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Oh give me a break with this stuff. It’s plain as day that Jim is weird as fuck, desperate to prove something, and needs to be in not only a relationship, make that relationship public immediately, but also lock down the highest commitment of marriage as fast as possible because he has more issues than Vogue.

Could all of you codependents with your weirdass stories about how you actually met your now husband when still married because it was over anyway (oh of course) but it worked out and ~10 years and 3 kids later~ you’re just the happiest you’ve ever been, just check your own insecurities. Jim hooked up with this girl IMMEDIATELY post divorce, put her straight on Insta despite or because knowing that all his followers were there because his public following is based off his just ended marriage, immediately moved her into his new place, and is now engaged just one year out. You guys? ITS WEIRD. We can admit that and laugh at Jim’s nonsense and you can go back to feeling fine with your own relationship hopping or whatever it is that’s got you so worked up about just pointing out the absurdity of it all.
Omfg. Yes!
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But Jim can’t admit that because he obviously thinks it indicates something bad or shameful about him and Sarah and because he has some need to wield control over the situation. He literally has to render his marriage into a platonic buddy friendship (ouch) just to smooth things over for his own needs.
100%! That video was totally self serving, ‘I’m a nice guy, family man’ to save himself and Sarah on his terms. I’ve said before, I highly doubt Tanya wanted that renewed interest right now, so he did it for himself and his next wife, sod Tanya. He also never addressed it when the fans asked, just when it suited him. What an arsehole!
he gets engaged and within hours he’s announced it on social media, talked about venue recommendations and released a ‘tell all’ video. What a sad life that every thing is for the Likes
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To me it’s moreso her physicality, posture, muscles, skin/hair, and general proportions right now that just don’t look right though. It’s totally possible she could be this exact weight at some point and look good and healthy. But she just has that telltale bobbleheaded look of someone who, frankly, doesn’t eat and probably does just cardio to keep off whatever she does ingest. I’m not saying Tanya has to be bigger or whatever, just that she straight up does not look good with whatever she’s got going on right now.

Also I’m not seeing some huge difference between the candid and posed pic there.
I do agree though that she manipulates her photos to make everyone absolutely aware she’s very skinny which is super weird.
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Oh wow. I'm happy for him and Sarah but it really feels like it was only two minutes ago that him and Tanya broke up. I hope she's got people there for her in all of this.
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They might be a match made in heaven but the tacky way he went public with her so quickly was in such bad taste. He could have kept her off the internet for a while. He could have kept a little more discreet for Tanyas and his own dignity. But he acted like a teenager. I am MAN. I bag WOMAN. You may assume I have SEX.
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Oh my god the Tanya snakeskin dress at Fleurs wedding thing was amazing dramz at the time, i'll have to dig through the GG threads but Fleur was clearly pissed that Tanya backed out of doing her makeup last minute, then in a video a while after the wedding Fleur did a video that mentioned something (cant remember what, like a product or something) that had snakeskin on it and said something like 'snakeskins not really my thing, personally i find it a bit tacky' and had this knowing smirk on her face.
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Could it be possible that Martha bit someone and had to be put down or something? Sausage dogs can be aggressive. Maybe she wasn't socialised well with strangers
I was wondering if she developed a spine problem and had to be put down, have had a few friends get sausage dogs with the same issue. Seems really common.
OMG are we back on Martha 😒
I really don’t understand the point of posts like this - if you’re bored of the topic change the subject instead of policing what everyone else is talking about without actually adding anything?
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Jim defo knew what he was doing when he said that -
As much as I wiiishhhhhh he found out Tanya is with someone through an Instagram post to give him a taste of his own medicine, he probably already knew. I think he even told Tanya he was proposing to Sarah before he did. (I don’t know though, just remember him saying they had a big conversation a few weeks prior the proposal.)
I’m sure Tanya told him privately when she first met someone, I know if I were her I would tell him ASAP to get my own back from him moving on so quickly to a model lol
A "model" who doesn't look particularly model-like, to be fair. (Not denying that some people find her attractive but I personally think she isn't particularly pretty.)
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So she can avoid posting his face? But also, as I said before – so what? She likes her stomach, who effing cares?

There seems to be a real refusal to accept the fact that she's thin. People just can't wrap their heads around it. She. Is. Skinny. Now. Let's just all move on!
For me it’s got nothing to do with her weight, it’s the constant fetishising of her body and eye fucking herself in every photo that I find excruciating. I will also say I also have a problem with her constant showing all the food she was supposedly eating whilst also losing weight whilst not going to the gym, it was bullshit in my eyes.
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I don’t think Jim has moved on too quickly and a relationship when you’re 30 is different to when you are 20!
I split up with someone and four months later I met someone amazing that I clicked with. Sometimes the right person just pops up out of nowhere when you aren’t even looking.
yeah cause when you’re on Raya immediately you aren’t even looking.

