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If you want a board to talk about your own relationships maybe start one? I want to talk about Tanya not you, soz! If you’re going to be triggered by people discussing Jim jumping straight into another proposal and you can’t discuss it without taking it personal/making it about you then maybe this isn’t a good place for you atm?

Honestly I kind of feel sorry for Sarah. I wonder if she wanted to get engaged so quick or was blindsided into it. I mean it's still pretty awkward if you're with someone, and don't want to break up, to say no. I was really surprised to hear him talking about getting married NEXT YEAR. I would honestly be concerned about this man if I were her.
I kinda feel sorry for her but equally I think she's a bit of a fame grabber, she seems like a mediocre model who needed a break (correct me if wrong because I don't know a huge amount about her tbh) and being with him will clearly catapult her a bit. Like didn't they meet on an app for ~ famous people. She's made her bed.
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Hello! I’ve not posted on this thread before, but I grew up in Norwich and was the year below Tanya (not in the same school). Norwich is a really small place and everyone hung around at a place called the forum in those days so you got to know everyone who was near there.

just some random comments I have from knowing them a little bit:

- Tanya was always really nice and friendly (not saying that means you have to like her!) Back then before she got on YouTube, she was really into makeup and was building a portfolio and would often get girls our age to be models for her. She was genuinely very good at doing make up (for 2007 standards - it was nothing like the crazy impressive stuff you see on insta nowadays).
- Tanya was curvy at one point but never “fat”. Those pictures shared are super unflattering and she definitely didn’t look like that irl. Her parents live near mine so I have seen her out and about a lot over the years. I don’t know if she edits her pictures now, I’m not good at spotting photoshop stuff, butI can tell you she is reaaaaally thin in person. (Again not saying you can’t have your own opinion!)
- She and Jim were like the luxury couple of Norwich when we were all in 6th form 😂
- I agree Jim is a bit weird. I’ve never heard anything from people in Norwich to say he’s horrible or anything like that, but he definitely acts like he’s a child and more just annoying?
- Jim’s brother John is one of the nicest most genuine people I’ve ever met
- I met her friend Kate Gowing once and she was a right arse hole!
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I like Tanya and still follow her, but I don’t particularly feel a fan of her sudden “cool girl” transformation. And I agree that the career in Tv/film doesn’t appear to be working out. However I’ve never liked Jim. I feel like he’s a total poser and has a strange personality. He treats his gfs/fiances/wives like they’re his fans.
and this whole crap about Tanya deserving Jim to leave her and start again because she “checked out of the marriage” because she tried to follow a career in something SHE clearly enjoys, is ridiculous. I’ve said it before but being in a marriage is being supportive of the other person no matter what. Just because other people don’t agree with your career choice doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue something that makes you happy.
Also - Tanya was never “fat” she had a beautiful curvaceous figure that she dressed really well and i felt was a great role model for young girls who spend all day wanting to look like a skinny girl but never having any real chance of being that way because it’s just not their body type.
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Jim comes across as really pathetic, smug and childish parading his new rebound relationship on social media and getting engaged to the first woman he meets after seperating from his wife. It's really desperate and if I was Sarah I would run for the hills. I don't particularly like Tanya but least she has acted with dignity and let's face it looks the best she ever has since their separation.
Jim admitted Sarah is the second person he has ever dated. So messed up. You can't just go from marriage to marriage with the first girl you meet. He obviously can't be alone and has some issues
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He split up from Tanya years ago now didn’t he?

Alfie Deyes will be the same when he dumps Zoe. Engaged within a year when he could never progress with her.
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I remember the old GG thread too and I honestly far prefer this one. I posted there too but I found it tended to descend in petty nastiness really often. Totally get that it probably seems super hypocritical, but I’m of the opinion that gossip doesn’t necessarily have to be cruel, it can just be discussing a person and their behaviour with a group of people who consume the same thing that you do. I’m less interested in making fun of Tanya’s physical characteristics (which was mostly what used to go on at GG) and more interested in discussing her career choices, I’ve genuinely found the pivot to “serious acting” hilarious and fascinating. And I’m never one to police what others gossip about - just explaining why I read the GG thread quite rarely because it didn’t discuss things I was interested in.

I don’t really get the vibe that this thread is full of Tanya fan girls, more so that this thread just feels a bit more grown up than the GG thread did. Rather than pages about the shape of her head or her “stumpy” hands etc it’s more so discussing her actual personality and lifestyle choices. And also ofcourse she is barely online these days, so there is less to discuss overall compared to the GG days. Another interesting factor is her weight loss. Apart from speculation about how she did it/whether it was healthy or not I think it’s definitely contributed to the nature of discussion around her. Fat shaming was a huge part of the discourse on GG.
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Does anyone remember a Q&A she did years ago where she was asked about having kids and she said something like "I'd like to have them but I want to have a few films under my belt first". Like, she seriously thought she was going to be a movie star. Just like that. I still can't get my head around the delusions!
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That "dream" post is actually some pretty offensive white savior stick. It's baffling how she thought it would be good to post that/make her look good. She's ignorant and self-serving.
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Im not sure, but from the outside it definitely looked humiliating for Jim, the way Tanya was throwing herself at Rhys, why his gf didn’t knock her out at the time I don’t understand, or maybe she did on the holiday 🤣 and that’s why they’re not in touch anymore.
Weren’t you insisting yesterday that their marriage was already over and they were friends? So then why are you still obsessed with Tanya and Rhys? Moreover why don’t you use your argument from the last page and say “well at least Jim/Rhys’ girlfriend isn’t dead!” Lol.

