once you file it takes around 6 months (if it's a straightforward assets, etc.) until you're issued with your decree absolute which concludes divorce proceedings. For all we know he may have waited until getting that to propose. Not fair to have to wait over 1.5 years until divorce is finalised to even start dating! They both looked like they had checked out way before they split, especially Tanya.
Not fair to wait 18 months before dating again? I mean it's that not long to do some careful reflection, work out what went wrong, how you were at fault, what you're looking for in the future... no one wants to be the rebound of a freshly divorced person as the chance of being used and hurt is high. 18 months sounds like a perfectly reasonable window to wait imo! Might stop so many men leaving their wives after affairs too. How desperate are people to date after a painful breakup of a marriage? ?!

I'm going to assume a lot of people will disagree with me here...

I don’t think Jim has moved on too quickly and a relationship when you’re 30 is different to when you are 20!
I split up with someone and four months later I met someone amazing that I clicked with. Sometimes the right person just pops up out of nowhere when you aren’t even looking.
Good for you (seriously, it's lovely to find a happy ending) but please can we stop with these stories of i eas with someone then the next day i found my soulmate.
Jim ia weird and desperate. He moved in too soon. It simply shows his poor character and personality flaws.

Tan is no saint, but better off without him and i hope she protected her money from him.

Sarah is with Jim for the clout. If this was a true love story the gruesome twosome would be acting very differently. Less insta for instance.
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Seems unfair to keep insisting "I know what you really mean"" when someone clearly spelled out what they meant in the first place and then clarified it multiple times.

I wonder why Tanya doesn't keep doing youtube at the same time as her "acting career". Surely it would help her out, it's clearly what got her her first role in the play. She would make more money in the meantime too. I wonder what put her off youtube so much. I miss her videos.
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I can’t sleep and I’m slightly delirious laughing at you guys using the word hound to get around the filter 🤣🤣🤣

I mentioned this before maybe in Jim’s thread but I’m just imagining the use of “where’s your man’s best friend?” next 😅
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If she was used to it, she wouldn't post a bunch of photos making herself look even thinner for the gram. And that hand on stomach photo is taken at an angle that makes her waist look smaller. Yes, her stomach is flat, but the angle makes it look like she has a 16 inch waist, which she does not. Girl has issues.
Honestly, who actually cares? Most people want to highlight their best bits, and her flat stomach is her favourite bit. As much as I love this forum I find the obsession with her opinion on her weight only serves to highlight how obsessed people here are with their own weight.

She's been skinny now for going on two years so I'd say she's probably used to it by now
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Lol. Replied to her dads comment from my 2nd account saying I hope it wasn’t her hound she was missing, stayed up for about ten mins now I’m blocked. 😂
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How does one take their camera out whilst being hugged from behind, angle said camera to the side, lower it to just midriff level lol, and take a pic? Or I guess I should ask... WHY does one do that? What’s the end goal there lol.
It’s pretty obvious she takes and posts certain photos with deliberate poses to show her body in a particular way. She’s been doing this for a while now. Doesn’t matter if the photo is blurred, if she looks bizarre, if it’s not even a pic of anything in particular, but if it’s from the side and her stomach looks super flat or her jeans look loose it’s going on the gram.
So she can avoid posting his face? But also, as I said before – so what? She likes her stomach, who effing cares?

There seems to be a real refusal to accept the fact that she's thin. People just can't wrap their heads around it. She. Is. Skinny. Now. Let's just all move on!
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Oh give me a break with this stuff. It’s plain as day that Jim is weird as fuck, desperate to prove something, and needs to be in not only a relationship, make that relationship public immediately, but also lock down the highest commitment of marriage as fast as possible because he has more issues than Vogue.

Could all of you codependents with your weirdass stories about how you actually met your now husband when still married because it was over anyway (oh of course) but it worked out and ~10 years and 3 kids later~ you’re just the happiest you’ve ever been, just check your own insecurities. Jim hooked up with this girl IMMEDIATELY post divorce, put her straight on Insta despite or because knowing that all his followers were there because his public following is based off his just ended marriage, immediately moved her into his new place, and is now engaged just one year out. You guys? ITS WEIRD. We can admit that and laugh at Jim’s nonsense and you can go back to feeling fine with your own relationship hopping or whatever it is that’s got you so worked up about just pointing out the absurdity of it all.
This is why I keep coming back to tattle 🤣👏🏼
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