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Chatty Member
No matter what I think of Talia I do believe Amy parent would be going through absolute hell watching their child so unwell and having multiple surgerys. I really do hope that Aaron is w
With him too!
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Chatty Member
100% she left Butcher there to deal with him overnight. I hope Oakley is doing well and for once she’s actually done the right thing and left him off social media that said the tiny part of me that is cynical thinks she doesn’t like how he looks so is back to hiding him.
The cynic in ME says she didn't post any photos because she was already back at the hotel last night and hasn't gone back to the hospital yet this morning but that's judgey me 🤣
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We all say that butcher shouldn't be helping out looking after Oakley, but I think without her he wouldn't get as much loving as he does with her, that cuddle she's giving him you never see jodie like that with Oakley, even when she cuddles teddy there seems to be more love for him than poor Oakley. I get she needs some support in hospital but she should be the one or aaron for that matter loving on Oakley after such a major event in his life
The way shes protectively holding Oakley and looking at his face with genuine concern is so much more than what he gets off his own mother
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Bit far to say a mother would love her son being severely unwell
It’s extremely sad but where this cretin is concerned, it’s very true. She thoroughly enjoyed her free time when he was hospitalised for months on end, barely visiting him, flouncing off for nights out and filler appts and hair appts and she only accepted him coming home when she had other people in place 12 hours a day to care for him so she still has all her free time. It’s heartbreaking!
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I like Aaron and have stuck up for him on the rare times I comment on the thread but can’t help but realise that he always seems to make a drama or have an insta rant just before surgery and I’m now thinking he might do this on purpose to be ‘banned’ from going, then he doesn’t have the guilt of not being there because he can justify it by her saying he’s not aloud etc. I don’t know, I might be reaching when I say that. But it’s weird. Yes you don’t have to post your kids Aaron, but when you’ve got ‘the sun newspaper’ slagging you off for not being there last year for surgery, wouldn’t you just post a little something to show some proof. Even just to spite your ex which he seems to love to do! It’s a bit strange? And also, why has her mum got the kids and not Aaron? Like come on! If he’s not with Oakley he should be with the boys. It doesn’t make sense!
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Chatty Member
Did anyone get the one where he said I’ll tell you how to spot a liar and he was taking the piss out of her, doing an impression of her rubbing her eyes and hair, looking round the room, not giving eye contact and saying erm, erm 😂 he’s not wrong
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My son is so poorly …I’m so worried ..I’m struggling to cope …but here have a sultry bedtime shot that I probably took about 5 times to make sure I got it just right …because this is how us ‘born to be mothers’ roll ! Sick individual she is I can’t think of any mother I know including myself that would think of doing this while our children were laid in a hospital bed ! She is clearly not normal !!!


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I’ve got a child with special needs who is nearly a teenager. They don’t sleep through the night. And I have other kids. Jodie wants a carer because Jodie can’t deal with all her kids. She’s said that she hasn’t been able to cope with it all. I think essentially what it feels like it comes down to is that she is selfish. Having to put someone else before her is impossible. After one of Oakley’s surgeries, she’s swinging him about on TikTok. Her stupid blog doesn’t raise any awareness. Aaron’s right, she uses her son to promote brands. She’s frequently buying clothes and doing at home photo shoots, eye fucking herself every morning, getting her hair sorted out. She wants a lifestyle without having to work and is now using Oakley to pay for it all the while pretending to care, pretending to raise awareness.
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Can’t lie if it was me I’d probably take a few photos just to keep for myself and to show my baby when they were older but I would NEVER post my child so vulnerable for thousands of people to see, I think it’s really exploitative and down right disgusting😢 cuddle your child Talia, hold him close and tell him how brave he is and how much you love him, put your phone down and be present and help him recover with love! The last thing he needs is a camera shoved in his face😭 poor, poor little boy💔
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Going on about the mother of his kids and look at the state of him. Seek help, Aaron
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Tanya is also there too…
I suppose it’ll be nice for Oakley to have a more familiar face there 🤷🏻‍♀️
Tanya will be staying overnight with him whilst his egg donor will be going out for a nice meal this evening whilst Oakley is sat in a hospital room being nil by mouth just like last time she left him to do that but left him with her dad instead because she 'couldn't cope staying with him whilst he was being starved' TRAMP!
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And AGAIN it proves to me it's the first night she stayed with O since he's been in because its the only time shes quiet when shes hiding away living her best life! As soon as she stays she has to prove it like staying 1 night out of 6 is something to be proud of! As much as we've all taken the piss out of Tanya I'm so glad he has her because that poor boy has NOBODY except her does he! If anything Aaron should be thankful for her. And although she gets paid for it you can see she genuinely cares for him. You can see it in her eyes and her whole persona when with him. He's on day 6 bless him and if it wasn't for Tanya he'd have been lying alone each and every night.
Egg donor your nothing but a skank who doesn't deserve the little you have from that beautiful little boy. Same goes for Aaron! I don't care what anyone says he could try harder regardless!
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I’m not just saying it cause it’s Talia but surely flips and monkey bars are legitimately impossible for someone with any back problem let alone sciatica?
I suffer with sciatica and I can confirm that she does not suffer with sciatica or any back related problem if she can do flips and hang from monkey bars . She is such a liar 😡
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And there it is ….what a surprise it’s not his mummy comforting him !! Scumbag she is !!!
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in all seriousness I know we all love the gossip but if this is how they both go on on social media when they aren’t under the same roof imagine how much animosity and aggression is going to be around Oakley when they are both in the same room next week it honestly doesn’t bare thinking about
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She also says don’t believe what you see on social media because it’s all lies…yeah from both sides Talia!! You’ve both told lies! But Aaron has nothing else to lose at this point so I’m more inclined to believe him over you!
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Funny how her “anxiety” does stop her constantly posting half naked pictures of herself, or going out, or going out to eat. It only seems to crop up in relation to Oakley and it doesn’t seem to centre around being anxious for all Oakley is having to go to through. Poor little boy. She looks more bonded to that baby Teddy than her own son.
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