I think Jim just knows what he wants and went for it. He wanted a marriage and kids and Tanya wanted an acting career and no family in the forseeable. They possibly grew apart over a couple of years and by the time they announced the divorce he was already somewhat moved on. He met Sarah and they get on and want the same things so why wait for the sake of it, especially since they're getting older. I don't think its a big deal.
The thing is you don’t just order “marriage and kids” as a package deal online, there’s actual real life and real everyday commitment behind it. And at one point Jim and Tanya wanted the same things too... both wanted Hollywood careers, marriage in their 20s, a house in London, kids at some point. I don’t think the divorce happened purely because Tanya allegedly didn’t want to start for a baby at 29. And unless Sarah is up for popping one out in the next year, I’d imagine shed say something similar to what Tanya said a couple years ago— kids at some point, but she has other things she wants to do first.
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comment on life

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Tanya is full on taking the pistachio now! That dog is not Martha. Why the fudge would she upload that story knowing it will just reignite (not that it ever really went away) the questioning 🤯
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Have just seen the pictures from her sister’s wedding. I can’t remember the last time Tanya looked this happy and pretty. It’s nice to see her with her family again
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They were together, yeah clinging on desperately sure, but together nevertheless. GG started speculating something was up only in fall 2018— and it wasn’t because they were acting overly friendly lmao. It was because they stopped spending any and all time together. Summer 2018 they were still loved up, etc. And Jim was still always Instagramming her as “his wife” a couple months into 2019. Yeah I think they were on the outs at that point but him acting as though it was just a chill friendship that drifted apart is obviously to save face.

I’m sure for Jim its convenient to now say or think the “long over” friendship thing but LBR a divorce just like two years into marriage doesn’t come about like “hey best friend know what? I think it would be more fun to just divorce k? Whew that was easy and fun even!” Things happen, painful arguments happen, bitterness happens, even in really ‘good’ breakups. It hurts! That’s okay!

Breakups— never mind divorces— are difficult and can be devastating. (It’s clear it shook up Tanyas life pretty badly). It’s okay to just admit that and admit that the decision was HARD and admit that there is regret and pain or whatever, even if you know it was the right choice and even if you actually are now with someone who suits you.

But Jim can’t admit that because he obviously thinks it indicates something bad or shameful about him and Sarah and because he has some need to wield control over the situation. He literally has to render his marriage into a platonic buddy friendship (ouch) just to smooth things over for his own needs.
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it's actually super clear that you're the one that is obsessing over her figure and jumping to "defend" tanya's weight.

it's important for us to be critical of the way women are forced into fitting a certain ideal even if their bodies don't naturally fit it. not everyone who is thin is healthy, that is some capitalist fatphobic bullshit
also, it is definitely a possibility that tanya lost weight through drugs lol

i think we should be allowed to discuss tanya's obsession with showing off how small she is on her tattle forum! it's the first thing i think whenever she posts a photo of herself trying to look at skinny as possible and can you stop trying to moderate as others have already said
Oh god, why does her figure even need to be defended? This is the point! She lost some weight, I don't get why it has to be endlessly picked apart and zoomed in on and theorised about! It just doesn't matter in any meaningful way. I personally think that she is a healthy weight for her frame and height. That's all I was trying to say. Yes, I think people generally look better when they are within a healthy weight range for their BMI (I used the word 'slim' which seems to have been a very unacceptable term and has triggered people.)

I am not trying to say I think people should strive to be stick thin, but I also think we have to stop with this ridiculous attitude that being fat is a perfectly acceptable and healthy way to be! And no– I am not saying she was 'fat' before. I think she was carrying extra weight, though.

I don't care if you think I sound like I'm 'obsessed' with weight or fatphobic: I just refuse to get on board with the idea that being overweight is perfectly healthy! It's just not. Do you ever see overweight animals and think that's fine? No!
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I think it's the fact that she's not even in a bikini, she clearly just took off her trousers or whatever in the middle of the park and is sat there in her knickers
Not to be that annoying “social construct” person but what’s the difference.... it’s not that offensive. (They could potentially be bikini bottoms anyway/probably are. We all know Tanya loves a bikini opportunity. She could’ve simply worn them under her clothes knowing she was going to paddle seeing as she wouldn’t be able to change into them when she got there). It seems like Kate did the same thing in one of the pictures on Tanya’s insta grid. I agree the thought of her trying to pull off a pair of tight jeans in public or something is dodgy, but she could’ve been wearing baggy shorts or a skirt or whatever. I don’t know. I just think with certain stuff we should let her live a bit. The woman’s been through enough the least we could do is acknowledge she’s finally looking a tiny bit happy.
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Call me crazy but... why would Jim and Sarah be upset that Tanya is in a relationship or hooking up or awkwardly posing with Nice Arms Fella? If anything, I'd imagine Sarah would feel relieved that her fiance's ex-wife is becoming more and more removed from them. Like, if Tanya has a breakdown now, Jim would be even further down the phone tree to call for help :p

As for anyone refusing to accept Tanya is thin, I think we all know she's thin now, which is why it boggles the mind that she's constantly trying to appear even thinner.

And @Cloak , off topic but you might want to read actual medical studies in actual medical journals about health and weight. Spoiler alert: Weight is not an accurate indicator for health.
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