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I really felt for her last week although a few people on here said that it was all fake and they would be back together. I thought no way she wouldn’t do that but YES people were right she is a sly cow and his just a awful human being I’ve unfollowed them both we as followers help them pay for all the stuff they have but when someone calls them out he goes and does that what a awful couple them poor kids 😥
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No but I looked it up . Where is the video showing the fingers . I never noticed that. All this sounds awful if it's correct 😕
Talia’s Instagram stories.
I agree with others, Aaron is clearly disappointed. I think Talia is too and I can appreciate that; wholeheartedly I can say I would be devastated too.
I know this, because this week I had a cry thinking about my healthy three year old’s first day of school next September… then I sobbed louder thinking about her last day of school and her graduation from university 🙈 (that bloody ABBA slipping through my fingers song) I do think it’s natural to have dreams and ambition for your children.
What is horrific though is that with Aaron he’s not grieving the future he’d imagined for his son, he’s ashamed of him and is coming across as angry but in a targeted way.
I think Talia is giving away too much for his liking and when the cat is out of the bag because Talia has slipped up, there is going to be further strain on their already struggling relationship.
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She’s online painting him as a piece of 💩 (which we all know and can agree on) but she’ll be saying his 💩 don’t stink next week.

Watch this space…
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Just watched Aaron’s ( still think he’s a massive bellend) story and Oakley is having an op on Friday coz he’s struggling to breath and somethings blocking his airway … bless little Oakley! 💙

Really hope her spraying that hair stuff near him isn’t what’s triggered it !
Well it certainly won’t have helped, how selfish of her! She could have done those ad’s in a separate room when the baby was having a nap. After all she made sure she found time to get her Botox and filler. Priorities n all that.
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What were the other comments ? I didn't see. Can we be sure it was her mum ? The comment I could see was really uncalled for.. not a single person here has said anything bad about the baby so why would we need 'karma'?? The only deadbeat parent is Aaron.
I feel really sorry for her. She doesn't have any support unless her mum flies up which obviously isn't a long term thing. She couldn't wash her hair for a week and a half but Aaron could go to the pub and do ranty videos from his car
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In fairness women in America often go back to work days after their babies are born due to not having the type of leave we do. If I was self employed and had no income for potentially 9 months I’d be taking all the ad’s I could do to make sure I have enough to support my new baby. Especially with operations etc coming up where she might not be able too. But she could manage them a lot better/when he’s sleeping etc instead of propping up bottles etc.
I’d never slate another woman for making money to provide for her kids
Do you agree with spraying hair spray over a new born? And she was kneeling down so he was on the floor with a bottle propped up and she didn't even look at him. It's bloody disgusting. My heart breaks for the baby 👶 💔
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I hate myself for having a brief moment of empathy for the cunt. She just proved what everyone else was saying. Talia you are vile and Oakley deserves so much better. She isn’t happy with the baby at all and it knocks me sick

At this point the way they are both carrying on I wouldn't be surprised if they put Oakley up for adoption .
Do you know I thought the same thing but didn’t want to post for fear of backlash
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I really feel for her. she’s remarkably strong and doing an amazing job. It’ll be difficult for her to go to her mums as she’ll be under the care and appointments in her current location. She won’t want to delay and cancel Oakleys appointments.
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She’s not slept a wink? Where Aaron? He should be helping her!! Ffs I swear if she dose a post about how amazing he is she s a mug!! 🙄 NOW I understand why her family hates him!!!
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What a total scumbag. She really does look like she adores Oakley (obviously, he’s her baby) and he just couldn’t give a shit could he. Poor bloody woman. Hope she runs far away.
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There both really starting to boil my p! I’ve never known 2 clout chasers like them. Yes we’ve heard for the 15268489 time that your baby has to have surgery. What I don’t get is why they need to hide the poor mite. Imagine when he gets older and sees his mum and dad have proudly plastered the others but not him? So what if he has a disability or facial abnormalities who f’kin cares! Show off your baby, show the world your gorgeous new little baby. Don’t hide him away whilst plastering the other ones it’s so cruel. Either show them all or show non it’s so cruel!
Thats exactly what I said, it's all or nothing, they have 4 children not 3
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This is getting fucking ridiculous now! Yeah I'm hiding him because he needs 10 operations.... So what you're saying is once he's had operations and looks "better" you'll post? Does she not get that she's digging a bigger and bigger hole in regards to looking ashamed and embarrassed of her poor son. The way he's always referred to as "the baby" as well. Always typing out his name but never being able to bring herself to actually say it.

Also, it's ridiculous at this point saying they're not going to say what wrong with him when she's literally shown his whole face except eyes and she's covered up his hands with emojis. So it's his hands and eyes Talia, we all know now because you've shown us. You're not "keeping him close" at all!


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I didn’t realise this had become a rave thread!!! I feel sorry for the kids NOT talia. Everything that’s been mentioned here she’s posted about so I’m taking it with a pinch of salt. She knows how to manipulate ppl. Will she be banning Aaron from seeing his kids aswell or have ppl forgot how bitter she is towards siennas dad? And she’s been having Botox/fillers all thru pregnancy so no difference there. Prob already thinking of trapping the next Coke head if Aaron has pissed off
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