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He’s still a prick but at least Aaron’s the first one to say how tough its gonna be for the baby and feeling sorry for the baby, rather than making it about them. For once. Probs just read everything said here tho 🙈
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I'm wondering if she knew about it during pregnancy but told aaron everything was OK? I don't see how that could be missed on a scan never mind multiple scans by a doctor in fetal medicine
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He’s a disgrace, as much as I’ve commented on her, she is one strong Mum! I couldn’t imagine being in her position and with such a selfish partner. At least it looks as though she will be the ones there for the children, she’s going to need support though. Hope baby Oakley is doing well.
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I don't think it'll end well and I think it'll end in the next few weeks. He doesn't want that new baby it's as simple (and heartbreaking) as that. He's obviously struggling coming to terms with the additional needs and decided to fuck off and leave Talia to deal with it. I hope she leaves and fucks him off
My ex kicked me out once he knew my son was going to be missing a limb, I spent the rest of my pregnancy fighting for him and first 9 months of his life, I wasted all that time for nothing, then one day he came to mine and said he wanted to work things out and something in me just clicked and I said no I dont want you! best decision I ever made, I can sort of sympathise with talia she's probably tried her hardest to get him to stay, but it's so much easier to walk away when you're a man, I just hope Aaron don't do what my sperms donor did and give up on them kids or more so Oakley.
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I respectfully disagree with this. I don't think she's ashamed. I think she's shocked by what's happened and hasn't adapted to it in any way shape or form. I also think that as well as that, she's got Aaron being the way he is and she's probably feeling lonely. Added to that, she's never had a baby with special needs and it's probably so much to take in and she's overwhelmed.

I don't think she's ashamed at all. Attention seeking and dramatic yes, ashamed, no.
It saddens me to say it but her behaviour suggests otherwise! If it wasn’t an aesthetic issue you can bet they would be sharing it, all whilst being overwhelmed and coming to terms with it. Her behaviour with the snippets of every other part of him but the issue, the ads, the constant exaggerations of his health really does sicken me!
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Chatty Member
I honestly think these 2 should deactivate their accounts on social media and focus on themselves as a family and bonding with Oakley.

All Aaron ever does is bitch and whinge and make out he’s something great .. but In reality he’s just a washed up bottom of the pile dude who is still clutching onto his Geordie shore name … he’s a bad tempered selfish cûnt!

Then you have Talia who thinks she’s royalty coz of Aaron 🙄 sometimes I feel sad for her but most the time I think she’s a cûnt too.

As for feeding the baby a bottle without holding the baby … I find that horrendous, I always held and hugged my babies when feeding them… but wasn’t he on a feeding tube !? And then spraying hair products around him? What the actual fûck ????

Talia .. Aaron …. Get off social media for a few months and concentrate on Oakley, he’s more important than a few shîtty ads that no one will buy anyway!
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She makes me cringe, she honestly thinks she’s a celebrity 🤣
Hun your only a topic because your an embarrassment. People are talking about you but not in the way you’d hope for.
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Chatty Member
But your own bloody toys for your own kids 😡 nothing I hate more than influencers trying to get a bunch of freebies when they always like to act like they’re living the high life. All us ‘regular’ people would simply search toys for a 1.5 year old and buy them that way
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Might disagree with a lot of you but maybe they are hiding their son because people are really cruel and noone wants to be subjected to horrible comments about a poorly child. Some of you are very venomous against a couple that doesn't really impact a lot of your lives. I'm not her or know them really - jusy saw this post was trending and wondered what it was. Made me so sad to see a family struggling with coping with what seems to be a very poorly child. As an special needs educator I see how horrible people can be towards people with disabilities so maybe they're just protecting him from it all.
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ATTENTION ATTENTION Fuck of talia trying to get the sympathy vote. Can’t just have an appointment no she has to have DRAMA!!! Give it a rest. You’re prob actually in the hospital for the appointment but you’re going to spin this for your own benefit with the cryptic posts. Hoping the daily fail will pick it up and then you’ll get offered a spread in ok??? NOT A CHANCE. We’ll all be there in the comments section telling the truth how you’re a scumbag mother how you get pregnant to keep that Coke head from leaving you even after he did it the first time. How you pump your face full of shit whilst pregnant coz you care about your ‘preemies’ that much or, not quite preemies, as you like the drama of having early sick babies you make it up until now when karmas bit you on the arse and actually gave you a poorly baby. I feel sorry for the kids all of them to have parents like you. Poor sienna always looks down trodded and hardly gets a mention unless you need to flog something. Please let them be cancelled the sooner the better!!!
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Followed them for ages and watched all the TV shows they were on and I empathise with her because Aaron is an abusive sex pest who has addiction problems and I think she was probably not planning some of the pregnancies but because of him hassling her for sex so much despite her never getting 5 minutes peace to even go on contraception it kept happening. Now he's ditched her again. I remember a story she put up a few months ago of Aaron thrusting the air in his boxers at her and her writing he still won't leave her alone even heavily pregnant, he's a sleazy selfish pisshead.
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I think that message simply hit a nerve and so it should... Aaron can rant on about how he's 'better than that' all he likes. But at the end of the day, the behaviour from the pair of them is shameful.

They both need to get their shit together as there is a tiny human that is depending on them massively.
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Chatty Member
as much as I don’t necessarily agree with talia and what she does nor particularly like her I think that’s a bit dramatic
Her kids are well loved and clearly want for nothing…
Completely agree on the whole social thing & that being a lil dramatic. But I do find it interesting that a lot of people on here (before not just this comment) call Talia loving and say the boys are well loved etc. I just don’t see it tbh. Everytime I hear her talk to them she seems kinda cold towards them, I don’t get loving mother vibes. I honestly think she’s burnt herself out too much to really enjoy motherhood. They’re rarely dressed, mostly strapped to something & she definitely goes softplay because it’s better/easier than spending quality time with them. I’m sure she does love them, I just don’t think she shows it at all
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That woman is appalling at her job. Everyone's lips look horrendous but that seems to be the look all these scumbags go for 🙈🙈🙈
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