I just don’t get the logic of insisting the marriage was a platonic friendship and Jim was long over it for years whilst still clinging to the whole narrative of “Tanya humiliated Jim by hooking up with Rhys and ruined their marriage”.

Also we all know that if Tanya had gone on Raya immediately after the divorce announcement and got this serious this fast and was engaged again you would be absolutely salivating over what a slut she is and how she’s humiliating Jim lol. It’s one thing if you don’t believe Jim is offside, but it’s the blatant hypocrisy and willful blindness that exposes your own obsession. Most of us here very much dislike Tanya and find her annoying but we can also see the situation for what it is. You’re just absolutely obsessed with upholding your vision of slutty fat Tanya fucking Rhys for some unknown reason.
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Honestly I think it was pretty cheeky of Jim to state in his video that ‘both of us moved on quickly’ in regards to himself and Tanya. Just because he has chosen to continue publicising every single detail of his romantic life online doesn’t give him any right to speak on Tanya also. Particularly because as others have noted she has been keeping the details of her personal life fairly private since the split. I honestly see this as another example of Jim’s weird slimy behaviour. He speaks well, is conventionally attractive and is smart enough to know how to present himself as the quintessential Nice Guy but I agree with a lot of other people on here - his behaviour is creepy. He is not respectful of “Tarn” and never has been. I still vividly remember the way he used to speak down to her and tease her in videos and it left a bad taste in my mouth. Again I know that gossip sites tend to pick apart youtuber husbands/bf’s but in this case I think it’s totally justified.
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Well-known member
Thanks to @Elle for the new title! 🎉

▪︎Still no idea where Martha is
▪︎Asking where she is on insta will get you blocked
▪︎Tanya's hair is longer which most of us seems to like
▪︎Aaaaand that's about it (she's not been up to much)
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Really I just checked his instastory and there’s nothing on there and Jim doesn’t keep his stories. If that’s true that’s like saying he never loved her, fucking hell, I suppose no one managed to get a screenshot?
Yes, it’s true - he put up a picture of Sarah with the words ‘One true love’.

It’s beyond cruel. It actually feels abusive to Tanya.

She shared 12 years of her life with him. He wanted her to be the mother of his children.

He can’t swat away their love, and history, because he needs to reassure his insecure new girlfriend that she’s special.
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Even if Jim’s a douche, he’s consistently been a douche. Tanya was an energetic, bubbly personality. She seemed completely sapped of personality the moment she got the role for the play, and shortly after that, deleted quite a few videos that didn’t fit in with her new stoic personality - including get-ready-with-me’s and vlogmas videos. She even got rid of a successful makeup range, and seems as faraway from cookbook Tanya and Christmas Tanya as Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Tanya was always a favourite for me. I absolutely adored her vlogmas videos as well. I have no clue who this new person is, and I’m actually still grieving not being able to go back and watch some of her old stuff.

My conspiracy theory (which is probably rubbish) is that there’s something more going on with Tanya. I know Jim’s not been...great with the divorce, but I think there’s something more to his refusal to answer questions about Martha’s whereabouts, and I think it’s why he’s publicly continued conversations with Tanya. I believe he (much to Sarah’s chagrin, as can be seen with her comment about Tanya being responsible for Martha) is trying to protect her from a spiral if the truth about Martha gets out.

This doesn’t mean something horrid happened to Martha. Just that Tanya might not be herself right now, and might be unable to take criticism over a dog she clearly loved.

My suspicions were spurred by several things, but primarily: a dulled personality; concerning behaviour on Tiktok; the disappearance of Martha; a friend moving in to stay with her/keep an eye on her; public and continued support from both Jim and Nic; perhaps weight loss.

I literally have no idea what’s going on or what can be causing her behaviour. But it makes me wonder. I actually really hope she’s doing ok. It makes me feel guilty to even be theorising on her behaviour. I hope the Jim engagement thing won’t hurt her too much.
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She was at one point she was about a uk size 16, I can’t be bothered to dig up the photos from premieres and beach shots, but they’re out there. Even if she was a size 14 when you’re 5’2 and a pear shape with short legs like Tanya, you’re not gonna carry extra weight well and you are going to look fat.
No, I know what she used to look like, I just wasn’t aware it was called “fat”! She used to look quite ordinary and healthy in my opinion
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Yep, and then said it again when his brother showed some other pics of the baby, saying "she's going to be obsessed with me". So weird.
Okay so in the short space of time between splitting from Tanya and picking up Sarah, Jim used to do the “she’s obsessed with me” thing in PICTURES WITH MARTHA. No joke. I remember thinking that was a new low because it was his go to phrase with Tanya and the second he couldn’t use it anymore he had it captioned on pics of him kissing his dog. That’s when he was all about Martha too but the second Sarah was in the picture he was like byeeeee! The man needs validation from female attention even if it’s got four legs and a tail.
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I suppose we all project our own preferences and expectations on other people's bodies. Only because someone is an average size for the country they live in, doesn't mean they're healthy.
Nah we don’t all project our own preferences and expectations on other people’s bodies. Some of us just let other people live without judgement as long as they aren’t hurting anyone. 🤷🏻‍♀️

And just because someone is a size 10 it doesn’t mean they’re healthy.


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